Used to wear watches, got one from my dad for my 21st. Still have it but never wear it. I picked it out and still like it though. Just a few hundred, it's a Fossil.
Would recommend if you're not going to wear it to be up front and tell him so. Was in Thomas Sabo at Chadstone today, they had some nice ones for about $400. And POCKET WATCHES. Oh yeah!
Regarding age, just get whatever fucking watch you like. Hell, get a Pebble if that's what you want. Watchismo has a lot of cool ones, check them out.
I don't mind some of the fossil watches on their site that deek linked.
I wouldn't mind a watch. I wouldn't mind a pocket watch after watching loopers, But you really need to pull off that style for it to work. Plus a mobile phone is essentially a pocket watch I guess these days.
I use a double edge shaver. I'm a man, I should totally wear a watch!
Next thing you know I will be wearing man jeans and pants along with proper man shirts instead of cookie monster and band t-shirts. Oh god.
I only had a Megadrive (I shit you not... never had a NES, SNES (until around 2000) or MS) and it was plenty good to last me until the time my 'rents got a PC that could fit in 2x Voodoo2 graphics cards. I was still the friend of many purely because I owned the only console that could play BOTH Road Rash games (and in a way, still do... as long as you don't count the 3DO one (which was still good) and RR3 (which was shite)).
I wouldn't mind a watch. I wouldn't mind a pocket watch after watching loopers, But you really need to pull off that style for it to work. Plus a mobile phone is essentially a pocket watch I guess these days.
A pocket watch seems like it would be the hand-held equivalent of a fedora to me. By all means, try and pull it off... but I'm pretty sure <1% of the male population could even consider doing so.
I am really liking Ni no kuni so far. Its got that warm studio ghibli vibe without feeling too ploddy. The music is great, but the battle music does get a little repetitive. Speaking of which, the battle sequences are great. The added 'familiar' element really helps keep the fights from getting boring imo. I hate grinding generally but like pokemon I guess the need to collect everything keeps me going. I also like that you can move around and switch between characters easily. The English adaption is also brilliant, even if I have no idea what 'tidy' is supposed to mean.
Oh, some advice for anyone intending to play. there's a bit when you're learning about how to catch familiars
and you get to choose one of three monsters. Whatever you do, DON'T PICK BOGGLY-BOO. Worst mistake of my life.
Man you guys have had so many consoles. I think I just went GB pocket -> GBA -> N64 -> Xbox -> DS -> PS3 (sort of)
I am really liking Ni no kuni so far. Its got that warm studio ghibli vibe without feeling too ploddy. The music is great, but the battle music does get a little repetitive. Speaking of which, the battle sequences are great. The added 'familiar' element really helps keep the fights from getting boring imo. I hate grinding generally but like pokemon I guess the need to collect everything keeps me going. I also like that you can move around and switch between characters easily. The English adaption is also brilliant, even if I have no idea what 'tidy' is supposed to mean.
Stability has been pretty bad this week, it kicked the shit during the Nintendo Directs and apparently it got hit by a DDOS while you were out that knocked it out for a couple of hours.
I gave up looking for my copy of ni no kuni, and I don't really feel like buying it again, so instead I loaded up my FF13's kinda alright!
I gave up looking for my copy of ni no kuni, and I don't really feel like buying it again, so instead I loaded up my FF13's kinda alright!
Jesus christ those WiiU numbers are abysmal. Wow-ee.
I mean, I only really care as an end-consumer looking out for lowered price consoles or at least sweet combo deals, but god damn those are some terrible numbers
I guess I must have lent it to someone?...but I don't really know who I would lend a jpn ni no kuni to...:/
I did play a bit of it, apart from the ghibli/visuals/music, thought it was kinda boring....but then it came out in the west and it's apparently amazing so I wanted to dig it out again.
I started playing FFXIII way before I got into Persona mang! But it took goddamn 10 hours to get going and even then I didn't really like anything about how it plays. I'm 13 hours into FFVII at this point and having, if not a blast, at least a pretty good time, so I'm fairly certain FFXIII just blew chunks
On that note, if anyone here hasn't seen the TV show Legit yet, they should. One of the core threads of the episode is that the lead character (an Australia) calls someone else a "cunt".
I started playing FFXIII way before I got into Persona mang! But it took goddamn 10 hours to get going and even then I didn't really like anything about how it plays. I'm 13 hours into FFVII at this point and having, if not a blast, at least a pretty good time, so I'm fairly certain FFXIII just blew chunks
FF13 had a great battle system and not much else. FF13-2 is a much better experience overall.
Spent my weekend cleaning and redownloading Seinfeld! Even Season 8 is still classic as fuck! The one where Elaine pretends to be a janitor and Kramer takes care of a stretch of highway has a hilarious pay off lol
So my work computer HDD died on Friday so now my perfectly setup work environment is fucked. I had it all setup so I didn't have to go through their internal tracking & monitoring system, which runs like 10% slower than just regular XP. Once the replacement PC (which has been sitting in a storage warehouse for 2 years apparently, along with the hundreds of identical HP machines) arrives I'll have to go through the process of seeing which things don't work this time, like printing .pdf files or out of our accounting system, along with "gaining" admin access again to install Chrome since IE5 is fucking awful. So thanks for that, Mr. Power Surge!
I recently saw comedian Ross Noble in a movie. It's called Stitches, he plays an undead Clown on the rampage. Pretty awesome in a Night on Elm St kinda way. Also super strange role for him lol.
Also no ABC commentary for the India series? The fuck! All right, I'll just stream it from the internet. Fuck you rights holders. You would think they would work out some deal since ABC aren't a commercial radio station. Oh well!
Sucks though that it means that Jim Maxwell can't report from the grounds as a result
Funny story here in Warrnambool. One of the guys who bailed out the Beaconsfield mine after the collapse, Nigel Webb, had a bit of a wild night here along with a "friend"
inside sources say it was actually his son
. He seems to have the same last name as one of the 2 guys who survived being trapped down there as well as I vaguely recall him being the duty manager on at the time of the collapse I think, didn't dig too far into it as I don't really care about the connection tbh, just found it funny that he came all the way here to beat up on a prostitute and her pimp lol.
New topic! Office music playlists. Does your office have a radio / MP3 player that everyone listens to during the day? Do you mess with it? Do you add stuff to it?
Ugh. It was made apparent to me that Triple J probably isn't the most suitable radio station for an office so we listen to the shitty local FM station, Bay FM or Mix FM or whatever fucking garbage catch-all name it has for rebundling content from popular stations in Melbourne and/or Sydney with a reference to our town slipped in here and there by the terrible local radio people.
Give me a fucking headache by the time I get home >_<
Also there is just as much swearing as Triple J! Usually the shitty club r&b tracks have some swears slipped in between the DRANK DRANK DRANK YOLO and the LET ME SEE THAT VAGINA BOUNCE ON THE DANCING FLOOR IN THE CLUB IN THE HAPPENING PLACE. Even more confusing since they run clean versions of some songs, like Icona Pop's track I love It has 90's bitch changed to 90's chick, changing the impact of the song!
I got my license first time, no dramas. I cant quite relate to people getting stressed about it so I have no advice to offer, only wishes of good luck for next time.
Same here, helped I grew up on a farm so I was a capable driver by the time I did my test any way.
Failed the fucking computer hazard test though! Man that thing was random. I think it was one of the first years they had that new system. Was like a video of driving and you had to press a button when to stop. Did it exactly the same the second time and passed with like 98/100.
Haha, there was quite some drama across the road just before. I heard a bunch of yelling and expletives, which set off the dogs, so I went to investigate, and from what I gleaned some guy is unhappy with his (presumably) ex-wife over telling his place of employment that he threatened to kill her. Every third phrase was "Fuck off" or "Get a fucking job", so my guess his he's getting screwed in the arse by child support and she's earning enough from it to not even bother working, with her abundance of spare time being spent trying to ruin his life.
Man getting divorced sucks. I don't know many that have ended up amicable lately which sucks. Seems like one walks all over the other, like running them to the point of pure torture and humiliation.
I can't remember everything, but I know that I had the built-in Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Wonder Boy, Wonder Boy in Monster Land, California Games and I think Rampage at some point. There were probably others but it's far far too long ago to remember off the top of my head.
The Wonder Boy games were fantastic! I still need to grab the XBLA versions soon. Spent hundreds of hours in Monster Land I think it was. Had a whole 100 page notebook full of save game codes and notes on where all the cool shit was!
Still own all of them! Aside from the Wii which I traded in for a replacement 360 (I think I have had 5 deaths so far?) and my Gamecube which an ex-friend never game back, the bitch.
She took REmake too!
Commodore & Atari were around before I can even remember. I do recall River Raid, not much else. Wasn't into games at that point.
Paid $700 for a PS3 bundle end of 2007 on the PALGN forums. Got fleeced. Stopped buying games through forums due to lack of control. That was a depressing month.
I don't mind some of the fossil watches on their site that deek linked.
I wouldn't mind a watch. I wouldn't mind a pocket watch after watching loopers, But you really need to pull off that style for it to work. Plus a mobile phone is essentially a pocket watch I guess these days.
I use a double edge shaver. I'm a man, I should totally wear a watch!
Next thing you know I will be wearing man jeans and pants along with proper man shirts instead of cookie monster and band t-shirts. Oh god.
I had a pocket watch when I was 18. I also wore a dinner jacket all around the place. Mainly for the multitude of pockets it had. Soo handy.
Also maybe I was shifty.
Can't wear jeans any more though. Ever since my son was born it just feels weird to wear them. I just feel.... out of place I guess. I think it is because my Dad always wears jeans everywhere.
His non-working shoes are white sneakers. That always creeped me out. I get that he would be more comfortable walking around in them, with the extra support, but they don't go well with jeans.
Also is the reason I have refused to wear a cap until this point. Saddly now though unless I douse my head in sunscreen before going outside I will burn the shit out of it. Fucking male pattern baldness
Although I do think I look quite good with a cap on! That was a nice little surprise this week, in between the bouts of gastro. I think the beard helps me carry it off.
Also on that note I don't even shave to the skin any more, just clip the beard down to 1-2mm. Again, because my head is going bald
Also because beards are in again! Gotta follow that Clooney trendsetting.
I gave up looking for my copy of ni no kuni, and I don't really feel like buying it again, so instead I loaded up my FF13's kinda alright!
Jesus christ those WiiU numbers are abysmal. Wow-ee.
I mean, I only really care as an end-consumer looking out for lowered price consoles or at least sweet combo deals, but god damn those are some terrible numbers
They need some awesome, quirky third party games stat. I love my DS mainly for the quirky shit like Hotel Dusk or Ghost Trick, not the production line of Mario/Zelda titles! ZombiU is a great start! Now another 10 interesting titles like that will get you out of the shit and give people a reason to say, "Hey, I should buy this WiiMe thing so I can play that cool looking game!"
I enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII for the most part. The battle system was fun, the linearity didn't bother me, Sazh is a bro, Fang and Vanille are awesome and some of the story/lore stuff is kinda cool but the arse falls out of it at the end at the part where it opens up and becomes a monster hunt/"just go finish the damn game" thing.
Not the best game in the series but not the abomination it's made out to be either. Better than Final Fantasy IV (come at me, sacred cow bros).
360 had massive supply issues for first 6 months didn't it?
PS3 had that abomination of a price tag that made it DOA, along with the 360 having a massive headstart.
Another point I guess is that there are more gamers in the market now than there was when the Gamecube launched, of course taking into consideration those against console gaming.
WiiU will fall behind PS3's trend in US sales by end of feb, has been behind in EU since day 1, at least it might take a couple of months in Japan. It will fall behind in worldwide shipments by the end of march, and that's with only 1 week of PS3 in EU counted vs 4 months of WiiU.
PS3 sold over 4 times as much in it's first January npd, WiiU's good first month makes the total look good but the trend is terribly bad.
360 had massive supply issues for first 6 months didn't it?
PS3 had that abomination of a price tag that made it DOA, along with the 360 having a massive headstart.
Another point I guess is that there are more gamers in the market now than there was when the Gamecube launched, of course taking into consideration those against console gaming.
Wii beat 360 to 10 million sold, despite releasing 13 months later. Wii U has already done what, 3.5 million?
That alone implies Wii U is off to a better launch in terms of units sold. I'm not ignoring the problems which are real and serious, but let's not be hasty in proclaiming doom when it's only second to Wii.
Wii beat 360 to 10 million sold, despite releasing 13 months later. Wii U has already done what, 3.5 million?
That alone implies Wii U is off to a better launch in terms of units sold. I'm not ignoring the problems which are real and serious, but let's not be hasty in proclaiming doom when it's only second to Wii.
WiiU has done 2 million sold 3 million shipped. It's also behind gamecubes ltd at the same time not just the wii. I said this in here the other day but comparing launches is very difficult because most either dont launch worldwide or dont launch witbout supply issues, it's quite easy to cherry pick which systems a a console is doing better than or worse than lke your 360 or my gamecube comparisons.
Things that standout that make the WiiU situation look worse than the previous systems are comments like it being the slowest to reach 100k sine tracking started in the UK or that the PS3 or 360 have never sold under 70k in an npd month
WiiU is doing much worse because its January sales are lower than the 360 and PS3's have ever been. Higher launch sales were expected due to it being the successor to the first place Wii and being released in an environment in where people have had no new consoles for 7 years. The huge drop off last month, combined with the fact that there is near nothing on the release plate for the next 5 months, plus the next generation consoles that are going to be unveiled and hogging the spotlight this year, makes it very doom and gloom for the WiiU.
Just registered for this: it's amazing where my life is going now. Way too much stuff going on within the next few weeks. Either way, this is going be a interesting experience!
Just go look at some in person and see what you like. Don't worry too much about the band, you can always change it later. Seiko and Citizen should have some good ones in your price range. Take a look at the Citizen Eco-Drives (start from page 14).
Stick to reputable watch brands and avoid designer labels.
Just registered for this: it's amazing where my life is going now. Way too much stuff going on within the next few weeks. Either way, this is going be a interesting experience!
Ooh that sounds pretty cool, lucky!
Why doesn't my uni do anything cool like that :/
I've always wanted to try abseiling. When I was a kid I was afraid of heights and so when I went (indoor) rock climbing it didn't go too well. But it doesn't bother me any more so would love to try it. My dad used to work with Camp Quality and go abseiling and do other cool stuff.
Fuck me, Day on the Green was rad. Except for the bit where they had two bars to serve ~10,000 people and my brother with brother-in-law queued for (no shit) 1.5 hours. And that was when the queue was small(ish)! It was about twice as big (and there were multiple queues of people joining in to get access to each bar) by the time they actually got served. Couple that with the drink limit (4 stubbies, 1 bottle of wine), a lot of people were noticeably pissed (and not the good kind). Thankfully, my brother's girlfriend and I saw them when they were about to get served and allowed them to buy our quota as well. So 16 stubbies and 4 wines.
I think it came to ~$250.
But the music was great, though. Dragon were mostly a letdown, but surprisingly everyone else rocked the fuck out of it. Ross Wilson belted the fuck out of it, Dave Gleeson (of The Screaming Jets) filled in for Doc Neeson surprisingly well and Boom Crash Opera were a great opening act as well. And Hoodoo Gurus... man, they sounded exactly like they did in their heyday. Managed to cover all of their great tracks, even the ones that weren't absolutely massive like Leilani and Tojo. My Girl, 1000 Miles, Bittersweet, Come Anytime, Death Defying, What's My Scene?... just smashed it.
My mum is pretty much encouraging me to do as many social things at uni. Taking advantage of the social experience yadda yadda ya. Of course, it's something that could be considered a asset in my degree, as primary teaching requires you to interact with all sorts of different people on a daily basis! then again I do know a long-time teacher who taught for around 26-years (won 2-3 teacher of the year awards) and couldn't even speak during his 2 to 4 years of study. (had to get a speech pathologist before he started work).
Have you noticed something weird's going on as well? I'm using a different theme in Firefox and my posts are appearing white. I also noticed there's a "who quoted you" thing on the control panel. I guess that's new too?
Have you noticed something weird's going on as well? I'm using a different theme in Firefox and my posts are appearing white. I also noticed there's a "who quoted you" thing on the control panel. I guess that's new too?