Steam ID: Sarquiss_
360 Gamertag: Haven't touched the 360 in ages
PS3 thingy: Sarquiss
Twitterer: What is that
How many of your relatives has the Carbon Tax suffocated so far? Just 1, R.I.P uncle miney, we still miss you :'(
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery? Do you even need to ask?
Would you buy a Crackdown 3? Is the Pope White?
Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas? Viva Pinata + Mates and Beer = A great night
iOS gamer or Android user? iOS and Windows Phone 8
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM? I hates it I do I do It do
Is Women teh weakest sex in gaeming? Nathan Fill...I mean yes Big Tits :|
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies? Me not *kooka* cookies, me *eat* the cookies
UGG boots. Do you speak it? Their not mine....I swear....Alright....I confess but they are so damn comfortable
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips: OM NOM NOM NOM...What was the question again?
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS? OR SNK THINGY? Got a Vita
D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan? Capcom...have never found friends to play D&D with
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins? Insert guy/girl of interest (Lily Cerna, Ella Morton, Mel McLaughlin, kPOP) here. Yes to all of them
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole? Saggy Dirty Old Bastard Arsehold
Jalapeño man? Thems are fighting words
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider? Yes....Single Malt Whisky
Vegemite... Mana from heaven or foul toxic sludge? Foul Toxic Sludge
Do you plays the Halos or Duties or FieldsOfBattlez? I plays them alls I do
Any glass eyeballs? I wish
Are you the one cancelling all the fucking WiiU ports? NOOoooo you have uncovered my diabolic I must kill you
Are you Mayan or can use Maya? I once had a Mayan or was that a dream???
Curse of Monkey Island is the greatest game of all time? Yes