Danoss you're a photography guy right? Any ideas where to buy 6v Maxell batteries for cheapish? Specifically the 2CR5? My girlfriend has a Pentax SF7 film camera and it uses those batteries.
I found a few places that sold uncommon batteries like that online when I was looking at picking up an old film body. I'm on my way to the city at the moment, but I'll have a look for you when I get home tonight.
I might buy a second 3DSXL and use it to keep the dust off the 3DSXL I already have that just sits there gathering dust while I play P4G on Vitawesome.
I found a few places that sold uncommon batteries like that online when I was looking at picking up an old film body. I'm on my way to the city at the moment, but I'll have a look for you when I get home tonight.
I might buy a second 3DSXL and use it to keep the dust off the 3DSXL I already have that just sits there gathering dust while I play P4G on Vitawesome.
I might buy a second 3DSXL and use it to keep the dust off the 3DSXL I already have that just sits there gathering dust while I play P4G on Vitawesome.
Here we provide a list of 75 policies that would make Australia richer and more free. It's a deliberately radical list. There's no way Tony Abbott could implement all of them, or even a majority. But he doesn't have to implement them all to dramatically change Australia.
We should be more concerned about the Australian National Preventive Health Agency - a new Commonwealth bureaucracy dedicated to lobbying other arms of government to introduce Nanny State measures - than about bias at the ABC. We should be more concerned about the cottage industry of consultancies and grants handed out by the public service to environmental groups. We should be more concerned that senior public servants shape policy more than elected politicians do. And conservative governments should be more concerned than they are at the growth of the state's interest in every aspect of society.
7 Return income taxing powers to the states
8 Abolish the Commonwealth Grants Commission
9 Abolish the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
14 Abolish the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)
15 Eliminate laws that require radio and television broadcasters to be 'balanced'
16 Abolish television spectrum licensing and devolve spectrum management to the common law
17 End local content requirements for Australian television stations
18 Eliminate family tax benefits
19 Abandon the paid parental leave scheme
38 Repeal plain packaging for cigarettes and rule it out for all other products, including alcohol and fast food
39 Reintroduce voluntary student unionism at universities
40 Introduce a voucher scheme for secondary schools
41 Repeal the alcopops tax
48 Privatise Australia Post
49 Privatise Medibank
50 Break up the ABC and put out to tender each individual function
51 Privatise SBS
52 Reduce the size of the public service from current levels of more than 260,000 to at least the 2001 low of 212,784
53 Repeal the Fair Work Act
68 Allow people to opt out of superannuation in exchange for promising to forgo any government income support in retirement
71 Reject proposals for compulsory food and alcohol labelling
72 Privatise the CSIRO
Turns out that was pretty near the end. Just finished it. Enjoyable, but it was pretty one-note, and after eight hours of that note I was over said note.
Danggg that was pretty much the point my boredom of the repetitive nature of the gameplay overruled my enjoyment of the art design and story set pieces. I wasn't far after
blowing up the spire and had the Chaos fuckers attacking us with ghosts and shit. Got slightly more and less fun than standard grunts.
A good game that really needed some more turret sections.
Or at least a flashback or fourteen.
Was very one note despite being a pretty awesome note. Just went for a longgggggggg time. At least other games know to cut it short these days.
Awesome day today at Oz Comic-Con. Got a photo with Richard Dean Anderson and he was loving it. He said "hi kids" to my gf and me and then hugged us both. He was doing autographs for ages as well, way past his allotted time.
RDA always seemed awesome. How is he looking? Some unflattering photos have been floating around in the past.
I wonder what he is up to these days. They should do an Expendables type movie with all the cool 80's/90's action stars with RDA, Kevin Sorbo, Lorenzo Lamas & Carl Weathers. I would kickstart the shit out of that.
The late hours of the night/early hours of the morning, the only time I get completely to myself. I can listen to podcasts uninterrupted, watch tv shows or movies, read a book, or I can contemplate things quietly. This is about as good as it gets on a regular basis.
Not tonight though. Tonight I had the privilege of putting up with someone bursting into my room and screaming at me. I fucking hope this isn't a new thing.
Fuck man that sucks. Can you get a lock on the inside of your door?
I'm a really introspective person, if I don't my alone time I get really fucking messy so I know what you mean by that feeling of quiet contemplation.
I hope things get better sooner rather than later. My wifes close friend here takes care of her mother-in-law and the effect on her really gets me down from time to time. As a society we really have further to go in terms of taking care of people like this and the people they have around them that devote such a gigantic part of their lives to them.
My bosses family are hardcore into. The go to school down in Lorne or Torquay, every time the mother picks them up they have to go through drive-thru lol
They ended up winning the PS3 pack but because one of the tokens was from a trip to Sydney McDonald's flat out refused to honour the deal. They wouldn't even return the tokens to them so they could swap the "offending" token out for a Victorian one they had! You can only tell by the running numbers on the tokens.
Suffice to say my boss has drafted up a stern letter. Not a nice thing for a 12 year old to learn about the world. A bit too young for the whole 'most people here are going to try to fuck you over as much as possible in order to gain more for themselves' lesson.
Worse comes to worse he will buy his son's a PS3 and I've offered up some fun G/PG games for them. Mostly Ratchet & Clank as well as Move stuff like Child of Eden.
Totally forgot it existed. I haven't even seen it linked in months and months. Plus most of them are shit.
I recall thinking about grabbing one or two when there was discount international shipping offered but it still ended up quite pricey, I think Shaneus had already put in his order by that point (or didn't want to).
In any case AusGAF design a shirt time! And design a logo time!
I hearby offer up one 'get well soon' card filled with loving messages, posted to anywhere in Australia! ($5 for international winners)
In any case we should totally have a shirt. A R18 reference is a must.
Something, something no good news comes out of India.
Not referring to people who move from India, I just mean you don't hear any good news stories out of there. Just stuff that makes me hug my child close and thank the non-existent lord that we live in this pretty awesome country.
Also yes the umpiring has been average, as is usually the case when they don't use DRS.
Doesn't advantage either team though. Aside from the one with functional spinners.
I felt like for the support act (Red Kross), the guitars were a bit muffled with the plugs in. Not so for the main act. I think they provided a bit more definition if anything. I'm sure those guys develop their sound with earplugs in mind. There's no way you could play in front of three full stacks all your life and still write music at 50 otherwise.
We noticed at Opeth/Katatonia that the mixing for the opening act was a bit messy but once the main act got up on stage it became evident that they probably had everything set up ideally for Opeth and their gear. Could have been the issue at Dino too.
In any case I'm jelly as fuck. Awesome band who still put on an amazing show.
Was pretty close in the end, only 15 balls off the draw. Just needed the final wicket to hold out another half an hour and it would have been just out of India's reach. A few too many tired Australian's in the end.
Most competitive we have been all series!
Thanks Mother Nature! We owe you one.
We are meant to be good at ODI right? This happens every fucking series, the ODI's start and I think "awwwwww fuck we are boned, look at that lineup", and then we do well and are apparently one of the top teams in the standings. Or have we fallen finally?
Meet me irl jintor and let's talk about anime.. I'm really enthusiastic about things. Also lol I've met like 3-4 people from the anime club at my uni and they are such stereotypical nerds.. I'm more normal-looking than any of them, also for some reason despite the fact I haven't really been involved in the uni party lifestyle since o'week, I strangely fit more in that crowd than that anime/video game club.
Mainly because of your positive, outgoing attitude. That's half the battle! People like company so as long as you hang around and be nice to them they will most likely enjoy your company.
Join South VIC GAF! We can all hang out and play Japanese games! You, me, Laf & Shaneus!
We all love Platinum games, it's a perfect fit! Plus they have a uni here. I'm sure somewhere in the world considers their degrees to be of a satisfactory level (satisfaction is not guaranteed)!
They operate like any other grey importer, sourcing from the UK, but with top notch customer service and a flat rate of charge so you know exactly what you are paying and they know exactly how much revenue they will be generating.
They also are really aggressive with sourcing cheap stock very regularly and are willing to loss lead in order to push a cheaper price over a competitor. They aren't always the cheapest though, Zavvi generally trump them for the low price games now. The mid/high range they excell at though. BeatTheBomb are taking the high price point now that they are on the scene, with similar prices (or slightly over by $2-3) and only a one week max delivery time.
OzGameShop have diversified their offerings really well too. Moving into movies, tv shows, even kids toys and board games as you are showing. They kinda make a half arsed move in, probably with some cheap stock they got access to, then build upon that initial interest and have a really great selection and price range now. Already ordered a bunch of Peppa Pig toys in the past, really well done.
XCOM is currently $16 at Amazon for a Steamkey too!
I really want Infinite but might hold off. Still replaying Sleepy Dogs for the third time after I just finished replaying Max Payne 3 for the third time. Also nearly replayed Arkham City for the third time, damn Riddle trophies.
I normally go through Milsims but due to them never having any stock I'm looking for another website to order through. I'll give OzGameshop a go if they are decently priced.
All prices include delivery remember. They tend to have variable prices that change every few weeks depending on stock levels and daily deals. That Zombies!!! game (which is apparently terrible) is only $27 for the next 2 hours for example. Customer service is great too.
Felt super ultra terribad at work yesterday around lunchtime. Probably a cold. Had a runny nose, had to go to an all staff type briefing (at 3pm, which is why I just didn't go home), didn't bring tissues, trying to be polite and not wipe off my snot with my shirt was great fun.
Get home, feel awful. Take today off sick, don't feel nearly as bad as yesterday. Go figure.
Watched The Hobbit. It's not very good.
My beer delivery from Norway arrived and it's taunting me because it's at work and I'm not.
Had a great evening out in the city with my friend. Because dumplings are cheap and awesome, we went there again. Never a bad decision. We talked about all sorts of stuff including our mutual suffering of ADHD. Her doctor sounds great, so I should be going to see them for a referral to her specialist shortly, which I am very excited about. It'll cost a bit to get shit moving as Medicare only covers so much, but it'll be worth it. I need to get this shit happening to feel normal again.
After our meal, while we were out looking for some odds and ends for her and myself in Market City afterwards, she felt like some Coconut water. Having had Coconut milk from both a fresh Coconut and a can, this sounded terrible. I was assured that when it's from the older (brown) Coconuts, it is foul, but when from a young and green one it is meant to be quite tasty. I was skeptical but always willing to try different things. She wasn't too sure too sure which can had the best stuff, so only bought one. I accepted a sip when offered after leaving the supermarket and holy shit it was delicious!
Both of us went right back in and bought another 2 cans each. I'm sipping some on ice right now and loving it. 520mL can for $1.80 is fine by me.
Just had a look for you and found a couple of places. The first one, if you need it in a hurry is here at Cameras Direct. It's $13 plus postage, so grab it from them if you're in a hurry. I've bought from them a few times and they're excellent and the postage time is ridiculously fast.
If you're not in a hurry, it looks like Ebay is your best option. The best value I've found is $9.00 with free postage from this seller here. You can buy a few because they keep for ages.
I've looked at the rechargeable options and they don't seem much better than I remember seeing before. Considering the longevity of the lithium batteries above and how little power film cameras use, I think you're better off avoiding this option.
Fuck man that sucks. Can you get a lock on the inside of your door?
I'm a really introspective person, if I don't my alone time I get really fucking messy so I know what you mean by that feeling of quiet contemplation.
I hope things get better sooner rather than later. My wifes close friend here takes care of her mother-in-law and the effect on her really gets me down from time to time. As a society we really have further to go in terms of taking care of people like this and the people they have around them that devote such a gigantic part of their lives to them.
That would start more trouble than it's worth if I put a lock on my door. It's only happened the once and hopefully it stays that way. I have a lot of free time throughout the day but that doesn't really count as I often have to drop whatever I'm doing at a moments notice to do something for my Gran, check on her, anything really.
I'm the same as you and very much like my quiet time to myself. I need that time alone to continue to function, but I also need time with others for the very same reason (but much less so), it's weird. The friend I went to hang out with this evening wants to make it a regular thing, which makes me very happy. She's an amazing person who's awesome to spend time with and we just click. That alone will make life that much more enjoyable.
Caring will become such a bigger thing, especially with many of our parents being baby boomers. It won't be long before many of them will need looking after and it will be a major thing. So many family members do not care and are just waiting for their inheritance, so those who do put the effort in have little to fall back on in terms of support. It's emotionally draining and destroys social lives.
Just tonight I've had to say "fuck it, I have to trust Gran will get herself something to eat while I go and meet a friend" (I've tried preparing meals that only need heating when she's ready, but she just doesn't eat them). It's not a nice thing to do, but I'm not left with much of a choice. My family will tell me "you can't do that, it's irresponsible" and in the same conversation stress that "you need to do things for yourself". Will they help? Fuck no. There is nothing else to fall back on either. There is no baby-sitting service for the elderly when you need time to yourself, unless it's an emergency. I feel for your wife's friend, it's rough.
They operate like any other grey importer, sourcing from the UK, but with top notch customer service and a flat rate of charge so you know exactly what you are paying and they know exactly how much revenue they will be generating.
They also are really aggressive with sourcing cheap stock very regularly and are willing to loss lead in order to push a cheaper price over a competitor. They aren't always the cheapest though, Zavvi generally trump them for the low price games now. The mid/high range they excell at though. BeatTheBomb are taking the high price point now that they are on the scene, with similar prices (or slightly over by $2-3) and only a one week max delivery time.
OzGameShop have diversified their offerings really well too. Moving into movies, tv shows, even kids toys and board games as you are showing. They kinda make a half arsed move in, probably with some cheap stock they got access to, then build upon that initial interest and have a really great selection and price range now. Already ordered a bunch of Peppa Pig toys in the past, really well done.
I remember when they started doing board games, their selection was rather slim and very little of it was in stock. After browsing most of their selection last night, I was very impressed at how comprehensive it was. It's not perfect, but they have come a long way. They have stock of games that are hard to come by most other placed and are dirt cheap on top of that. It seems that it has played out exactly as you said, they tested the waters and it went well, so now they're going full steam ahead. Good for them and for us.
I don't buy or play video games anymore, so this is all I hunt around for. Most instances I just need to look at OzGameShop for what I want because they're shaping up to be really good. If they stocked more card sleeves, I'd be happier, I'm kinda funny about sleeving what I can.
Who? I saw that Ken Edwards is starting for the Eels, filling in for the injured Reni Maitua, and I'm very much looking forward to watching him play. It'd have to be him, Ava Seumanufagai, who I watched play for the Eels NYC team and thought was a quite good, but they stuck with Peni Terapo instead, or Sauaso Sue, who I know nothing about.
Who? I saw that Ken Edwards is starting for the Eels, filling in for the injured Reni Maitua, and I'm very much looking forward to watching him play. It'd have to be him, Ava Seumanufagai, who I watched play for the Eels NYC team and thought was a quite good, but they stuck with Peni Terapo instead, or Sauaso Sue, who I know nothing about.
Just had a look for you and found a couple of places. The first one, if you need it in a hurry is here at Cameras Direct. It's $13 plus postage, so grab it from them if you're in a hurry. I've bought from them a few times and they're excellent and the postage time is ridiculously fast.
If you're not in a hurry, it looks like Ebay is your best option. The best value I've found is $9.00 with free postage from this seller here. You can buy a few because they keep for ages.
I've looked at the rechargeable options and they don't seem much better than I remember seeing before. Considering the longevity of the lithium batteries above and how little power film cameras use, I think you're better off avoiding this option.
That's him! I'm sure he's very nice. He's a massive unit and I'm sure he'll go well for the Tigers. I heard his surname pronounced a couple of times and the way it's written is very misleading if what I heard was correct. Is the correct pronunciation See-oo-ma-noo-fun-uh?
If Leichhardt wan't an absolute prick to get to, I'd go and watch the game. Mind you, I'd be cheering for the Eels and for them to hit your half-brother very hard.
I'm sure you have better options available to you, but I can get slightly discounted tickets to that game, starting at $25 for GA. If you want any, let me know.
I walked into him when he was coming out, I said "sorry", he said "no it's fine"...so yeah, not as exciting lol
Food's good, but there's only so much heavy asian food my body can take. Good thing there are quite a few expat deli type joints that make really nice samiches!
I think super cool mcdonald's is a Japan exclusive, though I haven't really checked. Will report findings soon!
I walked into him when he was coming out, I said "sorry", he said "no it's fine"...so yeah, not as exciting lol
Food's good, but there's only so much heavy asian food my body can take. Good thing there are quite a few expat deli type joints that make really nice samiches!
I think super cool mcdonald's is a Japan exclusive, though I haven't really checked. Will report findings soon!