I WILLX-2? Enjoy your doll dress up game.
I WILLX-2? Enjoy your doll dress up game.
Is that better or worse than the incest simulator that you loved playing?X-2? Enjoy your doll dress up game.
Is that better or worse than the incest simulator that you loved playing?
Diplomacy and Trade? Enjoy your boredom simulator.Also, new Civ V expansion? Yes please.
Diplomacy and Trade? Enjoy your boredom simulator.
Good. I'm happy for you.Oh. I will. I will.
Good. I'm happy for you.
Well, if the 3ds cant cure your badtasteitous, then its terminal.
Or, or, buy me a GTX 670.
RDA always seemed awesome. How is he looking? Some unflattering photos have been floating around in the past.
I wonder what he is up to these days. They should do an Expendables type movie with all the cool 80's/90's action stars with RDA, Kevin Sorbo, Lorenzo Lamas & Carl Weathers. I would kickstart the shit out of that.
Did he bring a mullet wig with him?
Totally forgot it existed. I haven't even seen it linked in months and months. Plus most of them are shit.
I recall thinking about grabbing one or two when there was discount international shipping offered but it still ended up quite pricey, I think Shaneus had already put in his order by that point (or didn't want to).
In any case AusGAF design a shirt time! And design a logo time!
Schnitz? Man, I really wish I got to Schnitz on Thursday. Only thing I missed out on really. Aside from the Lush soap.
Very true. I made some friends in the anime club when I volunteered to help out with the Okinawan students that came to Macquarie for the short exchange program. We planned outings and then hung out together with the Japanese students for a few hours each day. Ended up going to a couple anime screenings, but that was around the time I had lost interest in anime and they were watching some terrible show that seemed to have a lot of fan service for girls, which they seemed to enjoy at least.I went to an anime club thing today. I was again reminded of these unbreakable rules:
1) Everyone is more enthusiastic than you are and knows about more things.
2) There's always a creepy guy in the corner.
3) The girl to guy ratio can be no higher than 1:3 by law.
4) Social interaction is terrifying and reading by yourself on the train is relaxing.
There's probably a word for 'being lonely in a crowd' in some language somewhere. For now, I'm going to listen to jazz-hop and check if the VGCW is on.
They shouldn't... but they do, dammit.Don't those cultural victory changes excite you?
Very true. I made some friends in the anime club when I volunteered to help out with the Okinawan students that came to Macquarie for the short exchange program. We planned outings and then hung out together with the Japanese students for a few hours each day. Ended up going to a couple anime screenings, but that was around the time I had lost interest in anime and they were watching some terrible show that seemed to have a lot of fan service for girls, which they seemed to enjoy at least.
If you can do some sort of volunteering thing I'd recommend it. It was much easier making friends in an environment like that, rather than just showing up to a club where you don't know anyone and trying to fit in. They're probably still doing the Okinawan exchange thing, but it's only for a few weeks each year and I forget when it was. Actually, I think it was a couple weeks before uni started for the year, so probably too late now.
Blocked :/
So not only is L4D2 getting new Specials in that RE cross over, it's also getting 7 new maps for a new game mode.
But Valve doesn't make videogames anymore Jams
But Valve doesn't make videogames anymore Jams
I thought Ridiculous Fishing just came out? Or are you guys doing the Android port?
Marcus Lee and Matthew Joyce are accused of fraud against their former employer, a property development company owned by the emir of Dubai.
In a parallel legal case in Australia, the principals of the property developer that reported the pair to the Dubai authorities were found to be not telling the truth.
The chairman of that Queensland-based company now admits that, at least in the case of Lee, his company's allegations are not true.
Joyce and Lee were arrested in January 2009 as the building boom in the Gulf state went bust during the global financial crisis.
They spent seven weeks in solitary confinement in a police lock-up and were kept in jail another four months before they learnt about the corruption charges against them.
Their wives had to surrender their passports to secure their husbands' bail. They are still not allowed to leave Dubai.
The judge found the story about Joyce and Lee was invented, and the evidence of Mr Brown and Mr Abedian was "fanciful", "unreliable", "inaccurate" and "not believable".
Sunland is appealing the judgment.
While Sunland continues to insist that Joyce is guilty, despite the Victorian ruling, it now admits Lee has done nothing wrong.
"From Sunland's side we do not have any claim against Marcus Lee," Mr Abedian said.
"A letter has been sent, but more importantly Mr Brown was asked to give a statement in the court, when the court was going, and that point was quite clear.
"He said that Mr Marcus Lee has nothing to do with that case as long as we know."
Mr Sneddon says that is not good enough.
"The problem is that's not what Sunland said to the authorities in Dubai," he said.
"In January and February 2009, Sunland manager in Dubai, David Brown, gave two written statements to the authorities in which he outlined his theory that Marcus was involved in this bizarre conspiracy to deceive Sunland.
"So it is all well and good for them to say now that they think he is innocent, but that is not what they have said to the authorities in Dubai."
Sunland is also under investigation by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) for repeatedly telling the stock exchange it was not under investigation in Dubai for bribery when the Victorian Court found that it was.
After four years' detention in the Arab emirate, having paid huge legal fees and expenses, both Lee and Joyce have nearly run out of money.
Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser has urged the Australian Government to take stronger action to see the men released.
Sunland should be run bankrupt in pain and suffering payments to the two men and their families, that is really fucked up to do that to human beings.
Classy. So 2 guys have been fucked over for 4 years because an Australian company lied? And the government has done fuck all?
Those are crabs not fish.
Dubai is evil.
Designing beers, the (second?) best way to break up a boring day.Fire drills, the best way to break up a boring day.
Fire drills, the best way to break up a boring day.
Designing beers, the (second?) best way to break up a boring day.
Just finished a first pass at a chocolate milk stout, now having a look at a tripel. Planning on aging these two while we're away.
idk i find sleep works pretty well
ill try it now and get back to you
don't worry jint, I had the same experience. Basically a bunch of dudes playing ds in a corner, mixed with many "you seriously don't know -obscure anime-!?" And "ew you use subs? Iiii only watch raw", while pervy high school shows run in the background. I know some cool people who are a part of anime clubs though, I guess you gotta keep searching till you find people you like, in the anime society or some other place at uni. It sucks that you couldn't connect with anyone there, but maybe you're better offI went to an anime club thing today. I was again reminded of these unbreakable rules:
1) Everyone is more enthusiastic than you are and knows about more things.
2) There's always a creepy guy in the corner.
3) The girl to guy ratio can be no higher than 1:3 by law.
4) Social interaction is terrifying and reading by yourself on the train is relaxing.
There's probably a word for 'being lonely in a crowd' in some language somewhere. For now, I'm going to listen to jazz-hop and check if the VGCW is on.
Oh great, campbell's latest move is to remove a whole bunch of bus services that they deem as not required. The first one I looked at had a rating of Value for Money: very high, Average Patronage: very high, but they are stopping the service...
It's no wonder Qld has become the laughing stock of the country, this guy is a fucking lunatic.
It's a close second.
I don't think that would go down very well at work.
Stop reading whatever poo gaming website you normally read, and make the switch to Rocket Chainsaw. You won't regret it! Guaranteed!
Or guaranteed regret. I'm not sure.
But I read NeoGAF to get my gaming news
Stop reading whatever poo gaming website you normally read, and make the switch to Rocket Chainsaw. You won't regret it! Guaranteed!
Or guaranteed regret. I'm not sure.
So do gaming websites
Pretty much every city I've been to in Australia needs either more public transport or a better distribution of existing public transport.
Stop reading whatever poo gaming website you normally read, and make the switch to Rocket Chainsaw. You won't regret it! Guaranteed!
Or guaranteed regret. I'm not sure.
I tried it, but when I posted a thread about a story everyone got pissy that there were no rocket chainsaws in the game the article was about.I hold you personally responsible for that debacle.
What happened with Polygone this time? And what Origin?Also lol Polygon. Continued adventures of untamed egos and fuckwits. No interest in being professional whatsoever.
Also watch out for the Origin exploit....
Came to say:
Carcassonne? Hell yes.
Puerto Rico? Also yes. Analysis paralysis yes.
Power Grid? Yes!
I still need to play Ticket To Ride a few more times, I think...
The URL was to touch arcade, Check on your mobile like the rest of us at work!Guys. When I post about something being blocked, I GENERALLY MEAN THAT YOU GUYS SHOULD REHOST IT AND POST IT HERE SO I CAN SEE IT. Bloody hell.
What happened with Polygone this time? And what Origin?
Use Google Translate to translate the page from Japanese to English.Guys. When I post about something being blocked, I GENERALLY MEAN THAT YOU GUYS SHOULD REHOST IT AND POST IT HERE SO I CAN SEE IT. Bloody hell.
Looks like this man has taste in board games. But the big question is, what do you think of Munchkin?