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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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MelGAF meetup of... two (omi left, me right).


We had beer and then tacos. So many tacos.

Edit: Shit, he beat me to it! Least you know the fate of the beers shown above.

glad you kids had fun

Projectile vomit! All over the wife lol
Must have been the specially steamed dim dims for lunch they had. Such an insane amount of vomit for such a small child. I don't remember my vomit every being of such a high quantity! Mostly dim dim chunks thankfully.
He did a MASSSSSSIVE fart when he popped too lol. Very surprised his pull up was empty.

More piercings than I expected!

Also more hair :(
so i was disappointed when i realised you were talking about your kid and this wasnt a result of the vb you said you had around
Only surface piercings will grow out like that; eyebrows, navel etc. It can be because of rejection, or just general migration over time because of your body replacing skin cells as normal. It can migrate constantly until it comes right out, or it can migrate for a while and then just stop. Mine has been in the same spot for ages, I'm way past due to take it out and wait for it to heal; I did that tonight.

Stuff like ears, noses and, to a lesser extent, tongue piercings don't migrate. I'm sure my tongue piercing has moved a little bit, but not enough for it to be dangerous at all.

what do you mean by grow out. i understand if a hole closes but grow out is a new term for me
also jase :(
MelGAF meetup of... two (omi left, me right).


We had beer and then tacos. So many tacos.

Edit: Shit, he beat me to it! Least you know the fate of the beers shown above.

If it also helps, the thing I was in the city for was also kind of a bust. Thanks again for the invite, but last night was fuuuucked.


It's all fucking fucked up. Humanity FTL.

On a slightly cheerier (okay, little more than slightly) note, and it's probably old, but it's funny:
Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee
(Larry David in the first one)

Great watch, lighthearted and funny. Great to see David in something that isn't a caricature of who he is.

In lighter news, the Queensland member for nudgee said today that the reason we scored so poorly in resent school tests was because fluoride lowers IQ. Thanks a lot other states!


but ever so delicious
Anyone in SA that lives near the myer centre? I dunno what that is, but some place has a shark mug that I would love to grab.

It has an online store but it looks kinda half assed, so figured I would ask in here first D:

In lighter news, the Queensland member for nudgee said today that the reason we scored so poorly in resent school tests was because fluoride lowers IQ. Thanks a lot other states!
While it's not true, it doesn't explain why he would be a perfect "Exhibit A" for the Prosecution.

I can't wait to see the way that the prosecution explains the effect. The stupid gets into into your brain... like this liquid gets into chalk.
glad you kids had fun
Next time give me your number if you like, or I'll give you mine. Better than sitting around wondering what's going on.

Thanks again for the invite, but last night was fuuuucked.
No biggie, was a pretty haphazardly put together last minute thing. We could try for something more organised between Christmas and New Years if there's demand. Or early 2013.

the reason we scored so poorly in resent school tests was because fluoride lowers IQ


but ever so delicious

That's forgettable because she is cute. Dems the rules!

I would have turned up last night but I was totally fucked, Super tired. The past week has been a mess, although it is now starting to slow down in service. Which is good because everyone is about to flip their shit haha.


Good news this morning, though.


Found one EB in Geelong that had one 8gb memory card, that also happened to scan that PS All-Star Battle game or whatever at just a little bit *more* than the cost of Lumines. So I got a Vita, Lumines and 8gb card for ~$247.80. Bought the starter pack for $33 that comes with a screen protector and case, so I think I've spent all the money I need to for the time being.


But if I can just clarify something about this horrible news from the US... the gunman let rip in the classroom his mother was teaching in?!? That's just... that's on a whole other level of fucked up. Maybe gun control will finally become a thing in the US. Fuck your right to bear arms.


The Amendment is a very, very powerful cultural touchstone for Americans, so much so that even people who have no real idea about the rule of law and the way in which constitutional interpretation functions cite it as the Alpha and Omega of their inviolate rights. Attitudes are so entrenched in the States. Sad.

Here's some facts.


Wait... so they're (largely) FOR keeping guns in the hands of the public?


Actually the solution is more guns. Arm the teachers. Wish I was kidding. Check out one of the most popular posts in r/pics of a teacher in Israel carrying an assault rifle.


Top rated comment on that pics are actually fact-checkers trying to figure out context, e.g. whether that's a teacher, mandatory gun services/status of gun laws in Israel, etc.

The China story rating higher is also surprising, but it's all part of the discussion at this point.



Like, if someone threatened you with a gun, you'd be somehow quicker to reach for and fire yours.

It must be an amendment thing. Because surely if that wasn't a consideration then they'd have a similar mindset regarding guns to what we do.
It's a cornerstone of what the United States believes being the United States is all about. If you remove that, you remove part of the essence that built the nation.

It has history and sentimentality only; it no longer has relevance to modern day society and keeping that society safe but they can't bring themselves to abolish it.


Not enough people recognise that the law has to change constantly. It is both a reflection of society's will and a shaper of what is permissible within society. It is not something to be set in stone, unchangeable eternal - hell, that's why it's a god-damned amendment. But it's also self-perpetuating, at this point. Australia never reached this point of no return, probably at least partially because we never had a conclusive Bill of Rights that permeated the national consciousness; that's why the gun laws after Port Arthur worked so effectively. But America has had 200 years of this shit.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Maybe gun control will finally become a thing in the US.
Honestly think they have bigger problems than just gun control (which is a problem).
Like the fact that people want to go into a school/theater/workplace/random street and kill people. Something that can still be done with better gun control.


I think there are probably more important things to deal with than gun control - lower inequality and poverty would probably fix a lot of the problems they have - but having said that the mindset is fucking terrifying. Alone with the healthcare bullshit it stops me from ever wanting to move there.


what do you mean by grow out. i understand if a hole closes but grow out is a new term for me

I explained it in the very post you quoted.

On piercings still, I called my piercer to make sure I was doing the right thing and how long to wait. Seems with the eyebrow piercing being there so long (over 10 years), it doesn't actually heal, instead only scar tissue will form there. So I can head right in and have it redone, which is great.

They're doing $10 piercing as part of their 'Disappoint the Family for Christmas' (love that name) promotion. I figured I might grab another piercing while I'm there. I've been thinking about a stretched ear for ages, maybe it's time.


There is nothing wrong with people having guns.

There is something wrong with not ensuring that unstable, irresponsible idiots or people who are emotionally and/or mentally unwell, who don't know what a gun can do (or don't care) have restricted access to guns they will never conceivably require.


Once you've had 'em in that long (mine's been over a decade as well), it takes forever to heal, if ever. Kinda like that fact that I've got a hole running straight through my head. I don't even remember it's there most of the time.

They told me that having an eyebrow piercing last 10 years is very good. They don't often last that long, due to migration/growing out. I'm quite happy knowing that.

I forget mine is there most of the time also, it just becomes a part of you like anything else. It feels weird and wrong when I take my tongue barbell out for a clean, so very used to it being there.

I'm thinking a 6mm/2 gauge stretch, maybe a little less. That is the most they will stretch in one go on a fresh piercing, and the largest size before it won't go back to normal if you want it to later. This size:



So I'm looking at getting some PSN games today, for both PS3 and datOled.

Currently the ones in the running are:
Symphony of Jintor's Lack of Gaming Classic History Knowledge
Tactics Ogre PSP
Vagrant Story
Metal Gear Peace Walker
Oddworld Stranger's Wrath and Munch's Oddysey
Jet Set Radio HD Vita

Any others I should consider? I tried the demo for Sine Mora on both systems. I think the PS3 version is better in terms of slow motion dodging.

Suggestions most welcome.
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