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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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My girlfriend and I have solidly decided, after a long and serious discussion, to go to the gym. She wants to lose weight, I want gain muscle. There's a neat gym on our train line that has fairly cheap casual rates. We've both wanted to do this for a very long time, it isn't one of those ridiculous resolutions for the new year.

Any tips from anyone on how to avoid getting hit on by steroided up tiny penised men?

I'm cooking a cake for my son and his wife. its his 30th burthday.
Attention Shaneus amd Rep (plus anyone else that cares):
1 year PS+ is currently 25% off, $52.45. You may both stop bellyaching, now.

Shaneus: Along with JetSetRadio, the Vita will also be getting The Pinball Arcade, so you save some money on triple dipping. It's not clear on what tables you'll get. I assume it'll be the base pack.

Also, I love the fact that PS3 is getting Mortal Kombat next month and since we can't get it (stopid guhverment) we get... Gotham City Impostors. A game that's been free-to-play on PC for a long time. Thanks, Warner Brothers, you is most generous.
God I hate public transport. There are clearly bag racks for luggage on trains, yet people still put them on the seat. Today's was a good one, a couple of bogans thought it would be a good idea to spread the bags over 4 seats. On the flip side it was good for me as I just moved some of the crap and got a seat. Score.
Best of luck to Squirrel Jr and Mrs Squirrel.

i just got my KitchenAid in the mail yesterday and although its very pretty and new and clean
KitchenAids are the best. We've had one for six or seven years now, it's still going strong. I only ever use the meat grinder attachment with it. It's the wife's toy though, and she loves the hell out of it. It'll last you forever.

what are some of ausgafs favourite bikkies
Instead of biscuits why not try something completely new?

Jalebi, Lokum or Borek (OK, last one may not be sweet, but still delicious). Haven't looked at any recipes so maybe the KitchenAid wouldn't be useful with any of those. The Wiki page for Borek also has Galaktoboureko...

...now I'm hungry...

I'm cooking a cake for my son and his wife. its his 30th burthday.
Oldest GAF?


So, this is a badly run university

The University of Western Sydney has announced it will give a new iPad to every new student and to all staff in 2013.

UWS says the money for the rollout of an estimated 11-thousand iPads is coming from funds set aside annually for infrastructure.

Spending infrastructure money on ipads, not only that but also not giving them to current students to breed resentment and haaaaate!
$6m is not the worst decision you could make considering you now have a completely standard environment you can work from. Target the iPad only and you don't have to worry about the myriad other devices people could use.


That's what I was thinking might happen in a number of cases. Sign up for a cheap course, get iPad, leave and never come back.
My girlfriend and I have solidly decided, after a long and serious discussion, to go to the gym. She wants to lose weight, I want gain muscle. There's a neat gym on our train line that has fairly cheap casual rates. We've both wanted to do this for a very long time, it isn't one of those ridiculous resolutions for the new year.

Any tips from anyone on how to avoid getting hit on by steroided up tiny penised men?
go to the classes, if they have em. I've never known anyone to actually be hit on at the gym though.

I wish boyfriend would join some sport with me. My old gym buddy moved to Canberra and I'm super lazy on my own.
Plus I can watch anime on it
This is about 40% of the reason why I want one.


I'm catching up on this season's show. Girls und Panzers: surprisingly good. Tonari: excellent. You should watch Tonari, shan.


One of the things I like about my house is that if the wind is strong enough, doors near my room will start opening and closing themselves

Also, the weather report said it would hit 35 degrees today. It's now about to rain.


Exercising is tough to make a regular habit. I tried gyms, I tried swimming. In the end I've been running for longer than swimming and gym attendance combined. I've actually met two of my long-term goals this week which I'm pretty chuffed about (a 10k run and a 25 minute 5k run.) I also clocked up 1000km logged with Runkeeper (over the last year) which is pretty neat. There's just something about running as exercise that clicks with me in a way that gyms and swimming didn't.


That's what I was thinking might happen in a number of cases. Sign up for a cheap course, get iPad, leave and never come back.

You probably have to be a full time student and stay past census date. ie, pay a few thousand dollars for a $500 ipad!
go to the classes, if they have em. I've never known anyone to actually be hit on at the gym though.

I wish boyfriend would join some sport with me. My old gym buddy moved to Canberra and I'm super lazy on my own.

I was pretty much 100% joking shan. :p

What do you mean by classes? Like, teaching to use the machines or whatever? I was planning on doing a fitness test with an instructor to measure how much I've slipped since I've stopped playing footy.


Man, that War Z stuff was great.

Game releases with false advertising
The steam forum moderator was a Hammerinc employee, was banning people who said negative things about the game
Game fundamentally broken in a few areas.
TotalBiscuit releases a quicklook on the game, nerdrage happens
Dev has an interview with gamespy, doesn't give a shit about false advertising
Unveiled the steam forum moderator also posts on GAF as a viral marketer.
Valve says they're investigating.
Dev asks the war z forums to go to metacritic and boost the score, at the time there were 19 negative reviews and 3 positive.
A few hours later, there are now 500+ negative reviews and the game has a user score of 1.1/10.
War Z can no longer be purchased on steam, has been taken off the front page completely.
Refunds available for steam purchasers but not for people who preordered the game from the website.

It's been... a fun 24 hours.


First it was the low to mid-tier retailers, then it was the low to mid-tier developers going under, now it's the low to mid-tier publishers.


This gen is a bloodbath. Developers and now publishers going under. It's just going to be EA and Activision after next gen, isn't it.
And a bazillion indies. Any console that doesn't make it easy for small and mid level devs is going to struggle. So Nintendo. But then Nintendo have an amazing first party stable, so obviously they'll be "ok". I think the Sony vs MS race is going to come down to who can do the best for indies.
What's the benefit of this? My girlfriend will 99% be in the women's section of the gym and I'm nearly certain she prefers to exercise alone.
It's a different type of exercise (could be pilates, yoga, jazzercise, zumba, whatever). I suppose the benefit of the group exercise is that as part of a larger group of people you can probably feel like you stand out less, whereas on a machine some might feel that they're being watched.


Yep, got my keys. Will be looking at some furniture today and start moving on saturday.

West or East melbourne >_<?

Also, is there anything you cant get insurance for these days? And why do they need to advertise it constantly on tv, you cant go one 'ad break' without at least one 'insurance' crappy crapness. And they are so manipulative and awful....


First it was the low to mid-tier retailers, then it was the low to mid-tier developers going under, now it's the low to mid-tier publishers.

You know, if it was just the top tier publishers like EA/Activision going under, the industry would be better off. Fewer games taking all the attention away from B-games, fewer demands for AAAAAA blockbuster linear campaigns, cheaper production costs and more variety.

And a bazillion indies. Any console that doesn't make it easy for small and mid level devs is going to struggle. So Nintendo. But then Nintendo have an amazing first party stable, so obviously they'll be "ok". I think the Sony vs MS race is going to come down to who can do the best for indies.

My general perception of each of the big three with regards to indies is thus (ignoring Wii U for now):

Nintendo: little to no idea on how to deal with them, aside from a few studios who found success (2D Boy mainly).
Microsoft: a clusterfuck of a store for XBLIG. But they got minecraft. Some big indies on xbla. And they fucked up with dealing with oddworld stranger.
Sony: seem to encourage more unique ideas via minis and stuff like journey/flower. No idea how they sell though.

Of course, in comparison, Steam is on another planet.


The ecosystem that has the shortest distance between game developer and game purchaser will win, simple as that.

Middlemen of all types are dinosaurs now and there's nothing they can do about it.
Crikey, Sri Lanka, how much more are you going to complain!

My girlfriend and I have solidly decided, after a long and serious discussion, to go to the gym. She wants to lose weight, I want gain muscle. There's a neat gym on our train line that has fairly cheap casual rates. We've both wanted to do this for a very long time, it isn't one of those ridiculous resolutions for the new year.
A lot of places have special deals if 2 people sign up at once too!

Attention Shaneus amd Rep (plus anyone else that cares):
1 year PS+ is currently 25% off, $52.45. You may both stop bellyaching, now.
Only if you buy it for me sweetie!

Free copy of The Bard's Tale if you backed Wasteland 2!
Yay! On Steam? I reallllly need to follow my Kickstarters more.

$6 million on iPads is certainly an... interesting decision.
Lot of fucking money. Although I bet the Apple rep who organised the deal is having a fucking relaxing Christmas!

$6m is not the worst decision you could make considering you now have a completely standard environment you can work from. Target the iPad only and you don't have to worry about the myriad other devices people could use.
Until they become outdated and unsupported externally of course! I wonder if they will pack some spyware on there for the uni IT.

A lot of highschools give laptops to their kids now don't they? I mean, they are leased to the kids but it is a bit similar.

This is about 40% of the reason why I want one.
Grab a Nexus 7 for much cheaper! Plex is a godsend on my tablet, streams like a champion.

And a bazillion indies. Any console that doesn't make it easy for small and mid level devs is going to struggle. So Nintendo. But then Nintendo have an amazing first party stable, so obviously they'll be "ok". I think the Sony vs MS race is going to come down to who can do the best for indies.
I can see some indies banding together and filling the gap as a midrange publisher eventually.

Everything which once was comes around again.

Yep, got my keys. Will be looking at some furniture today and start moving on saturday.
Congrats! Have fun at Ikea!


The ecosystem that has the shortest distance between game developer and game purchaser will win, simple as that.

Middlemen of all types are dinosaurs now and there's nothing they can do about it.

Really? The music industry is lobbying pretty hard and almost got SOPA up.

They can still wave huge wads of cash before people and sign them and their studios up.


The ecosystem that has the shortest distance between game developer and game purchaser will win, simple as that.

Middlemen of all types are dinosaurs now and there's nothing they can do about it.

You're an old timer, Gaz: Do you see any parallels between the indie scene now and the c64/spectrum era in the UK with demo tapes, bedroom coders and the like?

Because it seems to me as someone who has only read about it that this period <right now> may actually be an important time in terms of genre creation. For the last 20-25 years we have had platformers, sports, puzzle, shooters, shmups, racers, strategy, action adventure and rpgs. And 2D/3D variants of each. Beyond that, we don't have the weird kinds of games like Jack the Nipper or Paperboy or Boulderdash. I wonder if in twenty years time we will be looking at far more variety thanks to this window of time where bedroom coding is once again viable and profitable (for some).
What's the benefit of this? My girlfriend will 99% be in the women's section of the gym and I'm nearly certain she prefers to exercise alone.
it's fun, there's music, and it's more of a full body work out than using the treadmill is. Some of the classes are in the dark( the yoga/stretching ones for example).
I'm catching up on this season's show. Girls und Panzers: surprisingly good. Tonari: excellent. You should watch Tonari, shan.
I'll check it out. Was there an anime thread for summer? I haven't been able to find it.
Grr...Dodo called up today, saying they can't install internet due to technical difficulties or whatever. Looks like I will have to go with Telstra and their over priced plans :(
I can see Planetside 2 launching on PS4 easily. Would be a huge money maker for Sony.

Nintendo: little to no idea on how to deal with them, aside from a few studios who found success (2D Boy mainly).
Microsoft: a clusterfuck of a store for XBLIG. But they got minecraft. Some big indies on xbla. And they fucked up with dealing with oddworld stranger.
Sony: seem to encourage more unique ideas via minis and stuff like journey/flower. No idea how they sell though.

XBLA just has too many titles on there for the majority to make big profits any more, especially when they have 5 awesome games hit in a promotional period. You still get success stories but they aren't as across the board as they were.

Joe Danger is a good example. The original game on PSN made huge revenues (over 100,000) and the developers did well out of it.
When they put out a Special Edition on XBLA it bombed (20,000 in the first month, eventually 35,000)
They then made Joe Danger 2 a XBLA timed exclusive despite this, lol, which again bombed.

At this point the indies need to reallly get strong word of mouth going behind them to sell big on the consoles unless the platform holder is going to pimp them, which is happening a lot less these days with Movies, Apps & Music being pushing points for them.

Minecraft still sells an insane amount of copies on XBLA every month. Absolute phenomenon.


I think I have an irrational hatred for Notch.

Also Minecraft but to a lesser extent.

How far from the exchange thingy are you Death?
Don't know. It's not the distance, it's some other issue. Builder has done the trenching etc according to the contract but since it's a brand new connection, I have to pay $299 for activation to Telstra.

I guess this is why TPG as well had refused earlier. Why can't they make these things crystal clear in the beginning? I've been chasing up various providers since the start of this month so that the net would be connected by the time I move in. Fuck.
I have a Christmas time Steam gift for one AusGAF member.

If you would like a copy of The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb please reply and I'll PM you the code.
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