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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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Is "too many titles" really the reason? If so, is the same happening on Steam?
In conjunction with the visibility of the titles, which have been pushed further down as time has gone on with XBLA.

Steam has the benefit of low low prices and a more acceptable market, also Steam is really nice for window shopping!


Is "too many titles" really the reason? If so, is the same happening on Steam?
WarZ did pretty well!

First it was the low to mid-tier retailers, then it was the low to mid-tier developers going under, now it's the low to mid-tier publishers.
I see a situation happening where some kind of phoenix will rise from the ashes where (combined with Kickstarter or something similar) mid-tier pubs/devs will make a comeback. I think there will be a glut in the scene for a while where all we'll (essentially) have are CODs, FIFAs and a shitload of indie titles, but I think out of those indies will bear some mid-tier fruit.

Favorite biscuit is a doughy choc-chip.

Crunchy biscuits can gtfo
Man, remember Snap And Bake (later "Snap To Bake") cookies? I'd always get mum to time them around 5 mins less than recommended so they were squishy.

Attention Shaneus amd Rep (plus anyone else that cares):
1 year PS+ is currently 25% off, $52.45. You may both stop bellyaching, now.

Shaneus: Along with JetSetRadio, the Vita will also be getting The Pinball Arcade, so you save some money on triple dipping. It's not clear on what tables you'll get. I assume it'll be the base pack.
Is this using a special voucher or something? The 25%, I mean. Or do I just login to PSN tonight and it's already discounted?

I assume it's part of that ".12 days of Christmas thing".

Man, that War Z stuff was great.

Game releases with false advertising
The steam forum moderator was a Hammerinc employee, was banning people who said negative things about the game
Game fundamentally broken in a few areas.
TotalBiscuit releases a quicklook on the game, nerdrage happens
Dev has an interview with gamespy, doesn't give a shit about false advertising
Unveiled the steam forum moderator also posts on GAF as a viral marketer.
Valve says they're investigating.
Dev asks the war z forums to go to metacritic and boost the score, at the time there were 19 negative reviews and 3 positive.
A few hours later, there are now 500+ negative reviews and the game has a user score of 1.1/10.
War Z can no longer be purchased on steam, has been taken off the front page completely.
Refunds available for steam purchasers but not for people who preordered the game from the website.

It's been... a fun 24 hours.
Who was the poster? I'd love to look up their name. I love that shit.
PS. Keep in mind, shit like WarZ gets on the Steam storefront no worries, while more deserving titles (hello Pinball Arcade, WRC3) have to go through the fucking Greenlight process. Load of shit.


In conjunction with the visibility of the titles, which have been pushed further down as time has gone on with XBLA.

Steam has the benefit of low low prices and a more acceptable market, also Steam is really nice for window shopping!
So it's pretty much interface plus pricing?

I think flexible pricing is pretty important. That $10 indie game with some buzz you've been hearing becomes a much quicker impulse buy at $5 or $2.50.


Thanks everyone for providing feedback on Cider, I bought a few of the ones mentioned so my GF can try a few.

But, pics are better than words, so here is today's haul:


And I have just stocked up the new bar fridge in my man cave:


I am prepared for XMAS holidays and then some :D:D:D


I got my HSC marks today and they're really not that great. Band 3's and 4's everywhere. My ATAR is going to be tragic. Oh well! I'm still going to go ahead with my gap year plans and use that year to create some new experiences for myself, new opportunities, and to discover what I really want to do with my life.


Don't sweat it man. If you really want something, you can still get it. I know it's a schools job to get the best out of its students, but there needs to be an organisation that sits down with the students and explains how this is not the end of the world.

Everything's coming up AusGAF

It truly is. AusGaf, do you remember a few weeks ago I asked for girl advice? I was spending a lot of time with this girl and didn't want to be the rebound? Well now she's my girlfriend and I am truly punching above my weight.


You're an old timer, Gaz: Do you see any parallels between the indie scene now and the c64/spectrum era in the UK with demo tapes, bedroom coders and the like?

Because it seems to me as someone who has only read about it that this period <right now> may actually be an important time in terms of genre creation. For the last 20-25 years we have had platformers, sports, puzzle, shooters, shmups, racers, strategy, action adventure and rpgs. And 2D/3D variants of each. Beyond that, we don't have the weird kinds of games like Jack the Nipper or Paperboy or Boulderdash. I wonder if in twenty years time we will be looking at far more variety thanks to this window of time where bedroom coding is once again viable and profitable (for some).

On a creative level, absolutely. The freedom that bedroom coders on home computers had then was that you could make a great game with one or two or three people and there weren't any established genres. These days you the freedom that bedroom (well, more like coffee shop) coders on iOS have is that they can make a great game with one or two or three people and they have the freedom to ignore the boundaries of established genres.

On a business level, it's completely different. Even the bedroom coders had to submit their work to a publisher who might submit it to a distributor who might submit it to retailers who might sell it to customers. So you had lots of game developers being shut out. And even if you were an established 'indie', you had to deal with the massive cost of duplicating, packaging and distributing these games, which was way out of the reach of most people except for established businesses.

These days, you need a computer to make the game and then you use the same computer to sell it direct to the customer. I wouldn't have it any other way.

And I think, looking back, that my statement about the shortest distance proved true with this current gen. XBLA used to be the only way indies could sell direct to customers, and everyone thought XBLA was awesome for a while. Now Steam is the 'default' way of doing things, making XBLA look old and busted in comparison.
But, pics are better than words, so here is today's haul
The Sierra Nevada purchases are particularly good choices. Considering a trip to Slow Beer over the weekend to spend way too much on specialty beer.

On a creative level, absolutely. The freedom that bedroom coders on home computers had then was that you could make a great game with one or two or three people and there weren't any established genres.
I think the problem is that most people expect so much more from their "indie" games. Sometimes you'll be able to get away with stuff with truly basic graphics, sound, etc, but most "small" and "indie" games (looking at stuff like Trine, Journey, Frozen Synapse) have dozens of people on their credits, so IMO it's harder to produce something that a large portion of the user base wants to play.

But that's partly because the user base is so much bigger, and also because they've been coddled by pretty AAA games.


Woo Persona 4 Golden arrived! Now to not play it as I surprisingly write an article

Why does everyone keep reminding me that they have P4G and I don't, agh! That's it. I need to buy it today. Any good deals around?

Don't sweat it man. If you really want something, you can still get it. I know it's a schools job to get the best out of its students, but there needs to be an organisation that sits down with the students and explains how this is not the end of the world.

Yeah, I'm just going to apply for this Newstep program that they have at my university, and using the marks I get from that, apply for whatever course I want. It's basically the HSC all over again, but it's probably going to be a lot more useful, and less stressful. Also, congrats on the girlfriend!
Now Steam is the 'default' way of doing things, making XBLA look old and busted in comparison.

iOS and Android but I get your point. Steam is not open to anyone unlike the mobile app stores.
You release a game on mobile, you do your PR when the game is released. On steam, you need to start your PR work just to get through greenlight.


iOS and Android but I get your point. Steam is not open to anyone unlike the mobile app stores.
You release a game on mobile, you do your PR when the game is released. On steam, you need to start your PR work just to get through greenlight.

Yeah, you're right. I should have used iOS / Android in my example. One day left of work and my brain is fizzled.

And yep, the theory of 'what works' on Steam is changing and it's more about who has lunch with who in San Fransisco as time wears on. You watch this happen to Kickstarter in two years. It's just the way of the world.


Thanks everyone for providing feedback on Cider, I bought a few of the ones mentioned so my GF can try a few.

But, pics are better than words, so here is today's haul:


And I have just stocked up the new bar fridge in my man cave:


I am prepared for XMAS holidays and then some :D:D:D
Excellent! Glad to be of assistance.



Thanks everyone for providing feedback on Cider, I bought a few of the ones mentioned so my GF can try a few.

But, pics are better than words, so here is today's haul:

I don't see any Aspall Suffolk Draft like I suggested. You should feel ashamed of yourself. Disgusting!

On a creative level, absolutely. The freedom that bedroom coders on home computers had then was that you could make a great game with one or two or three people and there weren't any established genres. These days you the freedom that bedroom (well, more like coffee shop) coders on iOS have is that they can make a great game with one or two or three people and they have the freedom to ignore the boundaries of established genres.

On a business level, it's completely different. Even the bedroom coders had to submit their work to a publisher who might submit it to a distributor who might submit it to retailers who might sell it to customers. So you had lots of game developers being shut out. And even if you were an established 'indie', you had to deal with the massive cost of duplicating, packaging and distributing these games, which was way out of the reach of most people except for established businesses.

These days, you need a computer to make the game and then you use the same computer to sell it direct to the customer. I wouldn't have it any other way.

And I think, looking back, that my statement about the shortest distance proved true with this current gen. XBLA used to be the only way indies could sell direct to customers, and everyone thought XBLA was awesome for a while. Now Steam is the 'default' way of doing things, making XBLA look old and busted in comparison.

Well hopefully it actually leads to more creativity in general. I'm looking back over the past year for the GOTY voting and I cant think of anything I feel justified voting for. Unless ports count.

How much are they charging for that on PSN? Still need to knock of MGS3 but wanting to shift over to that over the break.

$19.95 for the Vita version, but it has a 25% discount for PSN+ at the moment.

I made the mistake of playing MGS3 and Oddworld Stranger back to back in 2005. It took 2 years for any other game to compare to them, they were both incredible. (That game was Mario Galaxy).


On that note, I need to find something that will monitor the Idle Thumbs website from home, auto download the cast and send it to my Dropbox so I can put it into iTunes at work.

Use the Dropbox app on your PC and set an RSS/Podcatcher to download to the specific Dropbox folder. Done.
This is what happens when you Holy.

Shaneus just asks and asks and asks.

As someone who owns a fez it pains me to see him ask the same question 3 times.

As someone who did their shopping in Corio and felt safe I will say that I refuse to drive into Werribee, even if Missy Higgins was naked waiting for me.
This is what happens when you Holy.

Shaneus just asks and asks and asks.

As someone who owns a fez it pains me to see him ask the same question 3 times.

I don't think you can buy PS+ at retail stores which means that there are only 3 places you can buy subscriptions from... and they all access the same place :I
Is Mark of the Ninja worth 600 allards?
Also Fez! Phil Fish bad. Renaud Bédard good. Glitches and bugs bad. Music good. I think it is worth giving it a shot at 400 allards.
Also Trine 2! The game that is actually slightly better on WiiU than everywhere else! The shining light of multiplatform games for Nintendo fans! 400 allards on XBLA!

Also interesting that Mark of the Ninja is the first game I have seen any position for during this sale, sitting on 'browse games' -> 'arcade' -> biggest tile.
Not shocked that the sale takes up no fucking part of the homepage on the console. Even scrolling to the 'games' tab doesn't give me shit. Shows how much MS give a fuck.

I don't think you can buy PS+ at retail stores which means that there are only 3 places you can buy subscriptions from... and they all access the same place :I
You can buy prepaid cards from EB (and maybe others) for $80.

Miller Heidke>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Higgins

You are entitled to an opinion. Even if I completely disagree with it. You are from QLD after all.

I hear that specific DLC is meh

but Trouble in North Point was pretty good I hear

I finished this the day it came out, yesterday, because it's super short. Definitely less than an hour long. The fights are actually pretty good, though, mostly because the bosses you fight are super different than regular enemies, which makes it fairly challenging. Unfortunately, it pretty much ends right when it's getting good.

Also, the bosses can counter your counters, which is pretty rad.

Less than an hour long? :/

The other bolded stuff sounds awesome though! I can understand why it is 400 allards now.
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