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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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I want a tag give me a tag
Anyone here ever dealt with depression? Either personally or from a family / friend side of things.

Kinda curious how they ended up after XYZ treatment.

going through it now. on anti depressants, seeing a psychologist. and a family history of it.

fun times
Urrgghh. Some kind of awful cold has just hit me like a freight train. An hour ago I was fine. I don't understand.

Hush. Nothing wrong with debt.

I got an amazingly low OP. It matters not. And only a jerk-off would ask about it, in any professional or social setting.

I'm not even gonna ask how how much you owe. Probably about as much as I'm going to owe ;.;

The only people I've met who care about OPs are the people who got OP1. And this one guy in my Japanese class who loves complain that he would have got an OP1 if it weren't for all the kiwis at his high school.


A fuckload of people have done well in life without uni, and all it does is turn you into some boring, money-driven, egotistical, uncharismatic fuck anyway*.

*You all know it's true!

This sounds like loser talk from someone who has never been to university.
OP? This some Queenslander thing that likes of which we cannae ken?

yeah. its very silly. If you pass 5 OP subjects you get put between OP1 and 25 (with one being the highest). I think its on a bell curve, and its based on how well your school does. Or something.

Anyone here ever dealt with depression? Either personally or from a family / friend side of things.

Kinda curious how they ended up after XYZ treatment.
If you're dealing with it tell someone. Don't be embarrassed or stoic. It will only make things worse in the end. Most people I've known with depression acted that way, with awful results.
Brisbane's weather is here to kill us all!
Indeed. Luckily I have ~aircon in my room~


yeah. its very silly. If you pass 5 OP subjects you get put between OP1 and 25 (with one being the highest). I think its on a bell curve, and its based on how well your school does. Or something.

From memory its how well you do in relation to your school, and how well your school does in relation to all other schools on the QCS test. I got an OP of 8 and I put in the bare minimum of effort but all I needed was a 12 to get into uni so it was happy days. Graduated uni in 2006 and paid off my HECs debt this year which resulted in a $2k tax refund so I'm not doing so bad.


If you wanna go there are always ways to get in! A year a tafe can count towards a degree in a lot of cases. Not going to uni is always an option too. A lot of people do well without it, especially if you've got some skills you learnt in your own time. And you won't be 20+ grand in debt!

Heh, yeah, alternate entry is probably what I'll aim for now!

Never passed Year 12 at all, I have a degree and a couple assoc dips and a pretty great job. HS results are not the only way to go to uni, and uni is not the only way to get a good career.

Good on you! I wish that in high school they wouldn't drill the idea that university degrees are the only way to get a decent career. It's not right.

There are other ways of getting into Uni. I don't know if every Uni does this but my Uni offers a test you can take and if you pass you can gain entry to most courses. Or, what I ended up doing, a year long 'Adult entry' course that serves as a preparation for Uni and as long as you pass you can get into any course you want.

As cods said, Uni isn't for everyone, I've seen a number of people finish 4 year double degrees only to come out the other side and not wanting to do that thing any more. A gap year will help you out in determining what you want to do with yourself (hell, I took 5).

Yeah, the university here offers one or two alternative methods of entry, which I'm definitely going to be looking into after I finish taking my gap year. You and cods are right though, university really isn't for everyone, and I still need to properly consider that for myself.

I got an amazingly low OP. It matters not. And only a jerk-off would ask about it, in any professional or social setting.

On Friday, the teachers have organised this Year 12 BBQ at school, where the whole year group is going to get together and talk about their results. There is going to be so much drama, I can tell. Tears and boasting, everywhere.

I think I might skip out on it.

I went to TAFE, quit 6 months before it was over (2 year course), did half a year of games design + programming at QANTM, got kicked out of the course, did a year and a half of games programming at AIE, graduated.

Not getting into Uni isn't the end of the world. In fact, if i did go to uni, i would've quit and never pursued making games.

edit: actually i probably would've given up on programming altogether.

Thanks Mega, situations like this make me remember that I can still persevere with something, no matter what path I take.

Yup, I did wellish in HSC. Spent 5+ years fucking around at uni, never finished. Got a decent paying job anyway.

More important is your skills at weaseling in and out of situations. That's what sets us apart from the animals.

University just wasn't your thing? It's good to hear you've done well, though!

But like everyone is saying, take your gap year, have fun/earn money, and cross that bridge when it comes. There are plenty of other pathways there if you are still keen to do it

That's the plan!

Hmm could still get into a few Unis with band 3s and 4s. That does mean you beat at least half of the people doing the HSC.

As it is now, I think staying local would be the best option, but hey, that may change within the next year! It's something I'd definitely be looking into if there were absolutely no other local options.

Don't stress it, dude. From the people I know in my job, a lot of them have differing educational backgrounds... most of them done outside of Uni (with the odd exception of real business-like folk who did business-oriented classes and are generally boring as batshit anyway because they wasted their youth learning shit they'd never need to know). And the people I know outside of work (who I choose to spend time with, as opposed to people I *have* to) are all awesome people who I don't think ever went to uni. And if they did, there's nothing about them that makes them come off like they did (like their job or whatever).

It may be difficult now, but in short... don't stress. A fuckload of people have done well in life without uni, and all it does is turn you into some boring, money-driven, egotistical, uncharismatic fuck anyway*.

*You all know it's true!

Can I ask what arts thingy you were looking at doing? I don't know what umbrella that covers but I still struggle to know exactly what they could teach about anything remotely arty or creative in a university. School of Real Life, motherfucker!

Thanks so much, Shaneus! It's all so very true! I'll get over it in a few days, fo' sho.

A Bachelor of Arts with a major in Linguistics, then minors in Japanese and something international/social or whatever. See, even now I'm not too sure of it all. This gap year is going to sort a lot of things out for me.
On Friday, the teachers have organised this Year 12 BBQ at school, where the whole year group is going to get together and talk about their results. There is going to be so much drama, I can tell. Tears and boasting, everywhere.

I think I might skip out on it.
That sounds like a thing that will be looked upon as "a learning experience" for the teachers and the school as a whole.

In layman's terms, it should probably be put in the very fire that will fuel the BBQ around which the very activity that should not exist will be held.

I'm okay with the paradox that this creates.


That sounds like a thing that will be looked upon as "a learning experience" for the teachers and the school as a whole.

In layman's terms, it should probably be put in the very fire that will fuel the BBQ around which the very activity that should not exist will be held.

I'm okay with the paradox that this creates.

I hope so, because it's just such a bad idea!

You know what, I'm okay with it, too.
Unannounced Beta webstore is better than the culminations-of-many-years console store.

Pure Sony.
Indeed :(

Is that the new SEN thing for PSN? Fuck me, that runs like arse. Looks great, but must they insist on zooming in on that grid of games? I want to look at as many as possible at once, not scroll through nine at a fucking time you stupid bastards.
Pretty sure it is still called PSN on the PS3. Just the webpage for the overall thing is SEN? I dunno. I dunno!

Also the PS3 store is fine when it is running fast, which is rare.

University just wasn't your thing? It's good to hear you've done well, though!
Probably more related to my course and institution though. I was basically asked to memorise parts of a textbook they wanted to sell and regurgitate it, rather than actually relate it back to reality.

Fuck off Weatherby
Was much funnier the way I read it.

Quite. *puffs on pipe*
I think I've been playing too much Sherlock Holmes and watching too much Downton Abbey.

Time for some Timesplitters 2 and Fawlty Towers to bring me back towards the present I think!


This sounds like loser talk from someone who has never been to university.
All I hear is "blah blah blah I wish I hadn't wasted my life at stupid uni with a bunch of idiots".

Also I want R type Delta on psn too.
I want Raiden 2 on PSN. I know it had a PS1 release, damnit!

That sounds like a thing that will be looked upon as "a learning experience" for the teachers and the school as a whole.

In layman's terms, it should probably be put in the very fire that will fuel the BBQ around which the very activity that should not exist will be held.

I'm okay with the paradox that this creates.
Yeah, that's the main reason I can't be fucked going to anything "reunion" related (or accept FB requests from people who I haven't seen since year 12). If I wanted to catch up with you now, I would have. Now stop including a picture of your stupid baby as your FB profile pic. It's not an achievement to squeeze out/father a kid. Especially in Geelong, where pretty much everyone has done it by the time they're 17.

Thanks so much, Shaneus! It's all so very true! I'll get over it in a few days, fo' sho.

A Bachelor of Arts with a major in Linguistics, then minors in Japanese and something international/social or whatever. See, even now I'm not too sure of it all. This gap year is going to sort a lot of things out for me.
Take what I said with a grain of salt though, I was really quite lucky. Got a shit TER score (which I now know was probably a result of having late-diagnosed ADHD. There ya go), went to TAFE, did fairly poorly there, fluked getting a job at iPrimus (submitted in a resume by filling in forms on some job website... wasn't even my real resume!) then while I was there, got an interview at the place I'm currently at now (just hit 10 years) because my sister was going out with the guy in charge of the IT support department (and is now the father of my two awesome-as-hell nephews).

So yeah, lucky. But everything I've seen tells me that a lot of uni qualifications don't really mean all that much unless you do something like a medicine or accounting or law or whatever. But I think I'm subconsciously thinking about it from an IT/tech-related perspective. It might be the only industry that's at all like that.


I want a tag give me a tag
God damn phone, third time lucky.

How is that working out for you? Especially the psychologist part.
Yeh its good. I enjoy the psychologist. Very non judgemental and just gives you ways to try and approach your day to day based on how you've expressed yourself. And nothing drastic either, starting off with just little things like take notice of how you feel when X occurs etc

ALAN Jones' ongoing racial vilification of Lebanese Muslims culminated in the Cronulla riots, which could have been avoided if he had apologised eight years ago, community leader Keysar Trad says.

The controversial broadcaster on Wednesday apologised on air for saying in April 2005 Lebanese men were "vermin'' and "mongrels'' who "simply rape, pillage and plunder a nation that's taken them in''.

The Administrative Decisions Tribunal (ADT) had ordered Jones to apologise on his 2GB radio show any day this week.

Jones said his comments breached the Anti-Discrimination Act and the tribunal had found they "incited serious contempt of Lebanese males including Lebanese Muslims''.

"I apologise for making those comments and I recognise they were unlawful and I also apologise on behalf of Radio 2GB,'' he said.

What kind of a shitty apology is that.

I will shame her for her carbon footprint to her face.

Hey, I'm trying to be frugal! I don't use it all the time.
Abbott's disapproval is super high.

Labor have done fuck all to deserve a lead, really.
Gillard has been killing him as preferred PM for ages though I thought? Although everyone fucking hate Gillard she is the lesser evil for most people.

"I battled for 7 years to avoid apologising. So this is officially an apology but I don't give a fuck."


You cant make someone apologise. It's either sincere or legally required, never both.

I'm just enjoying seeing this loudmouth buffoon shown for what he is.


Cider GAF. My gf would like me to pick up some cider for her for xmas drinks and I know nothing about it. She also hasn't had them before, all she knows is she doesn't like pear or peach. She is only a very occasional drinker, any suggestions?



Rekorgolig if you think people like stupidly incredibly sugary things.

Magners is okay, but get Bulmers if you can instead

unfortunately I tend to like pear cider so I don't have any real counter recommendations


Aspall cider is better than bulmers but both are great with ice.

Also, just had some relief news regarding a substantial financial decision. I feel physically ill after it, and it will take a while til it sinks in.

Lesson learnt: get EVERYTHING in writing from sales people, never take their word and cover your arse with expert advice.
Cider GAF. My gf would like me to pick up some cider for her for xmas drinks and I know nothing about it. She also hasn't had them before, all she knows is she doesn't like pear or peach. She is only a very occasional drinker, any suggestions?

Rekorderlig or Kopparberg Strawberry-Lime or Mixed Fruits/Berries are usually my go-tos.
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