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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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Happy Easter!
See the joke is that since Christmas is over the retail chains will be milking your wallets for glorious chocolate eggs come the new year.
Pretty funny, that consumerism!
been up for 13 hours and on my feet for like 12 of those, honestly i should have put shoes on.
but i made 2 batches of shortbread, some got slightly darker than i wanted, they kind of turn grey all of a sudden. i also made 1 batch of ginger biscuits which while the dough was more crumbs than dough they came out really nice and iv just finished rolling out the 2nd batch of gingerbread dough which is, if the little bit i cooked is anything to go by, perfect. it comes out looking, tasting and feeling* exactly as i have wanted gingerbread too. like you buy at a super market in either blue train form or pfeffernusse. 4 sheets of that in the fridge ready to cut out and bake. i made the 2nd because through the cutting process there will be a lot of off cuts i wont have time to deal with so this way i still have enough shapes and then some dough left over for later.

time for bed

the gingerbread feels sad because he will be eated


My most wanted games for 2013?

- MGS: Ground Zeroes
- Wasteland 2
- MGS : Rising
- Persona 5
- The Wonderful 101
- SMT : Soul Hackers
- Grand Theft Auto V
- Thief 4
- Yakuza 5

2013 is shaping up to be a incredible year for games for my own personal tastes. Only problem is it's the one year where I'll have less time for games!


"The person was mentally unstable"

Is it me, or is this a new excuse? I don't believe I heard that line after some of the other shootings in America. Now, this may just be cynicism, but it kinda reeks a little of bullshit filtered from someone with lots of control down to the every day person who needs to rationalise a dude going and murdering a buncha people.

Now, I ain't saying that perfectly normal people are the same kind that go out and shoot people. Anecdotally, I don't think that's true. But it seems to me that saying "Oh, he was mentally unwell. That explains it. Let's make it so mentally ill people can't buy guns." is just a fancy way of ignoring the point.

Then again most of my knowledge about america is from assassin's creed 3, and I'll tell you one thing, knives seem WAY BETTER than guns because you don't have to take 30 seconds to aim them and have a big yellow triangle over your head that people can use to just roll out of the way and then put a knife through your eye.

I am clearly not winning any debate awards here.



Does anyone have any spare copies of Half Life 2: Episode 1 and 2? My younger cousin recently played through HL2 for the first time and doesn't have the episodes. I'm trying to make sure he doesn't end up like half the fucking posters in that bad hotline miami thread.
Nah, the mentally unstable thing is an old favourite.


I hope everyone gets to spend today with family or friends, gets lots of presents, be merry and most of all, stay safe.


I hope everyone gets to spend today with family or friends, gets lots of presents, be merry and most of all, stay safe.

Family just got together for presents and breakfast. And now dad's off to work and my mother's doing rounds with her family. So, close enough!

Father bought me the Game of Thones card game. Sister bought me an expansion to Zombies!!!. Which were both appreciated. Will be able to give the GOT game a spin at new years. Wonder how well it plays drunk. I might also buy myself the GOT board game to compliment it. Father said they're out of stock locally at the moment though.
Happy Birthday Santa!

-Crysis 3. Like, graphics.
-Splinter Cell: Blacklist. Like, stealth.
-Gears of War: Judgement. Like, dudebro.
-The Last of Us. Like, Naughty Dog.
Wait, really? All I have seen is insane action stuff?

Last Of Us - It's Naughty Dog, and it comes out the day after my birthday!
Bioshock Infinite.
Sleeping Dogs - E3 sold me.
Company of Heroes 2.
One of the GOTY contenders right here.

TV just broke, a few months out of warranty. Don't really have the money to fix it either...

Hopefully Boxing Day sales are plentiful for you, what size you looking for?

- SMT : Soul Hackers
What's the word on it getting released in PAL? Would be a definite pickup for me too.


"The person was mentally unstable"

Is it me, or is this a new excuse? I don't believe I heard that line after some of the other shootings in America. Now, this may just be cynicism, but it kinda reeks a little of bullshit filtered from someone with lots of control down to the every day person who needs to rationalise a dude going and murdering a buncha people.

Now, I ain't saying that perfectly normal people are the same kind that go out and shoot people. Anecdotally, I don't think that's true. But it seems to me that saying "Oh, he was mentally unwell. That explains it. Let's make it so mentally ill people can't buy guns." is just a fancy way of ignoring the point.

Then again most of my knowledge about america is from assassin's creed 3, and I'll tell you one thing, knives seem WAY BETTER than guns because you don't have to take 30 seconds to aim them and have a big yellow triangle over your head that people can use to just roll out of the way and then put a knife through your eye.

I am clearly not winning any debate awards here.

Anyone one that thinks people are split into 'good' and 'bad' guys - as most of the progun people in the OT seem to - is a fucking idiot.
Family just got together for presents and breakfast. And now dad's off to work and my mother's doing rounds with her family. So, close enough!

Father bought me the Game of Thones card game. Sister bought me an expansion to Zombies!!!. Which were both appreciated. Will be able to give the GOT game a spin at new years. Wonder how well it plays drunk. I might also buy myself the GOT board game to compliment it. Father said they're out of stock locally at the moment though.
That most definitely counts, Kritz.

What are you plans for the rest of the day, then?
Went to my sister's for breakfast and presents and stuff, lunch with my parents/grandparents/siblings/etc. later today. Got some neat stuff. Probably gonna be a pretty subdued day overall.


Hope everyone else has a good one!

What's the word on it getting released in PAL?.



That most definitely counts, Kritz.

What are you plans for the rest of the day, then?

tf2, goty podcast, beer and maybe going to a dinner thingy later on.

So, pretty average.

Anyone one that thinks people are split into 'good' and 'bad' guys - as most of the progun people in the OT seem to - is a fucking idiot.

If Tim Minchin's "The Fence" was on youtube, this would be a link to it.


So, what are AusGAF's most anticipated games for 2013?

New Games
  • Esoterrorists 2.0
  • Dungeon World (in print)
  • 13th Age
  • Owl Hoot Trail

Game Supplements
  • Eternal Lies
  • Mythos Expeditions
  • Dreamhounds of Paris
  • Worm of Sixty Winters
  • Dracula Dossier
  • 13 True Ways

Video games you say? Uh... Merry Christmas everyone!


Go saves Christmas. Pinky and the brain Xmas ep starting now!

Jesus. Then they kill Xmas with pinky elvyra and the brain afterwards....


Gf and I are now engaged, so that's my Christmas :p

Also, my brother got me a nexus 7 and I got him a DVD, argh! /Sheldon

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Gf and I are now engaged, so that's my Christmas :p

Also, my brother got me a nexus 7 and I got him a DVD, argh! /Sheldon
Aww congrats!

My Xmas is now going to be spent bored. My partners son got dropped off so I'll be ignored for the rest of the day ;_; at least I have you guys

We got a kitty! Had cats growing up, strange now that I have a son that I refer to myself as the kitties Dad <_>

Was expecting it to be a girl so it is called Coco (Chanel). It has the exact same damn personality as my son, it is creepy. Should be a good fit for the both of them! Rescued from a farmer who lives near my in-laws. Took to us like a glove.

Also Fruit Ninja Kinect by the fantastic Halfbrick is half price today! Grab the super cheap DLC too!
Also had no idea we never got The Walking Dead on XBLA over here :/
First Episode is free for everyone else.


Gf and I are now engaged, so that's my Christmas :p

My Xmas is now going to be spent bored. My partners son got dropped off so I'll be ignored for the rest of the day ;_; at least I have you guys
Sounds like the perfect time for gaming and pigging out on Xmas food!


I despise, utterly, people who refer to themselves as their pets mum or dad >_<

I cringe whenever I hear it or read it....

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it

We got a kitty! Had cats growing up, strange now that I have a son that I refer to myself as the kitties Dad <_>

Was expecting it to be a girl so it is called Coco (Chanel). It has the exact same damn personality as my son, it is creepy. Should be a good fit for the both of them! Rescued from a farmer who lives near my in-laws. Took to us like a glove.

Also Fruit Ninja Kinect by the fantastic Halfbrick is half price today! Grab the super cheap DLC too!
Also had no idea we never got The Walking Dead on XBLA over here :/
First Episode is free for everyone else.



Sounds like the perfect time for gaming and pigging out on Xmas food!
Aww that's a beautiful little kitty, congrats! I need more kitties but we have 3 in the house atm.

And I would play videogames but I'm at my partners parents house and his mum would kill me. So I'm just hiding out in his room til lunch is ready.

There's too many people here >_>


Double Fine Adventure
Wasteland 2
Shadowrun Returns
The Cave
BioShock Infinite
Watch_Dogs (maybe)

I guess that's about it.
Pretty much covers me, with the exceptions of Shadowrun and Wasteland. But add in that new MGS by Grasshopper (or Clover or whatever).
And whatever Mizuguchi works on, if anything.

How did you survive not being able to wear a blazer and jacket for the hours that you we there?
Bahahahaha. I lol'd.
I bet he was wearing high-class loafers behind that register

PS. Gratz Fogs!

PPS. My haul from today, pretty fucking happy with everything, TBH:

F1 2013 calendar
Ticket to Day on the Green with Hoodoo Gurus
Ticket to Les Miserables live performance here in Geelong
New bag from Country Road for iPadding across the universe
And this:

(fucking stoked, can't wait to read it)

PPPS. Dawww kitty <3
Jesus Christ Superstar Arena Tour is pretty amazing. Mel C reaffirming herself as best Spice Girl and only one to do anything worth a damn after the 90s.


congrats fogz

shaneus, pour one out for a fallen mutual friend of ours :(

Aw fuck, really? :( At least you got some good mileage out of it. It's been a year or so(ish), yeah? Maybe try the towel trick and cross your fingers...

At least slims are kinda cheap :)

So guys, the CoD games are on sale. I assume all our prices are vastly over-inflated. Which one should I get if I don't have any? As in, what's the best one before they basically turned into games that are barely more interactive than Space Ace and Dragon's Lair?


I want a tag give me a tag
Aw fuck, really? :( At least you got some good time out of it. It's been a year or so(ish), yeah?

At least slims are kinda cheap :)

yeah over a year many fun hours.

good time too i guess! sales and all that jazz.

now to get around my original problem tho of my HD and getting teh stuff off it to the new slim HD
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