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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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BrisGAF! Looking for a way to keep your kids aged 10-15 occupied for a few precious hours next Saturday? Want to help them become the next awesome comic making superstar? Well you should come to the Carindale library where I'll be teaching how to draw superhero comic covers!

You can see more details about this awesome and free (did I mention FREE) event here.

I don't think many of BrisGAF have kids that age, but maybe you know someone who does! It should be a lot of fun.
So it would seem that Newman wants to get rid of compulsory voting in qld now. What the crap!? Is that even within his power?

I think I'll still be away then gaz, which is a shame because my brother would probably enjoy something like that.
So it would seem that Newman wants to get rid of compulsory voting in qld now. What the crap!? Is that even within his power?

I think I'll still be away then gaz, which is a shame because my brother would probably enjoy something like that.

It's not something to do with electorate redistricting, so yes. Theoretically even that wouldn't stop them, since the laws giving that power solely to the QEC are state government laws, but it'd be a brave conservative government in QLD that tried to get the power to redistrict electorates back. Voters haven't forgotten the Bjelke-mander.

Now having said that, I've yet to read the discussion paper (though as the state co-ordinator for the Pirate Party, I really should try to do that soon), but I've been told that the government hasn't actually taken a position either for or against compulsory voting. It's just asking for public opinions on pretty much every aspect of election law in Queensland. A major part of this review is looking at donations to political parties, and I can't imagine a lot of people having a big problem with corporations being banned from making political donations (though the flip side of that, potentially banning unions from making political donations as well, would raise a lot more concern).
Cricket =)

Tony Grieg =(

Yeah, really missing Greigy's commentary. He was always a good foil for the others and totally hilarious at times.

If you miss his commentary, the Cricket game for Wii (available at heavy discount at retailers everywhere) includes him as one of the commentators.

How about introducing a senate?
That wouldn't be part of electoral law, so I doubt that's included. I imagine it'd be difficult to get past the electorate in any case. Even if it's a good idea, getting people to actually vote for there to be more politicians seems like an exercise in futility.
How about introducing a senate?

What government is going to voluntarily call for a check on their power though? As a Queenslander I want a Senate, but I can't see it happening. Especially not under Can Do.

Changing the laws on unions and corporations donating to political parties seems like a bigger deal to me. It obviously hurts Labor more than the LNP as corporations will still have wealthy owners donate to them privately, but I doubt low and middle class families will stretch their personal budget with a donation.


Now having said that, I've yet to read the discussion paper (though as the state co-ordinator for the Pirate Party, I really should try to do that soon), but I've been told that the government hasn't actually taken a position either for or against compulsory voting. It's just asking for public opinions on pretty much every aspect of election law in Queensland.

If Queenslanders get a say, guaranteed they will vote for the wrong choice.
BrisGAF! Looking for a way to keep your kids aged 10-15 occupied for a few precious hours next Saturday? Want to help them become the next awesome comic making superstar? Well you should come to the Carindale library where I'll be teaching how to draw superhero comic covers!

You can see more details about this awesome and free (did I mention FREE) event here.

I don't think many of BrisGAF have kids that age, but maybe you know someone who does! It should be a lot of fun.

That's awfully community spirited of you. Do you do that kind of thing often?


First time! It's either going to be crazy awesome or an unmitigated disaster!

It's going to be crazy awesome

It will only a disaster in the sense that every single one of the kids will be more talented than me by good God damn large margin


Remember when i was bitching that someone wasn't banned for calling me mentally disabled and many people didn't believe me



perhaps now you might know why i think the mod on this place has zero consistency and ridiculous.

PS i msg'd a mod and it was ignored. I was furious. I tell someone to fuck off and get banned.

Someone insults disabled people and gets away with it. Disgusting.


Remember when i was mentally disabled and many people didn't believe me

To be fair his statement said you might just be a tosser, or mentally disabled, or both. So he only called you mentally disabled in 2/3 of his scenarios.


Remember when i was bitching that someone wasn't banned for calling me mentally disabled and many people didn't believe me



perhaps now you might know why i think the mod on this place has zero consistency and ridiculous.

PS i msg'd a mod and it was ignored. I was furious. I tell someone to fuck off and get banned.

Someone insults disabled people and gets away with it. Disgusting.

Hey Choc
heh it's going to take a while for that new rule about questioning if a thread is worthwhile to sink in. I've seen a bunch of people banned for that over the last couple of weeks




Jase no what i am saying is that calling someone that is disgusting. They are not lesser members of society and to use it as an insult, insults those who are disabled.


Holy shit... Wario now isn't just Banned (lol) but actually banned? Wow. I honestly don't see there being a problem in calling a thread out when there's an LTTP for something that's barely been out a month and a half. If the OT is considered to be "in no man's land" after that long, then we're going to start seeing LTTPs popping up all over the place.

I was a bit confused initially. The thread-shitting rule has been around for as long as I remember, but then there was a wario post a few days back along the lines of 'who cares' in the Ouya thread. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=505808

I don't know the full history of his android posts, I tend to tune out most of his posts but that one stood out as obnoxious, but maybe it was just an ironic comment.

I tend to just assume myself that if I dont have something on topic to say, its best to say nothing.
I was a bit confused initially. The thread-shitting rule has been around for as long as I remember,

Thread shitting yeah but a specific "did we need this thread" comment = ban only been around for a month.

suprised it's not sticked everywhere and only in the OT.


Since almost day one there have been "jobs for the boys" stories about Newman. There have been a lot of one time BCC employees or related people employed by the Government.

And with the size of their majority it's hard to see them being a one term Government

someone in MSM should print that image
Jase no what i am saying is that calling someone that is disgusting. They are not lesser members of society and to use it as an insult, insults those who are disabled.
I think you're being overly precious, if I'm being honest. Using the term "mentally disabled" isn't really as bad as using other terms that have entered our lexicon. In fact, there are a few places that still use that term.

I think the bigger issue should be about people not insulting each other, not the term with which they attack each other. I agree that using derogatory and inflammatory terms should never be levelled at anyone. But, if that were the case, the word cunt should also not be used - a word that I don't like at all - as women are not lesser members of society and to use it as an insult insults those who have vaginas.

I guess at the end of the day, I'm quite surprised that as someone who spends a fair amount of their time labelling people cunts, knobs and pricks and insulting people in the public eye, that it took so little for you yourself to get offended.


if BOTH of us were banned i would be ok

but nope i told someone to fuck off and got kicked

he didnt

so therefore the mods are saying what that guy said is fine, and really its not.

I'm just pointing out the ridiculous double standards being put in place in this place. Gaf is shit these days.

Basically i told someone to fuck off and got banned, mentioned on twitter that someone insulted me and got away with it and people are like where where, couldnt find post as i was banned. found it today after being unbanned, wanted to prove the doubters that i was actually insulted at ban level that didnt get banned.


choc, you got a 3 week ban for carrying on/over-reacting. There are probably 20,000 active posters on GAF. There are probably a few dozen mods at most. It is to be expected that some will fall through the gaps, and others will get a bit more leeway based on how they contribute to the community.

Perhaps the easier thing would be to change how you post (or react to posts) rather than rail at an authority you seem not to like.


i pointed it out to a mod who ignored it

telling someone to fuck off is bad yes. I didn't over react. i was banned for a personal attack. Please explain how what that guy said IS NOT a personal attack? hmmm? you can't

the mods in this place are just pricks who have favourites, who have targets (like VOOK as well who got targeted just before me) and have double standards. Its fucking stupid. If you haev rules enforce them all the fucking time.

anyway just accept it guys, there is fucking bullshit going on in this place. and sorry but pointing it out to a mod is not slipping through the cracks, its them acknowledging (as they did in a PM) that they would not ban based on it

so fuck them.

What would the general populace say is more insulting? fuck off or mentally retarted? most people? the latter.

so fuck gaf.

like i said in the last 12 months the rules have become ridiculous and stupid, many non enforced making it a laughing stock and a lottery as to whether people get banned or not.
I agree with choc on this, mods are quick to tell you to PM them when somone does something rather than further shitting up a thread so if he did that but got no results it undermines the whole deal.

calling somone retarded has dealt out tons of bans previously from what I have seen so I don't see why it wouldn't warrent some action in this case.


Where is Crusader Kings 2 the cheapest? It's $15 on Amazon after the $5 credit, but it may be cheaper elsewhere.

PS. If you have that Editor's Choice credit at Amazon, you can use it on Hotline Miami to get it for the grand total cost of... free!


Choc, this isnt helping. If you care about it so much, pm an admin and ask for clarification. Your current strategy won't yield anything useful.

Either you care deeply about it in which case calm down. Or you dont care about it in which case why keep coming back to argue the point.

Just keep calm and stick to the threads you care about.


Choc, this isnt helping. If you care about it so much, pm an admin and ask for clarification. Your current strategy won't yield anything useful.

Either you care deeply about it in which case calm down. Or you dont care about it in which case why keep coming back to argue the point.

Just keep calm and stick to the threads you care about.

Pretty much this.


im pretty surprised that wasnt gaf suicide that thread. I was sure it would be and quite frankly didnt care

i just want people to know that the mods on here are picky bastards and there is no consistency AT ALL

as proven ONCE AGAIN by that thread. That guy did EXACTLY What i did and no ban just crazy.


i won't post about it again but i think i have proven my point that there is no consistency at all and my ban was a joke.

as i said 4 weeks ago. I just raised it because people wanted to see the thread i was referring to


Beautiful day outside.

We have a heap of TVs at the office that just display our client's websites, twitter posts etc. Well this week I'm just using them to play YouTube channels of retrogaming longplays. It's rather neat. I'm watching Super Mario World, Super Turrican, Rocket Ranger and Windjammers. Just lovely.

Everything's great!


im pretty surprised that wasnt gaf suicide that thread. I was sure it would be and quite frankly didnt care

Evidently you do care otherwise why argue the point? Bans are a part of gaf, like it or not. That's part of how they moderate the site and if you don't like it there are others that serve the same purpose.
Maybe the mods also ban based on a pattern of posts rather than just single incidents. If that's the case, your thread calling people idiots isn't going to work in your favour based on what are highly erratic posts from you.

There are a lot of important points you raise from time to time (not in the threads Ive referred to above) but to be honest, the anger in you really impacts on how readable your posts are at times.
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