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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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It was all over forums like HD-digest and even GAF, probably spurred by butt hurt HD-DVD fans but it was there all the same.

I really dont remember that happening at all. Must have been focussing on different aspects of the discussion to each other.

If that were the case we wouldn't see price drops on PC games, XBLA, PSN and VC. I don't agree with the used market being wiped out (though I will smugly smile at EB etc when it does happen) but at the same time I don't believe it will effect game prices whatsoever. If we had just one publisher, or one developer or even one console manufacturer there would be cause for concern, but even then, they are still competing with other entertainment mediums for your dollar.

We don't see price drops on VC games, and PSN/XBL price drops are only really undoing the price creep over the past two years (incidentally, regional pricing in Australia for both stores is a joke thanks to cartel like behaviour from distribution in the country).

Here's what's going to happen: Next gen prices will be $10 higher RRP here. Restrictions on use (online passes, online DRM or used game restriction) will become ubiquitous. As a result of a lack of low-end options (trade ins) discounts will be rarer since retailers won't have the margins to protect them against it.

If they thought uptake on PS3 was slow thanks to $999, wait til next gen.

The only thing I think is inevitable at this stage is DRM will increase on consoles as it has in the PC space and we will eventually shift to digital only as the method for software distribution. This does hurt the consumer to a degree, but I don't think it's all doom and gloom. Personally I have fully embraced this new digital era and have even gone through a stage of losing a lot of content (doing away with my 'i' devices and moving to another platform). At the end of the day though you need to evaluate how it effects you and vote with your wallet.

Voting with your wallet is ineffectual. The war on consumers continues unabated.


I think Nintendo is the most consumer friendly of all the console makers. Come at me cunts!

At least they dont try to squeeeeeze every damn penny out of us as possible. They see us as more then wallets begging to be raped of our monetary innards!


We don't see price drops on VC games, and PSN/XBL price drops are only really undoing the price creep over the past two years (incidentally, regional pricing in Australia for both stores is a joke thanks to cartel like behaviour from distribution in the country).

Here's what's going to happen: Next gen prices will be $10 higher RRP here. Restrictions on use (online passes, online DRM or used game restriction) will become ubiquitous. As a result of a lack of low-end options (trade ins) discounts will be rarer since retailers won't have the margins to protect them against it.

If they thought uptake on PS3 was slow thanks to $999, wait til next gen.

Time will tell, though as I mentioned, PC games often get huge discounts a week or so after release. Most new games I have bought on PC in the last 12 months have been bought for under $40 and that's a pre-order. Though probably not fair to compare with a closed platform. PC for multi-plats and PC only games, consoles for console exclusives, that's how I roll :D

Voting with your wallet is ineffectual. The war on consumers continues unabated.

The 3DS price drop soon after launch?

I think Nintendo is the most consumer friendly of all the console makers. Come at me cunts!

At least they dont try to squeeeeeze every damn penny out of us as possible. They see us as more then wallets begging to be raped of our monetary innards!

Have you been on the e-shop on a 3DS?
I think Nintendo is the most consumer friendly of all the console makers. Come at me cunts!

At least they dont try to squeeeeeze every damn penny out of us as possible. They see us as more then wallets begging to be raped of our monetary innards!

Region locking and their localisation apathy is a big negative imo


Im talkin bout giving pouring crap down our throat and trying to milk us like udderless cows!

Monthly fees for online? Etc?! Go back to russia with that stalinist chicanery!


HAHA, the two don't cancel each other out though :).

Markot the only reason Nintendo aren't charging for online yet is they don't know how to, look how long it's taking them to sort out the basic principles of how the interwebs works, give them time.
Im talkin bout giving pouring crap down our throat and trying to milk us like udderless cows!

Monthly fees for online? Etc?! Go back to russia with that stalinist chicanery!

So since sony doesn't charge for online or etc they should be equal to nintendo :O


HAHA, the two don't cancel each other out though :).

They do.

Its like water and fire. Bulbasaur V Charisard! Yeah the games might cost abit more, and be more restricted in their offerings. But they do that with the other consoles too at times. Whats more, you are constantly getting that money deducted from your account, cause your a chump who let the chimpanzee throw shit at you all day because you never knew any better.

The day I pay for online fees for a console is the day I never buy a console again.

Stop trying to milk me! I just want to play games for fun! And thats why its nintendo and pc for me.

Modern gaming is a joke, but a bad joke, as told by Chevy Chase. Also you had to pay for his appearance fees. And his hotel bills.


Out of the 3, I would have to say Sony seems to the most 'consumer friendly' (I do hate that term though, it implies a company is there to do good will, rather than make money). Free online, the service now (it took them a while) is pretty robust and their paid subscription model includes a heap of free games to play. Also they allow PSN games to be installed on multiple consoles and played with different accounts.
Assumption you mean. I remember this argument when the death of HD-DVD came along, how everyone was screaming about the price of blu-ray's never being at the level we saw DVD's at during clearance sales, the same with the shift to digital in the PC gaming space, guess what?, none of it came to fruition. As long as there is competition in the form of other games, the prices will always fall, unless you're talking about Nintendo first party titles.
Do they have no idea what mass production is? Have they not heard of that Henry Ford dude? Those people must have been the worst trolls imaginable :(

Make me an offer for a GameCube and games! I don't know what I have... Zelda with Master Quest, Skies of Arcadia, Metroid Prime (US), Animal Crossing (US), F Zero, Viewtiful Joe, I'm sure there's more I forgot...
US or Aus Gamecube? PM me the list and I will let you know what I think!

Well course it's out of date, it's not "Day One" anymore :p
Day One isn't the official term, just what a lot of gamers have been calling it.
Stuff like the Limited Editions that EA started, The Darkness 2 is a good example as you NEVER see anything but the Limited Edition everywhere. It pretty much just means "First Print Run Edition".

The issue is that they market the game as having MP but don't tell you that if you buy a copy 'x' months after release the code won't work and you will have to pay out of your own pocket again to play the MP or whatever abilities they have locked behind a pay wall.

Here's what's going to happen: Next gen prices will be $10 higher RRP here. Restrictions on use (online passes, online DRM or used game restriction) will become ubiquitous. As a result of a lack of low-end options (trade ins) discounts will be rarer since retailers won't have the margins to protect them against it.

If they thought uptake on PS3 was slow thanks to $999, wait til next gen.
EB won't survive that. I expect them to force something on Sony/MS, they did revolt against the PSGo and have bitched and moaned their way into GMG et al having to change their prices for us Australians. Plenty of other examples out there, there was a decent Gamespot article on it not that long ago.

Dead Man

I really dont remember that happening at all. Must have been focussing on different aspects of the discussion to each other.

We don't see price drops on VC games, and PSN/XBL price drops are only really undoing the price creep over the past two years (incidentally, regional pricing in Australia for both stores is a joke thanks to cartel like behaviour from distribution in the country).

Here's what's going to happen: Next gen prices will be $10 higher RRP here. Restrictions on use (online passes, online DRM or used game restriction) will become ubiquitous. As a result of a lack of low-end options (trade ins) discounts will be rarer since retailers won't have the margins to protect them against it.

If they thought uptake on PS3 was slow thanks to $999, wait til next gen.

Voting with your wallet is ineffectual. The war on consumers continues unabated.
Sadly this is all correct.


Do they have no idea what mass production is? Have they not heard of that Henry Ford dude? Those people must have been the worst trolls imaginable :(

Typical fear turning into hyperbole etc.

Day One isn't the official term, just what a lot of gamers have been calling it.
Stuff like the Limited Editions that EA started, The Darkness 2 is a good example as you NEVER see anything but the Limited Edition everywhere. It pretty much just means "First Print Run Edition".

The issue is that they market the game as having MP but don't tell you that if you buy a copy 'x' months after release the code won't work and you will have to pay out of your own pocket again to play the MP or whatever abilities they have locked behind a pay wall.

EB won't survive that. I expect them to force something on Sony/MS, they did revolt against the PSGo and have bitched and moaned their way into GMG et al having to change their prices for us Australians. Plenty of other examples out there, there was a decent Gamespot article on it not that long ago.

I think this is more of a problem then used games. Particularly when game 'x' is predominantly an online game, or uses online services for in-game features. EA seems to be the worst with this, when they shutdown servers for certain games thus eliminating the possibility of playing these games online.


I doubt they will try to charge more then 110 here.

I mean they tried to, but I doubt anyone paid that much, since most retailers drop the prices to reasonable(?!) sub 100 levels.

Also EA is evil and so is ubisoft and if you buy their products you are pretty much buying S African stuff during Apartheid. THATS A REASONABLE ANALOGY!

Shutting down servers? Treating your paying customers like thieves? Go to hell!
On release most places sell console games at 80-90

I'm not unhappy about 80, after gst and some retailer markup for higher wages here in a perfect parity situation with the US price sceme we would probably be paying a little over 70 anyway.
I can import it for $40 and wait a fortnight (or buy from BeatTheBomb and have it that week) or just buy it on PC for $40.

Very easy decision for a consumer. Puts it into the impulse buy zone almost when it is that much of a price difference.

I even know that I won't play it for 9 months but still buy them FFS!

Dead Man

On release most places sell console games at 80-90

I'm not unhappy about 80, after gst and some retailer markup for higher wages here in a perfect parity situation with the US price sceme we would probably be paying a little over 70 anyway.

Pfft. Not even. Us retail worker get about 2-5 an hour less. The US dollar is at parity. That is not 20-40 extra for each game. If DVD's don't see that markup percentage, neither should games.

Fake edit: Actually, I have just assumed DVD's don't see that markup, given their lower prices they may I suppose.
Pfft. Not even. Us retail worker get about 2-5 an hour less. The US dollar is at parity. That is not 20-40 extra for each game. If DVD's don't see that markup percentage, neither should games.

The middle men need their cash for all that red tape they provide though.

Prices will go down when the supply chain between the consumer and the producer becomes smaller. We already see how much of a difference it makes to buy games direct from a producer through Kickstarter or from their own personal website (DRM free usually).
Pfft. Not even. Us retail worker get about 2-5 an hour less. The US dollar is at parity. That is not 20-40 extra for each game. If DVD's don't see that markup percentage, neither should games.

Fake edit: Actually, I have just assumed DVD's don't see that markup, given their lower prices they may I suppose.

60 is the US price before taxes 66 would be an exact comparison and I thought it was more like 5-7 an hour more. Even at $2 thats for lets say a 2 employee shopping complex hole $32 a day so add retailer earn per game I've seen estimated at 10-15% so 15% of 60 is $9 so they would need to sell 3.5 games more per day than a US counterpart to make the same money.

Also I didn't say it was equal at 80 I said around 70 would be equal just that at 80 I'm not going to get up in arms over it.

I still remember paying $150 for Mortal Kombat 2 on the megadrive it could be alot worse
Hey Shaneus, Diabolical Pitch is 400 allards at the moment on XBLA, is it any good? Love me some Suda and I do have a Kinect.

Also having an A&P Cider in your honour! Also because the fuckwit I passed on the way into Aldi bought all the Bulmers Pear Cider. Greedy Fuck :/
EDIT: Also the cat won't stop trying to drink my skljlasndofnoeijr cider!!!



If I wanted zero in my coke I would make you swim in it... or something. Cherry coke is godly though.
The best drink Coke have released in the last decade is by far Diet Vanilla. Vanilla can be overly sweet but the chemical goodness of aspartame pulls it back to be just swell.

But I noticed they have Mello Yello back (at least for a little bit) in cartons at the supermarket. Hoping they sell either bottles or cans individually.

EB won't survive that. I expect them to force something on Sony/MS, they did revolt against the PSGo and have bitched and moaned their way into GMG et al having to change their prices for us Australians. Plenty of other examples out there, there was a decent Gamespot article on it not that long ago.
Wait... EB did that? Fucking cunts. PS. For Your Eyes Only is on TV. Is that one of the shit ones?

I don't have a problem with you in the slightest, but I'd wager there's some folk who are hoping for the worst with that monitor and the bath. Or that you drown from drinking and then having a bath.

But I think you're rad. And you have A&P cider, which makes you extra rad.


Update on Shinobido 2: there are a lot of maps repeating so far, but only just finished chapter 2. It's very low-fi, lacking a bit of polish I must say. Levels are very small. Boss fights are clunky.

But I want to like it.

It's not bad, it just feels like a 1998 era game.

I'm still happy to keep playing though.


Oh man that sounds good!

I never knew there were ll&b frosty fruits:eek: Think I've only seen normal or the watermelon ones.

Dead Man


That is amazing :)
[quote="pieatorium, post: 46037952"]60 is the US price before taxes 66 would be an exact comparison and I thought it was more like 5-7 an hour more. Even at $2 thats for lets say a 2 employee shopping complex hole $32 a day so add retailer earn per game I've seen estimated at 10-15% so 15% of 60 is $9 so they would need to sell 3.5 games more per day than a US counterpart to make the same money.

Also I didn't say it was equal at 80 I said around 70 would be equal just that at 80 I'm not going to get up in arms over it.

I still remember paying $150 for Mortal Kombat 2 on the megadrive it could be alot worse[/QUOTE]

Maybe so, but you also must remember that is RRP, some places will be selling cheaper in the US. Not as many since the RRP is closer to a reasonable price of course.
Everybody's happy! And I get cider! Without a tsk tsk!

Wait... EB did that? Fucking cunts. PS. For Your Eyes Only is on TV. Is that one of the shit ones?

Yup, retailer pressures placed on publishers meant that GMG had to change prices or get fucked in the arse.

Also yes it is a good one! Probably the best Moore one there is. Highly recommend it! Has lots of issues but is very enjoyable. The main Bond chick was good but the bad guys arch enemy steals the show! The skiing action scenes FINALLY surpassed the great work in Aussie Bond after a few fucking terrible tries in the Moore series. Great stuff to watch.

EDIT: Oh actually most of the subplot was boring and stupid. The action scenes were great and the scenes with the Bond girl were great once it got up and going.

ALSO the bad guy is the same bad guy who was a bad guy to Old Man Grandpa Connery in Indiana Jones! He looks younger there than here!

EDIT: The Spy Who Loved Me was the best Moore movie, this one is 2nd.
Frosty fruits are the best during hot weather.
Indeed! As are these margaritas.

I never knew there were ll&b frosty fruits:eek: Think I've only seen normal or the watermelon ones.
They're 'Limited Edition'. Not sure if multi packs only.

Watermelon is new to me... I just remember normal and tropical.
The pack mentions tropical, watermelon and LLB I think, so I guess they're the current flavours.

Routinely paid over $120 for a bunch of imported SNES games at Hi Tech Game Centre in Franklin St, before they moved to the top of Elizabeth St, which was a lot less convenient. Was annoying enough having to trek into the city anyway...

... ended up working at the one in Frankston on Sundays renting out games. Best job ever.
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