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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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i want your cat
You can have the damn thing for a while if you want. Won't stop clawing the fuck out of me, it thinks it is a damn rock climber or something. Or a parrot. Just wants to climb up onto your shoulder, have a look around for a minute, then start chasing it's fucking tail while still standing on your shoulders!

Exactly what happened, man? I had something similar and I think I'm 99% over it, but my ear still gets blocked every so often and my hearing goes all funny. Only happened since I got over my cold a few weeks ago :/
Had a light cold that I got over on Monday, just running nose and some phlegm. Intense pain behind the right eye on Wednesday morning that increased into the other eye and forehead. Intense migrane, light amount of wanting to vomit. Took some panadol and hoped to sleep it off but was worse when I work up yesterday. Sharp pains through the right temple.

After 6 hours of tests and waiting the Doctor is pretty sure it is due to an infection in whatever passageway exists between the nose/eye/temple on the right side. Anti-inflammatories have certainly helped a fuckload in taking the edge off.

tl;dr - go see your doctor if you feel unwell

Anyone played I Am Alive? Worth six bucks? I've heard it's pretty frustrating...
I didn't hear great things overall. Also this fucking quote pissed me off enough that I won't pay more than $3 for it.

We’ve heard loud and clear that PC gamers are bitching about there being no version for them,” said Mettra. “But are these people just making noise just because there’s no version or because it’s a game they actually want to play? Would they buy it if we made it?”
It’s hard because there’s so much piracy and so few people are paying for PC games that we have to precisely weigh it up against the cost of making it. Perhaps it will only take 12 guys three months to port the game to PC, it’s not a massive cost but it’s still a cost. If only 50,000 people buy the game then it’s not worth it.

Then they backflipped and decided they DO actually care about making profits!

The game went through so much development hell I was always going to keep a close eye on reviews before buying anyway.

Goddamnit Ed Cowan is shit between the wickets. Is that the third run out he's caused in as many tests?
Just can't seem to get the communication right. It really should have been an easy 2 there. Hussey would have made it 3.

Thankfully Hughes is in delicious form.
All the snippets of Greig commentary they are playing is making me tear up :(

EDIT: Warner continues his streak of 50+ every innings this series :)

Conversely I think I Am Alive is one of the worst games I played last year with its ridiculous mechanics clashing with the harsh apocalyptic tone

Thanks guys. I think I'll pass and instead put the hefty sum of six dollars towards something else. Perhaps a packet of dry yeast.


Also if your game is going to be all about conservation of ammunition why the fuck did you make it so enemies have unlimited bullets up until the point where they're dead.


Had a light cold that I got over on Monday, just running nose and some phlegm. Intense pain behind the right eye on Wednesday morning that increased into the other eye and forehead. Intense migrane, light amount of wanting to vomit. Took some panadol and hoped to sleep it off but was worse when I work up yesterday. Sharp pains through the right temple.

After 6 hours of tests and waiting the Doctor is pretty sure it is due to an infection in whatever passageway exists between the nose/eye/temple on the right side. Anti-inflammatories have certainly helped a fuckload in taking the edge off.

tl;dr - go see your doctor if you feel unwell
Sounds similar to what I had, but I never went to the doctorb. No migraine, but some pretty severe aching around my left cheek and eye and referred toothache as well. I might still pop into the docs on Monday when I'm back at work just to make sure I don't have anything severe, but I'm pretty sure that any weird stuff going on is just paranoia and isn't a hangover from whatever it was I had.

Thanks for filling me in, though :)
So BeatTheBomb deliver time is 4 days, ordered Monday night and it arrived first thing this morning. Although Tuesday was a public holiday. Came from Adelaide. Very happy with $10 SSX! Nice little note in there too ala Play Asia of old.

Thanks guys. I think I'll pass and instead put the hefty sum of six dollars towards something else. Perhaps a packet of dry yeast.

Yeast tastes terrible though.


Since that session last night of AC3 the PC has been locking up randomly. Doesn't seem linked to any activity or time. Will refuse to load up stuff, even though it will finish playing out an mp3. Just won't let me run anything and needs to be hard reset. Then at boot it won't pick up the SSD unless I turn the PC completely off and back on again after a rest.

I assume the SSD is on the way out >_<
Oh goodie, already been 3 fires in our region :/

Also I had a dream last night that Eddie MacGuire gave Slater a job taking over that Who Wants To Be A Millionaire garbage. I was very sad to wake up and find out he is still doing the Cricket :(

Also in case someone doesn't have it, The Darkness 2 CE for $15 on PS3 from BeatTheBomb


T 34 is best



Tanks for the input, markot

Topped out at 40.9 and fires all over the shop. Big one at Forcet.

Shit. I knew it would be coming yesterday when I saw the forecast with a cold front approaching too. Tassie only ever gets that hot with strong winds, and thats the worst conditions for fires.
Already past 43 in town here earlier today, thankfully the northerly wind has died off, praying that it will pick up some of the ocean breeze sooner rather than later.
Weather is 28 here in Tuncurry with a cool breeze. Going to the beach in a little while.

Assassins Creed III is a frustrating game, worst of the series in that regard. Wii U version has performed like a champ without access to a spare TV at my in-laws' place.
Best tip is to seal up anywhere that sunlight can get in through. Always fucking awful in our house late afternoon as the sun can leak around the big massive windows in the open lounge/dining/kitchen area once the sun gets around that side.
Grab plentiful towels and start stuffing.

I still give the wife shit for choosing a rental property with no AC when she didn't want to take the first 2 properties I found because they didn't have AC. :/

Also this computer won't stop freezing >_<
Tried System Restore back to December, not fixed.
Tried clearing out all the dust in the PC, not fixed.
Temperatures are fine, under 40 degrees, not fixed.
Unplugged USB data cable to phone, not fixed.


Dead Man

Best tip is to seal up anywhere that sunlight can get in through. Always fucking awful in our house late afternoon as the sun can leak around the big massive windows in the open lounge/dining/kitchen area once the sun gets around that side.
Grab plentiful towels and start stuffing.

I still give the wife shit for choosing a rental property with no AC when she didn't want to take the first 2 properties I found because they didn't have AC. :/

Yeah, sealing the house helps. Problem is the house has floor to ceiling windows on the north side. Great in winter, shit in summer.
So BeatTheBomb deliver time is 4 days, ordered Monday night and it arrived first thing this morning. Although Tuesday was a public holiday. Came from Adelaide. Very happy with $10 SSX! Nice little note in there too ala Play Asia of old.

I don't remember you posting that deal here. On the plus side dead or alive for $29 is mighty tempting.
Awesome, newest m4 firmware is just an executable, does all the reboot to BIOS stuff itself lol. Technology! Hopefully the fucking thing isn't fucked. I actually really want to play some more AssCree3!

I don't remember you posting that deal here. On the plus side dead or alive for $29 is mighty tempting.

I did but they sold out within seconds of me posting lol

Going by that timeline they would have only sent it out on Wednesday and it arrived first thing Friday so that is damn quick postage times!


41.4 here in Geelong and the same at Ocean Grove where my folks are (where you'd think it'd be at least a little cooler, given the proximity to the ocean etc.).

However, the day has been saved, for I have discovered lemon, lime and bitters Frosty Fruits. They're the duck's nuts.
41.4 here in Geelong and the same at Ocean Grove where my folks are (where you'd think it'd be at least a little cooler, given the proximity to the ocean etc.).

However, the day has been saved, for I have discovered lemon, lime and bitters Frosty Fruits. They're the duck's nuts.

Issue is generally where the wind is coming from. Northerly means feeling like death.

Swapped to a SWerly and it is fucking delicious here! Dropped to mid 30's, no humidity, nice cool breeze off the ocean. Fucking heaven. Once I'm out of the painkiller dangerzone I will be having a nice cold beer. Again I mean.

The wife loves those Frosty Fruits, hope they aren't a limited time only kinda deal.

I could go for a massive big glass full of ice cubes and Vanilla Coke right now.

Just called my Dad up to laugh at him as it is still 43+ degrees up there.


41.4 here in Geelong and the same at Ocean Grove where my folks are (where you'd think it'd be at least a little cooler, given the proximity to the ocean etc.).

However, the day has been saved, for I have discovered lemon, lime and bitters Frosty Fruits. They're the duck's nuts.

Holy shit I am literally destroying a lemon lime and bitters frosty fruit RIGHT NOW. They are amazing.
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