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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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Issue is generally where the wind is coming from. Northerly means feeling like death.

Swapped to a SWerly and it is fucking delicious here! Dropped to mid 30's, no humidity, nice cool breeze off the ocean. Fucking heaven. Once I'm out of the painkiller dangerzone I will be having a nice cold beer. Again I mean.

The wife loves those Frosty Fruits, hope they aren't a limited time only kinda deal.

I could go for a massive big glass full of ice cubes and Vanilla Coke right now.

Just called my Dad up to laugh at him as it is still 43+ degrees up there.
Where are you ATM? Just checked the weather, Melbourne's dropped below 40, here is about the same while OG has gone up to 41.8.

PS. Pretty sure those FF's *are* limited... yup, says so on the box. They're also limited in my freezer as well, because they're not going to last the rest of the day. I should stock up.
Where are you ATM? Just checked the weather, Melbourne's dropped below 40, here is about the same while OG has gone up to 41.8.

PS. Pretty sure those FF's *are* limited... yup, says so on the box. They're also limited in my freezer as well, because they're not going to last the rest of the day. I should stock up.
Warrnambool still. Really nice outside now, inside is fucking terrible though. Just traps the heat in here. Back home near Mildura is still 44 lol

So heat = no cricket talk?!

Also, anyone try that cherry coke zero?!

Cricket is boring. The Captain ran out Mr Cricket. Not much else happening.

I have a 1/2 price coupon here but I don't expect it to taste great so it will probably go to waste. Regular Cherry Coke is awesome though, wife loves the stuff too.


Going on a minor customer rights rant here, but this rumour of always online DRM and anti-used game/anti-lending game 'protection' business is going to be the death of consoles for me.

Wii U = hard locks, battery life pad issues, accounts debacle
Durango = manufactured by Microsoft
Orbis = DRM lockdown

What's left?
hi Omi

Might just stick with this gen for another 3 years til the facts are clear.


Going on a minor customer rights rant here, but this rumour of always online DRM and anti-used game/anti-lending game 'protection' business is going to be the death of consoles for me.

Wii U = hard locks, battery life pad issues, accounts debacle
Durango = manufactured by Microsoft
Orbis = DRM lockdown

What's left?
hi Omi

Might just stick with this gen for another 3 years til the facts are clear.

You could always build a gaming PC and capitalise on the race to $0 gaming pricing before it implodes.

Jesus fuck. Where?

Northern SA.
Not that it means anything to me and my air-conditioned room.


I think I've bought less than 5 used games this generation. And I've certainly never traded in anything. I came close once, I think. Forget what I was trading in for. I think Halo 3 Expensive Edition, and was going to trade in some of the other games I bought used.

So I don't really care about the used game stuff. Well, I care if/when it impacts me as a consumer buying newly released games and somehow getting a bad experience because of it. Or in the case of LANing / lending games.
Going on a minor customer rights rant here, but this rumour of always online DRM and anti-used game/anti-lending game 'protection' business is going to be the death of consoles for me.

Wii U = hard locks, battery life pad issues, accounts debacle
Durango = manufactured by Microsoft
Orbis = DRM lockdown

What's left?
hi Omi

Might just stick with this gen for another 3 years til the facts are clear.

Viva la Vita?

Theres been rumours of MS having an anti used games solution aswell, I personally don't see either of them following through on it though.

Dead Man

Going on a minor customer rights rant here, but this rumour of always online DRM and anti-used game/anti-lending game 'protection' business is going to be the death of consoles for me.

Wii U = hard locks, battery life pad issues, accounts debacle
Durango = manufactured by Microsoft
Orbis = DRM lockdown

What's left?
hi Omi

Might just stick with this gen for another 3 years til the facts are clear.

While I hate it, it is already a fact of life for PC gaming (always online aside). The PC is open platform though, so you can still get great prices and bargains, and old software is still available.

Shit, I don't know. I hate it on principle, and that might be enough for me not to buy, but I don't buy used games anyway very often.

The only console I might get would be the nextstation and that will only be after GT6 arrives and if it is actually a finished game this time.
Wii U = battery life pad issues

Maybe I just don't play in sessions as long as other people, but the battery life really hasn't been an issue for me. As with the 3DS I just sit the Gamepad in the craddle when I'm not using it and it's always ready for when I next want to play. Battery hasn't been a concern once so far.

PC has become the ultimate anti-used-games system since the shift to digital being the primary market/they started locking the serial key to a single account rather than being something you could be pass on if you wanted to get rid of the game.


Going on a minor customer rights rant here, but this rumour of always online DRM and anti-used game/anti-lending game 'protection' business is going to be the death of consoles for me.

Wii U = hard locks, battery life pad issues, accounts debacle
Durango = manufactured by Microsoft
Orbis = DRM lockdown

What's left?
hi Omi

Might just stick with this gen for another 3 years til the facts are clear.


You could always build a gaming PC and capitalise on the race to $0 gaming pricing before it implodes.

PC games see you with the same or less rights to resale etc as the worst case scenario console scheme. Pricing is the only differentiation, but for me the threshold would be 99c for PC games reliant on the goodwill of publishers.

I think I've bought less than 5 used games this generation. And I've certainly never traded in anything. I came close once, I think. Forget what I was trading in for. I think Halo 3 Expensive Edition, and was going to trade in some of the other games I bought used.

So I don't really care about the used game stuff. Well, I care if/when it impacts me as a consumer buying newly released games and somehow getting a bad experience because of it. Or in the case of LANing / lending games.

I bought LOTS of used games on PS2/GC which were impossible to find new or were only made known to me years after their limited distribution. It is an important market that keeps the day one market afloat through the right to trade games.

Viva la Vita?

Theres been rumours of MS having an anti used games solution aswell, I personally don't see either of them following through on it though.

Vita/3DS/PS3/Wii will do for now. My intent to buy any of the new 3 consoles is getting ever and ever smaller and further off in the distance.

While I hate it, it is already a fact of life for PC gaming (always online aside). The PC is open platform though, so you can still get great prices and bargains, and old software is still available.

Shit, I don't know. I hate it on principle, and that might be enough for me not to buy, but I don't buy used games anyway very often.

The only console I might get would be the nextstation and that will only be after GT6 arrives and if it is actually a finished game this time.

I think waiting is going to be a necessity. Waiting until the quality of content is enough to counteract my disgust at the current trend of mistrust of legitimate customers. Based on this gen, I'm going to set the entry bar at the quality of Mario Galaxy. A game is going to have to be that good to make me jump in.

Maybe I just don't play in sessions as long as other people, but the battery life really hasn't been an issue for me. As with the 3DS I just sit the Gamepad in the craddle when I'm not using it and it's always ready for when I next want to play. Battery hasn't been a concern once so far.

I can only go on what I've heard so far, and there seem to be too many issues with it for me to get one now. I've even run out of powerpoints on the board to plug stuff in to, so the Wii U pad is a pain to charge.

It's getting as hard to make a living room console friendly for kinect ffs.



I remember buying second hand games on PC all the time back in the day. I think their clamp down hurt PC gaming more then helped it. It started with CD keys being tied to multiplayer!

But the super sales and cheap deals you get make up for it now. But the consolisation of PC games still hurts. Doesn't it xcom!?
Nothing is prefect guys, we can only hope the value will always be in our favour.

Will be cheaper and patched to 1.0 version by the time you REALLY want to play it.
Nothing is prefect guys, we can only hope the value will always be in our favour.

Will be cheaper and patched to 1.0 version by the time you REALLY want to play it.

Damn straight, not only that theres less likey to be software droughts as you got a bunch of the early releases to tide you over.
I now find myself looking to the second hand market for a lot of game I have lost (or have been stolen) from over the years. Basically all my Gamecube classics are gone and I really would love to have them again but it will cost an arm and a leg, but without the second hand market I wouldn't even have a choice!

Between licensing issues getting titles pulled from Steam/XBLA/PSN and Nintendo not putting up the GBA titles they already handed out to ambassadors it looks more and more important for collectors to have the option to buy a game and be able to resell it in 10 years time to other collectors. Even just make it so after 12 months the game unlocks so it can be played to anyone, not just the gamer profile that bought the game at retail.

The industry are doing a hell of a great job pushing everyone to the pirates for help. When you can get a game day one with all the bullshit DLC included/unlocked and all the bullshit bloatware removed it doesn't take a genuis to see why people download games.


If the majority of the profits a game makes are in the first 3 months, you only need to have this stupid drm shit for that period of time, and no longer.

Stopping legitimate customers from buying on sale/clearance/used or lending to friends is a step too fucking far.


Assumption you mean. I remember this argument when the death of HD-DVD came along, how everyone was screaming about the price of blu-ray's never being at the level we saw DVD's at during clearance sales, the same with the shift to digital in the PC gaming space, guess what?, none of it came to fruition. As long as there is competition in the form of other games, the prices will always fall, unless you're talking about Nintendo first party titles.
Basically all my Gamecube classics are gone and I really would love to have them again
Make me an offer for a GameCube and games! I don't know what I have... Zelda with Master Quest, Skies of Arcadia, Metroid Prime (US), Animal Crossing (US), F Zero, Viewtiful Joe, I'm sure there's more I forgot...


Speaking of hot temperatures in Tas today. ...

Dunalley	04/06:05pm	
04:22pm	59.9 (Max)

I'm guessing there is/was a fire dangerously close to the station.
I don't think the PC solution is prefect, but you at least have drm free options if you need/want them.
Clever boy :)

Make me an offer for a GameCube and games! I don't know what I have... Zelda with Master Quest, Skies of Arcadia, Metroid Prime (US), Animal Crossing (US), F Zero, Viewtiful Joe, I'm sure there's more I forgot...
How about a certificate redeemable for 1 sensual massage from Omi?


Assumption you mean. I remember this argument when the death of HD-DVD came along, how everyone was screaming about the price of blu-ray's never being at the level we saw DVD's at during clearance sales, the same with the shift to digital in the PC gaming space, guess what?, none of it came to fruition. As long as there is competition in the form of other games, the prices will always fall, unless you're talking about Nintendo first party titles.

I never saw anything of the sort mentioned. As far as I remember, BD was still competing as a new format at the time and the only question was which of the two formats would succeed. Then everyone assumed they would follow the same trajectory as did DVDs.

I guess my concern is that with games being unable to be sold second hand, and with more control over what can be done with them, there will be less pressure to drop prices except where competing with other games in the same genre.

What we are essentially seeing is cartel behaviour here: controlling the market including the prevention of used sales and lending. Typically such markets involve some element of price fixing, so I wont be surprised if prices stay higher for longer (for less content).


I never saw anything of the sort mentioned. As far as I remember, BD was still competing as a new format at the time and the only question was which of the two formats would succeed. Then everyone assumed they would follow the same trajectory as did DVDs.

It was all over forums like HD-digest and even GAF, probably spurred by butt hurt HD-DVD fans but it was there all the same.

I guess my concern is that with games being unable to be sold second hand, and with more control over what can be done with them, there will be less pressure to drop prices except where competing with other games in the same genre.

What we are essentially seeing is cartel behaviour here: controlling the market including the prevention of used sales and lending. Typically such markets involve some element of price fixing, so I wont be surprised if prices stay higher for longer (for less content).

If that were the case we wouldn't see price drops on PC games, XBLA, PSN and VC. I don't agree with the used market being wiped out (though I will smugly smile at EB etc when it does happen) but at the same time I don't believe it will effect game prices whatsoever. If we had just one publisher, or one developer or even one console manufacturer there would be cause for concern, but even then, they are still competing with other entertainment mediums for your dollar.

The only thing I think is inevitable at this stage is DRM will increase on consoles as it has in the PC space and we will eventually shift to digital only as the method for software distribution. This does hurt the consumer to a degree, but I don't think it's all doom and gloom. Personally I have fully embraced this new digital era and have even gone through a stage of losing a lot of content (doing away with my 'i' devices and moving to another platform). At the end of the day though you need to evaluate how it effects you and vote with your wallet.
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