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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Just got back from The Alfred hospital, friend in ICU in critical condition. Got hit by a speeding car on the eastern freeway, was thrown 12 mts in the air. The idiot driver was trying to overtake at 100km/h from the emergency lane, and slammed into my friend who was standing in front of his car getting information from another driver who had nicked him. Speeding driver hit his car, his car hit him and he went flying, but very lucky that he went to the left and not to the right straight into oncoming traffic.

Many broken bones and cuts, his right thigh bone is shattered, face smashed but worst part is internal bleeding near stomach and kidneys. He will be operated on tomorrow, tonight is critical for his survival. Docs and cops saying he's lucky to be still alive.

He's had the worst luck in the past year. Wife had complicated pregnancy, he lost his stable job, infant son fell sick, wife's mother passed away before she could meet the grandson, wife had many medical issues after childbirth, he was having financial problems and now this tragic accident. He had just got a placement in NAB and was supposed to start next monday. :(

I have a question about his medical bills, will the TAC cover all his expense or only a part of it? The other driver is with the cops, what can be done to make him pay for the hospital bills? The cops aren't telling us anything at this point, all we got to know is that TAC will pay according to his last year's tax return and he won't have to pay for a lawyer. Any info would be appreciated.

:( I hope your friend will be okay, that's an awful series of events.


Just got back from The Alfred hospital, friend in ICU in critical condition. Got hit by a speeding car on the eastern freeway, was thrown 12 mts in the air. The idiot driver was trying to overtake at 100km/h from the emergency lane, and slammed into my friend who was standing in front of his car getting information from another driver who had nicked him. Speeding driver hit his car, his car hit him and he went flying, but very lucky that he went to the left and not to the right straight into oncoming traffic.

Many broken bones and cuts, his right thigh bone is shattered, face smashed but worst part is internal bleeding near stomach and kidneys. He will be operated on tomorrow, tonight is critical for his survival. Docs and cops saying he's lucky to be still alive.

He's had the worst luck in the past year. Wife had complicated pregnancy, he lost his stable job, infant son fell sick, wife's mother passed away before she could meet the grandson, wife had many medical issues after childbirth, he was having financial problems and now this tragic accident. He had just got a placement in NAB and was supposed to start next monday. :(

I have a question about his medical bills, will the TAC cover all his expense or only a part of it? The other driver is with the cops, what can be done to make him pay for the hospital bills? The cops aren't telling us anything at this point, all we got to know is that TAC will pay according to his last year's tax return and he won't have to pay for a lawyer. Any info would be appreciated.
Jesus fuck, man. Hope it wasn't any kind of hit and run and they got the details of that complete and utter fuckwit. People who do shit like that piss me off something severely.

Can't offer any advice I'm afraid, just my well-wishes.

Oh, that's nearly out? Been waiting a while, looks awesome. Can't remember if I ended up pre-ordering a while back or not. I think not. Seems silly to end pre-orders before the game is actually out. I guess I'll just wait for it to be approved on Steam.
You may have missed my edit here or my post in the OT, but if you access Google's cached version of the page you can still access the pre-order deal. At least, you could as of last night :)
I'm even bigger of an idiot because I didn't add "Tomorrow" to the reply, haha. ha.

Anyway I did a test dinner tonight with Porterhouse Steak, Potato bits cooked in the oven and some salad. Seemed all good.

Edit: She likes "Not Spicy" is all I've got. We went to an Italian place the week before which was great. She's over to watch the State of Origin game (which I don't have much care for, but she does and found it a great excuse, and she can teach me :p)
Not spicy? Bail. Not worth it. But seriously, I don't think you can go wrong with good steaks, roasted potato and salad. I'd put out

Tell my why I should buy Firefly, given I've never seen it before.


It's a scifi show without the mega cheese of most scifi shows. It's enjoyable. Not the world's best anything the internet has deemed it. But worth a watch.

Just got back from The Alfred hospital, friend in ICU in critical condition. Got hit by a speeding car on the eastern freeway, was thrown 12 mts in the air. The idiot driver was trying to overtake at 100km/h from the emergency lane, and slammed into my friend who was standing in front of his car getting information from another driver who had nicked him. Speeding driver hit his car, his car hit him and he went flying, but very lucky that he went to the left and not to the right straight into oncoming traffic.

Many broken bones and cuts, his right thigh bone is shattered, face smashed but worst part is internal bleeding near stomach and kidneys. He will be operated on tomorrow, tonight is critical for his survival. Docs and cops saying he's lucky to be still alive.

He's had the worst luck in the past year. Wife had complicated pregnancy, he lost his stable job, infant son fell sick, wife's mother passed away before she could meet the grandson, wife had many medical issues after childbirth, he was having financial problems and now this tragic accident. He had just got a placement in NAB and was supposed to start next monday. :(

I have a question about his medical bills, will the TAC cover all his expense or only a part of it? The other driver is with the cops, what can be done to make him pay for the hospital bills? The cops aren't telling us anything at this point, all we got to know is that TAC will pay according to his last year's tax return and he won't have to pay for a lawyer. Any info would be appreciated.

Holy fuck dude. That's so sad. I'm so sorry.
Re: Bills, off the top of my head, does your friend have insurance? Wouldn't that cover the medical bills? I think he'd have to pay an excess, which the dude would end up being forced to pay by the courts. That could take ages though.


Holy fuck DeathJr, that's terrible. I hope he pulls through, what a fucking horrible series of events for the poor bastard. My advice - sue everyone.
Rlan - sounds like you're doing waaaay better than the last time I had a girl over for dinner for the first time. I think I tried to make a lasagne from scratch and completely fucked it all up and we ended up getting pizza in.
She ended up marrying me, thankfully not for my cooking skills

If that doesn't work you can always just be wearing the banana suit when she turns up.


I'm even bigger of an idiot because I didn't add "Tomorrow" to the reply, haha. ha.

Anyway I did a test dinner tonight with Porterhouse Steak, Potato bits cooked in the oven and some salad. Seemed all good.

Edit: She likes "Not Spicy" is all I've got. We went to an Italian place the week before which was great. She's over to watch the State of Origin game (which I don't have much care for, but she does and found it a great excuse, and she can teach me :p)

Steak (or, if you want nicer, lamb backstrap), salad of roasted beetroot + feta + toasted walnuts (balsamic vinegar (or glaze) to serve) is pretty great. Rest the meat post cooking, slice and place over salad. Medium rare or nothing.

Brackets everywhere!
Just got back from The Alfred hospital, friend in ICU in critical condition. Got hit by a speeding car on the eastern freeway, was thrown 12 mts in the air. The idiot driver was trying to overtake at 100km/h from the emergency lane, and slammed into my friend who was standing in front of his car getting information from another driver who had nicked him. Speeding driver hit his car, his car hit him and he went flying, but very lucky that he went to the left and not to the right straight into oncoming traffic.

Many broken bones and cuts, his right thigh bone is shattered, face smashed but worst part is internal bleeding near stomach and kidneys. He will be operated on tomorrow, tonight is critical for his survival. Docs and cops saying he's lucky to be still alive.

He's had the worst luck in the past year. Wife had complicated pregnancy, he lost his stable job, infant son fell sick, wife's mother passed away before she could meet the grandson, wife had many medical issues after childbirth, he was having financial problems and now this tragic accident. He had just got a placement in NAB and was supposed to start next monday. :(
Fuck. Hope everything goes well today


Oh, that's nearly out? Been waiting a while, looks awesome. Can't remember if I ended up pre-ordering a while back or not. I think not. Seems silly to end pre-orders before the game is actually out. I guess I'll just wait for it to be approved on Steam.
Indie Bundle for me, $15 is a bit over my price range at the moment.

In other less awful, but otherwise hilarious NeoGAF, these 2 now locked threads.

Oh man, that reworker of the Boston train map is salty as fuck.

I agree that he should get paid but does he pay the Boston transit authority when he gets paid by Naughty Dog? Since all he has done is photoshop the damn map.

Seems like an instance of "Hey we should have a map or something on the wall, google an image. Hey that 5th one looks cleaner than the others, pull that one."


In other less awful, but otherwise hilarious NeoGAF, these 2 now locked threads.

I've just read that... holy hell, what a self-entitled fucking douchebag. Did anyone in either of those threads ask if he could use the MBTA logo on his artwork?

Just... ugh. That makes me want to punch a hole in a wall. Didn't need to go to the internet to whinge about someone misusing his work. That logo in the top-left basically puts it off as an official work, so my guess is ND went to the MBTA, got their okay and used it, without noticing the tiny little copyright symbol in the bottom left. Class A self-entitled douchebag. People like him are the problem with America.

On that note, I think I really want to buy Last of Us now. Seems to be getting good press, even with out the CKoG label being bandied about.


Oh man, that reworker of the Boston train map is salty as fuck.

I agree that he should get paid but does he pay the Boston transit authority when he gets paid by Naughty Dog? Since all he has done is photoshop the damn map.

Seems like an instance of "Hey we should have a map or something on the wall, google an image. Hey that 5th one looks cleaner than the others, pull that one."

He is well within his rights to be salty, he produced a piece of design that is far more than just a 'photoshop job' and it got ripped without his permission.

Naughty Dog amateur hour.


He is well within his rights to be salty, he produced a piece of design that is far more than just a 'photoshop job' and it got ripped without his permission.

Naughty Dog amateur hour.
Oh fuck, this is incredible:

This map was in fact made for a map contest held by the MBTA. Funnily enough the rules of that competition state:
All submissions shall become the sole property of the MBTA. The MBTA shall own the entire copyright in all submissions selected, in whole or in part, for use in the final map design.

Competitors whose submissions are not selected, in whole or in part, shall grant to the MBTA a worldwide, perpetual, gratis license to reproduce and/or use the submission in any way, in any medium now known or hereafter devised, for any purpose, including but not limited to publication, exhibition and archive of the competition results.
Bahahaha. Dude is still a douche.
He is well within his rights to be salty, he produced a piece of design that is far more than just a 'photoshop job' and it got ripped without his permission.

Naughty Dog amateur hour.
He cleaned up a Boston map.
He is more than entitled to be salty, no qualms with that, just funny that he blew up so strongly on the internet.
At least he is getting his payday in the end, lesson for Naughty Dog to go through their builds with a fine comb next time to avoid this issue.

Also another reason to stop using real locations, I bet publishers legal teams yell the fuck out of developers from here on out.
He is well within his rights to be salty, he produced a piece of design that is far more than just a 'photoshop job' and it got ripped without his permission.

Naughty Dog amateur hour.
I agree. The artist needs to be credited / paid for the use of his work. In my opinion, though, you should probably forfeit that when your first course of action is to turn into a foul mouthed 8 year old and try to resolve the issue by shouting at the Internet.

Be a decent person, contact them first to try and get a resolution. If that doesn't work, then take it public. Civilly.

Also, DeathJr I'm sorry to hear about your friend. All the best to him.


Badness, Deathjr. Best of luck to your friend. Seems like a clear case against the other driver though, for what little comfort that idea.


I'd be pretty pissed off and feel the need to vent if someone stole my work and used it in a commercial product.


I agree. The artist needs to be credited / paid for the use of his work. In my opinion, though, you should probably forfeit that when your first course of action is to turn into a foul mouthed 8 year old and try to resolve the issue by shouting at the Internet.

Be a decent person, contact them first to try and get a resolution. If that doesn't work, then take it public. Civilly.
Yeah, pretty much. Especially when it's something that wouldn't hold as much weight as being a private work like a redesign of a fricking transit map. If it was obvious original artwork, sure. But when it's something as ambiguous as a map, you need to temper your reaction more than a little.

The whole Ellen Page thing, though... that's pretty funny.


Meanwhile, SR4 stuff.


The game includes a weapon referred to by the Applicant as an “Alien Anal Probe”. The Applicant states that this weapon can be “shoved into enemy’s backsides”. The lower half of the weapon resembles a sword hilt and the upper part contains prong-like appendages which circle around what appears to be a large dildo which runs down the centre of the weapon. When using this weapon the player approaches a (clothed) victim from behind and thrusts the weapon between the victim’s legs and then lifts them off the ground before pulling a trigger which launches the victim into the air. After the probe has been implicitly inserted into the victim’s anus the area around their buttocks becomes pixelated highlighting that the aim of the weapon is to penetrate the victim’s anus. The weapon can be used during gameplay on enemy characters or civilians. In the Board’s opinion, a weapon designed to penetrate the anus of enemy characters and civilians constitutes a visual depiction of implied sexual violence that is interactive and not justified by context and as such the game should be Refused Classification.

The game contains an optional mission which involves the player obtaining and smoking drugs referred to as “alien narcotics”. Smoking the “alien narcotics” equips the player with “superpowers” which increase their in-game abilities allowing them to progress through the mission more easily.


Meanwhile in Steam land... the HL2 update that broke it to play in Korean...


WARNING: The most recent HL2 update has some issues. We're working to fix this, you can pause the update for now. 예측하지 못한 결과에 대비하라...

Translation: Prepare for unexpected results.

That translation could perhaps, be read another way.
Okay, you know what? I completely understand and support their decision for each of those examples... which is surprising. Perhaps slightly less so with the alien narcotic thing, but not by much. Honestly, they've done the right thing there.

Yeah... sounds hilarious and entertaining to me. If the R rating is being strictly enforced, I see no problems with 18+ year olds playing games with this kind of content.


Meanwhile in Steam land... the HL2 update that broke it to play in Korean...


Translation: Prepare for unexpected results.

That translation could perhaps, be read another way.


I need it


Yeah... sounds hilarious and entertaining to me. If the R rating is being strictly enforced, I see no problems with 18+ year olds playing games with this kind of content.
You say "Yeah...", but then you express a different opinion to mine. You're a weird dude.
Okay, you know what? I completely understand and support their decision for each of those examples... which is surprising. Perhaps slightly less so with the alien narcotic thing, but not by much. Honestly, they've done the right thing there.
I agree. Both of those are pretty damn distasteful. Well the drugs one less so, but them giving you superpowers I can see why they weren't impressed. But anally raping someone with a dildo? Yeah, that's pretty much a refusal right there.


Each to their own, but I don't think I can equate using that weapon to 'having fun'.

As you say, to each their own. To me, anal rape devices and drugs that give superpowers sounds no more distasteful than mass murdering hundreds of people with an assault rifle.

Ultimately, this content is what the R18+ rating should be for. To bar all the horrible entertainment we consume from the youngsters while simultaneously allowing adults the freedom to enjoy it.


They should just change the animation so that the probe-dildo goes through their lower torso instead of their ass. Now it's simply a disembowelling murder dildo.

And rename "Space Narcotics" to "Space Legally Obtained Tobacco".

DONE, SR4 at PAX. You can all thank me later.


As you say, to each their own. To me, anal rape devices and drugs that give superpowers sounds no more distasteful than mass murdering hundreds of people with an assault rifle.

Ultimately, this content is what the R18+ rating should be for. To bar all the horrible entertainment we consume from the youngsters while simultaneously allowing adults the freedom to enjoy it.

They should just change the animation so that the probe-dildo goes through their lower torso instead of their ass. Now it's simply a disembowelling murder dildo.

And rename "Space Narcotics" to "Space Legally Obtained Tobacco".

DONE, SR4 at PAX. You can all thank me later.
There is no animation going into their ass, its all comically pixelated.

Also "Space Medicinal Medication With A Prescription" .
Ha ha, I should probably pay attention to all this politics. Didn't know Oakeshott and Windsor just stepped down.

Wait what? I kind of tuned out a few weeks ago after the non-stop 'labor leadership challenges'. I'm just sick of hearing spin, didn't realise I'd be missing out on actual events.
Thanks for your wishes and prayers guys, much appreciated. He did well overnight and docs operated this morning, successfully clamping the internal bleeding. Now he's going back into surgery for his leg.

I'm going to tow yard now to have a look at his car and get pictures for insurance. It's a total write off according to the cops. On the positive side, work safe will be compensating him for the weeks of work he will lose, and Medicare should cover most of the hospital bill, if not all.

The cops are still not telling us anything about the other driver, they said they have him and are investigating further.


Because I like keeping up with that crazy cat we all know and love, Choc, I will now be posting excerpts from his twitter so we all know his thoughts:

Chocobo ‏@noreasonspec 3h
At the doctor to be told I have e3 flu

Choc is sick.

Chocobo ‏@noreasonspec 2h
Ok an anal gun is potentially worth a ban

Choc agrees that anal gun could be crossing a line.

Chocobo ‏@noreasonspec 1h
Rudd will be PM by tommorow it seems ....

Chocobo ‏@noreasonspec 24m
The moves are on, Gillards gonna get rolled. Rudd has numbers apparently

Chocobo ‏@noreasonspec 1m
This spill is on like donkey kong

Choc believes Rudd will be PM soon.

I for one just want Rudd to challenge this time. He really really has to this time, c'mon man. Either way, Labor still looks likely to lose the election, just less likely with Rudd.


That's great news, Death.

Clamping the internal bleeding would get him out of the darkest part of the woods. He's incredibly fortunate the shattered femur didn't clip anything there. I'm sure the docs will do an awesome job on that.

My thoughts are with both you and him.


Thanks for your wishes and prayers guys, much appreciated. He did well overnight and docs operated this morning, successfully clamping the internal bleeding. Now he's going back into surgery for his leg.

I'm going to tow yard now to have a look at his car and get pictures for insurance. It's a total write off according to the cops. On the positive side, work safe will be compensating him for the weeks of work he will lose, and Medicare should cover most of the hospital bill, if not all.

The cops are still not telling us anything about the other driver, they said they have him and are investigating further.
This is all good news. I wonder if that's a thing where they don't tell the victim who the perp is in case of potential retribution? Probably for the best in this case, if I found out who it was I don't think I'd be able to hold myself back.
That's great news, Death.

Clamping the internal bleeding would get him out of the darkest part of the woods. He's incredibly fortunate the shattered femur didn't clip anything there. I'm sure the docs will do an awesome job on that.

My thoughts are with both you and him.

Cheers Danoss. The nurse was great, she stayed with him all night making sure he was okay. Docs went into OT first thing in the morning and fixed up the internal mess. He should be in the hospital another 2 days at least.

This is all good news. I wonder if that's a thing where they don't tell the victim who the perp is in case of potential retribution? Probably for the best in this case, if I found out who it was I don't think I'd be able to hold myself back.

That's true, my friend's brother and cousin are itching to have a go at the perp.
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