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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

I'll be watching my Sensational Seventies DVD of highlights from the 70s in VFL instead.
Any chance it is up on the internet anywhere? Would love to watch some classic highlights packages, not really into the current game.

This happens to me every time a science or engineering story hits.

Not a lot of people my age or younger were fully aware of how the prime ministership in a Westminster system works until Gillard took the top spot last time. It made a lot of people angry to be honest, and Gillard got in with a lower share of the vote than the polls that originally scared the party into ousting him in the first place.

My ideal scenario would be for Rudd to win the top spot, have Labor surge in the polls, then scare the Libs into swapping out Abbott for Turnbull.

While I'm wishing for things, I may as well wish for an end to the endless parade of mediocrity in Australian politics.

I want a motorbike.
The swing back in favor or Labor would have to be drastic for the Libs to be scared into doing that. At best I think Rudd can get the two parties back at parity going into the election.

Yeah, it's definitely not going to happen. I think JG made a good call about whoever loses should step down, but if Rudd gets destroyed tonight I think Labour will be in even worse shape.

Edit: is there any way someone else could throw their hat in the ring tonight? Or it's pretty much a duel?
Even though I know no journalists, I would tend to agree. It's wishful thinking that the media makes this stuff up.

Do they exaggerate? Sometimes, though that's more likely a function of the source of the information (ie informal media briefing, leaks, etc). They also get things wrong. Have you ever read a story about something you know quite well only to spot a few errors in the text?

"Tom Baker was the Doctor from 1974-1981. Don't these people know anything?"
"The Atari 800 had two cartridge slots, dammit. Where do they get these luddites?"
"It's MISTER Spock. Doctor Spock was the guy who wrote that parenting book. Sheesh?"
"Purple and Green is in? Puh-lease!"

I know a bunch, being one and all. They don't make things up. There is a definite "journalese" that overstates things, like if something is $10-$20billion, it's "up to $20b."

The problem with the mistakes is that you're expected to be an expert on everything, especially these days when no organisation has the money to afford something like a dedicted science reporter. My newspaper doen't have a full time police reporter at the moment for fuck's sake. It'll all collapse in a heap in the next 10 years though.
I know a bunch, being one and all. They don't make things up. There is a definite "journalese" that overstates things, like if something is $10-$20billion, it's "up to $20b."

The problem with the mistakes is that you're expected to be an expert on everything, especially these days when no organisation has the money to afford something like a dedicted science reporter. My newspaper doen't have a full time police reporter at the moment for fuck's sake. It'll all collapse in a heap in the next 10 years though.

Can't even afford proper spelling!



On the East Coast? No way am I overstating it.

I disagree. It won't happen tomorrow. Gillard won't wait around for her head to be put on the block. If she gets word that Rudd is orchestrating this to happen tomorrow, she'll move tonight.

Goddamn. Who's gonna win origin tonight Goddy? What score? I'm gonna make some money off your wisdom.

I hope Rudd wins the spill and delivers the citizen kane of speeches. Labor polling at under 30 points will doom this country to a Mad Maxian dystopia under Abbott.


I know a bunch, being one and all. They don't make things up. There is a definite "journalese" that overstates things, like if something is $10-$20billion, it's "up to $20b."

The problem with the mistakes is that you're expected to be an expert on everything, especially these days when no organisation has the money to afford something like a dedicted science reporter. My newspaper doen't have a full time police reporter at the moment for fuck's sake. It'll all collapse in a heap in the next 10 years though.

God I chose a terrible thing to get a tertiary education in

Even though I know no journalists, I would tend to agree. It's wishful thinking that the media makes this stuff up.

Do they exaggerate? Sometimes, though that's more likely a function of the source of the information (ie informal media briefing, leaks, etc). They also get things wrong. Have you ever read a story about something you know quite well only to spot a few errors in the text?

"Tom Baker was the Doctor from 1974-1981. Don't these people know anything?"
"The Atari 800 had two cartridge slots, dammit. Where do they get these luddites?"
"It's MISTER Spock. Doctor Spock was the guy who wrote that parenting book. Sheesh?"
"Purple and Green is in? Puh-lease!"
ahaha, yeah. While I understand that they can't have in-depth knowledge on everything, a lot of the errors I've spotted are things that can be easily researched on wikipedia or whatever (although yeah, time constraints). A prime example of this is in one of Dan Brown's books where he describes kanji as a Japanese dialect (among other wrong things :mad: ). For a guy who's whole "thing" is research and historical accuracy, that really lost him a lot of credibility in my eyes.

I want a motorbike.
Make sure you get a little side car for the boy.


Rudd will leave politics if he loses.

Wow, this is huge for Labor, huge. they don't install him tonight, who is their next opp leader going to be, no one sticks out huh


Ohhhhh shit. I hope Rudd gets it, just because it'll probably mitigate the damage come election time and it'll hopefully bury the whole era come their time in opposition. Bring in some new blood.


Rudd's also agreeing to retire if he loses.

This shouldn't be as exciting as it is. WHY AM I SO EXCITED. I'm like a spectator at a gladiator arena.
How would it be for Bill Shorten as PM when he has to have his mother-in-law as GG?

It's like mother-in-law heaven.

"You want your budget passed? Those flowers you gave me for last Mother's Day were shithouse."
God I chose a terrible thing to get a tertiary education in


I'd pick law.

Media had got heaps worse in the last year. I feel like it's getting to desperation times. Sad thing is, it's a vital part of democracy, and it's a good job. Even if heaps of people hate you for even being part of it.

But yeah, law seems like a far better option.

I don't think Rudd would run if he didn't have the numbers. Gillard's poll numbers are well below where Rudd's were when he got knifed.
Also I have to stay late to cover the spill when all I want to do is go home, watch Origin and drink beers.


I don't think Rudd would run if he didn't have the numbers. On the other hand I don't think Gillard would call a retirement ultimatum if she didn't think she had the numbers. That's why it's interesting!
I hate that phrase, it's always used as a cop-out by people who don't want to admit they're wrong.
It was not speculation, it was what they were told by Labor MPs on the condition that they are kept anonymous.

When the spill is actually set to happen they're never wrong but it feels like they've been talking about a potential spill all week if not before that and nothing else. At some point it just becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

A supposed journalist seriously asked the PM this the other day: "Would you accept that you shouldn't be the leader any more?"

When the likes of The Age and Mike Carlton are publicly calling for the PM's resignation behind the wall of editorials and opinion pieces and the MSM is stuck in a spill bubble, reality is going to catch up to them at some point.

How would it be for Bill Shorten as PM when he has to have his mother-in-law as GG?

It's like mother-in-law heaven.

"You want your budget passed? Those flowers you gave me for last Mother's Day were shithouse."

Oh shit I totally forgot that was a thing. How funny.


Another leadership challenge? Time for another visit to AusGAF!

I hope Rudd wins. Not because it will save Labor, but because it will be interesting to see.
Unfortunately, it seems the polls are speaking pretty loudly about their chances, which I was only made aware of about a week ago.

Dark times head...
Another leadership challenge? Time for another visit to AusGAF!

I hope Rudd wins. Not because it will save Labor, but because it will be interesting to see.
Unfortunately, it seems the polls are speaking pretty loudly about their chances, which I was only made aware of about a week ago.

Dark times head...

The polls are saying if Rudd is PM, he can win.
I did some snooping of my own, found the details of the other drivers car, searched tow yards and found the car, found the exact crash site which still had debris and part of my friends clothing that were torn off. Got heaps of pictures and will be pressing for a lawsuit as soon as the cops come to take his statement.

Friend is out of leg surgery, they fitted a metal rod and said it will take 3 months or so for him to start walking normally again. Stitches all over his face. Will remain 2 weeks in hospital for rehab and therapy.


I don't think Rudd would run if he didn't have the numbers. On the other hand I don't think Gillard would call a retirement ultimatum if she didn't think she had the numbers. That's why it's interesting!

Hopefully they don't forget to vote...



I know there are much more intriguing things going on at the moment, but I'm going to share anyway.

I picked up my custom steel eyelets from my piercing shop (Polymorph) today. They're so snug against my lobes, I'm really happy with them.

While I was there I talked about some future piercings, because Dave is learning how to pierce from Rob and I offered for him to pierce me so I can help him can get the experience he needs. Unexpectedly, Dave was ready and able to do the labret I wanted (middle of bottom lip) so I went ahead with that. It was a slightly different experience as Rob demonstrated how to dry it, mark it, how to pull the lip down to pierce, how best to tighten the jewellery and how to put the lip back afterwards. It was quite interesting. A pleasant experience overall, Dave did a great job.

I didn't have much to eat beforehand, so felt a bit lightheaded upon standing up after the piercing and I mentioned that I was going to sit down because of this. Dave went and got me some cordial while I sat there, he mentioned that it was good I'm aware of this as many people try to fight it. I said that's a good way to fall flat on your face. He told me it's surprising the number of people that it happens to, and how he's had to catch a few of them. So, when it's said that it's a good idea to have a solid meal some hours beforehand, I can vouch for that. I wasn't planning on the piercing as it was a spur of the moment thing, and the only time I hadn't eaten well beforehand was the time I felt lightheaded immediately after. 5 minutes after sitting and drinking I was fine, but if I'd tried to act tough things could have been much different and that'd be on me.

All in all it was a great day, Dave and Rob are awesome and it was a pleasure as always. They're getting some new septum jewellery in and said they'd call me so I can come in and have a look when it arrives. I'm excited to put some new metal in my nose, and this stuff looks stunning. I may post a picture later, if anyone is interested that is.

Friend is out of leg surgery, they fitted a metal rod and said it will take 3 months or so for him to start walking normally again. Stitches all over his face. Will remain 2 weeks in hospital for rehab and therapy.

Thanks for the update. I would have expected the metal in his leg to fix the damage to the area, that sounded pretty serious. It's amazing what they can do now. I hope he has as pleasant a road to recovery as possible and that he's not in too much pain for long.


A prime example of this is in one of Dan Brown's books where he describes kanji as a Japanese dialect (among other wrong things :mad: ). For a guy who's whole "thing" is research and historical accuracy, that really lost him a lot of credibility in my eyes.
i just looked that up, lol mandarin symbols too!


I did some snooping of my own, found the details of the other drivers car, searched tow yards and found the car, found the exact crash site which still had debris and part of my friends clothing that were torn off. Got heaps of pictures and will be pressing for a lawsuit as soon as the cops come to take his statement.

Friend is out of leg surgery, they fitted a metal rod and said it will take 3 months or so for him to start walking normally again. Stitches all over his face. Will remain 2 weeks in hospital for rehab and therapy.

Be careful of the detective thing, consult with a lawyer about procedural stuff, don't want things getting thrown out because of some legal bullshit.


The police will have done all that stuff. I assume they will press criminal charges, then its easy peasy to pursue a civil case. You can even call those 'no money down'! lawyers.


I didn't have much to eat beforehand, so felt a bit lightheaded upon standing up after the piercing and I mentioned that I was going to sit down because of this. Dave went and got me some cordial while I sat there, he mentioned that it was good I'm aware of this as many people try to fight it. I said that's a good way to fall flat on your face. He told me it's surprising the number of people that it happens to, and how he's had to catch a few of them. So, when it's said that it's a good idea to have a solid meal some hours beforehand, I can vouch for that. I wasn't planning on the piercing as it was a spur of the moment thing, and the only time I hadn't eaten well beforehand was the time I felt lightheaded immediately after. 5 minutes after sitting and drinking I was fine, but if I'd tried to act tough things could have been much different and that'd be on me.

I had a small amount of blood taken a few weeks ago. As I walked out of the place, my vision deteriorated the the point of almost going, and I nearly fainted. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind to blurt to the woman behind the counter "My vision is going" and she sat me down (With some difficulty) and I recovered.
It was surprising to me that I was so badly effected by the loss of so little blood, or perhaps it was just the needle itself. A strange experience regardless.
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