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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

The polls are saying if Rudd is PM, he can win.

Well they're saying he can pull it back to 50-50. I think he'll still lose, but stem the bleeding so to speak. Which won't guarantee a decade of Abbott as PM at the very least.

I did some snooping of my own, found the details of the other drivers car, searched tow yards and found the car, found the exact crash site which still had debris and part of my friends clothing that were torn off. Got heaps of pictures and will be pressing for a lawsuit as soon as the cops come to take his statement.

Friend is out of leg surgery, they fitted a metal rod and said it will take 3 months or so for him to start walking normally again. Stitches all over his face. Will remain 2 weeks in hospital for rehab and therapy.

That's great news man. Glad to hear it. Could have been so much worse. But yeah as Jint said, be careful with what you do, you don't want to predjudice anything and ruin your mate's chances in a court


I had a small amount of blood taken a few weeks ago. As I walked out of the place, my vision deteriorated the the point of almost going, and I nearly fainted. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind to blurt to the woman behind the counter "My vision is going" and she sat me down (With some difficulty) and I recovered.
It was surprising to me that I was so badly effected by the loss of so little blood, or perhaps it was just the needle itself. A strange experience regardless.

It seems some people are more susceptible to it than others, even with a little bit of blood taken. I've previously spoken with a woman in a pathology lab when she was taking a sample from my gran, and she said it does happen. Dave was telling me it can still happen to some people at just the sight of blood (even if it's not theirs). I'm sure tattoo artists could recall similar instances even if there isn't a lot of blood during the session. It may be more to do with low blood sugar than anything else.

Good on you for having the presence of mind to say something. I've seen what would be considered a worst case scenario happen to someone, though they were suffering exhaustion, not any loss of blood or pain. This person just fainted and fell forward, no one noticed and he fell face first onto concrete. He fractured his jaw. Definitely not something to be laughed at or shrugged off.
they seem very interested in what Bill Shorten will say in a mo

for the only time in his life, people are keen to hear what he has to say
Just met him, he looks terrible but he's strong and in good spirits. His parents, wife and infant son will arrive tomorrow so he's looking forward to that. Nurse said he's used morphine 34 times in 4 hours. Can't imagine the pain he's going through.
I know there are much more intriguing things going on at the moment, but I'm going to share anyway.

I picked up my custom steel eyelets from my piercing shop (Polymorph) today. They're so snug against my lobes, I'm really happy with them.

While I was there I talked about some future piercings, because Dave is learning how to pierce from Rob and I offered for him to pierce me so I can help him can get the experience he needs. Unexpectedly, Dave was ready and able to do the labret I wanted (middle of bottom lip) so I went ahead with that. It was a slightly different experience as Rob demonstrated how to dry it, mark it, how to pull the lip down to pierce, how best to tighten the jewellery and how to put the lip back afterwards. It was quite interesting. A pleasant experience overall, Dave did a great job.

I didn't have much to eat beforehand, so felt a bit lightheaded upon standing up after the piercing and I mentioned that I was going to sit down because of this. Dave went and got me some cordial while I sat there, he mentioned that it was good I'm aware of this as many people try to fight it. I said that's a good way to fall flat on your face. He told me it's surprising the number of people that it happens to, and how he's had to catch a few of them. So, when it's said that it's a good idea to have a solid meal some hours beforehand, I can vouch for that. I wasn't planning on the piercing as it was a spur of the moment thing, and the only time I hadn't eaten well beforehand was the time I felt lightheaded immediately after. 5 minutes after sitting and drinking I was fine, but if I'd tried to act tough things could have been much different and that'd be on me.

All in all it was a great day, Dave and Rob are awesome and it was a pleasure as always. They're getting some new septum jewellery in and said they'd call me so I can come in and have a look when it arrives. I'm excited to put some new metal in my nose, and this stuff looks stunning. I may post a picture later, if anyone is interested that is.

oooh, very nice. I look forward to seeing the pictures (maybe after the swelling goes down :p ).
That chamomile mixture you offered a while back worked like a charm, by the way. The lump at the back seems to have disappeared entirely.

Good on you for having the presence of mind to say something. I've seen what would be considered a worst case scenario happen to someone, though they were suffering exhaustion, not any loss of blood or pain. This person just fainted and fell forward, no one noticed and he fell face first onto concrete. He fractured his jaw. Definitely not something to be laughed at or shrugged off.

Especially since it can take you so suddenly, or have a delay from the actual needle. I have a nice little scar on my chin and a clicky jaw from passing out with my backpack on after grade 10 injections.




news.com.au is saying that Rudd has won, and he's going to call an August election.

EDIT: Also saying that Gillard didn't actually contest the ballot. So like 2010 in reverse...


Shorten knows if he sides with rudd, and he loses, he is probably next leader...


And Shorten lead the initial Rudding...

Shorten is so slimey slimer would thing he was kinda gelatinous.
Regarding this leadership challenge here are the facts that were laid out by Ben Pobjie last year which still hold some weight...


...or do they?

Its application to this spill kind of breaks down after the fifth paragraph.
Seeing as Gillard (or Rudd) will leave the party thus ruling out any future challenges. Also Rudd will most likely introduce a few new policies to mark as his own which may very well have an impact on the everyday person's life.

Still a nice piece of satire though.


oooh, very nice. I look forward to seeing the pictures (maybe after the swelling goes down :p ).
That chamomile mixture you offered a while back worked like a charm, by the way. The lump at the back seems to have disappeared entirely.

I'll be up for a bar change in about 4 weeks. It'll look a bit silly before then due to the size of the bar after the swelling subsides. The swelling hasn't really hit yet, so it was rather awkward to eat with. If I'm lucky, my new septum jewellery would have arrived by then too, so I'll grab a photo and share it then.

This one was pierced at 14g and stretched to 12g, so only a little one and the pain was very minor. A real easy piercing to have done and it seems it's a quick healer too at 6-8 weeks.

Glad the chamomile worked, I'm happy for you :) No one wants those little lumps near their piercing. I had a little lump near my left lobe, but it was just an infected pore, barely noticeable and it went away on its own. Pimples and pustules and infected pores are meant to be common around piercing sites, though what you had is more common for cartilage piercing. Luckily they're easy to deal with.

Especially since it can take you so suddenly, or have a delay from the actual needle. I have a nice little scar on my chin and a clicky jaw from passing out with my backpack on after grade 10 injections.

Damn, that doesn't sound nice at all, clicky joints suck. The delay can be rather delayed from what I gather. Mine was a few minutes after the piercing and about 10 seconds after standing up.

Edit: Avatar change. UP THE BLUES!
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