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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Using Latham to support your position and also people that actually followed through with their word (Garrett) is perhaps missing the mark a bit. But whatever.

I don't get this. Latham criticising Rudd is basically a tacit endorsement.

Edit: double post. I may have had a little bit to drink tonight. not that you'd know, I have the eloquence of a mongoose.


ABCNews24 is fun to watch every now and again. The difficulty of running a 24hour channel with a public broadcaster's budget equals a few more technical difficulties than on other channels.

There was a few failures to go to pre-prepared packages this arvo with everything that was going on. (when the anchor says let's take a look at the clip and then they just sit there awkwardly for 5 seconds)

Also just caught a sec of Tony Jones sipping a glass of water. Quality stuff.

Missed most of the game because of the damn spill, but a great win for Queensland. That sin binning was ridiculous though. How Tate got binned for getting punched I'll never understand
that 10 minute rule needs to go. Fighting is part of origin. You cannot expect 22 super fit men, on adrenaline bashing into each other to not have a go

its that simple.

yes fighting needs to be toned down perhaps but the new rule is going to far
Missed most of the game because of the damn spill, but a great win for Queensland. That sin binning was ridiculous though. How Tate got binned for getting punched I'll never understand

Tonight already shows what a joke of a rule that is. There were quite a few other players who threw punches (Jennings and Maloney for a start). What if a bunch more got involved or the whole team? They can't possibly enforce the rule.

yes fighting needs to be toned down

Why? Because a few people in the media blew up like they do every year? Most people didn't give a shit. It's not like there is a fight every game or something. A bit of biff in the origin series is hardly a big deal. There was no need for any rule change, it was a silly reactionary move that wasn't needed.


So today, Nintendo dropped a rather lackluster Pikmin Direct; another anticipated game for the Australian market was refused classification due to drug issues; a group of Democrats in Texas managed to filibuster the shit out of a blatently shady attempt to sneak a bill that would effectively destroy abortion/medical facilities in most of Texas, culminating in a 15 minute act of civil disobedience that delayed the vote until past closing; Australian Federal Politics imploded with the force of a thousand hydrogen bombs; the Supreme Court of the United States struck down part of the Federal Voting Rights Act that prevented discrimination in voting by the States, or at least made it easier; and the SCOTUS also struck down the entirety of the Defence of Marriage Act.

It's been a busy day.

Oh, and Origin, I guess.
ABCNews24 is fun to watch every now and again. The difficulty of running a 24hour channel with a public broadcaster's budget equals a few more technical difficulties than on other channels.

There was a few failures to go to pre-prepared packages this arvo with everything that was going on. (when the anchor says let's take a look at the clip and then they just sit there awkwardly for 5 seconds)

Also just caught a sec of Tony Jones sipping a glass of water. Quality stuff.

I love it too. It's so.... human? When things don't work, or angles are off etc. I've heard that sometimes there's just the reporters there and no one else behind the scenes, kind of makes sense.


Last night: being bamboozled by Crusader Kings 2 and creating machines that defy engineering in Kerbal Space Program. Ah, good times! And then I wake up to see Oz politics has gone and done its things again and wtf. Ugh. How long until we are ruled utterly and completely by the Libs and all this shit will be over? Then we can have another three terms of them screwing us over and hopefully someone fucking competent can step forward to run Labour.


Hey, for being in the trading card beta for steam you get a blank trading card today, if you crafted a badge, seems you might have a blank foil.
emoticons :(

Also... this badge.

Tonight already shows what a joke of a rule that is. There were quite a few other players who threw punches (Jennings and Maloney for a start). What if a bunch more got involved or the whole team? They can't possibly enforce the rule.

Why? Because a few people in the media blew up like they do every year? Most people didn't give a shit. It's not like there is a fight every game or something. A bit of biff in the origin series is hardly a big deal. There was no need for any rule change, it was a silly reactionary move that wasn't needed.

I don't really have a problem with binning someone for starting a fight. I think Merrin should have gone last night he did just punch Tate for pushing him off a ruck. But if you send Hodges and Bird you might as well send both teams off and call it a game. Who the fuck knows why Tate got sent
I don't really have a problem with binning someone for starting a fight. I think Merrin should have gone last night he did just punch Tate for pushing him off a ruck. But if you send Hodges and Bird you might as well send both teams off and call it a game. Who the fuck knows why Tate got sent

Well that rule hasn't even changed. A punch like that from Merrin has always been a binnable offense. Dog shots like that should be punished. 2 guys going toe to toe or people rushing in to defend their team mates shouldn't be put in the bin imo.


I don't really have a problem with binning someone for starting a fight. I think Merrin should have gone last night he did just punch Tate for pushing him off a ruck. But if you send Hodges and Bird you might as well send both teams off and call it a game. Who the fuck knows why Tate got sent

For headbutting Merrin's fist.



Feel free to ask questions, game is confusing as fuck for ages.

Also: Watch a 'let's play'... something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pclNfT8O5s

Thanks, I've been watching a pretty good series by SeeKayEm99 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMzAXqOqV5k&list=PL158344868202D6B3 - unfortunately though his presented noob strategy "become the king of Ireland" has a big issue because the devs nerfed the duchy takeover percentage from 50% to 51% and now it's kinda hard :) Still, I'm learning a bunch. Mostly that the People Finder is awesome, though it can still be really hard to entice the useful people to your court...


Thanks, I've been watching a pretty good series by SeeKayEm99 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMzAXqOqV5k&list=PL158344868202D6B3 - unfortunately though his presented noob strategy "become the king of Ireland" has a big issue because the devs nerfed the duchy takeover percentage from 50% to 51% and now it's kinda hard :) Still, I'm learning a bunch. Mostly that the People Finder is awesome, though it can still be really hard to entice the useful people to your court...

Hehe yeah, such a fantastic game though, I might give it a burl tonight. (for steam trading cards)


Huh, looks like they missed the step labelled 'steal stuff from other magazines and websites' and 'write positive reviews about the games our owner publishes'
And on that last point I'd like to add that my name is Cameron and I throw rocks from glass houses

But that's still an awesome scan, thanks Rlan :)
I've got a bunch of old Hyper magazines going back to 1993. First issue I ever bought had a review of Sonic 3 and Doom.

The number of times I stopped my parents from throwing/giving them away is obscene.

Should I post some articles for a sweet dose of nostalgia? Or is that against "the law"?


ABCNews24 is fun to watch every now and again.

It's the only station I watch for news. Just use Google News for everything else.

The day in the life of Sega Megazone!

Stop dodging the real issue here; how did the date go?

During the ballot last night and some sports taking place, I went and saw Mono. Japanese Post-Rock band. If you like songs that build for 12 minutes and then unleash on you, with no lyrics, check them out.


I've got a bunch of old Hyper magazines going back to 1993. First issue I ever bought had a review of Sonic 3 and Doom.

The number of times I stopped my parents from throwing/giving them away is obscene.

Should I post some articles for a sweet dose of nostalgia? Or is that against "the law"?

Someone here runs a retro mag tumblr or something, send the scans their way!


Rlan runs the tumblrzone, throw them his way.

I think I have like 5 Australian-made gaming mags in my collection, don't really hold much nostalgia value for reprints :p


I think I might have a few issues of the official Australian Nintendo mag laying around the house. Can't be arsed scanning them, but if anyone wants them, they're more than welcome.


Was the official nintendo mag called 'Nintendo Magazine System' or something like that?

That brings back memories. I think the only perfect score they ever gave out was to fucking Turok 2.


I support people getting sent off for throwing a punch. Hodges definitely deserved his binning. Not sure about Bird and Tate.

In other news, the 7970 dropped in price again overnight. Umart have one for $369. Pretty crazy. I think that might be better value than the GTX760, especially with the free games.


Was the official nintendo mag called 'Nintendo Magazine System' or something like that?

That brings back memories. I think the only perfect score they ever gave out was to fucking Turok 2.

That's the one! I don't recall much of it besides the toilet humour of the editor, which I of course laughed at because it was right up my alley. Probably cringe-worthy now.

I think I will dig them out for a look and maybe some scans, if anyone is interested. Just gotta duck out and take care of a few things first.
In other news, the 7970 dropped in price again overnight. Umart have one for $369. Pretty crazy. I think that might be better value than the GTX760, especially with the free games.

Danggg almost the same price as the US! Although it runs 925Mhz Vs. 1085MHz I think? I has 3GB Vs. 2GB though.

Gigabyte 760 is $329.

Green Team hasn't let me down, double the performance of my 460 seems like the right time to upgrade, price should hit $299 by the end of the year hopefully in a sale.


I've got, like, 5 fish crates full of old magazines. About 5 years ago when I went to Victor Harbour in SA at Easter and purchasef a shit ton from a guy for $5 (Along with 3 amigas for $10)

(took those when I got them)

When I went back to Adelaide at Christmas I did a lot of scans of my own stuff, plus there are some crazy websites out there which scan everything from old mags already. Hyper Mags and N64 Gamer's fall apart so easily, they're so flimsy.

And the date went well! Food well coocked, beer and wine while watching the State of Origin. Unfortunately she's from Sydney so wasn't happy with the results :p
When I went back to Adelaide at Christmas I did a lot of scans of my own stuff, plus there are some crazy websites out there which scan everything from old mags already. Hyper Mags and N64 Gamer's fall apart so easily, they're so flimsy

Sounds like you are well stocked up, and the market for old scans is already covered.

One mag that I really like that I have lying around is an old Timezone magazine. Those were the days... when arcades were king :(
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