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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Sounds like you are well stocked up, and the market for old scans is already covered.

One mag that I really like that I have lying around is an old Timezone magazine. Those were the days... when arcades were king :(

I've currently got 200 updated already sitting in the Tumblr queue. It's kind of amazing how many advertisements were in EGM and Gamepro compared to other magazines. Also kind of sad on how worthless some of the stuff in EGM and Gamepro actually were. Finding the articles in UK mags much more interesting, or 80's US magazines.

Also kind of surprising that with all the types of magazine scans available online, 90's PlayStation Magazines are almost impossible to find. There were so many of them, but people just don't care compared to Nintendo Powers or EGM or Gamepro.
I had TONS of the Playstation Magazines back in the day but have no idea if any are left. Pretty sure they all got tossed out one year, really only kept my PCPP collection from the glory days.

Whatever the specs, the 7970 is a fair bit faster: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/854?vs=770.

Really? That seems odd. The review benchmarks seemed closer, at least in relation to games I will be playing at 1080p since that is the max my monitor will do (bigger gap in Sleepy Dogs though).


The OC card I linked for $329 would add another 5 or so frames going by the overclocking review since it is 1085Mhz compared to 980Mhz stock in the review.

Will wait a few months so I can convince the finance minister to approve the asset acquisition! Someone make Rollercoaster Tycoon 2013 with ubergraphic please!
Also kind of surprising that with all the types of magazine scans available online, 90's PlayStation Magazines are almost impossible to find. There were so many of them, but people just don't care compared to Nintendo Powers or EGM or Gamepro.

I had the first 20 issues of Official Australian Playstation Magazine, before it changed publishers and the quality instantly fell off a cliff. Before that a lot of the old Hyper staff were involved and it was good stuff.


Having a 30" monitor is both a blessing and a curse.

It looks amazing, but I need so much GPU power to run it.

My twin 670s would slaughter everything at 1080/1200.



The review benchmarks seemed closer

Those are the review benchmarks.

The OC card I linked for $329 would add another 5 or so frames going by the overclocking review since it is 1085Mhz compared to 980Mhz stock in the review.
Really bizarre that they didn't include the Ghz edition of the 7970 in the overclocking graphs. That would be a much better point of comparison, since GE is just an overclocked 7970. You can compare stock 760 to a 7970 GE in the bench at least: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/854?vs=768.


I've got a bunch of old Hyper magazines going back to 1993. First issue I ever bought had a review of Sonic 3 and Doom.

The number of times I stopped my parents from throwing/giving them away is obscene.

Should I post some articles for a sweet dose of nostalgia? Or is that against "the law"?
First Hyper issue I bought was #2, but I promptly ordered backissue #1. I bought #2 for NBA Jam cheats and I think they had an article on the Australian electronic/dance music scene. Sonic was on a mostly green cover.


I've got a bunch of old Hyper magazines going back to 1993. First issue I ever bought had a review of Sonic 3 and Doom.

Actually that DOOM review is up in a few days :p

To be honest a lot of Hyper's review designs over the years were pretty terrible. This type is just ugly, then they went to the really boring (but cleaner) blue style:

I always like UK big UK mags like CVG because they had their own style to them.
Ah cool, I was just comparing the 7970 you linked to the Gigabyte 760 to get an idea of price/value.

When you're playing a game that you would like to run a lot better and there's a card within your budget that can play said game at your desired resolution and framerate.
Wrong answer.

Buy a 30 inch monitor and SLI up some Titans yo!

But yeah, when you are sitting there going, "Why can't I turn this up to high without it looking like a Pokemon Powerpoint presentation.

Actually that DOOM review is up in a few days :p

Woo! Ben Mansill was awesome. My favourite mag guy back in the day.

Also Sonic R 82%? lol even a Sonic fanboy like me didn't think it was that good. :(
Man of Steel! Woo!

Watched it last night as I had booked imax weeks ago. Amazing visuals and soundtrack, but some scenes were poorly edited and the story is not in tune with the comics, so would displease die hard fans. I loved it though, the fight scenes were jaw dropping. Go for imax to get the best experience.
You saw it? Spoiler free impressions? :)

Edit: I'm also graduating at 6pm tonight (education degree) and I can't figure out how this damn hood thing should sit. :(

Congrats Sutton!
I hear that non-casual employment in teaching can be hard to come by for some graduates atm but in 5-10 years with the majority of the workforce being oldish and retiring there could be a "crisis". Any truth to that?
You're secondary yeah?


Anyone getting the Kinect 2 Windows Devkit?


  • Direct access to the Kinect for Windows engineering team via a private forum and exclusive webcasts
  • Early SDK access (alpha, beta, and any updates along the way to release)
  • Private access to all API and sample documentation
  • A pre-release/alpha sensor
  • A final, released sensor at launch

The program fee will be US$399 (or local equivalent), so what are we thinking? $499? $599? This isn't a global market so MS have to price accordingly =P


I genuinely wonder if Rudd will take gay marriage policy to the election. What with the DOMA/Prop 8 rulings this morning and NZ, France and the UK earlier this year, (and esp. with his own declared position and Penny Wong as Senate Leader) this is pretty much the perfect international climate to do so. Whether he'd risk toppling an already shaking boat is another matter - it could be that it would wreck whatever slight advantage he hopes to gain amongst Labor's more conservative base. Or it could be that he's prepared to bury Labor for the next three years and he may as well go down fighting.


I genuinely wonder if Rudd will take gay marriage policy to the election. What with the DOMA/Prop 8 rulings this morning and NZ, France and the UK earlier this year, (and esp. with his own declared position and Penny Wong as Senate Leader) this is pretty much the perfect international climate to do so. Whether he'd risk toppling an already shaking boat is another matter - it could be that it would wreck whatever slight advantage he hopes to gain amongst Labor's more conservative base. Or it could be that he's prepared to bury Labor for the next three years and he may as well go down fighting.

You know what I want sorted first? The refugee bullshit.
Congrats Sutton!
I hear that non-casual employment in teaching can be hard to come by for some graduates atm but in 5-10 years with the majority of the workforce being oldish and retiring there could be a "crisis". Any truth to that?
You're secondary yeah?

Cheers mate, I'm primary actually. I constantly hear about this 5-10 year period (all through Uni), but it never seems to come. :)

I have/had been getting plenty of casual work, and I also had a term 1 block on a special education class. I'm happy just to do casual work at the moment anyway, as we're planning to move to the UK by the end of the year. It's an amazing job, especially when you have your own class.


Woo! Ben Mansill was awesome. My favourite mag guy back in the day.

Mansill was good, but he was no Andrew Humphries. If you don't remember it, you MUST read his review of Road Rash 3DO (Something about needing an incontinence pad?). And Crash Test Dummies on Megadrive, but for the sheer panning it received.

At first glance I read this as "Man of Steel Wool". Haha.
Haha, same. Maybe it's an ADHD thing ;)

How's that going, BTW? Have things settled down? (Feel free to not answer that here if you don't want, but at least a PM would be nice :) )
I've got, like, 5 fish crates full of old magazines. About 5 years ago when I went to Victor Harbour in SA at Easter and purchasef a shit ton from a guy for $5 (Along with 3 amigas for $10)

(took those when I got them)

When I went back to Adelaide at Christmas I did a lot of scans of my own stuff, plus there are some crazy websites out there which scan everything from old mags already. Hyper Mags and N64 Gamer's fall apart so easily, they're so flimsy.
I've got a box in the shed just full of old issues of Nintendo Magazine System, still got issue 1 in fairly good condition as well. Just can't bare to bin them or part with them.


Haha, same. Maybe it's an ADHD thing ;)

How's that going, BTW? Have things settled down? (Feel free to not answer that here if you don't want, but at least a PM would be nice :) )

The ability to find the humourous side of something, no matter how inane.

I'm completely up front about my ADHD now, actually mentioned it to the guys at Polymorph yesterday. I brought it up as we were discussing what piercings I wanted in the future and which of them Dave could do as he's learning.

I mentioned that one piercing I wanted would be a reward for when I lose the extra weight I'm carrying around and that I had already lost enough weight that I'm at least looking at a new pair of jeans. They congratulated me and we talked some more about it and I mentioned that I had ADHD and was diagnosed at age 4, stopped my meds partway through high school and recently saw someone about it and was put on Dexamphetamine. I was saying how it reduced my appetite so I'm just not very hungry, I don't often eat big meals and even if I do, the weight seems to still continue coming off.

They had a laugh and were like "that's cheating!" and "there you are Dave, ADHD is how you'll lose some weight" or something to that effect. It was pretty much "good on you man, whatever works is great!" Really great people, they are.

So that's one thing. My weight isn't peeling off unnaturally, I did speak to my new GP (who is excellent) about trying to drop my weight because my blood pressure is a concern, it's amplified a little by the dex, but it's not at a level where meds are required and we're hoping to bring it down by losing the spare tyre I'm carrying. He's told me what to eat and how much and what to avoid altogether as well as a dead simple exercise routine. The dex tablets make it easier to follow the smaller meals as I get full really easily and if I eat a smidge too much, I feel a little ill. I think my stomach has shrunk to what I assume is a normal size as on the odd day when I don't take dex, my appetite is much more 'normal' is how I can best describe it. I had to tighten the straps on my motorcycle jacket today, so that means my stomach has gotten slimmer, yay!

Aside from that aspect, my mood has gotten much better, my ability to focus and react and dismiss distractions appropriately is much better. I find that my ability to converse with people is vastly improved; I now fully understand what you meant when you described this, there's less noise in your head and it's much easier to think of something to say or react to what's happening at the time, rather than trying to think too far ahead and getting stumped when something unexpected occurs.

It's much easier to motivate myself to do stuff and once I get going the inertia just carries me through to complete whatever task/s I have set out for myself. I've organised myself a lot better and I can carry out my plans much more easily. Sometimes I'll miss something, but it's usually not a big deal and is just down to a missed step in the plan or an omitted line in my notes, rather than poor execution or giving up due to being easily frustrated.

On the frustration front, I find I have a much higher tolerance than I did previously. I can still get annoyed and upset, but I'm more conscious of what I'm doing and have a little more control over my emotions and they're less intense. It's far from perfect, but at least I'm more aware and can be a bit more proactive about tuning my behaviour appropriately. The chances of me flying off the handle (as has been witnessed in these forums) are greatly diminished. I'm thinking some CBT might help me more in this area and I'll definitely be bringing it up at my next appointment. Some of this may be attributable to the Zoloft, but either way I'm happy with how it's going.

Oh, my sleep is much better and I have a great sleeping pattern going. It seems to be interrupted a little after a day off the dex and is then fine the day after, not a big deal and it's something I can experiment with in the future if need be. I'd rather have the meds each day though, I much prefer the feeling of normality it gives me.

*TMI warning* As for the piercings I have planned and discussed with Rob and Dave, if anyone is interested, the next one will be nipples (arguably one of the most painful). The reward I'm giving myself for reaching a reasonable weight is an
- do not google that one at work, you've been warned. It was recommended that instead of that piercing in one go, I get a
Prince Albert
(everyone should know this one), which is actually the bottom half and let it heal (about 8 weeks), then follow through to the top half and make it a full
which is another 8 weeks healing time. Doing it in one go can make the healing time around 6 months, so it's definitely a better idea. * End of TMI warning*

This post was way longer than I planned, but I've got everything done that I need to do besides dinner and I'm not pinging around different tabs doing random shit like I would if I was unmedicated. I've probably shared a bit too much, but I'm just glad to be feeling much better and feel like I have made considerable improvement. I definitely couldn't have gotten this far without the support of the many great people of AusGAF.


The next month at work is pretty much going to be the worst thing ever.

Over the last 2-3 months, we've lost 6 people to either resignations or redundancies. We've got no replacements. In July, one person is taking the whole month off to go to the USA (she organised this in February, so nothing wrong on her part) and a guy is taking some time off because he's having his first baby.

So for July we'll be down 8 people from where we were 3 months ago. We've gone from about 20 people to 12, and there's been no let up in work.

On top of all that, we've still got the axe hanging over us because all the newspaper reports say we're losing 10% of our workforce this year, which equates to more people losing their jobs than at Ford (but of course no one cares), and the second wave of redundancies is due to hit in July.



*TMI warning* As for the piercings I have planned and discussed with Rob and Dave, if anyone is interested, the next one will be nipples (arguably one of the most painful). The reward I'm giving myself for reaching a reasonable weight is an
- do not google that one at work, you've been warned. It was recommended that instead of that piercing in one go, I get a
Prince Albert
(everyone should know this one), which is actually the bottom half and let it heal (about 8 weeks), then follow through to the top half and make it a full
which is another 8 weeks healing time. Doing it in one go can make the healing time around 6 months, so it's definitely a better idea. * End of TMI warning*


Why did I google? Why do they call it a Prince Albert? Wait....maybe don't tell me...
The next month at work is pretty much going to be the worst thing ever.

Over the last 2-3 months, we've lost 6 people to either resignations or redundancies. We've got no replacements. In July, one person is taking the whole month off to go to the USA (she organised this in February, so nothing wrong on her part) and a guy is taking some time off because he's having his first baby.

So for July we'll be down 8 people from where we were 3 months ago. We've gone from about 20 people to 12, and there's been no let up in work.

On top of all that, we've still got the axe hanging over us because all the newspaper reports say we're losing 10% of our workforce this year, which equates to more people losing their jobs than at Ford (but of course no one cares), and the second wave of redundancies is due to hit in July.


Just to add insult to injury, are you on salary/unpaid overtime?


Oh hey, look what the postperson dropped off:


Last of Us, $50 from Video Ezy, and SMG2 for $28 from Ebay, which is in mint condition, even included is a receipt from EB for $100, I kind of feel bad for the seller.
Oh hey, look what the postperson dropped off:

Last of Us, $50 from Video Ezy, and SMG2 for $28 from Ebay, which is in mint condition, even included is a receipt from EB for $100, I kind of feel bad for the seller.

Wasn't TLoU $55.96? That's what I paid. How long did it take to arrive? Mine was shipped on tuesday so expecting it soon.


I think it was originally $51 but went up a few dollars in price. Mine was sent last Thursday, no idea where it actually came from but it's a european copy, I am in Brisbane so you may get it sooner.


lie in no rich tea

Original 3DS + 1 Game (Download) for $169 @ Kmart

Original 3DS (Unsure what colors but Red and Pink were the ones advertised)

Plus 1 of the following 7 games as an e-shop download.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Super Mario 3D Land
Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon
Mario Kart 7
New Super Mario Bros. 2
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