I'm sure there have been a few, maybe I was mistaken. Maybe they were just games that weren't available in Australia.What? The last 3 big sales were all on the Australian marketplace. All the publisher ones as well. In fact I can't think of any sales that were in the US but not here, apart from the odd random game.
There was a ton of stuff for $5 too. Hoping the coming sale has some similar prices.
ok just watched this, pretty great, biker gang one was also pretty greatHOLY FUCKIGN SHIT
MOTORBIKE ql is one of the best ever
I saw Man of Steel tonight.
I did not like it.
Assassin's Creed 3 spoiler #2:It's exactly like every other fucking Assassin's Creed game.
That's what she said!Just pulled an all nighter for work. I ended up solving the problem and got about five minutes of satisfaction.
It was not worth it.
Whoa Clive, you're selling up? Where you moving to?
So I've decided* I want to buy a Microsoft Surface Pro. The YouTube videos I've seen of people drawing, editing and posting comics directly on the device is too much for me to resist. So I popped into Harvey Norman to try one out, and saw five Surfaces, three of which the wife had to reboot to get working, and none of which were identified as RT or Pro machines. Eventually a salesperson asked if they could help, and I asked if they had any Pro machines. She pointed out one neglected one in the group and so I asked where the pen was. "Oh, we took the pens away, people were stealing them"...but it's the one bit I needed to test? I need to hold that pen, and test if the screen really is pressure sensitive like my Wacom devices. "Oh, yeah, we'll, sorry *shrug*"
But hey it's the Internet's fault retail is tanking.
tl;dr can anyone here recommend a place I can try out a Surface Pro with a pen that I can then purchase one from.
* this decision will be revoked the second Apple announce an iPad that has a pressure sensitive screen.
posted from my iPad
Assassin's Creed 3 spoiler #2:It's exactly like every other fucking Assassin's Creed game.
Spoiler alert:I haven't played much of the AC series at all. I think I might've put an hour or two into the first one, but that's it.
Oh good. I think I have both of those, I'll just play them instead, skip 1 (which just seemed to drag on).people don't lie whey they sayACII and Brotherhood are really vastly better games than AC1 and ACIII
Incredible. Should be in the first post for AusGAF X: The Dickhead PM Australia Had To Have.
Watching now. This'd better be good.I can't believe I haven't heard of or seen this before. It's The Fist of Jesus, a 15 minute short film where, well, I don't want to spoil it. I'll just say that you should definitely watch it, it's fantastic and very funny. Perfect Sunday viewing.
Warning: This may offend some of our more religious christian members. Also, there is considerable blood and gore, but it is so over-the-top that most should be fine with it.
May offend? May? Bahaha.I can't believe I haven't heard of or seen this before. It's The Fist of Jesus, a 15 minute short film where, well, I don't want to spoil it. I'll just say that you should definitely watch it, it's fantastic and very funny. Perfect Sunday viewing.
Warning: This may offend some of our more religious christian members. Also, there is considerable blood and gore, but it is so over-the-top that most should be fine with it.
May offend? May? Bahaha.
Oh man, that was fucking incredible. I don't know how I hadn't heard of it either. Amazing story.
The leper! (about the only spoiler I can mention that doesn't really give away any of the plot, you sneaky spoiler cheater folk)
It's really, really well done. I posted it on my FB as "The true story of Jesus". Made sure I removed the thumbnail as well so as to not give anything awayIt's pretty hard not to like. It's amazing.
I'm watching the comments roll in from a mate over IM as he's watching it. I'm in tears from laughing just thinking about it as I read them.
Far Cry 2.
Just experienced possibly the best single moment in my decades-long career in gaming.
For those that have played Far Cry 2, or listened to extensive podcast discussion of the game, you'll know that the open-world game is largely unscripted and employs an array of 'interferences' such as weapon jams, onsets of malaria, and enemy vehicles ramming you from directions unknown.
The world design is fairly simple, but with several procedural systems overlapping each other, every encounter plays out very differently. There are side-missions galore which are fairly simple in their objective, and you may think a goal is easy to achieve but you have to consider many factors such as distance to the objective, time of day, number of 'bottlenecks' along the way (such as enemy checkpoints) and the reliability and suitability of the equipment you take with you.
So, I chose a 'destroy the competing arms dealer target' mission from the gunshop, one of many in the game. The objective is always the same: travel to an area on the map where a convoy of vehicles is constantly moving around, and destroy the large truck. Simple.
This mission was a fair distance away along the edge of the map, and occured in the second act of the game after a whole new map is opened up to the player. The new map was largely unexplored and I took the opportunity to unlock as many safe houses and enemy checkpoints as possible along the way to the target area. The enemy convoy isn't stationary and often has to be 'chased down' or ambushed from a position ahead along it's route.
I was in the area of the target convoy got held up at a enemy camp for longer than expected, with several enemy assault trucks all deciding it would be a fantastic time to all converge on this one camp. Having eliminated the foot soldiers residing in the camp, and several of the assault trucks taken out with grenades, I had what I thought was one remaining assault truck to take out before I explored the camp for gear. I equipped my favourite ordnance weapon - the explosive bow and arrow right from the start of the game, and lined up the target through the scope, limiting my field of view.
Those who have played FC2 will know the explosive arrows follow an arc through the air and aren't too accurate at a distance.
The very moment I let the arrow fly, the enemy convoy came into view. The explosive arrow hit the truck dead-on, it exploded, and I cleared the objective.
I had NO IDEA the truck was anywhere near the camp! The area the convoys traverse is fairly large and it could have been ANYWHERE on the map but at that very moment, through sheer chance, it ended up right in my line of sight at the exact second I pulled the trigger. Far Cry 2 is a heavily procedural game, and the chances of something like that happening are incredibly remote yet alas, it happened.
There are plenty other moments like that throughout the game but that so far has been the most unexpected and rewarding.
Such a fantastic game.
Far Cry 2.
Clocked it on 360.
THQ sent me a review copy of RF: Armageddon way back when but I don't think I want to play that game.
Yup. No gem in that shit sandwich sadly.
Two words: Shit sandwich.
Thanks everyone who recommended JB for my MS Surface Pro search. The local one had a demo unit proudly set up, with pen, and I was able to do some quick sketching. I didn't get to test the pressure sensitivity but really just needed to hold the pen and feel what it was like to draw on the screen. So looks like JB will be getting my cash even though its a bit more expensive there.
I've tried every art app for the iPad under the sun and have a few styluses as well, but I think I really need to move on as far as art productivity goes. As things stand even if im able to draw a comic completely on the ipad theres there's no way for me to actually upload it to the site, which is kinda annoying.
Oh yeah video games. Xcom on iPad continues to be fucking amazing. I've probably played it more than the PC version.
Did you contemplate the stylus/pen I suggested earlier?Yeah, tried that. Really liked the pen, pressure sensitivity was good, and the screen was nice and big.
But for a bit extra I get to run "real" Photoshop, so that's a real draw for me.
Top work, you uncultured swine.It says shark, einstein.
Thank you. Should've just left markot thinking that he was the only person able to read what's on that album cover, though.
AusGAF has the best taste.
Dude I have no fucking idea what I'm doing in this game. Reading some wiki as I go. Still no idea.
Watch a Let's Play on youtube. IT was what I found most useful to work out what to do earl on...the rest is learnt by doing.
Dude I have no fucking idea what I'm doing in this game. Reading some wiki as I go. Still no idea.
Understatement. That's fucking incredible.
Power of teh Trading CardsAusGAF has the best taste.
It's not the Steam Summer Sale, but it's bloody close:
AusGAF has the best taste.
I can't believe I haven't heard of or seen this before. It's The Fist of Jesus, a 15 minute short film where, well, I don't want to spoil it. I'll just say that you should definitely watch it, it's fantastic and very funny. Perfect Sunday viewing.
Warning: This may offend some of our more religious christian members. Also, there is considerable blood and gore, but it is so over-the-top that most should be fine with it.