Tomb Raider steamkey for $17
Fable 3 on GoD is FREE for Xbox Live Gold members, finishes today!!!
The second game sounds/looks like a HUGEEEE improvement, as if they took the IP on wholeheartedly and went in balls to the wall with it. Very tempted. It was $10 last week.
Fable 3 on GoD is FREE for Xbox Live Gold members, finishes today!!!
Well that could be fun to watch at least....Omegathon rounds were announced:
- Geometry Wars
- Win Lose Or Draw
- Portal
- Defense Grid
- Ultra Secret Final Round
Did you watch the Xbone conf? Bettin on zombies.Know what would be super awesome?
If next gen is the 'omg zombies are so passe dont put them in any game' gen.
I found the first game soulless and grindy with plenty of loot but tepid gunplay. Style over substance.How are the Borderlands games?
The second game sounds/looks like a HUGEEEE improvement, as if they took the IP on wholeheartedly and went in balls to the wall with it. Very tempted. It was $10 last week.