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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


but ever so delicious
Since at this stage thursday and friday are somewhat sorted for AusGAF Pax, I need to know, Would people prefer to go somewhere for food on saturday and sunday or do we just pub stomp around the city until we are bored?

Let me know.


Ooh lucky you.
If I was going I'd want to see Frances Ha, I'm So Excited, Stoker, Mood Indigo and maybe John Dies At The End which would be because of a morbid curiosity to see if anyone associated with cracked.com can actually write something decent.
After seeing the Frances Ha trailer at my To The Wonder screening today... I'm all over that shit in MIFF 2013.


Sent the hotel an email on friday asking if my reservation is all good for pax, nothing in their system.

So now i'm emailing the site who claims to have booked it to see what the fuck is going on.
Even my booking from some shady site that has bad reviews everywhere went through.
Old people everywhere sure do enjoy whining.

Train from Ventimiglia to Milan, seats in a six person cabin, two people in our seats so we sit in another two. Whatever right? We're not standing for four hours at least. An hour later person number six comes in and REALLY wants the seat the wife is in and starts chucking a fit, we try to point out our seats were already taken but she won't have any of it, so I move for her (I guess she wanted a window seat) and she proceeds to spend the next thirty minutes (probably longer, there's still time) complaining.

Old people.

And a check for several hundred dollars
And the occasional expensive dinner.


So, fixed my PC. On the upside, it was the PSU. Downside is, only found that out after buying and installing a new motherboard, and finding the same problem (even after I tested the dud PSU with the ol' "paperclip to short the power switch" trick). So hopefully I'll be able to get a refund on the *new* motherboard, even though I installed it and you can see slight marks where the screws go to mount it to the case.

Fingers crossed. I think worst-case they'll slug me for 15% restocking fee or whatever, which is bugger-all anyway.

Other downside: the cached version of my browser opened up to an Amazon page, telling me that my purchase of Trials Evo (on sale for $10) was knocked back for whatever reason. What a kick in the balls.


Its always the psu sillypants.
I didn't think it was when I shorted the power on it :( But it's 7 years old now (at least, that's how old the reviews are) so it makes sense it's an old PSU (as good as it is) that goes and not a 16 month old mobo.


After driving through the rain this morning with it cranked, I would like to submit "How To Make Gravy" as the greatest Australian song ever.

Why is someone cutting onions in here...
I, too, share your concern that someone is cutting onions. In your car. While you are driving.

That, right there, is some irresponsible shit.


but ever so delicious
Sucks to be dumb enough to use windows 8. SUCKS.

It's been fine since day 1.

I just got bored and turned it off during updates, not a good idea. It did seem to be stuck on them though.

I always like messing around with the latest windows. I'm not someone who needs to back up their stuff, Nothing important is ever on my PC.


It's been fine since day 1.

I just got bored and turned it off during updates, not a good idea. It did seem to be stuck on them though.

I always like messing around with the latest windows. I'm not someone who needs to back up their stuff, Nothing important is ever on my PC.

Apparently not even your dignity.

Windows 7 > Windows 8.


Once you get over the butthurt about losing the start button, Windows 8 > Windows 7

The lack of start button is the least of Windows 8s problems. They've basically deprecated the mouse as a viable interface. The "lol I never use the mouse anyway" brigade are missing the big picture. "Just get a Mac" is completely valid post Win8 advice now.


The lack of start button is the least of Windows 8s problems. They've basically deprecated the mouse as a viable interface. The "lol I never use the mouse anyway" brigade are missing the big picture. "Just get a Mac" is completely valid post Win8 advice now.
This. Start menu was never a big concern.
Melbourne Zoo is boooooooooring. Why don't they drop a goat in the tiger enclosure?

The lack of start button is the least of Windows 8s problems. They've basically deprecated the mouse as a viable interface. The "lol I never use the mouse anyway" brigade are missing the big picture. "Just get a Mac" is completely valid post Win8 advice now.


The lack of start button is the least of Windows 8s problems. They've basically deprecated the mouse as a viable interface. The "lol I never use the mouse anyway" brigade are missing the big picture. "Just get a Mac" is completely valid post Win8 advice now.

To each their own, I have no reason to stick up for Windows 8 (I have access to all operating systems) other than I think the performance benefits make up for any major shortcomings, which incidentally I don't believe there are any. Apart from the first one to two days I haven't missed a thing about Windows 7 and can't find any conceivable reason for ME to move back. I can't personally stand OSX, there is no perfect O.S. I just think Windows is the best consumer level OS, which also happens to have the best software support.
I understand people having interface problems with Win8 (though they've really been at most inconvenieces for me) but on the whole I'm pretty satisfied with it. I was also pretty happy with Vista though, so yeah. I just generally think the negativity towards certain versions of Windows is kinda silly reactionary nonsense that gets all kinds of hyperbolic jibbering (though, like I said, I understand it with Win8; I just think they're more "that's kind of unfortunate" problems rather than HOLY SHIT THIS IS TERRIBLE SWITCH TO MACOS RIGHT NOW" issues)


I don't believe there are any.

I won't pretend to remember to list them all, maybe I should, but you can't pretend that shutting down via mouse isn't more annoying than it was before. Move to the corner, wait a bit, click a cog thing. What the hell? Who does that make sense to? Maybe the start menu is old news but there was no delay when you clicked it. Also you can't log off from the same place that you shut down. Why exactly? Why not just put it there? Most people I know have to google how to log out of Server 2012.

I just think Windows is the best consumer level OS, which also happens to have the best software support.

Windows 8 is a confusing mess for consumers. I can buy apps from the store? Cool. Wait, why is it fullscreen only? Since when have simple applications like PDF readers been fullscreen only? Why is the default PDF reader out of the box full screen only? The whole point of Windows was to take us away from full screen only applications. So I don't need a start menu, but why does app searching have to take up the whole screen? The whole two screens if I have dual monitors? Do I need to give some more examples as to why end users find this shit confusing?

I was also pretty happy with Vista though, so yeah.
So was I. Vista's main problems were an overly aggressive UAC (which was easily turned off) and that early on it was bundled with too little RAM from OEMs (giving it a bad reputation for performance, since OEMs would configure the minimum RAM but leave aero turned on). Small fry compared to the little problems that come with every OS upgrade, and it was nice to finally have a proper 64bit OS. Vista 64 was great.

Address my specific problems if you like, but don't try to hand wave my complaints about Windows 8 as "everyone complains about every OS". I don't. Personally I only find Windows 8 a little bit annoying, but end users find it extremely annoying and are going to Macs in droves. I'd much prefer a healthy Windows marketshare because it's always been a good middle ground between usability and openness.
Sorry, I tried to find a middle ground of "a lot of people talk shit about new Windows versions just because" and "but I can sympathise with people's problems with 8 even though they don't bother me so much in my general usage" in that post but instead I just kind of rambled from one to the other until they bled together. I wasn't trying to call anyone in AusGAF out because again, I understand most of the specific issues that've been mentioned here in the past.

It was basically two different posts that I smashed together because I'm an idiot and have been drinking since lunch. Mea culpa.


Sorry, I tried to find a middle ground of "a lot of people talk shit about new Windows versions just because" and "but I can sympathise with people's problems with 8 even though they don't bother me so much in my general usage" in that post but instead I just kind of rambled from one to the other until they bled together. I wasn't trying to call anyone in AusGAF out because again, I understand most of the specific issues that've been mentioned here in the past.

It was basically two different posts that I smashed together because I'm an idiot and have been drinking since lunch. Mea culpa.

Fair enough. I'm not saying anyone in AusGAF is a "lol mouse" person either, I just see a lot of random defense of Windows 8 "because mouse is sooo sloow", which kind of ignores the fact that Windows is popular due to being mouse driven.
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