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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Just thought I would share with AusGAF my new breakfast obsession, it's bloody amazing.


So you get the Spanish beans, heat up in saucepan. Make a couple of poached eggs. Get some nice bread, sourdough works great, toast it. Put the hot beans on the toast, poached egg on top, cut into egg and watch the golden greatness flow over the beans. Incredible.


I played the game (or rather, the demo/shareware of it) when it was new. I was like 8 at the time. I thought it was decent enough.

It's clear that the problem is with you having not watched the show. You need to duck down to JB Hifi and remedy this. There's nothing wrong with the game, the show is simply streets ahead.
If you played a demo of it, you played it on PC... meaning you played it too late :p (it was a fine window ;) )

Windows 8 isn't an improvement over Win7 for me. Reinstalled Win7 until I am forced to move to Windows 8.

The wife is finally up to speed on Windows 7 so changing again would be a disaster!
I'm not sure when 8.1 is due out, but that's supposed to improve it *heaps*. Including an actual Start button.

Just thought I would share with AusGAF my new breakfast obsession, it's bloody amazing.


So you get the Spanish beans, heat up in saucepan. Make a couple of poached eggs. Get some nice bread, sourdough works great, toast it. Put the hot beans on the toast, poached egg on top, cut into egg and watch the golden greatness flow over the beans. Incredible.
Even on it's own, that baked beans thing looks fucking incredible.


I'm not sure when 8.1 is due out, but that's supposed to improve it *heaps*. Including an actual Start button.

It looks a lot better. You can right click the start button to shut down, so there's a non annoying mouse shutdown option now. You can boot to the desktop. You can make the start screen default to your apps list. You can make the start screen appear on just one monitor. Some decent improvements.


Asked on Twitter, but thought I would ask here as well... anyone know if you can get Google Spreadsheets to automatically allow text to overflow outside the bounds of its cell when there is no content in the adjacent cells?

This is a standard thing in excel and I abuse it heavily. :(


So I've just gone thru all 48 houses in my hh acadamy for animal crossing I picked up today at comicon.

I'm rather depressed. Not one person with every room or more than one fully expanded room... and most houses were on average main room half or full expansion and either 2 other rooms with only one partly expanded. or 3 rooms with no expansions...

Wthat the he'll are poepople going to think of me when they check my house ;_;

So people actually do have AC set up for streetpasses? I swear I've streetpassed two dozen people since I got the game who had AC:NL as their most recent played game, but only have 4 or 5 who showed up in my HH Showcase. Maybe they're just super slow to get to that point in the game.

I know I had a head start with the US version, but I haven't been playing hardcore and I've got an upstairs and two side rooms already, one of which is fully expanded.


Remember the extensions are really expensive if you're not grinding beetles on the island or playing well in the stalk market.


The phrasing of "I don't believe there are any major shortcomings" implies otherwise. There are obviously shortcomings, you just work around them.

Fixed quote for accuracy :), yes there are some minor shortcomings but nothing to make me want to go back to Windows 7

Which doesn't work if any apps have focus, so it takes longer. Start, Shutdown works no matter what.

You can always press the power button as well, which works for the way 'I' use my PC at home.

edit: I think at the end of the it's just like this, Windows 8 is for me, and not for you, well just yet. Maybe 8.1 will be enough to change your opinion, maybe it will reverse mine :p


I just realised that I need to know how Streetpassing works before I go to PAX.

Do I need to have a specific game inside my 3DS to street pass on that game? Or is it automatically done for every game I've played? And apparently I have to clear out my street passes every day or something? I have no idea, but I like the idea of Streetpassing folk there.


Remember the extensions are really expensive if you're not grinding beetles on the island or playing well in the stalk market.

Last week I missed my chance to buy Turnips and two days later someone on my friends list had them selling for 500 bells. If Animal Crossing let you jump off cliffs, I probably would have :(

Shit, I just realized I need to step up my home design before PAX.

I just realised that I need to know how Streetpassing works before I go to PAX.

Do I need to have a specific game inside my 3DS to street pass on that game? Or is it automatically done for every game I've played? And apparently I have to clear out my street passes every day or something? I have no idea, but I like the idea of Streetpassing folk there.

Streetpassing works for any game you've enabled it for, whether you've got the game in the system or not. Each game has a maximum number of passes you can get before you need to "use" them. So the basic Mii Plaza allows 10, for example. Once you accumulate 10, you can't get anymore until you go in, greet them and play some games. Then you can get 10 more.


I just realised that I need to know how Streetpassing works before I go to PAX.

Do I need to have a specific game inside my 3DS to street pass on that game? Or is it automatically done for every game I've played? And apparently I have to clear out my street passes every day or something? I have no idea, but I like the idea of Streetpassing folk there.

AFAIK it should just work without the games needing to be in the device. Haven't had a 3DS for a while now though.

Need to get the missus to take the Vita and get some Near hits!


I want a tag give me a tag
This talk reminds me,


Guys Aniseed and I are starting a service at PAX for ausgaf members and friends.

at comicon we noted that there are limitations to how many you can spot/street pass (10 at a time for mii plaza, 20 for animal crossing) and to get more you need to log into each app + any other games, load it up, check the characters and then exit.

now understandably people are going to want to try and street pass as many people as possible.

for $10 a day (3 times a day) or $25 for the weekend we will load up your mii plaza for you, go through the character introductions and then exit so you can get another 10! this service includes up to and including 2 other games! so animal crossing is included (in this case we would go to the HH academy and ensure the houses are counted. an optional $10 for the weekend gets you the privilege of us going into your HH Academy and saving any 2 story houses with expansions (ensuring you can inspect the best ones after the event) as you can only save 48.

Please sign up for this wonderful service!

all funds will be going to beer.


I want a tag give me a tag
So people actually do have AC set up for streetpasses? I swear I've streetpassed two dozen people since I got the game who had AC:NL as their most recent played game, but only have 4 or 5 who showed up in my HH Showcase. Maybe they're just super slow to get to that point in the game.

I know I had a head start with the US version, but I haven't been playing hardcore and I've got an upstairs and two side rooms already, one of which is fully expanded.

Yep! judging by the rate of people I got at comicon, quite a lot too, my 20/20 roster would fill up in about 15 minutes.


edit: I think at the end of the it's just like this, Windows 8 is for me, and not for you, well just yet. Maybe 8.1 will be enough to change your opinion, maybe it will reverse mine :p

I don't agree. Windows 8 sacrificed the usability of their desktop environment to make their tablets more desirable. They could probably have pulled it off successfully, but they didn't put enough focus on the mouse driven desktop side. What they're left with on the desktop side is a confusing intimidating mess. This is the biggest Windows UI change since 3.11>Win95 and they fucked it.

So maybe you feel like figuring it out because you enjoy that type of thing (hey, I do too), and maybe in your particular use case, after you've spent a while configuring it to your liking, there are no downsides. Cool! I'm not trying to convince you that you can't use an operating system, but this is a bigger deal than you like it vs I don't.



I don't agree. Windows 8 sacrificed the usability of their desktop environment to make their tablets more desirable. They could probably have pulled it off successfully, but they didn't put enough focus on the mouse driven desktop side. What they're left with on the desktop side is a confusing intimidating mess. This is the biggest Windows UI change since 3.11>Win95 and they fucked it.

So maybe you feel like figuring it out because you enjoy that type of thing (hey, I do too), and maybe in your particular use case, after you've spent a while configuring it to your liking, there are no downsides. Cool! I'm not trying to convince you that you can't use an operating system, but this is a bigger deal than you like it vs I don't.


Sure, it may be a bigger deal (sales wise, public perception) than it is for me, but I don't believe I have argued otherwise, please correct me if I am wrong though. I am speaking soley from a personal standpoint, no matter how trivial I may find changes in Windows 8 I am not speaking for anyone else. My original comment was regarding "getting over the butthurt of losing the start button", to ME, that was the biggest issue when I moved from Windows 7, something I overcame relatively quickly. The O.S. feels snappier, it boots quicker, things like the file copying notification, the better task manager, skydrive integration (probably could get Windows 7 to do the same but it felt seemless with 8, especially when I am running WP8) and the seemingly (can't say for sure, but how it feels) better self fixing of errors et al make it something I want to stay with. People widely have many 'issues' with Windows 8, MS has heard that and is now attempting to fix it with blue. For me, there is nothing I am looking forward to with the update as I am happy with it as it is.

*Sent from my Windows 8 Enterprise Dekstop*.


Yep! judging by the rate of people I got at comicon, quite a lot too, my 20/20 roster would fill up in about 15 minutes.

Clearly the explanation is that Animal Crossing nerds don't have real jobs to commute to and that's why I'm not running into any of them. ;)
Great weekend! So fucking buggered.

Best mate was down for the weekend from Gold Coast. Went out on Saturday, picked up a ton of booze (he was paying) and took the little guy up to the whale watching platform and saw some mammals blowing water out their blow holes. Whales are boring but it is apparently a big deal according to the 40 odd Asian and French tourists that were up there.

We played some Borderlands 2, love the further stylised art direction. Teh jaggies on 360 though :/
Enjoying the gunplay and gameplay even less than the first game though sadly. The over the top nature of the story kept us playing though. All in all I don't get the hype. Not sure if I will be able to keep trucking through it solo.

The in-laws sprung a trip to Melbourne Zoo on us at short notice so we all drove up to Melbourne on Sunday. Fuck it's boring. And the food is fucking AWFUL and overpriced as FUCK. Chicken burgers sitting in a bainmarie for $9.50. Surly lunch lady wouldn't swap out the coleslaw on the burger for gravy either. Was terrible.

Little guy spent most of the time giving us the low down on the map situation. Was pretty bored until we got to the lions. Loved the lions! They started roaring and everything.
Went back to Geelong to a mates place and we had a 5 course meal made for about 8 of us. Salt & Pepper cob with dips, french onion soup/goulash, steamed veges with KFC style fried chicken, chocolate & ricotta croissants, cheese fondue and platter!

Didn't get home until midnight though which suckeddddddd.

Also Where's My Water and Tiny Wings are FREE for iOS peasants.

Everyone should buy the Sonic racing game off Steam while it's still on sale for $7.50 because it's freaking amazing.

Yup, best Kart racer since CTR. Love the hell out of it even though I suck at it.


I don't believe I have argued otherwise, please correct me if I am wrong though.

I was responding to "it's just like this, Windows 8 is for me, and not for you" which implies that it's just an optional taste thing that nothing objective can be said about.


I was responding to "it's just like this, Windows 8 is for me, and not for you" which implies that it's just an optional taste thing that nothing objective can be said about.

Not my intention, well not directly. What I meant is, more along the lines of, there are enough issues to prevent you using it, with me I don't acknowledge said issues as a problem for me for various reasons, believe me if I was affected by them to a degree where they outweighed the positives I would move straight back to 7.

edit: sans bullshit price, the $299 price for that motherboard is pretty good

edit2: $36 to attend my gf's graduation ceremony what a rip, I don't dare not buy it though. Also she just got her final mark, and graduates with a perfect GPA, 24 x High Distinctions, so proud :D


Also, thanks MWave, I was about to spend $1900 on a motherboard. Luckily you suggested otherwise.


Damn! I'm quite sure that right there is illegal. I remember when I worked at JB Hi-Fi, we used to get a new product in, mark the RRP on a white ticket and cross the price out with a red texta and then put the price it was to be sold at (could have been a special or an every day price, it didn't matter) on a yellow ticket to show a saving. This was on CDs, DVDs and games, larger signs showing similar were used for big ticket items.

I'm not 100% sure of the chain of events, but they were ordered (by the ACCC presumably) to cease this practice as it is misleading; it implies a saving that is not anything of the sort. The product has to be sold at the higher price for a certain period of time (3 months I think, though my memory often fails me) before this practice can be employed.

Knowing this, it is still seen everywhere and in such absurd ways like the above in some cases. Pathetic really.

While this was quite the tangent, it's something I've wanted to get off my chest for some time.


Neither of us really care for the institution of marriage, we both love each other, we don't an expensive wedding to prove that. We do joke though that when we get to somewhere like Vegas we may get a zombie wedding or something corny and silly like that :)
PSA: If you bought the Groupees Retro Bundle for over $3 you should now have a Steamkey for Bleed. The joys of early Greenlight bundles!

Weddings are an excuse to get drunk and go on holiday (if you don't have kids!).

Details! What was he doing?

"Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll this is the lyyyyyyyons and this is the badddddgers and this is the wellefantss and this is where we go for tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigers and this the lyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyons again *stops to smile to make sure we know the extra stop at the lions isn't negotiable* andddddddddddd then we get ICE CREAM!"

Repeat that every couple of minutes to get the idea. Eventually it just became "This is where the lions were. They were AMAZINGGGGGG! *then in low register* this is something else, this was boring, these animals were boring, the hiphopitanomamouse was boring, that's the car, can we go home now?"

He worked that map like a champ though.


Neither of us really care for the institution of marriage, we both love each other, we don't an expensive wedding to prove that. We do joke though that when we get to somewhere like Vegas we may get a zombie wedding or something corny and silly like that :)

My missus always wanted the cheesy Vegas wedding, but she's "settling" for one in Australia =P


Weddings are good to introduce the two families together if they live sort of far apart. We didn't have an expensive one. Still, if you spend a lot and specify card only on the invitation, you make a lot of your outlay back!

"Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll this is the lyyyyyyyons and this is the badddddgers and this is the wellefantss and this is where we go for tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigers and this the lyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyons again *stops to smile to make sure we know the extra stop at the lions isn't negotiable* andddddddddddd then we get ICE CREAM!"

Repeat that every couple of minutes to get the idea. Eventually it just became "This is where the lions were. They were AMAZINGGGGGG! *then in low register* this is something else, this was boring, these animals were boring, the hiphopitanomamouse was boring, that's the car, can we go home now?"

He worked that map like a champ though.

That's awesome.
Superbrothers Sword & Sorcery EP for FREE for iOS peeps

Weddings are good to introduce the two families together if they live sort of far apart. We didn't have an expensive one. Still, if you spend a lot and specify card only on the invitation, you make a lot of your outlay back!

That's awesome.

Yeah we were given a TON of money, expected none! Stupidly decided to spend it on ourselves though rather than save it up.

Having the boy around makes a lot of things worth doing. Otherwise I would still be spending 18 hours a day glued to the PC/Console. Down to 5 hours or so now!

Can't wait to take him to the Aquarium next time they do a deal. I KNOW he will love this shit out of it. Everything is up in your face and there is lots of funky colours.


x3n, you like to have all the consoles right? A kid is just another console!

(If they red ring, there is a cream you can get.)


At 36 and 33 the ship has sailed off into the horizon, biologically certainly not too late but not something we are likely to budge on, 2 cats is enough :)

edit: LOL fred, that made me chuckle, but do they come with any form of DRM and a monthly fee to play online?
You can't unsubscribe to a kid once you get started, a bit like how Microsoft used to be trying to take your Credit Card details off their system :/

And yeah, having a cat is like having an extra kid around! Little fucker thinks he is people!


At 36 and 33 the ship has sailed off into the horizon, biologically certainly not too late but not something we are likely to budge on, 2 cats is enough :)

edit: LOL fred, that made me chuckle, but do they come with any form of DRM and a monthly fee to play online?

33? Man, you guys have a good decade or so to change your mind.

Kids are more or less a form of DRM for access to your partner. You can try the sleep method, but this is unreliable, and often it will reactivate when you are in the middle of your "play session". Not to mention that figuring out the sleep method will make you so tired that you won't feel like playing any games when you do finally get it to work.

Monthly fee to play online? Man, there's a monthly fee to go to work. Payable to childcare.

Kids are awesome though, no lie.


Hahaha, funny stuff. Yeah kids are pretty cool, they just don't fit in with our lifestyle and selfishness :) At least you guys aren't being jerks about it, some people act like you're second class citizens when you opt to not have kids, I felt that it was a case of them having to struggle through it so you should too. The way I see it, if your heart isn't in it, it's probably best not to have kids anyway.


Hahaha, funny stuff. Yeah kids are pretty cool, they just don't fit in with our lifestyle and selfishness :) At least you guys aren't being jerks about it, some people act like you're second class citizens when you opt to not have kids, I felt that it was a case of them having to struggle through it so you should too. The way I see it, if your heart isn't in it, it's probably best not to have kids anyway.

Stop being sensible man.
Fuck that, if you don't have kids you can both focus on your careers and get high paying jobs paying high levels of tax which then comes back to me/us in the form of child care rebates!

You not having kids is a direct benefit to me man!


Haha, and you might even have people to look after you when you're old and decrepit, fat lot of good our tax dollars will do us then :p
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