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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


The whole martin/zimmerman thing is so depressing.

On a rule of law thing I think the prosecution ran a dreadful case and the jury were on a beyond reasonable doubt metric probably right to acquit in the circumstances, but the laws themselves are utterly fucked if you can shadow a kid with a loaded weapon and then off them 'in self-defence'

Yet if Zimmerman was a black dude and Martin a white kid.... Zimmerman would have been sentenced about 10 months ago.


The whole martin/zimmerman thing is so depressing.

On a rule of law thing I think the prosecution ran a dreadful case and the jury were on a beyond reasonable doubt metric probably right to acquit in the circumstances, but the laws themselves are utterly fucked if you can shadow a kid with a loaded weapon and then off them 'in self-defence'

The whole situation is so fucking depressing. The guy started a fight with an unarmed kid and then shot him when he began to lose that fight. Self defence laws are supposed to be there for when someone is put in a dangerous situation from which they can't escape, not when someone puts themselves in one. Ugh.

But yeah, the prosecution was over-zealous and unfortunately didn't have much of a case to begin with. They knew it, and they only went ahead with this because the public called for it. I hope that this, at the very least, results in a reexamination of self defence law, but I really doubt it. Florida is the smelly armpit of a country already up its own ass with fear and paranoia.


Makes me wonder what it's like for the increasing number of African refugees that live here. Obviously the history of oppression isn't there (well, not in the same way anyway) but it's possible that people's expectations and biases about black people have been coloured (ho ho) by exposure to American news and media. That, plus our apparently ubiquitous xenophobia.


Makes me wonder what it's like for the increasing number of African refugees that live here. Obviously the history of oppression isn't there (well, not in the same way anyway) but it's possible that people's expectations and biases about black people have been coloured (ho ho) by exposure to American news and media. That, plus our apparently ubiquitous xenophobia.

I imagine it's WAY worse for African refugees here. their numbers are so few that most Australians don't actually encounter them on a regular basis, and there's zero representation in the media either. How do you even begin to mingle in a society where you're seen as a novelty at best?

Dead Man

The whole martin/zimmerman thing is so depressing.

On a rule of law thing I think the prosecution ran a dreadful case and the jury were on a beyond reasonable doubt metric probably right to acquit in the circumstances, but the laws themselves are utterly fucked if you can shadow a kid with a loaded weapon and then off them 'in self-defence'
Yeah, utterly depressing all round. Saw this tumblr earlier and thought it was pretty great: http://wearenottrayvonmartin.com/
Make sure to read this write up of Questloves Facebook post reacting to the Trayvon case. Better yet read the actual Facebook post.

Yup, would be 98% sure of that going by the things they said and how they followed him out to the car park with the camera. Dude has done plenty of stupid shit over the years without resorting to that.
Yeah, saw that eralier, great read, made me sad as hell, but a great read.
Yet if Zimmerman was a black dude and Martin a white kid.... Zimmerman would have been sentenced about 10 months ago.
Pretty much.
I imagine it's WAY worse for African refugees here. their numbers are so few that most Australians don't actually encounter them on a regular basis, and there's zero representation in the media either. How do you even begin to mingle in a society where you're seen as a novelty at best?
Having worked with some african migrants (as co workers), they at least seem to have pretty solid community groups available, and their family links seem to tend to be pretty solid. That is from a very small sample size of 4 though, so I could be way off. Doesn't make it easier, but no representation is probably better than fucked up demonising for representation.
With Sudanese migrants, it doesn't help that the way of socialising often involves gathering and hanging out together in public places, especially as a young man, because where else are you supposed to meet people in your community?

The very sheltered average Australian just sees a gang of black youths and gets images of 1980s movies set in New York.

My wife, who knows better and is well aware that it's awful, still admits that she feels apprehensive about walking through a group of Sudanese teenage boys precisely because her only exposure to black people is from American media. These unconscious biases affect our behaviour every day and it isn't fair.

For instance, why should walking past a group of Aboriginal teens make me any more nervous than walking past a group of Anglo-Celt or Asian teens? In my personal experience, it's the Anglo-Celt kids who are more likely to try to beat me up. Aboroginal kids will more often than not just assume I'm Aboriginal myself and maybe call me brother as they try to bum some cigarettes from me.

On a tangential note, if Sudanese refugees want media exposure, the fastest way to do that is to get the girls into modeling. Some of them certainly have the legs for it, goodness gracious.
OH SHIT Mickey Arthur legal claims leaked

Interesting timing.....

reportedly claimed in legal documents that Michael Clarke described Shane Watson and his faction as "a cancer" on the national squad, while also alleging he was the victim of racial discrimination during his time with the team.

Arthur claimed Cricket Australia did not support him over the decision to suspend four players on the tour of India over the so-called homework incident. Arthur alleged that he was discriminated against because he was South African and did not understand the Australian way

Also Play Asia weekly deals
Metal Gear Rising on 360/PS3 for $31 posted
ZombiU for US WiiU ONLY for $25 posted
Deadly Premonition DC on PS3 for $25 posted


L4D2 TIME????


If the Blues selectors just got rid of Pearce, that change alone would give them a fighting chance of winning a series.
If the Blues selectors just got rid of Pearce, that change alone would give them a fighting chance of winning a series.

Pearce was much better than Maloney (which isn't saying anything). Put Hayne at fullback (it's pretty clear he is our best player) pick a decent halves combo and actually use our bench and we may have a chance. There is no point picking players like Woods and giving them 15 minutes.
I really don't know what they can do to turn things around from here. I guess they must be hoping for a 3DS-style "Mario Kart and 3D Mario one-two punch" revival? 'cause the thing is looking fucked as can be right now.

When all's said and done, I'll have at least 13 exclusives for WU, assuming it limps on to the point of Bayonetta 2 and X coming out and they don't get Super Paper Mario'd or whatever, so I guess it's not a total wash if that's where it ends up. Even if a quarter of them are Mario games and another an expansion to one of those Mario games.
SF4 is awful. The artstyle is vomit inducing. Stop trying to cater to westerners Japan.

This shows you know nothing about fighting games or artstyle.
or vomit

We should setup a Google Hangout and all jump in on it. At least you can get the Hangout app for all mobile devices and cross-chat or whatever.

Hangout is the best thing ever. But then everyone would need to add everyone on hangout.

Well, great

what kind of commute time am I looking at here, like an hour each way

More, say hour 10 mins at least. Leave half an hour early than you intend to. Trains running late is very common, and you probably won't get a seat.
I might be able to tell you guys tomorrow if any next gen titles will be playable at PAX. :p

Anyone going to Thursday drinks early? Can prob do 4 for an hour or so.

How early?

I will have to leave by 7pm to reach showgrounds for the 7:30 PAX meet. I can and will only have 1 drink because I have to drive. I'll leave it upto you to recommend the best one
you come highly recommended by cods in the beer dept
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