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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Cut out as much processed stuff as possible. Easier said then done.

Yeah that is a big issue with my grazing. Most of that stuff is highly processed, almost to the point of being made out of plastic or something. Need to find a healthy yet satisfying trail mix or something. That doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

That Oatmeal comic Shaneus posted is pretty close to how I was a few years back but then I stopped running but kept eating :/


I would kill for some chicken right now but I really gotta start losing some weight, put on some this year already :(

Any good tips for dieting correctly?
Try the Intermittent Fasting diet. It has the benefit of also making you healthier in general (says Science!) Fast two days a week and eat whatever you like the other 5. Fasting means only taking in 600 calories - skip lunch and be a little careful about what you eat for breakfast and dinner. I've been doing it for five weeks now.


Try the Intermittent Fasting diet. It has the benefit of also making you healthier in general (says Science!) Fast two days a week and eat whatever you like the other 5. Fasting means only taking in 600 calories - skip lunch and be a little careful about what you eat for breakfast and dinner. I've been doing it for five weeks now.

Fasting means not eating anything at all actually. So thats not fasting. Its eating less. You liar.

Also, eat whatever you like? So you could eat a million chocolate bars for those 5 days and youd not only lose weight but be healthier?

Science? More like Lience!


Scientific study of intermittent fasting in rats (and anecdotally in humans) was carried out at least as early as 1943

Yeah, that was called concentration camps.



Rainbows: 0/10
Jumping: 1,000,000/10
Enemies turn into fruit when you beat them: 0/10
Everything is Cute: 0/10
Is called Rainbow Islands: 0/10

Overall average: 200,000/10 GOLD MEDAL WINNER

Street Fighter is a special case where I haven't hit rock bottom and been able to admit that I have a problem yet.



Below is a copy-paste of an email I sent to a few girls seeking weightloss advice after I achieved my own goals earlier this year.

For context: heaviest I've ever been as a 6'3" guy (191cm) is 107kg. After being up-down for a while, I was 97 kg upon returning to Australia after living in England.

Am currently 84.5 kg (I check every second day) and have been at about that weight since January.

Technically, I was about 86 kg in Jan, after reaching my goal of 87.5 kg, and after 6 months of maintaining the good habits I established and stuck to. Personally I think I'm a bit light for my frame, but I still maintain my fitness and strength training without worry and eat right.

I've got a graph floating around that has my weightloss tracked from October 2012 to January 2013. I stopped recording my weight after I reached my goal, but still keep an eye on it every time I hit the gym.

Was compelled to post before-after shots in the GAF weightloss thread, but I'm not superkeen on having shirtless Bernbaum pics floating around the internet.

In addition to the text-dump below, I'll stress that it's all about a 'lifestyle choice'. A lot of people have the mentally of dieting to lose weight fast to get into a weight window they think will make them look good, and can then return to their eating habits. You really have to think long-term and having a nutrition plan where you never eat pizza or drink beer just isn't a happy way to live.

Having a few family members with health problems related to weight, it's important for me as a 30 year old chump to get on top of this shit and maintain a lifestyle that will make me live longer. That's my goal - not to run fast, or be strong, or look good without a shirt, but to maximise the number of years I'll be around to waste time F5-ing Steam sales.

Bernbaum's email from January 2013 said:
When I returned from the UK in September last year, I was 97.1kg.

I set myself the goal of returning to a sensible weight for my height. 90 kg was the target, with a ‘stretch target’ of 87.5kg. This was to be achieved by New Years day, 2013.

After getting on the scales for the first time this year, I am currently 86.4kg – the lightest I’ve been in the last 5 years. Not only did I meet my target weight well in advance of the deadline, but have also passed the stretch target since the start of the New Year.

The key learning throughout this was on maintaining a healthy diet that was easy to stick to. For all the hard work put in at the gym, it meant nothing without a proper diet. The meals I make now are tasty and healthy and I enjoy a wide range of different foods that I don’t find bland or get sick of. I have good habits now and don’t find myself craving snacks.

The only downside is that I drink less alcohol during the week and get drunk much easier!

Since losing the weight, I’m fitter, healthier, happier, I sleep better and am more energetic throughout the working day. My goals for 2013 are different now that I’m at a happy weight. I will now be focussing on improving fitness and strength, all whilst maintaining the same healthy eating habits that I developed in 2012.

Wishing each of you all the best in achieving your personal goals in 2013:

- Weightloss is about 80% what you eat, 20% exercise.

- Don’t drink lots of alcohol (drink only one night a week).

- Cut out the sugar (no treats – muffins, cakes, cookies etc). This is the hard one. It also means no dessert. Dessert is a killer – nice big calorie dump right before going to bed!

- Good foods – broccoli, greek yoghurt, grilled/baked chicken, blueberries, tuna, salmon, mushrooms, brown rice, quinoa, poached eggs, green beans. Dress salads with oil and balsamic vinegar.

- Bad foods – SUGAR, white bread, banana bread, fatty cuts of meat (lamb, pork), cookies, soft drink (probably the worst thing), most fruit juice is liquid sugar, french fries, salad dressing (the silent killer).

- Drink lots of water throughout the day.

- Eat something different every day or you’ll go crazy.

- A big bowl of vegies is very filling and great for you.

- You don’t need to calorie count, but check out websites like CaloreKing.com.au every now and then for foods you eat often. You’ll be surprised to learn of stuff that’s super bad for you and there’ll be a few things you’ll think were bad but are actually okay.

- Eat 6 fist-sized meals throughout the day instead of 3 big meals. Better for your metabolism and you’ll be less hungry throughout the day even though it’s the same daily volume of food.

- My diet: Breakfast – muesli and yoghurt with dried fruit and nuts; Lunches (plural) – protein shakes; sushi; roast veg salad; couscous; tinned tuna; grilled chicken; Dinner: meat and veg. I love my pasta dishes but have cut back on the pasta.

- Have a practical exercise plan that you have time for. It’s better to exercise regularly than it is to exercise intensively.

- Don’t eat breakfast straight away (if you can get a run in the morning before coming to work, that’s great).

- Have a ‘cheat day’ each week when you can indulge yourself on the foods you shouldn’t be eating. By having a day to look forward to when you can eat the foods you crave, you won’t go crazy and binge out! Once you get into a regular exercise plan, you can have one day of eating garbage that won’t even be a blip on your overall metabolism. My ‘cheat day’ is Saturday: big hangover breakfast please!

- If you don’t buy junkfood for your pantry, then there’s no way you can ‘accidentally’ eat a whole packet of Tim Tams. Healthy eating starts in the supermarket trolley.

- You don’t need to cut the carbs, but limit carb consumption to the AM hours.

- If you want an exercise to do regularly, do swimming or intervals. Running is okay but cycling is better for your joints. Long-distance jogging is a really good way to destroy your body. Only a select few humans are built for marathons. High Intensity Interval Training is usually only twenty minutes a day.

- Have one or two clear-cut goals with a timeline. Mine was simple: get from 97kg to 90kg in three months. I did that. Tracking results is a good way to see progress and will motivate you. Think LONG-term. If you get on the scales next week and you’re the same weight as you were before, you’ll likely give up. There’s no quick-fix, avoid crash dieting. It’s better to lose weight gradually rather than rapidly.

- Your body will adjust to any change in diet and exercise. It’ll be difficult at first, but once you’re over the hump it’ll be fine. My mum said that once you’ve done something for 21 days in a row, it becomes a habit. These days I go to the gym everyday even if I’m knackered, simply because it’s a habit.

- Remember – it’s a long term lifestyle decision and NOT a short-term crash diet.




Across all time, space and throughout multiple dimensions and realities, Chicken Hitler was the least effective of all.

Both Crackdown and Streetfighter fare poorly with your new review scheme...


Just the beginning!


Gotta cut out the soft drink again. There was a good six months or so where I was only drinking water (and like the once a month booze up) but then at some point I got back on the soft drink wagon.

Least I stopped chugging it at home.
I don't blame any company for not putting things on the system given how software sales have been, but I was kind disappointed Ultra Street Fighter 4 isn't going to be on Wii U. Injustice and Tekken Tag 2 are both great "play on the Gamepad while Simpsons reruns are on TV or while watching some streams or whatever" games.
I think that just backs up the fact that Chicken Hitler was the least effective of all the multidimensional Hilter version. 5 deaths? Get the fuck out of here, Chicken Hitlter. More Americans are killed by their furniture each year.

Gaz: I wish you all the best in the future and hope that you have friends and family that can support you at this time.

Bern: Nice email. All excellent and sensible tips that people should take into consideration. Weight loss is your life (a healthy life), not a period of doing the right thing you have to endure before you can go back to your old ways. And then bitch incredulously about why you've put weight back on.


but ever so delicious
So we got mobile numbers in the doc or anything? Communications is gonna be a major headache, it usually is at cons

I wasn't sure how to go about this part to be honest. I figured mobile networks on gaf / twitter might be somewhat enough. Plus I can use the cal to update any changes to events which I should be able to put down with a 5 min notification that those who have subbed should get.

Otherwise, I guess we need to throw around some mobile numbers.

It would have been nice if that event app allowed you to add friends / use gps or something / message through it.
Huh, Forza 5 will need a DLC download to play at all. Odd choice. Also sounds like all the AI will be in that download. Dangerous times afoot.

Kinda wish the DLC for these was on sale too. Wouldn't mind picking up Bass and the Endless stages if they were.
Yeah I never understand why they don't put it all up on sale. If someone buys the game they may end up grabbing the DLC but if the DLC is almost the same price as the full game it is pretty hard to swallow.

Also why the fuck not discount old arse DLC anyway! Just ignoring free money, stupid publishers.

Try the Intermittent Fasting diet. It has the benefit of also making you healthier in general (says Science!) Fast two days a week and eat whatever you like the other 5. Fasting means only taking in 600 calories - skip lunch and be a little careful about what you eat for breakfast and dinner. I've been doing it for five weeks now.
That would work out okay for me. I've started just having packet soup for lunch, they are cheap and sometimes filling enough (although the salt levels are really high).


Below is a copy-paste of an email I sent to a few girls seeking weightloss advice after I achieved my own goals earlier this year.

Also thanks for that, I've hit 95kg at 6 foot so its a bit of a similar situation. At one point I was comfortable in the high 60kg range but that seems like a long time ago now. Just want to get back around 80kg and I just know it would give me a lot more energy to do stuff with the family.

Sucks living down here with limited access to a variety of foods at a reasonable price, same with swimming. Costs a fucking fortune here. I can get out walking/jogging when it isn't raining after 6:30pm and the boy has gone to sleep thankfully. Diet will definitely be the key though like you said. Need to cut out carbs late in the day without a doubt. Moved to squeezing a lemon over salads which I assume is good.

Sad face that I have to give up banana bread though :(

I used to drink 10L of water a day easily. Just got to the point in the last year where I am fucking sick of the stuff. Just struggle with it now. Moved onto tea which isn't too bad I expect.

Making smaller meals is something I really want to get us into. My snacking nature helped keep my weight down over the years, I never understood the thought behind having such a huge meal at the end of the day.

Sugar is fine, I drank way too much Vanilla Coke at uni so I can't stomach much sugar. My vice is the chips/twisties that are heavy as fuck. Aldi have twisties that taste better than twisties for $1 a packet. IM NOT MADE OF STONEEEEEEEEEEEEE :(

Also I can understand why your Mum would say that, she does refer to me as a habit at this point :/

I don't blame any company for not putting things on the system given how software sales have been, but I was kind disappointed Ultra Street Fighter 4 isn't going to be on Wii U. Injustice and Tekken Tag 2 are both great "play on the Gamepad while Simpsons reruns are on TV or while watching some streams or whatever" games.
See that is a cool use. They should fucking market that. Watch the EVO stream on TV while trying to recreate the moves on the Gamepad.

Or in the training mode have the move constantly cycle on the Gamepad while you try and pull it off on the TV so you can just glance down to see what to do when needed.


That Oatmeal comic Shaneus posted is pretty close to how I was a few years back but then I stopped running but kept eating :/
I think it's provided me with that extra kick I needed to actually start running. Last time I was relatively healthy, the good eating worked in tandem with good exercise... so if I can start some kind of jogging, I'm figuring that I'll start craving good food again rather than bad food.

But seriously, <3 The Oatmeal. That and Hyperbole-and-a-Half are easily my go-to comic things (because they're more like blogs that are funny than "webcomics").

Yo AusGAF, I think I might buy myself an extra powerpack for PAX just so I don't run out of jooce for my iPhone/iPad/Vita/SGS (for Ingress). Where can I buy one in Melbourne that doesn't have a 20% Apple tax for buying it at Myer or an Apple store?

I wasn't sure how to go about this part to be honest. I figured mobile networks on gaf / twitter might be somewhat enough. Plus I can use the cal to update any changes to events which I should be able to put down with a 5 min notification that those who have subbed should get.

Otherwise, I guess we need to throw around some mobile numbers.

It would have been nice if that event app allowed you to add friends / use gps or something / message through it.
We should setup a Google Hangout and all jump in on it. At least you can get the Hangout app for all mobile devices and cross-chat or whatever.
Just checked into my hotel! The riot team was there, and i was watching the receptionist explain that they messed up the booking and there was no room :s


Huh, Forza 5 will need a DLC download to play at all. Odd choice. Also sounds like all the AI will be in that download. Dangerous times afoot.
Pathetic. Just solidifies my choice to avoid the console for as long as possible, if not indefinitely. Curious to have a go of it (if it's hands-on) at PAX, though.

See that is a cool use. They should fucking market that. Watch the EVO stream on TV while trying to recreate the moves on the Gamepad.
That's a thing? God damnit, that's awesome. Why is this the first I've heard of it?


but ever so delicious
We should setup a Google Hangout and all jump in on it. At least you can get the Hangout app for all mobile devices and cross-chat or whatever.

We would have to add everyone to google plus. I just tried to see if i could start a private hangout and that's a no go by the looks of it.


Pathetic. Just solidifies my choice to avoid the console for as long as possible, if not indefinitely. Curious to have a go of it (if it's hands-on) at PAX, though.

That's a thing? God damnit, that's awesome. Why is this the first I've heard of it?

because he made it up
I wasn't sure how to go about this part to be honest. I figured mobile networks on gaf / twitter might be somewhat enough. Plus I can use the cal to update any changes to events which I should be able to put down with a 5 min notification that those who have subbed should get.

Otherwise, I guess we need to throw around some mobile numbers.

It would have been nice if that event app allowed you to add friends / use gps or something / message through it.
I doubt we're gonna get good reception with that many people. Probably better just to grab numbers at the meetup?


Anyway, tell me about these Myki cards. I'm crashing with friends out in endevour hills (?) so I'm gonna get to know the public transportness i guess
Anyway, tell me about these Myki cards. I'm crashing with friends out in endevour hills (?) so I'm gonna get to know the public transportness i guess

My efforts towards understanding them has been sticking my fingers in my ears and going LALALALALALALALALALALA!

If I get in trouble I'll just say it's my first day and hope they feel pity.


but ever so delicious
Anyway, tell me about these Myki cards. I'm crashing with friends out in endevour hills (?) so I'm gonna get to know the public transportness i guess


I live in endeavour hills. It's why i'm staying in the city for the event.

Anyway, You will need a zone 1 and 2 ticket if you're going to travel from there. Hallam station is probably closest and that will be the pakenham line of train, Dandenong has buses and stuff but it's also slightly more fucked up due to bogans, druggies and so on.


Castle Crashers yay or nay?

Big yay!! Still play it on both 360 and PC to this day.

Huh, Forza 5 will need a DLC download to play at all. Odd choice. Also sounds like all the AI will be in that download. Dangerous times afoot.

I don't have a big problem with this. I'm not buying an XBone anytime soon, but day one free downloads are fine in my book.

Also, I am not watching the footy tonight because video games. Namely my addiction to the latest Need for Speed game and it's DLC. I don't know how it happened.

Dead Man

Big yay!! Still play it on both 360 and PC to this day.

I don't have a big problem with this. I'm not buying an XBone anytime soon, but day one free downloads are fine in my book.

Also, I am not watching the footy tonight because video games. Namely my addiction to the latest Need for Speed game and it's DLC. I don't know how it happened.

It's not really a day one free download, it is half the game, and you can't play without it.


but ever so delicious
Well, great

what kind of commute time am I looking at here, like an hour each way

Yea, About 1 hour depending on which train station you are getting off.

Do you know how you are actually getting to your mates place after the event? Is he driving or anything like that ?


The whole martin/zimmerman thing is so depressing.

On a rule of law thing I think the prosecution ran a dreadful case and the jury were on a beyond reasonable doubt metric probably right to acquit in the circumstances, but the laws themselves are utterly fucked if you can shadow a kid with a loaded weapon and then off them 'in self-defence'
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