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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Waiting in line for Saints Row since the parenting panel was full half an hour before it opened. Tiny fucking theatres. Seen pretty much everything else, not sure if ill go tomorrow since I would only be going for the one panel again.
Waiting in line for Saints Row since the parenting panel was full half an hour before it opened. Tiny fucking theatres. Seen pretty much everything else, not sure if ill go tomorrow since I would only be going for the one panel again.

Me too. Where are you in line? I'm near the half brick booth in line. Wearing white shirt with a comic book backpack with a guy wearing blue flannel and grey backpack

Okay now I'm nearly inside.


Man, fuck lines. Did two easy to get into panels, Halfbrick and chip tunes and have just been wandering having a good time since then. Why would anyone want to wait in a line to see an XBONE.

We should get an ausgaf game of js joust in at some point

Sounds like you guys had fun today. How are your nerd detectors 3DSs holding up? Filling out those Streetpass puzzles?

Since I have nothing else to contribute for now, here's a recent picture of my son:

Had a ball just walking around with the boys. Got my Jaeger figure finally. Tomorrow will probably spend most of tomorrow in the tabletop area.


My Twitter is an insane mix of nerd crap from two cons and people being really angry about this shitty asylum seeker policy
Just a word of warning to everyone: cods talks a big game about "just message me when I'm online and we'll do this!" but is apparently too busy enjoying a holiday to respond to steam chats!! That man has no priorities... :p
I do have priorities! I'm on a train headed to Berlin right now listening to Giorgio by Moroder just so I can get a good Berliner Weiβe. Perfect weather for it, too.

Must make more time to trade images in order to create different images.

So is everyone in this thread in Melbourne or what?
Nope. :( And I normally live there.
I do have priorities! I'm on a train headed to Berlin right now listening to Giorgio by Moroder just so I can get a good Berliner Weiβe. Perfect weather for it, too.
Guessed you were referring to a beer and was rewarded for relying on your predictability. If you're not going to make time to trade images to make larger images, what about just posting some damn holiday images?

How did we get to the point that you have to be a cunt to asylum seekers to be electable?
Hey! Politicians start having worthwhile opinions and taking commendable action and you turn on them? You're as bad as those damn foreigners. Actually, where you were born? Fredescu... doesn't sound Australian...


Holy shit pax is a black hole for my phone. So many nerds in one place killed that tower's bandwidth.

Also that tram ride out of pax was HORRIBLE. Packed full of the worst smelling people (and I am no exception)

Can't decide if I go back to my hotel to get into less wet clothes only to make them wet on the walk back to Korean BBQ.
Awesome pic. How is he doing? Can I ask potentially sensitive developmental questions?
He's doing great! He turned 7 months old yesterday (5 months adjusted because of being premature). He's on solid food and giggles a lot when he's not tired and cranky.

He's taken to grabbing toys, but he hasn't figured out how to hold things to his mouth.


but ever so delicious
That bad that you wouldn't go a second day?

It is pretty shit. Like there's not much, it's seriously a merchant show. Few places to play console games, not enough at all considering the crowd. I think about 8 of us spent most of the day in the board game section playing a few things. That's probably what the next 2 days will be.

Really is disappointing that's for sure.

Arnie walked up to the bald guy from Pax and told him how lame the show was, haha.
At least I'm from Planet_EARTH.
That's a dangerous assumption on either my username being descriptive of my origins or fealty to a different homeworld.

Following the precident set by your line of reasoning I can only draw the conclusion that you come from a place called Fredescu.

Also, your defensive (and evasive) reaction to my question only damns you further, outlander.


Following the precident set by your line of reasoning I can only draw the concussion that you come from a place called Fredescu.

That would only make sense if my username specified a locality, such as Town_Fredescu, Fredescu_Bay, or Municipality_of_Fredescu. I sense an otherworldliness to your logic.


Had a good day with the boys at pax. Probably don't need more than a day to do it really. Only bad things were lines freakin everywhere for everything and like cookie said not enough space for board games/console games. Made the second round of Mario kart tournament which was fun.


Da fuq, any1 else in there kritz?


Had to weigh in if I wanted to get there early and put up with the wet clothes, or if I wanted to walk back to hotel, get way more wet, change and come back out with the potential of making it worse.

I should buy an umbrella I guess.
That would only make sense if my username specified a locality, such as Town_Fredescu, Fredescu_Bay, or Municipality_of_Fredescu. I sense an otherworldliness to your logic.
Of course you do. Because you're a foreigner. And, seemingly, not even one of those smart, job stealing ones, either.
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