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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


but ever so delicious
Currently in hotel ironing clothes dry. It is wet, so if you are reading this, try and grab a tram to the BBQ.

I will be another 30+ before I get there. Wonder if they know any good umbrella shops near by at reception.
Lol not in service train sitting at PAX. This could a long night.

Bit disappointed in the organisers, I know they did a lot right but overall it was pretty amateur.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Interstaters come to Melbourne.

Pours rain.

Trains cancelled.

About as accurate as an introduction can be.


PAX was pretty terriblely organized. At least there was a buttload of games. Some of the pannels were really bad. The Anime and Video Games pannel was like listening to a skype call podcast and didn't touch on anything interesting points excrpt for a few Sega Saturn name drops and that Japanese FPS Monolith did.

Who thought 1 two carraige train every 40 minutes was a good idea?

Currently sitting in a very cold wet Caulfeild station.
Guessed you were referring to a beer and was rewarded for relying on your predictability. If you're not going to make time to trade images to make larger images, what about just posting some damn holiday images?
Why the hell else would I go on holiday? To see or do things? Nope, to eat and drink! Closing in on having tried 100 new beers, many of which I'll never find in Australia. Have eaten heaps of awesome stuff too. Not many new animals, though I did have tripe for the first time in Florence.

Posting heaps on Instagram because it's easy but have a bunch more to post whenever I get around to actually looking at them (just dump them onto the hard disk each night).

Also, German beer has been equal parts predictable and awesome. Virtually the same limited selection of styles everywhere and nothing adventurous, but many are done extremely well within that small scope.


I won't be able to make it tonight guys =[ We got in a lot later than we were hoping thanks to heavy traffic and roadworks. Then after we grabbed some shopping it would've been too late for me to have a shower and tram down.

If we go in to PAX tomorrow, can we come back out and then go back in? All we wanna do is give some tickets to some people and they'll be arriving later than us.

PAX was pretty terriblely organized. At least there was a buttload of games. Some of the pannels were really bad. The Anime and Video Games pannel was like listening to a skype call podcast and didn't touch on anything interesting points excrpt for a few Sega Saturn name drops and that Japanese FPS Monolith did.

The panels aren't run by PAX, they just open registration and anyone can apply to run one.


It is pretty shit. Like there's not much, it's seriously a merchant show. Few places to play console games, not enough at all considering the crowd. I think about 8 of us spent most of the day in the board game section playing a few things. That's probably what the next 2 days will be.

Really is disappointing that's for sure.

Arnie walked up to the bald guy from Pax and told him how lame the show was, haha.

Arnie is my new hero


Sorry I didn't make it to BBQ, something came up (as it always does).

PAX has been a mixed bag for day 1. Clearly if you want to make it to a panel (and I only made it to one in the end but it was a good one) you need to queue over an hour in advance. That's just utterly stupid. The rooms are ridiculously small.

I spent a large chunk of the day wandering the boardgame area (played and bought Sentinels of the Multiverse) and then the exhibition hall which was good in parts but terrible in others. WTF BOOTH BABES!?!?!

I did strike up some great conversations in the queues, so that wasn't all bad...


Its ok I had a chat to jerry and pretty much said I thought it was shit

Other than meeting other cool AusGAF people, PAX does sound shithouse. It's the only reason I wish I was able to go.

Looking at the schedule, there is just shit-all interesting things happening. Beyond Dungeons & Dragons panel was on today and it's cool (I'd seen it before, though there might have been some changes made), but outside of that it's just bereft of stuff to do. Board games present are blah and the tabletop rpgs are mostly d20 shitstorms. There does seem to be some other rpg action going on that might be worthwhile, but it's scheduled for only 2 hours a day... uh... what?

Considering 13th Age is launching this year and there's a lot of excitement surrounding it, it should be there, not sure if it is since it's not on the schedule. When there is a call for GMs 2 weeks out from the show after they were requested to be there, that doesn't show much forethought going into it from the PAX organisers. The 13th Age GMs for Gen Con have been locked away for ages.

Call of Cthulhu just had a massive kickstarter, as did Fate Core and Dungeon World did a short while ago. Night's Black Agents is up for best game, best rules, best writing, best art, best product and best adventure Ennie awards, and it's not there. It's spies against vampires, who wouldn't play the shit out of that? No reason they couldn't be there or an attempt made for it to happen. Hell, the guys that did the Beyond Dungeons & Dragons panel would happily run Parsely games and some other stuff for a large group of people at once, they did at other PAX shows and cons.

Might as well get a motel room with some tables and chairs or some beanbags or something and bring our own board games and rpgs to play. Come to think of it, I would've totally done that.


The rooms really are way too small. We were waiting for the Bioware panel for about 2 hours and we ended up in the second to last row. You got the Dragon Age: Inquisition e3 trailer and two new pieces of concept art.

Mostly q&a where they couldn't answer anything about a game that wasn't already out.
They were very nice though and seemed genuinely surprised so many people showed up...which is odd because Bioware could fill a theatre with the fanbase they have. Australia or not.

You had some fans make very pointed references to the Mass Effect ending and Dragon Age II. One basically wondering if The Witcher 3 scares the shit out of them because of how awesome that will be.

PAX beanbag chairs are fucking magical.

Oh and something to note for those who go to Coffee and Crepes, a friend went there for food and despite the fact I had the longer line, when I got back she nowhere to be found.
She shows up as I'm finishing my meal and it turns out she was in the line to get a ticket for the actual line.

Only had one AusGAF encounter, waiting in line for the Oculus Rift I was caught reading AusGAF on the phone. Kind of made me wish I paid more attention so I could actually recognise you folks out in the wild.


I really have no idea what they can do about the rooms though. Fire safety regulations, etc. The showgrounds are already the biggest exhibition centre in Melbourne, right?

The Foul

wow tough crowd. Me and the Mrs had a great time at pax today. Hung out at the board game area for the most of it, tough to find a spot but nobody said no to us joining their game that wasn't already full or had started. Got to take it all in. Found out pretty quick that pax is about the people, and is really just an excuse to get our sour arses out of the house and in the one spot together. For me that aspect didn't disappoint. Every random I got talking to was a real ass motherfucker, even the booth babes. the event does has room for improvement next year, but after having to dodge obnoxious drunk fuckwits exiting etihad stadium on the way home, I wanted to go straight back.
You guys are awesome! Fucking great food too, so full! Tonight was worth the trip alone. PAX is definitely all about the people.

Glad to play some amazing Indie games and try the Rift. Rest of PAX was poor though, too much promotion and booth babes.

Panels were impossible to attend. So stupid. WHY NOT SETUP A BIG TENT?!?






Thanks danoss. Yeah pax to me was just a way to hangout with ausgaf and play boardgames. That and drinks and food after were a million times better than any of the other shit they have there


Board games arent really my thing, but I'll definitely check in. Got a backup battery for my phone
Cool, we can totally hang. No idea what I want to do, but it's probably not board games.

I think I'm going to go to the game rental thing, rent a popular game and replace it with VP Party Animals. Minds will be blown. Best time ever had at PAX, they will proclaim!

Do you have Twitter? Do I know what account it is?

Thanks danoss. Yeah pax to me was just a way to hangout with ausgaf and play boardgames. That and drinks and food after were a million times better than any of the other shit they have there
Pretty much. I was more excited at meeting/hanging out with you folk than anything I could've seen (or actually saw) today.


but ever so delicious
The people aspect is certainly the only really redeeming feature of the event.

While hanging out in a large place to play board games is nice, it's not like it's something you couldn't do with some basic as fuck effort.

The event was to my theory, about the games and instead it was about the merchandise. Buy all the things, play all the old games, queue for 4hrs for food and 30 minute panels. It just doesn't feel like it needs the 3 days. I expect a few of us may skip Sunday and just piss fact around the city, aquarium oh yea!

If you want food you can actually leave the place and a 1 minute walk will net you a few places / Coles that are less busy. 8 of us had some pizza at the Cafe that was just outside, was nice.

It has the potential to be a good, great event. But it's first outing sure as fuck feels half assed and misses the point.

I do wish I hadn't gone the three days and wasn't staying in the city until Monday. Ah well, will try and make the most of it as I never go out anyway.

And a big thanks to rid aka waikis for booking the Korean as it was his mates place. Glad everyone actually turned up and people had fun.
PAX sounds about as I'd expect from such an event. Hanging out with cool people (OK, and beer) is all I'm really upset about missing.

I know someone who went to the first NYCC and his comments echo most of the ones here. The Oz Comic Con Melbourne sounds similar to the PAX experience too from my experience.

It'll get better, hopefully.

I got my Berliner Weiße, for those keeping track. Got the expected weird look when I ordered it without syrup (used to sweeten an otherwise tart/sour beer).

If any of you guys happen past the Tinman Games stand, can you please pick me up a Gamebook Adventures code? Thanks in advance!


Muse is coming to Australia. MUSE IS COMING TO AUSTRALIA!

Also, 'Google Music All Access' is now available in Australia for those interested. Only $10 a month.
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