I had it last thing yesterday. Last thing I remember doing with it was getting ready to type some things into it because my phone was close to flat, but I can't remember if I put it back in my bag or not or if I did anything with it between closing yesterday and now.I don't remember you taking an iPad on Friday, did you take it out to do anything?
I suppose the best thing is that I know where I left it if I did, and it's pretty distinctive what with the cover, being an iPad 3 (like seriously, who has one of those?) and the wallpaper on it (which some of them recognised because it resembled the colouring on a ZX Spectrum). Also helps that I left that area shortly after 6pm when the event finished, so there weren't many people around that weren't working there in some capacity (ie. not plebs).
We'll see what happens. I don't think it's around my house otherwise would've picked up my wifi and would appear on the iCloud site (unless I didn't enable that feature, but I'm pretty sure I did). (edit: Not showing up on my router's wifi connections either, so it's definitely not in my flat)
Eh, worst case scenario is I get to but a new iPad! Woo!