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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


but ever so delicious
Made up for it on Sunday night though and got wasted with a bunch of you (you know who you are). Cookie, you seen me wandering around but didn't say hi? For shame.

Haha. I believe I noticed you on friday in the vintage/classic console section with one of your mates, The guy you bought along to the sydgaf meetup when I was there. Didn't annoy you then since you were in the middle of something.

Then last night, I did a few double takes as you were up stairs in the German joint looking for someone.

Glad you enjoyed it though. It certainly was a good event for actually meeting up with people.
Woo! Back in his rightful place!
Wife went back around near the in-laws house once it got dark and had stopped raining for about an hour. Called his name a few times and she could hear a distant, "meuoooooooooom!" from the storm water drain 200m down the road. Out he popped, calling for his mom and sprinting up the road.
Much joy was had.

I also have pictures from his first feed and first poop back in civilisation after his 24 hour ordeal but thought better of posting them lol

He has now headed off for his nightly period drama viewing with the wife on the couch on the angora rug. All is right in the world.

More than a few manly tears were shared. Love that dude.

Cats be praised!

Apart from the bit last week where it got pissy when I wanted to shut the front door and sunk its teeth into my my foot as if it were a cobra trying to down a gerbil...

and the bit where her got annoyed when i was playing with him and he got annoyed and I got my face slashed and I looked like Tyrion Lannister for a couple of weeks...

and apart from the incident with the shotgun, the jehovah's witnesses and the drum filled with petrol on the front step.

Cats be praised!


Woo! Back in his rightful place!

Wife went back around near the in-laws house once it got dark and had stopped raining for about an hour. Called his name a few times and she could hear a distant, "meuoooooooooom!" from the storm water drain 200m down the road. Out he popped, calling for his mom and sprinting up the road.
Much joy was had.

Glad to hear it, mate! Wonderful news :)


My biggest issue with PAX was the expo hall. Needed to have more game playing things going on (like the Nintendo area) and less of 'lets have 10 different headphone manufactures display their goods while playing last year's CoD or a 3 year old Need for Speed game'. I wouldn't call it bad, just eh, not great but not the worst thing either. Hopefully the whoever is organising PAXAus listens to feedback and can make it bigger and better next year, because if it wasn't for AusGAF I don't think I would have gone for the full three days even though I had a three day pass.

Speaking of AusGAF, that was the best part of the whole weekend. It was great meeting most of you, playing board/card games and having a few drinks also. Made the weekend much more enjoyable.


Woo! Back in his rightful place!

Wife went back around near the in-laws house once it got dark and had stopped raining for about an hour. Called his name a few times and she could hear a distant, "meuoooooooooom!" from the storm water drain 200m down the road. Out he popped, calling for his mom and sprinting up the road.
Much joy was had.

I also have pictures from his first feed and first poop back in civilisation after his 24 hour ordeal but thought better of posting them lol

He has now headed off for his nightly period drama viewing with the wife on the couch on the angora rug. All is right in the world.

More than a few manly tears were shared. Love that dude.
Americat? Anyway, it's still great news... very heartwarming and I'm stoked it's turned out for the best. But still, have a go at your in-laws. Shithouse performance.

anyone able to let me visit their AC village? i need to get signatures for the no make up petition
I just had a mental image of your Animal Crossing character visiting a village from Assassin's Creed. It was joyous.

PAX was the best. Oh, and I hate you Shaneus for qualifying for the AUS/NZ pinball open effortlessly (I stressed and played my heart out and just squeeked in), and for beating me in Tempest 2000.
Don't hate me, even your avatar thinks I'm an alright bloke:

Great to meet you too, BTW. So many people I've been waiting to meet for a while plus everyone else I'd met before made the cost of the ticket to PAX more worth it than the event itself.

My biggest issue with PAX was the expo hall. Needed to have more game playing things going on (like the Nintendo area) and less of 'lets have 10 different headphone manufactures display their goods while playing last year's CoD or a 3 year old Need for Speed game'. I wouldn't call it bad, just eh, not great but not the worst thing either. Hopefully the whoever is organising PAXAus listens to feedback and can make it bigger and better next year, because if it wasn't for AusGAF I don't think I would have gone for the full three days even though I had a three day pass.
Yup. Expo hall felt just like a sales convention.

Oh, and the queues/room sizes for presentations. It's quite shit having to wait for over an hour to see practically anything. Either have some kind of online booking system or lottery rather than make people wait an hour for something they won't get into, missing out on an hour where they could be doing something else instead.
Had an intense but awesome time at PAX Aus, It was great to meet fellow Gaffers in person (and some folks from other gaming websites I've visited over the past 10 years!).

Hope you liked Cactus :p

I did! I checked in on Friday. Your demo sold me on the game, congrats!



My biggest issue with PAX was the expo hall. Needed to have more game playing things going on (like the Nintendo area) and less of 'lets have 10 different headphone manufactures display their goods while playing last year's CoD or a 3 year old Need for Speed game'. I wouldn't call it bad, just eh, not great but not the worst thing either. Hopefully the whoever is organising PAXAus listens to feedback and can make it bigger and better next year, because if it wasn't for AusGAF I don't think I would have gone for the full three days even though I had a three day pass.

Speaking of AusGAF, that was the best part of the whole weekend. It was great meeting most of you, playing board/card games and having a few drinks also. Made the weekend much more enjoyable.

My friend put solitaire on one of the gaming computers because he wanted it to play a game instead of a neverending benchmark.

Did i get to meet you? I don't remember.


I just realised, you know what I liked about PAX? It was the only time at a show where I felt like the stalls run by middle men were the minority. Fuck that's a good feeling. The best bits were run just people who really fucking loved games of all shapes and sizes.

I'm gonna write it up in a few days...but man, I'm already planning time off for next years show.

Ninja Pizza Girl. Assault Android Cactus. AusGAF meetings. Retro gaming area. Mar posting on AusGAF again. Metal Dead Encore. Chatting with Tycho. Basic D&D. Streetpassing. Drawing Presdiog with a shitty pen on a shitty napkin. Fuck. So good.
Officially the end of PAX for me, after party was super fun!

Your thoughts have been heard and shared by many. We had another Q&A at the party and some points were brought up, like larger theaters, more satellite theaters, less CoD, booth babes and alternate venues for next year.

1. Next year will have larger theaters.
2. More number of satellite theaters.
3. Less cod, more room for table top.
4. Booth babes as long as they don't violate the dress code.
5. Melbourne it is, possibly showgrounds again but alternate venues will be considered.
6. Everyone hated wrist banding, but they had to do it because Australian govt.
7. Ubisoft & Riot will not be next to each other.


The Total War: Rome 2 Q&A was drowned out by World of Tanks and Steelseries so that sucked.

Pretty hyped for that game.

Also give seats for LoL because watching a whole tournament standing can get uncomfortable.


The expo hall was a sales convention

Next year Nintendo if you're not having a Super Smash/Mario Kart tournie on the main stage at all times I'll know you guys have lost it. Time trial runs are exciting I guess and Mario Kart 7 looks unexpectedly good at that distance on the giant screen but yo SMASH BROTHERS

You're banned from all future PAX's on any continent.



I want a tag give me a tag
Officially the end of PAX for me, after party was super fun!

Your thoughts have been heard and shared by many. We had another Q&A at the party and some points were brought up, like larger theaters, more satellite theaters, less CoD, booth babes and alternate venues for next year.

1. Next year will have larger theaters.
2. More number of satellite theaters.
3. Less cod, more room for table top.
4. Booth babes as long as they don't violate the dress code.
5. Melbourne it is, possibly showgrounds again but alternate venues will be considered.
6. Everyone hated wrist banding, but they had to do it because Australian govt.
7. Ubisoft & Riot will not be next to each other.

You don't need bigger theatres. just have bloody screening rooms / show them some where else too, not everyone wants to sit there for an hour. just have another hall or what ever showing the conference / panel via video live on a projector screen.


The A/V for that is probably insane and the main problem with the lines weren't for the main theatre events, more for the smaller theatres. If they move to the con centre that might be better
Found something on the PAX forums:

They said he totally stole that medal.

There are literally thousands of pictures linked on the PAX forums, if I find any more of AusGaf I shall share them.
The A/V for that is probably insane and the main problem with the lines weren't for the main theatre events, more for the smaller theatres. If they move to the con centre that might be better
Or even streaming via wireless on the official app would work. To 3DS/Vita would be perfect to given the attendees. Maybe put in a unique code received with the pass or something.
Officially the end of PAX for me, after party was super fun!

Your thoughts have been heard and shared by many. We had another Q&A at the party and some points were brought up, like larger theaters, more satellite theaters, less CoD, booth babes and alternate venues for next year.

1. Next year will have larger theaters.
2. More number of satellite theaters.
3. Less cod, more room for table top.
4. Booth babes as long as they don't violate the dress code.
5. Melbourne it is, possibly showgrounds again but alternate venues will be considered.
6. Everyone hated wrist banding, but they had to do it because Australian govt.
7. Ubisoft & Riot will not be next to each other.

This was a big one for me. Magic the Gathering hogged all the tables and so many missed out on playing some really neat games.

Plus to the douche that stole Avalon from the tabletop area. You're a fuckhead.


Found something on the PAX forums:

They said he totally stole that medal.

There are literally thousands of pictures linked on the PAX forums, if I find any more of AusGaf I shall share them.
He = me? I totally won it fair and square, it was the other dude whose score I beat! Not sure why he got one, but I think he was kinda tight with some of the people who put it on.


Guns are a means to an end in Borderlands 2. Almost like keys. You need the right ones at the right time to keep progressing.

You get enjoyment from these wacky keys but there tend to be large waithes of hours that are pretty meaningless and grindy. The story is wacky and fleshed out enough to make it worthwhile compared to the hum drum of the first game. They tie EVERYTHING in that IP together and make it feel like one nice big cozy melting pot, to the point that you want to pickup the DLC just to see what wacky things your favourite morons are up to, rather than buy it for the gameplay.

I have 3 characters in BL2. 2 have finished the game, one is close to completing all the DLC and the other I started because I love the campaign and was curious about the Mechro. One was for co-op and the other was my first SP character. I can't stay away from this game. Was playing Tiny Tina's DLC last night and was loving it.
Plus I have 18 keys to spend
. Can't wait for more content!!

Finished Bioshock Infinite.

The fuck was that ?

Something good to talk about it.

Woo! Back in his rightful place!

Great news about the cat man. Must be stressful, losing a member of the family like that.

My biggest issue with PAX was the expo hall. Needed to have more game playing things going on (like the Nintendo area) and less of 'lets have 10 different headphone manufactures display their goods while playing last year's CoD or a 3 year old Need for Speed game'. I wouldn't call it bad, just eh, not great but not the worst thing either. Hopefully the whoever is organising PAXAus listens to feedback and can make it bigger and better next year, because if it wasn't for AusGAF I don't think I would have gone for the full three days even though I had a three day pass.

All the feedback I've heard from people, I'm not sure if I would have really got my moneys worth out of this years PAX Aus.

Meanwhile, why do we care about a royal baby? People don't even care when their neighbours have a new kid and need a hand. Kind of makes me sick.


Officially the end of PAX for me, after party was super fun!

Your thoughts have been heard and shared by many. We had another Q&A at the party and some points were brought up, like larger theaters, more satellite theaters, less CoD, booth babes and alternate venues for next year.

1. Next year will have larger theaters.
2. More number of satellite theaters.
3. Less cod, more room for table top.
4. Booth babes as long as they don't violate the dress code.
5. Melbourne it is, possibly showgrounds again but alternate venues will be considered.
6. Everyone hated wrist banding, but they had to do it because Australian govt.
7. Ubisoft & Riot will not be next to each other.

That's a great list!

Except it should be in the bloody exhibition center.

More chairs in the table top area too - there should be stacks of unused chairs so we don't have to go hunting all the time.

Didn't care about the wrist band. Huh. People did. How about that.

Also, booth babes should be required to wear a tag saying "I bring no value to this stand; do not ask me about the game/product." FFS.


but ever so delicious
It needed another tent.

Merch Hall
Boardgames Hall
Expo Hall with actual fucking games to play, Indi and dev/publishers

Then it should have been more open for the panels, With screens outside for those who waited an hour and didn't get in.


I want a tag give me a tag
It needed another tent.

Merch Hall
Boardgames Hall
Expo Hall with actual fucking games to play, Indi and dev/publishers

Then it should have been more open for the panels, With screens outside for those who waited an hour and didn't get in.


I think you did the expo game hall wrong?

i did nothing but stand around there playing games for hours.
Hey man I watched the World of Tank models play Team Razer and they almost won (in a clearly staged match) don't discount their knowledge just because they are beautiful.


Hey man I watched the World of Tank models play Team Razer and they almost won (in a clearly staged match) don't discount their knowledge just because they are beautiful.
I made the mistake of asking one at the Senheiser booth about headsets. No idea.

(oh yeah, I actually appreciated the headset stands since I'm in the market ;-)
Hopefully next time more people make the journey to Aus to put on panels. Glancing through the schedule and seeing shitty essay topics as panels was lame. I'd go to an Idle Thumbs panel if it were on, or at least think about queuing for it.


I want a tag give me a tag
I made the mistake of asking one at the Senheiser booth about headsets. No idea.

(oh yeah, I actually appreciated the headset stands since I'm in the market ;-)

Don't worry, I was buying a bottle of water at one of the stands and the chick working there asked me what the hell I was supposed to be.

I said farfetch'd a pokemon. she was like... I know pikachu.

then she asked my friend.

"inspector space time"
"...ok im out"

but then the delightful irish man said to me "you should put the leek in your bag to see how many people come up to you and say your bags sprung a leek"

I put him in his place by pointing out only he would be that witty as he's irish :(


but ever so delicious

I think you did the expo game hall wrong?

i did nothing but stand around there playing games for hours.

There was only a very small amount of games to be played and certainly not enough consoles/booths/whatever you want to call them for everyone.

Nintendo did a pretty good job at it compared to others.


I want a tag give me a tag
There was only a very small amount of games to be played and certainly not enough consoles/booths/whatever you want to call them for everyone.

Nintendo did a pretty good job at it compared to others.

and PAX on a whole did a pretty good job compared to all other conventions in aus ever.


And Nintendo only had 6 wii u stands. Something like... let me think. 16 3DS stands though, each with pretty good games


This was a big one for me. Magic the Gathering hogged all the tables and so many missed out on playing some really neat games.

Bloody Magic! It is one of the main things that keeps local game shops open, so it's a necessary evil. At a con there should be a restriction on the number of tables it can consume, otherwise their area will just continue to expand, sucking all life and light from around it, like a black hole of shittiness.

Fantasy Flight should totally have some stuff there next year. Star Wars LCG, X-Wing Miniatures and Android: Netrunner alone would be excellent.

Plus to the douche that stole Avalon from the tabletop area. You're a fuckhead.

Reistance: Avalon? It's a $15 game for fuck's sake; bring a drink instead of buying one and suddenly it's affordable and supports a games store. Fucking thieves. What a cunt!

I have no idea how this PAX thing got so big, to me it's like Ctrl + Alt + Delete hosting an expo.

I think Penny Arcade are completely irrelevant, as much as that is not news to anyone. They do have a huge following and like Jintor said, it snowballs from there. As much as I severely dislike their business model of late, I don't mind if they can make a successful show happen here and will attend next year if it shows promise.

With less than 10% of the US population and many companies having very little presence over here, they have their work cut out for them to make an improvement. Expectations are high for shows like PAX, Comic-Con, Gen Con and many others for a multitude of reasons and they're often met or exceeded. Sadly that's not the case over here where the standard is so low that it takes very little to stand above the rest.

Hopefully they're striving to make PAX Aus as big as the others, otherwise we'll just end up with a few tweaks to the show and not much more. For many outside this country it's not worth the trip, especially for the niche market that I'm interested in and the people I'd like to see here.


I want a tag give me a tag
That's not a real excuse though considering pax has been a massive success in the US.

There's no real reason for why it sucked as much as it did.

World of difference organising it in the US compared to organising first event in AUS.

and it didn't suck.

your expectations for a first time event were way to high.

You should have been at comicon 2 weeks ago if you wanted suck


There's no real reason for why it sucked as much as it did.

In terms of the dearth of exhibitors and the confluence of Comicon on the exact same weekend, I think that's pretty excusable. If it's not North America it's automatically a lower priority - and there's the jetlag, time lag, and distance to consider. Afaik everyone who has a local presence bar sony was present in some form or the other, even Konami which I forgot existed.
Bloody Magic! It is one of the main things that keeps local game shops open, so it's a necessary evil. At a con there should be a restriction on the number of tables it can consume, otherwise their area will just continue to expand, sucking all life and light from around it, like a black hole of shittiness.

Fantasy Flight should totally have some stuff there next year. Star Wars LCG, X-Wing Miniatures and Android: Netrunner alone would be excellent.

Reistance: Avalon? It's a $15 game for fuck's sake; bring a drink instead of buying one and suddenly it's affordable and supports a games store. Fucking thieves. What a cunt!

Hopefully next year they'll just allocate enough tables for us non-magic fans.

I totally agree with you on the Fantasy Flight idea. There weren't nearly enough stalls or whatever for board games. The Sentinels of the Multiverse guys were great with their demos and such. I would have liked some more of those.

Yeah Resistance Avalon. We went to play it at the board game area and the bloke said their only copy was stolen and it was his own copy too. Bastards.
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