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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


B: Fall out, you use the whatchamacallit, I dont run and gun like some non rpger.

C: In a game that is alllllll about guns, I want good gunplay. Call me old fashioned.

New Vegas works pretty well (often better) without VATS. BL2 is as much as RPG as the Fallout series. It's way more about stats and numbers and loot than accurate shooting in a shooter.

bad gunplay= different from a similar game i play more often.

Probably someone like Kritz will be along to give us a pretty good reason why sometimes gunplay can be bad and make the game bad, but I do think that a lot of the time it's a pretty lazy criticism.


Steam sale purchase listing, may assist legend, then again, probably not.

Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Duke Nukem 3D
XCOM: Enemy Unknown: Slingshot DLC
Sleeping Dogs
Tomb Raider
System Shock 2
Spec Ops The Line
Mark of the Ninja
Cart Life
DLC Quest
Worms Revolution

NB: Bolded recommended as I have actually played and enjoyed them.

Not getting into all the reasons for that statement, just one.

Left our cat Coco at the sister-in-laws place for the weekend. She lives a few minutes away in town here, has 3 kids (and a husband) and they used to have an old arse cat that died like a year ago from old age.

Moronic decision 1: took the collar off the cat, which has the registration badge and bell on it, as they weren't planning on letting it outside despite the cat wearing the collar 24/7 for the rest of its life.

Moronic decision 2: when taking out the bins last night the husband watched as the cat ran outside, decided not to try to coax it back inside.

It is now 18 hours later and they tell us when the wife goes to pick him up. Thanks a fucking lot.

No word from the pound/neighbours/RSPCA and he doesn't have a collar or tag on so chances of finding him are pretty much zero at this point. I would expect the most likely result is him wandering into a family's yard and being adopted since he has no tag on him.

Will make up some flyers tonight to hang up around the suburb. Hope someone sees them.


It always seems to be games I like that get criticised for having "bad gunplay", like Half Life 2 or Fallout, so I tend to just dismiss them out of hand.


Who didn't think the gunplay in HL2 was enjoyable? It doesn't have the oomph of an Id or Raven title but if the Portal gun isn't engaging and enjoyable as fuck I don't know what is.

Also Fallout is about the atmosphere, gunplay is pretty bland and limp.


So I'm guessing Shaneus, Mar and Agyar and others were at the hausgshsggegd German restaurant last night? Lafiel mentioned he spotted you down stairs and then I see mar walking around up looking for people.

That place was damn nice. Shocked we both went to the same location for dinner.

We went there for dinner and drinks, had no idea you lot were there also as I picked it at the last minute. Were you guys upstairs in the bar part?


I want a tag give me a tag


Finally back home in Geelong.

What I'm going to do to recover from all the craziness that happened over friday-sunday... study!
That sort of shit is precisely I have to board my cat if I go anywhere.

The cat is probably going to end up at your house but could take ages to turn up(hopefully).
Maybe drive around the streets around the in-laws.

Do you have a word that will make the cat come to you? I know if I call om-nom-nom (which means, finally, I will feed you, alright already with the meowing in the kitchen), the cat will come running. very useful for when he gets out.

also, shoot your in-laws. its for the best.


Looks like I didn't get enough whatevers to even craft one badge during the Steam thing. Whatever.

So I have $27 in Steam credit.

what should I buy?
Me things.

except shaneus. Dude won a fucking medal. he will get praise.
Flattery will get you everywhere.

So yeah, I just tried Lord of the Fries. My goodness, you guys weren't kidding about how good the fries are!

Thank goodness they haven't opened up franchises outside of Melbourne, as I would really struggle to not eat them all the time if I had easy access...
Ah, I think you'll find the fries themselves are actually quite average (even below so). The sauces are able to disguise that pretty damn well, but if you get something that doesn't have any sauce touching it, you'll see...

My last day buys were:

Critter Crunch $1.46
Cart Life $1.99
Lunar Pack (Wake + Lunnye Devitsy) $1.24
Ridge Racer Unbounded $5
Wizorb $0.74

My favourite sale game is Borderlands 2, big improvement on the first one and I actually enjoy it solo. That might be a personal thing though, I don't know.
Unbounded is only $5? Everyone fucking buy Unbounded. It's legitimately the most underrated arcade racer this "gen" (as far as PC goes). Just don't think of it as a Ridge Racer game. It's by the guys who did Flatout, after all.

that was it!

thanks heaps.

I talked it up to some friends on Friday and we're pretty keen
Yup. Lemme know if you want an/some invites (and have an Android device that will work with it. Pretty much anything from a Galaxy S1 (and similar) up should be fine, GPS required and data recommended (although you could always tether). I think I just need email addresses.

they think they're better than you that's what!


Holy fucking shit. Is it easy enough to see that page without having to buy something?

PS. Rep, that's a giant crock of shit, that cat situation. Little guy must be devastated (if he knows what's going on). If your wife can't give them a good fucking talking to, I hope you can.

PPS. Hope your anniversary otherwise went well <3


I want a tag give me a tag
whats the a-team/brains trust deal?

A-Team as we went to see animal crossing. the best part of the show.

Tekuun can be honourary A-Team.

brains trust...

we were at a bar, and some coke fiend and his harem of women were there, and then one kept bumping into arnie.. anyway later on when she walked past instead of bumping into the couch she stopped and said something like WOOPS, best not walk into the brains trust

and thanks shaneus, will have a look at it tonight and let you know. hopefully it loads onto my blackberry fine.

p.s. im re uploading some pax photos to my fb, removing close ups of people i dont know! but if i do know you you're going in. and im tagging you.

protest if you wish! (or remove)


Unbounded is only $5? Everyone fucking buy Unbounded. It's legitimately the most underrated arcade racer this "gen" (as far as PC goes). Just don't think of it as a Ridge Racer game. It's by the guys who did Flatout, after all.

Awesome. Looking forward to it. Also I really liked Flatout Ultimate Carnage and I've never gotten way into a Ridge Racer game, so the only baggage I have is positive.



Well, it did! Everyone who didn't play the Nuon at the retro area, look up "Merlin Racing".

Of course, it would be awkward if Merlin Racing came out first and it was Rare that did the stealing, but since Rare's game wasn't shithouse, I can look the other way.


I want a tag give me a tag
Well, it did! Everyone who didn't play the Nuon at the retro area, look up "Merlin Racing".

Of course, it would be awkward if Merlin Racing came out first and it was Rare that did the stealing, but since Rare's game wasn't shithouse, I can look the other way.

that was its name! id forgotten and did mean to look it up.

yeah it was 99 diddy kong was 97 lol.

but merlin was on a dvd player!


Hey, surprise Idle Thumbs stream!

And at an hour we can actually watch it!

Awesome. Looking forward to it. Also I really liked Flatout Ultimate Carnage and I've never gotten way into a Ridge Racer game, so the only baggage I have is positive.
It's probably more arcadey than you'd expect (definitely more than Flatout) but once I understood just how the drifting mechanic worked, I really enjoyed it.

Once I tweaked SweetFX to get rid of most of the horrible orange tint, it became even better.


Sounds like you guys enjoyed PAX Australia. Have to admit I was a bit jealous, but I can't complain too much as I've been to 2 previously. Might think about spending a week in Melbourne next year around PAX Aus with my girlfriend.

New Karnivool album


Not bad. Not much there. Feels undercooked and sparser than the last 2. Some genuinely fantastic tracks along with what I would describe as unguided filler.

Would make a great EP.

New album next year with a bit more fire and bite in the heart plz Goddard.

I just can't get into them and it's his voice that stops me. Too high pitched. Karnivool has all this menacing music going on but then his voice pierces through everything.


I want a tag give me a tag
Looks like I didn't get enough whatevers to even craft one badge during the Steam thing. Whatever.

Me things.

Flattery will get you everywhere.

Ah, I think you'll find the fries themselves are actually quite average (even below so). The sauces are able to disguise that pretty damn well, but if you get something that doesn't have any sauce touching it, you'll see...

Unbounded is only $5? Everyone fucking buy Unbounded. It's legitimately the most underrated arcade racer this "gen" (as far as PC goes). Just don't think of it as a Ridge Racer game. It's by the guys who did Flatout, after all.

Yup. Lemme know if you want an/some invites (and have an Android device that will work with it. Pretty much anything from a Galaxy S1 (and similar) up should be fine, GPS required and data recommended (although you could always tether). I think I just need email addresses.

Holy fucking shit. Is it easy enough to see that page without having to buy something?

PS. Rep, that's a giant crock of shit, that cat situation. Little guy must be devastated (if he knows what's going on). If your wife can't give them a good fucking talking to, I hope you can.

PPS. Hope your anniversary otherwise went well <3

found the files I need! http://apps.goodereader.com/games/android-games-action-and-adventure/?did=13295

so yes :) if you could fire off an invite that'd be great. quote for email!

quote me!


but ever so delicious
We went there for dinner and drinks, had no idea you lot were there also as I picked it at the last minute. Were you guys upstairs in the bar part?

Yep. We had tried to go on saturday night but it was packed, so we made a booking for last night at around 8. Was a lot quieter.

You guys enjoy it there?
Well, it did! Everyone who didn't play the Nuon at the retro area, look up "Merlin Racing".

Of course, it would be awkward if Merlin Racing came out first and it was Rare that did the stealing, but since Rare's game wasn't shithouse, I can look the other way.

That game looked like it offered multiple pathways. It didn't.
You know, 20 hours ago it wasn't raining and the cat only had time to move a few blocks. All this fucking rain and a 18 hour headstart sure made for a fucking useless few hours calling his name wandering the area :(

Fuck it, going to start Tomb Raider and fuck some shit up :(

That sort of shit is precisely I have to board my cat if I go anywhere.

The cat is probably going to end up at your house but could take ages to turn up(hopefully).
Maybe drive around the streets around the in-laws.

Do you have a word that will make the cat come to you? I know if I call om-nom-nom (which means, finally, I will feed you, alright already with the meowing in the kitchen), the cat will come running. very useful for when he gets out.

also, shoot your in-laws. its for the best.
Yeah if we get another cat (or Coco magically returns) we would be going the board route in future. :(

In-laws live right on the edge of town, only like 5 streets around them and then there is an area the river goes through before getting into the town proper. We drive to their place around the northern paddock side of town, as we are also almost on the northern edge of town, so Coco will only vaguely possibly remember seeing paddocks on the way to the in-laws.

He's allowed to wander our court during the day time but never ventures far due to being a bit thin and small for the weather at the moment. Plus he just wants cuddles constantly which is harder to get when he isn't within 10m of me :(

He hates rain despite loving the running water in the house, no issue giving him baths or showers but as soon as it starts raining you can here him scratching at the door to come in.

Most likely scenario is that he passed away last night in the cold. Dude didn't have a thick enough winter coat to keep out the cold.

Ah, I think you'll find the fries themselves are actually quite average (even below so). The sauces are able to disguise that pretty damn well, but if you get something that doesn't have any sauce touching it, you'll see...

PPS. Hope your anniversary otherwise went well <3
They are okay, better than average I would say!

Schnitz chips are the best in Melbourne franchises though.

PPS. Losing our cat on our 1st anniversary pretty much ruins it sadly :(

As long as you have some cards (that's the only way I know how to see it).

Go profile -> badges -> click on 'how can I earn more cards?'
Oh sweet, they upgraded this, explains about the booster packs better now.

I just can't get into them and it's his voice that stops me. Too high pitched. Karnivool has all this menacing music going on but then his voice pierces through everything.

I love Kenny's voice. Powerful but has plenty of beauty and range to it. They have never been a hard band or anything, most of their early stuff leaned towards nu-metal vibes and their newer stuff is prog and post-rock influenced. New album is really tame, more focused on fancy time signature changes and noodling.


Probably someone like Kritz will be along to give us a pretty good reason why sometimes gunplay can be bad and make the game bad, but I do think that a lot of the time it's a pretty lazy criticism.

I'd like to give an argument of why I think borderlands gameplay hinges more on its guns than other games, but maybe once I'm out of this hotel and back in my own home.

But I think that borderlands mechanics certainly aren't that interesting on their own. In 2 they improved quite a bit, by having enemies react to fire and giving existing gun prefabs some more interesting dynamics like the reloading explody ones. But even still, I was really not interested in borderlands as a shooter. It emphasised aiming down sights even though the gameplay would have been much more enjoyable with a faster, oldschool shooter vibe. The guns looked big and impressive but in terms of damage output I never really felt like they complimented the design.

But conversely, I love the shooting in the first mass effect game. It felt non-standard compared to most shooters, and the guns felt really impactful and precise. They were all big hulking laser canons, made loud noises when you shot them, and required a more methodical pace to shooting due to the overheating mechanic.

I think good gunplay comes down to how well
It complements the type of game it's there to support. I didn't get that from borderlands or new Vegas. But thankfully both had extra reasons to play them.
Guns are a means to an end in Borderlands 2. Almost like keys. You need the right ones at the right time to keep progressing.

You get enjoyment from these wacky keys but there tend to be large waithes of hours that are pretty meaningless and grindy. The story is wacky and fleshed out enough to make it worthwhile compared to the hum drum of the first game. They tie EVERYTHING in that IP together and make it feel like one nice big cozy melting pot, to the point that you want to pickup the DLC just to see what wacky things your favourite morons are up to, rather than buy it for the gameplay.


In-laws live right on the edge of town, only like 5 streets around them and then there is an area the river goes through before getting into the town proper. We drive to their place around the northern paddock side of town, as we are also almost on the northern edge of town, so Coco will only vaguely possibly remember seeing paddocks on the way to the in-laws.

He's allowed to wander our court during the day time but never ventures far due to being a bit thin and small for the weather at the moment. Plus he just wants cuddles constantly which is harder to get when he isn't within 10m of me :(

He hates rain despite loving the running water in the house, no issue giving him baths or showers but as soon as it starts raining you can here him scratching at the door to come in.

Most likely scenario is that he passed away last night i
Man, that is fucking heartbreaking. When the boy asks what happened to Coco, make sure he asks his auntie and uncle. Poor kid :( (and the rest of you, obviously)


I'd like to give an argument of why I think borderlands gameplay hinges more on its guns than other games, but maybe once I'm out of this hotel and back in my own home.

I don't want to defend Borderlands 2 too much because while I like what I've played, I've really hardly played it. No time etc. But I do love me some Kritz Kriticism.
Okay I could take out DLC Quest and then I'd have enough to get Bionic Commando: Rearmed. Should I do that?

Haven't played DLC Quest so I can't speak for it but BC:R is a great remake of one of my favourite NES (and Capcom generally) games. Keeps the core design of the game but refines elements without really adding or changing things unnecessarily. Kinda turns the camp inherent in engrishy 8-bit action games up to 11 to give itself a real 80s action movie personality. Has an awesome thumping techno soundtrack. Just watching the trailer on the Steam page makes me want to replay it.

I guess the best thing to do would be to look at videos/impressions of both and see which appeals to you more. I'm a Bionic booster myself but like I said, I haven't played DLCQ, and it might be more your style.


Aaaah bugger, I think my iPad has either been nicked somehow or (more likely) been left in the retro gaming area at the end of PAX :( It was right on six when I left so I'm hoping that if the latter is the case then the number of shifties were kept to a minimum and someone reachable picked it up, but I'm not so sure (it might even be around my house somewhere, but I very much doubt it, as it would register as being online if it was in the vicinity and could pick up my wifi connection).

Aaaah bugger, I think my iPad has either been nicked somehow or (more likely) been left in the retro gaming area at the end of PAX :( It was right on six when I left so I'm hoping that if the latter is the case then the number of shifties were kept to a minimum and someone reachable picked it up, but I'm not so sure (it might even be around my house somewhere, but I very much doubt it, as it would register as being online if it was in the vicinity and could pick up my wifi connection).


I don't remember you taking an iPad on Friday, did you take it out to do anything?
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