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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

I know what et al means, it's just I thought the way he was talking he meant that the only thing that would separate them is already existing services being exclusive.
Sorry, bad explanation wording stuff on my end. I'm not good at this English stuff I admit.

i had issues with Australia Post last week. Tweeted something like "Fuck Australia Post"
A week later Australia post tweets back "how can we help?"
At least their tweets come through quicker than their packages.

There was no focus on it in their presentation, and the basic media support that the PS3 has is just kind of thrown in there (save for the apps, which vary in quality). The impression I've gotten from both sides is that Sony is all zomggamezpowah etc. and MS is more focusing on it being an "entertainment hub". Which I'm at least feeling a little confident in them being able to pull off, given the strides they've taken with the 360's front end.
Really? I remember when they had the Shiny dude up on stage talking about the tablet/phone/PS4 stuff along with all those usual Netflix et al logos on a slide he was going on about doing all that stuff. It certainly wasn't the focus though, after the misstep of the PS3 early on they wanted to prove they were taking gaming seriously again.

Also Steam Chat before the MS conf! GAF will collapse as always anyway so we need somewhere to ZOMGGGGGGGGGGGGG SDOIJG!!!

My outdated opinions are briefly relevant again! http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/hottest100/alltime/20years/

Anyone voting and have a list to share?
Loving the 10am/2pm plays. I new Closer was number 2 today so made sure to get up at the end of Self Esteem to turn the radio in the office down lol

Coworker who usually has the radio on BayFM doof doof pop crank drank drank bitches bitchin commented how awesome the radio was today which was nice.

Also the good Green Day songs are 20 years old.
That made me feel really fucking old

New Karnivool song The Refusal is available to download from the triple j website.

They've played it on their last two tours and it's great to hear the recorded version. Song is fucking awesome.

Finally they're getting closer to that third album release, apparently coming in the next few decades.
Fixed :/

Also is there a new Flynn Gower project? Heard his vocals on a alt track on JJJ a few times lately.

So much music these days where I love the music, but the vocals drive me bonkers. :(



ITS A TRADITION!!!!!!! Why not get rid of voting all together!?
What purpose does it seriously serve? It seems to be an outdated tradition that costs a lot of money that could be better spent elsewhere. Do the bunch of people mulling about in the background actually enrich the event in any purpose? These days, with the improvements to the available methods to visualise the incoming data in graphical form, you barely even get to see the panel, let alone the people behind them, anyway.


Gee, things sure do suck with holycheck banned. Every time I see an astronaut sloth I get weepy and nostalgic. Will there ever be a light at the end of this dark tunnel?
I didn't even notice he was banned :( SEE WHAT THIS NEW XBOX THING HAS DONE TO ME?!?

PS. Post #1000. That was fast. (probably wasn't)

Apparently he said something that mods thought was offensive towards Mexicans.
It was probably along the lines of "I think Mexicans are worse than those Aussies who get nicknamed Mexicans... Victorians!".

It's true, it's an insult to be considered worse than us.

Fake edit:
But doesn't he live in Victoria?
Fuck. Beaten. And far more eloquently than my moderately spicy sauce.

Also Steam Chat before the MS conf! GAF will collapse as always anyway so we need somewhere to ZOMGGGGGGGGGGGGG SDOIJG!!!
Steam chat moves too quickly and has no way of logging history. I think we should do IRC.

That's more portable, too. As in, it's easier for people to use IRC pretty much on any device, whereas Steamchat is Steam only (and maybe the iOS app does it, but it'd be unwieldy).


Also, I have a job interview with the ABC on Friday. Mega excited
Awesome! Tell them to bring back that show they don't show anymore. You know the one.


Cheers guys! I think getting out of the print industry is a smart move at the moment. With any luck your taxes could be paying my salary!

Yes. Going to the ABC with a possible incoming conservative government bent on cutting 'costs' and who think the ABC is their mortal enemy. Nothing could go wrong there!
Yes. Going to the ABC with a possible incoming conservative government bent on cutting 'costs' and who think the ABC is their mortal enemy. Nothing could go wrong there!

Still a more stable future than print. But actually the funding is guaranteed for 18 months. I can deal with that.

Awesome work and good luck.

My fiancé applied for a few jobs at ABC and didn't hear much back. Would be perfect for her with all of her sound engineering experience.

For sure. I have experience in the area where they're setting up the bureau but nothing in broadcast experience. You'd think she'd be in demand with those skills
The Refusal sounds great in studio form, no New Day but still really enjoyable alt metal with prog influences. Man, it was so cool seeing New Day played live for like 24+ months before Sound Awake. Triple J download seems to have really low volume level though.

Catching up on Idle Thumbs walking back from work these days. It really should be called Cynical Thumbs. Shits me I can't throw up counterpoints to discussions, the achievements one really made me think of 'old men and clouds'. They give a lot more positive constructive criticism outside of the cast. The best moments on the cast are when they aren't talking about a game in particular, just shooting the shit. Up to the Quakecon 2012 cast and Breckon going on about Walking Dead new game + is fucking gold.

All my cdWOW 3DS games turned up today. 10/10 would buy again.

I never really had any issues with them, they just stopped being price competitive for a long time. Customer service was really nice when my copy of Fallout 3 PC got lost (although maybe that was the gods trying to tell me something....).
Telstra prepaid credit is awesome. Bought RAM and Discovery with it. I need to finish up my remaining $21 credit, Shaneus tell me which other daft punk albums are good?


but ever so delicious
Steam chat moves too quickly and has no way of logging history. I think we should do IRC.

That's more portable, too. As in, it's easier for people to use IRC pretty much on any device, whereas Steamchat is Steam only (and maybe the iOS app does it, but it'd be unwieldy).

Steamchat still has enough logging for a MS conference. Plus on top of that we have a bot that exchanges messages between the IRC channel and the steam chat. So you can be in IRC and chat with those in steam.


Steamchat still has enough logging for a MS conference. Plus on top of that we have a bot that exchanges messages between the IRC channel and the steam chat. So you can be in IRC and chat with those in steam.
I dunno... I guess I just prefer IRC because I know how it works and I prefer dat system font (and easier logging).

That bot sounds nifty though. I need to find a way to have the conference, Twitter and GAF up at the same time (and preferably in front of my TV. Shame there's no way I could get an auto-refresh plugin for iPad GAF (although, there's nothing stopping me just using Windows 8 with Waterfox on my average Windpad... HMMM).

Telstra prepaid credit is awesome. Bought RAM and Discovery with it. I need to finish up my remaining $21 credit, Shaneus tell me which other daft punk albums are good?
Homework's a good-un. Around the World and Da Funk are the ones you'd know, there's plenty more on there though that's really good that you may not be as familiar with.

How did you use Telstra prepaid credit, BTW? I didn't realise you could use it for music... then again, I always make sure that if I have any credit left before rolling over, I buy the biggest data pack I can so it lasts me well into the next period.

Dead Man

Telstra prepaid credit is awesome. Bought RAM and Discovery with it. I need to finish up my remaining $21 credit, Shaneus tell me which other daft punk albums are good?

Homework is their best still. Rollin and Scratchin is godly. Alive2007 if you have anything left over.


I'm applying for a law clerkship using a couple of comics i drew. That's me. That's where I'm at right now.

What do you expect when you post a job notice that only says 'stand out from the crowd'


I'm applying for a law clerkship using a couple of comics i drew. That's me. That's where I'm at right now.

What do you expect when you post a job notice that only says 'stand out from the crowd'

Job application ads are the worst thing ever.
I'm applying for a law clerkship using a couple of comics i drew. That's me. That's where I'm at right now.

What do you expect when you post a job notice that only says 'stand out from the crowd'

It might not work but that's a rad way to stand out from the crowd

Dead Man

I'm applying for a law clerkship using a couple of comics i drew. That's me. That's where I'm at right now.

What do you expect when you post a job notice that only says 'stand out from the crowd'
Damn son. That is genius that will be unappreciated. Their loss.
I used to love Homework and Discovery but I have recently become a big fan of Tron. What I've heard of RAM it seemed boring. I should give it a proper go sometime though
Tron is pretty awesome, a bit ambient for me to listen to actively very often, but it gets a lot of background play.
I was supposed to be going to Alive2007 but there was a 'work emergency'. I don't think I've recovered yet.

Jesus, I don't think I would have either. Inconsiderate bastards.

My man. The tron album is epic. Also check out the remix of the album, reconfigured.

This is excellent advice, glitchmobs work on there is amazing.


Tim Schafer applied for a job using a text adventure thingy. But then, Tim Schafer was applying for a job in a creative field and it was the 80s when everyone was crazy
Tim Schafer applied for a job using a text adventure thingy. But then, Tim Schafer was applying for a job in a creative field and it was the 80s when everyone was crazy

He also told them he pirated their game.

So go around town saying you won a bunch of lawsuits for that company to drum up public interest in the company!


Tim Schafer applied for a job using a text adventure thingy. But then, Tim Schafer was applying for a job in a creative field and it was the 80s when everyone was crazy
Law, you say? Staple a baggie of coke to your resume.

He also told them he pirated their game.
Not in those words, exactly. He told them he liked their game, but their game was actually known as something else on pirated copies vs. legit ones. Still funny, though.


Ralph is such a snivelling prick

A butterfly landing on Murphy's shoulder would drop him.

"The alternative is Murphy dropped..." ding ding ding, we have a winner!
Ralph is such a snivelling prick

A butterfly landing on Murphy's shoulder would drop him.

"The alternative is Murphy dropped..." ding ding ding, we have a winner!

Meh, Hammer is free to play so Ralph can go suck a lemon. Congrats on learning how to replay stuff dude, that arts degree coming in handy!


Dead Man, just to rub some salt in to your V8 wounds, the Speed replays have no ad breaks and use the 1080 HD feed source =P
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