Avert your goddamn eyes then
Just waiting for someone else on AusGAF to post
"What's the deal with perverts these days? I'm at the airport and this guy across from me keeps staring at me while I breastfeed my child."
Avert your goddamn eyes then
He should be eating bacon and drinking scotch any way!
Just waiting for someone else on AusGAF to post
"What's the deal with perverts these days? I'm at the airport and this guy across from me keeps staring at me while I breastfeed my child."
No issues, I've just never witnessed such a public display before. I'm embarrassed.
We let it all hang out in our country!No issues, I've just never witnessed such a public display before. I'm embarrassed.
Embarrassed because of your reaction or you feel uncomfortable?No issues, I've just never witnessed such a public display before. I'm embarrassed.
I have no issues with women breastfeeding in public. Men on the other hand...
No issues, I've just never witnessed such a public display before. I'm embarrassed.
I'll PM EatChildren to see if we can get an homage showcase going up in this place.Clearly a sign that we don't post enough boobs in AusGAF. Don't be embarrassed, boobs are to be celebrated!
I'll PM EatChildren to see if we can get an homage showcase going up in this place.
Also I haven't seen a picture of bacon in these threads for too damn long guys. Not cool.
I'm just popping in here to be a douchebag and say maybe you should get Foxtel.
Also I haven't seen a picture of bacon in these threads for too damn long guys. Not cool.
Media Release - Tuesday May 21, 2013
The Prime Minister who rightly gave an apology to the stolen generation has sadly not thought through the fact that his new position on redefining marriage will create another.
Australian Christian Lobby Managing Director Lyle Shelton said Kevin Rudd’s overnight change of mind on redefining marriage ignored the consequence of robbing children of their biological identity through same-sex surrogacy and other assisted reproductive technologies.
“What Kevin Rudd has failed to consider is that marriage is a compound right to form a family. Marriage is not just an affectionate relationship between two people regardless of gender.
“Marriage has always been about providing stability and biological identity for children wherever possible.
“What Mr Rudd has not considered is whether or not it is right for children to be taken through technology from their biological parent so that ‘married’ same-sex couples can fulfil their desires.”
Mr Shelton said Mr Rudd had also ignored the fact that this inevitably means parents will have their children taught the mechanics of homosexual sex in school sex education classes, something that would surely follow the redefinition of marriage.
“The so-called ‘marriage equality’ debate has been conducted by slogans without proper consideration of the consequences. Kevin Rudd is the latest to fall victim to shallow thinking on this issue,” Mr Shelton said.
“Mr Rudd’s announcement that he supports same sex marriage will be a huge disappointment for Christians and leaves their hopes for the preservation of marriage clearly with the Coalition and Christian-based minor parties.
“Any notion that same sex marriage can be legislated with protections for churches not to conduct the service is naive in the extreme,” said Mr Shelton.
“The UK legislation claiming to do the same was not even through the lower house when gay activists announced they had no intention of honouring that because in their view it allowed the church to discriminate against them.
“Any same sex marriage legislation will create vulnerabilities for the church and even more so for individual Christians who don’t have its institutional weight and legal identity,” Mr Shelton said.
“Wherever same sex marriage or equivalents have been legislated Christians have been pursued by activists. Christian businesses have been closed down, public servants and even pastors hauled into court and fined for exercising their conscience,” Mr Shelton said.
“No government has the right to create these vulnerabilities for the church-going twenty per cent of the population in order to allow the point two per cent who will take advantage of this to redefine marriage,” he said.
“Mr Rudd seems intent on burning bridges not only with colleagues, but with a constituency which had long given him the benefit of the doubt,” Mr Shelton said.
“Something is either true and demands our support, or not. The truth doesn’t change with popular opinion, to which he is now saying he seems to be responding.”
“If this is an attempt to wedge Julia Gillard, it will cost Mr Rudd the last of his following in the Christian Constituency,” Mr Shelton said.
His views on homosexuality and changing the definition of marriage are not in line with orthodox Christian teaching.
“All major Australian church denominations officially oppose same sex marriage and over 50 of Australia’s most prominent church and denominational leaders signed a statement against it in August 2011.”
Before I head to university I just wanted to drop a link to the ACL's wonderfully idiotic response to KRudd (somewhat opportunistically) coming out in support of gay marriage. Let's take a look at some of the assertions. Please assume the entire thing is bolded because it's horseshit from sea to shining sea.
1) Shots fired at adoptive or surrogate parents (homosexual or not)
2) Those poor persecuted Christian businessmen, shat on for being true to their value! Let's not take a look at the actual value of their values because that would be in violation of FREEDOM OF RELIGION $#&*4yu890234902
Australian Christian Lobby Managing Director Lyle Shelton said Kevin Rudd’s overnight change of mind on redefining marriage ignored the consequence of robbing children of their biological identity through same-sex surrogacy and other assisted reproductive technologies.
Wow. Another stolen generation?
Mr Rudd’s announcement that he supports same sex marriage will be a huge disappointment for Christians and leaves their hopes for the preservation of marriage clearly with the Coalition and Christian-based minor parties.
Oh good, hopefully Labour can ditch em now.
AusGAF X (XX) thread title right there.Boobs are the best.
AusGAF X (X)(X)AusGAF X (XX) thread title right there.
What's the deal with breastfeeding in public? I'm at the airport and this lady right next to me is flashing her full right teet while her infant son enjoys his breakfast.
I don't know, is it normal? I mean breastfeeding is fine, but you can do it without flashing everyone, can't you?
No issues, I've just never witnessed such a public display before. I'm embarrassed.
Oh sweet that actually sounds perfect for me. I don't get enough time to keep up to date on the NBA aside from Spurs or big news item that hit my best mate.If you're not already, TBJ really is one of the best podcasts for listening to a bunch of Joes shoot off on wild tangents shooting the shit. Doesn't matter if you don't even really follow basketball. I don't play many video games (except the only one that ever matters) let alone anything that Idle Thumbs play and yet I'm a stalwart subscriber.
I've had sex with a former Hack presenter. Not saying who, but I will say her vagina is asymmetrical. One side be all like, "Labia Minor? What labia minor?". The other side looks like a pipe bomb went off in a boutique Italian delicatessen. An expensive boutique Italian delicatessen.
Yeah I agree, not quite as fun as the old days but still has its charm thankfully. They don't have as much free time now that they are in the crunch gaming industry.I actually made a REALLY lengthy post in the OT about what I think the main difference between old Thumbs and new is, that being because two of them aren't journalists anymore (Nick and Chris) that they only active exposure to the games industry that they really have is playing games (and to a much lesser extent, forums), point being that they're not actively seeking stuff out and coming across random things like horse bags, shadows, colossuses and the like.
WHERE CAN I BUY THISSSSSSSSSSSSIn keeping with the baby theme
ACL don't give a fuck about people who don't conform to their archetype of the "normal" family.Before I head to university I just wanted to drop a link to the ACL's wonderfully idiotic response to KRudd (somewhat opportunistically) coming out in support of gay marriage. Let's take a look at some of the assertions. Please assume the entire thing is bolded because it's horseshit from sea to shining sea.
1) Shots fired at adoptive or surrogate parents (homosexual or not)
Certainly sounds like you've got an issue with it.
Are you being serious or just trying to stir him up? Sounds less like an issue and more that it is something he isn't used to. I can't say I see it very often either, maybe a dozen times in my entire life at most. Sounds like he is just unaware that it is something to be done on the bus or at a cafe rather than in a baby room.
Fixed!Very boob in cheek. I don't see if that often round here either tbh. Though the milk moustache thing was deadly serious.
ALDImobile/Telstra 3G via WiFi hotspot on my PC.
Tom Waterhouse is going to commentating the Xbox reveal.
Nice! Still need to upload photos of my wifes documents so that Aldi will activate her SIM card :/
Also this thread is the batshit insane stuff that I love GAF for around this time in a generation
damn, is there going to be a non EA game at the xbox thing or what
who's your waifu??!!Fire Emblem 3DS is the best in the series. Game is so good.
OzGameShop continues to impress. Ordered a game on Wednesday, they posted it on Thursday and it arrived this morning. Three goddamn business days for postage from England, that's excellent!
Games Paradise haven't even finished processing my order from that same day.
OzGameShop continues to impress. Ordered a game on Wednesday, they posted it on Thursday and it arrived this morning. Three goddamn business days for postage from England, that's excellent!
Games Paradise haven't even finished processing my order from that same day.
OzGameShop continues to impress. Ordered a game on Wednesday, they posted it on Thursday and it arrived this morning. Three goddamn business days for postage from England, that's excellent!
Games Paradise haven't even finished processing my order from that same day.