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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


I am not staying up the whole night to watch Don Mattrick and his shitty grin.



I am tempted to wake up at 3am to watch it all and then just go to work.

I've never owned an xbox though and I can't see myself buying the new one, So part of me is like fuck it, I will just watch it at work and read about it there.

But video games and hype and stuff, Makes me wanna get up early for it. Considering how bad it could be as well. Gotta watch trainwrecks live.
Honestly, as a PC guy I'm far more excited for the next Xbox than the PS4. Sony only showed us (admittedly, pretty fucking good-looking) games, but nothing that I couldn't ever do on a PC. With my setup at the moment, I'm actually more curious (with the exception of PGR5) about the media hub/applet/social media aspects of Microsoft's next console, given Sony has a pathetic record at it compared to MS.


Looks like Soundwave is getting a Japan stage for 2014, which is pretty friggen rad. AJ's been tweeting about the bands he's got on: http://musicfeeds.com.au/news/soundwave-2014-line-up-rumours-and-info/ I laughed when I saw A7X in the maybe section, I doubt they'll ever tour with SW after the screw around last time.
What’s more, the festival will also be home to a Japan Stage, which will host an array of heavy Japanese acts – some already confirmed, with more on the way.
heavy meaning heavy rock/metal or heavy meaning...significant/popular?

either way, that's pretty neat!


I have a feeling it'll be Phil Harrison presenting it, not Don Mattrick.

4am is actually not so bad, I'm tempted to get up early for it....importantly though, what time is it expected to finish?

Crackdown 3!!!

...probably won't be shown


If you buy an always online console you are revoked from commenting negativerly about any video games past present future and any video game company past present future and you are dumb.

Accept?! YES/NO


I have a feeling it'll be Phil Harrison presenting it, not Don Mattrick.

4am is actually not so bad, I'm tempted to get up early for it....importantly though, what time is it expected to finish?

Crackdown 3!!!

...probably won't be shown

It's only going for an hour, that 'may' be with ad breaks strewn in between, but maybe not.


If you buy an always online console you are revoked from commenting negativerly about any video games past present future and any video game company past present future and you are dumb.

Accept?! YES/NO

Sure, why not, I think we should also have another for blindingly following Nintendo into the abyss :)


Who am I keeding?! Most of you suckers sucked up sim city like you were dyson vacs.

And that turned out so well for all involved!


I think he means the former, and maybe also Visual Kei stuff (I hope) ? He mentioned Maximum the Hormone, which you'll probably recognise as having done "What's up people", the second Death Note opening theme.
oh ok, i was just kinda entertaining the dumb idea that maybe, say, bump of chicken would be there, but guess not! lol

also i forgot my headphones but judging by those dudes' head movements i can kinda imagine the music:p
Who am I keeding?! Most of you suckers sucked up sim city like you were dyson vacs.

And that turned out so well for all involved!

Hey, it would have worked out okay if everyone had played on the superior Antarctica server.

oh ok, i was just kinda entertaining the dumb idea that maybe, say, bump of chicken would be there, but guess not! lol

also i forgot my headphones but judging by those dudes' head movements i can kinda imagine the music:p

Yeah, that would be rad. You can probably just see them in Japan anyway :p Although I have heard that fan clubs get first preference on tickets or something for most bands, which is confusing as heck..
Army of Two Devils Cartel Overkill Edition on 360 for $28 posted

10% off 360 stuff at OzGameShop


My prediction for the new Xbox;

- No games.
- Requires gas connectivity.
- Gets really hot.
- Is quite large.

In all honesty I have no idea what to expect....I mean I'm a PC gamer and the PS4 announcement did a fair bit to get me interested. I have no fucking idea how MS is going to match them.
Should bring in the hipsters at least with that kind of checklist!

I am tempted to wake up at 3am to watch it all and then just go to work.

I've never owned an xbox though and I can't see myself buying the new one, So part of me is like fuck it, I will just watch it at work and read about it there.
I'll probably be up early, little guy keeps waking up at 2am and saying it is time to play and won't go back to sleep without SCREAMING AND SCREAMING AND SCREAMING for hours until 6am any way.

Although the second sentence is the smart thing to do, but when have I ever come across as smrt.

Agreed. This will be hardware and games that will get the new console mainstream recognition. So COD type stuff. I'd imagine at least one or two games to get Xbox hardcore keen too. Like a PGR or Alan Wake or something.

Then E3 will be game central
I thought they already said the early reveal would be all Hardware/Software/Apps stuff with E3 being 100% games? I thought it was one of the Microsoft heads who said that a few days ago.

Honestly, as a PC guy I'm far more excited for the next Xbox than the PS4. Sony only showed us games, but nothing that I couldn't ever do on a PC. With my setup at the moment, I'm actually more curious about the media hub/applet/social media aspects of Microsoft's next console, given Sony has a pathetic record at it compared to MS.
Seems strange, I thought most people use PS3 as their media centre? Always has been the best streaming solution for me and even people in here say to use Netflix through PS3. I doubt there will be much (if any) difference between PS4/Infinite in regards to media hub stuff aside from maybe HBO GO et al being exclusive to one or the other.


No, there have been rumours of Microsoft having their own exclusive shows on MSN that the Xbox will stream. It will compete with things like Netflix and HBO Go.


Games Paradise's 'Live Inventory' isn't quite that. This is not surprising in the least.

I ordered an expansion from them that is currently out of print as it was showing in stock on their site. I get an email this morning saying they don't have a copy and can't obtain another from their supplier (obviously). If they weren't the only company claiming to have that and one other thing I wanted, I wouldn't have bothered. Nothing but trouble with every single order.

Outside of the situation above, there is no reason to ever shop there. Their prices aren't reasonable at all and the service is slow and awful. Shit, even when they have their 30% off sales, their prices are just below their competition, and I mean by like a dollar or two; that'll tell you how expensive they are.


I know what et al means, it's just I thought the way he was talking he meant that the only thing that would separate them is already existing services being exclusive.
i had issues with Australia Post last week. Tweeted something like "Fuck Australia Post"
A week later Australia post tweets back "how can we help?"

I'm waiting for all those "fuck microsoft" tweets we'll get this week and for Microsoft to tweet back "well, fuck you too, pal."


It's only going for an hour, that 'may' be with ad breaks strewn in between, but maybe not.
Don't forget pre and post-show chats. From what I can gather, there'll be at least two or three that are worth watching (at least, of the ones after the presentation), obviously the ones prior will just be speculation.

Damn straight. Hope I get enough sleep beforehand, because at the moment it's probably going to be 2+hrs, counting the pre and post stuff.

Seems strange, I thought most people use PS3 as their media centre? Always has been the best streaming solution for me and even people in here say to use Netflix through PS3. I doubt there will be much (if any) difference between PS4/Infinite in regards to media hub stuff aside from maybe HBO GO et al being exclusive to one or the other.
There was no focus on it in their presentation, and the basic media support that the PS3 has is just kind of thrown in there (save for the apps, which vary in quality). The impression I've gotten from both sides is that Sony is all zomggamezpowah etc. and MS is more focusing on it being an "entertainment hub". Which I'm at least feeling a little confident in them being able to pull off, given the strides they've taken with the 360's front end.

PS. Keep an eye out for this as the title of the Nextbox presentation thread:
Xbox Reveal May 2013 |OT| Durango Unchained


Punchability level max
On a scale of 1 to Tony Abbott, he's probably a Clive Palmer.


The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) says it will be running the National Tally Room on election night, even if some television networks choose not to use it.

There are reports commercial television networks are planning to shun the centre for their election night coverage, which would put pressure on the AEC to scrap it.

What's freaky about that? The data is mostly digitally delivered now and I doubt anybody actually used the boards to get their information from. Holding the coverage in their own studios means they'll have better equipment, less cost by not needing to set up a temporary studio at the tally room, more chances for exclusivity in their panel members and likely a lot more polish due to the combination of all these factors. The data itself shouldn't come any slower, so I can't really see any downsides (unless the tally room's Internet server can't handle the load and shuts down).

I'm actually surprised they are only jumping ship now...

Even the king of election coverage, Antony Green, thinks the tally room is no longer needed:
Antony Green said:
Whatever the ABC decides, I've made my personal view clear for several years that the time for tally rooms is past.
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) says it will be running the National Tally Room on election night, even if some television networks choose not to use it.

There are reports commercial television networks are planning to shun the centre for their election night coverage, which would put pressure on the AEC to scrap it.


Boo, the tally room is like 5 mins drive from my house. Great place to spend election night.

Anyway it's not like the result of the election won't be known at about 6.15pm anyway.


What's freaky about that? The data is mostly digitally delivered now and I doubt anybody actually used the boards to get their information from. Holding the coverage in their own studios means they'll have better equipment, less cost by not needing to set up a temporary studio at the tally room, more chances for exclusivity in their panel members and likely a lot more polish due to the combination of all these factors. The data itself shouldn't come any slower, so I can't really see any downsides (unless the tally room's Internet server can't handle the load and shuts down).

I'm actually surprised they are only jumping ship now...

Even the king of election coverage, Antony Green, thinks the tally room is no longer needed:

ITS A TRADITION!!!!!!! Why not get rid of voting all together!?


New Karnivool song The Refusal is available to download from the triple j website.

They've played it on their last two tours and it's great to hear the recorded version. Song is fucking awesome.

Finally they're getting closer to that third album release, apparently coming in the next few months.

Dead Man

New Karnivool song The Refusal is available to download from the triple j website.

They've played it on their last two tours and it's great to hear the recorded version. Song is fucking awesome.

Finally they're getting closer to that third album release, apparently coming in the next few months.

So much music these days where I love the music, but the vocals drive me bonkers. :(
Gee, things sure do suck with holycheck banned. Every time I see an astronaut sloth I get weepy and nostalgic. Will there ever be a light at the end of this dark tunnel?
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