Booked a doctors appointment for 12:15. Will see what happens and go from there.
Got a spare five hundo Shaenus?
If you make it till then....
Plus side, die without knowing abbot as pm.
Watched it a few months back. Really hasn't aged well.
Even Curly Sue or She's Having a Baby?
(Also, I thought John Hughes directed Home Alone, which I was going to include, but he just wrote it)
Booked a doctors appointment for 12:15. Will see what happens and go from there.
Between this and the transgender issue that was brought up recently, I've been really soured by PA in general. I've travelled twice to Boston for PAX East and now I'm done with their conventions.
Our Last Best Hope is about heroic sacrifice in the face of an impossible burden. During the game, you confront a disaster like those in Sunshine, Deep Impact, The Day After Tomorrow, or Armageddon -- and your characters are the stars. You play soldiers, doctors, engineers, and scientists who have ventured out into space or deep into the Earth's core to keep our species alive. As the noose tightens, you and your team struggle against Threats that can derail the Mission, the increasingly stressful burden you have taken on, and the Crisis itself, always looming at the edge of your minds. Not all of you will live. Not all of you will succeed. But each and every one of you has the potential to rise to greatness while the fate of Humanity is on the line.
While playing Our Last Best Hope, you might:
...launch into space to stop a meteor from destroying all life on Earth.
...drill to the center of the Earth to restart its molten core.
...navigate zombie-filled cities to stop a nuclear holocaust.
Each game is unique, as your group confronts a new Crisis with a new set of characters and a new plan to save the Earth. Regardless of the Crisis, you and your crew are our very last hope, and our best.
Our Last Best Hope requires neither a GM nor prep time. It's for 3-5 players and takes about two hours to play. The rulebook includes three Mission playsets: Space, Snow, and Zombie Apocalypse.
Inspired by indie RPGs like Fiasco and Polaris, Our Last Best Hope is a one-shot epic game that will leave your gaming group with incredible stories.
I don't have a group to play anything like that with, but it does sound pretty cool. I like the idea of no GM as well.If that sounds interesting to you, let me know and the game is yours.
Yeah once he got older he obviously wanted to do other things with the music, their success seemed to have a strange effect on him too.I agree completely with you 100% about UW and Russo. He was pretty insane live when I saw them in like.. 2009 or maybe 2010, I don't remember with Closure In Moscow supporting and a band that is now becoming popular but they are probably the shittest band I've ever seen live, Masketta Fall.
Thrice! Still listen to and love Thrice.before their experimentation, though I have yet to give that another go, it's been like 3 years since I wrote it all off. D:
8.8/10 would read again! Do another one now. I demand it. Now.
Sounds like you have a problem with a parasite like I do.Hilarious.
I went home early yesterday with a heavy ache in my bones. I thought it was because of a lack if sleep, but I still feel that way this morning after a full night's sleep. I think I'm coming down with something, but I literally have no other symptoms, so I feel a bit silly going home. I've only been at work an hour though and I already just want to go home.
Ugh. Another 8 hours of this crap.
It fucking sucks, too, because I think Jerry's writing is astounding. And the original strip, itself, is actually a joke about how games trivialise rape and murder and other heavy subjects. But they just keep going... they just keep going.
Yeah I haven't really read too many bad things about Jerry, other than him protecting his best friend. Hopefully they can educate him that his behaviour doesn't need to be one sided.Jerry told me I had to enter Strip Search if they do another one.
That moment was the best part of the entire PAX Australiaand the year
99% sure it isn't locked, it just comes with a Vodaphone SIM. It just runs off regular 3G and you can replace the SIM cards from what I read so I can't see how they could possibly lock it to Vodaphone.Shopping around for a cheap vita.
ebgames selling for 200$. But the 3g ones apparently locked to vodaphone. Is this some kind of ebgames thing? or are all aussie vitas locked to vodaphone?
Price? Can't get onto Twitch from work.
Pre-order the Community Day 2013 Digital Bonus Pack today at to receive exclusive access to the HD stream, Borderlands 2 SHiFT codes to unlock special in-game Community Day 2013 heads and skins, future access to a closed beta for an unannounced Gearbox Software title* plus a free game download of Homeworld HD and Homeworld Classic**!
Sweeeeet, Homeworld HD at last. Plus beta, possibly new IP.
Price? Can't get onto Twitch from work.
I don't have a group to play anything like that with, but it does sound pretty cool. I like the idea of no GM as well.
It's an expression of interest if I had a group, so not really, but thanks!if this is an expression of interest then it's all yours.
I honestly can't see how anyone could give money to Gearbox after the last few buckets of shit they served up. Awful company.
Couldn't find this anywhere on the last few pages.
Amazing little speech by Rudd.
I'm well aware of that crappy game series.four words for you
Borderlands 3
Thanks for the tipoff! I think I spoke to that dude at PAX (assuming it's the same guy).Got a spare five hundo Shaenus?
Don't apologise, tiger. You nailed it.I don't know if this has been posted elsewhere, but Penny Arcade reopens the "dickwolves" controversy.
I thought the whole thing was blown out of proportion initially. It has to be accepted that no matter what you do, someone is likely to be offended and I'll agree with the sentiment that 'nobody has the right to not be offended'. The problem was, and continues to be, the response to people bringing it to their attention. They clearly have not learned anything. How hard is it to button your lip on these things? This thing had run its course and then he resurrects it from the dead to remind people that he and PA as a whole does not give a shit.
"Rape victim or transgendered? Come to PAX where we'll rub salt in those wounds" should be their tagline if this is how they choose to continue.
They cannot claim to be inclusive while espousing this rubbish. Fullbright already wanted nothing to do with PAX after the transgender debacle, and who can blame them? People who make rad things in my preferred form of gaming are clearly pissed about it, and rightly so. A number of tabletop RPGs (namely the indie scene) make a great effort to address and include all walks of life, because everyone should be able to enjoy themselves and game safely and comfortably with others (Games on Demand at GenCon and PAX will go to great lengths to do so and demonstrate the very definition of inclusive). A convention of like-minded people should be the perfect place for this to happen and it clearly isn't because one of the owners feels he should spread the product of his willful ignorance for all to see and hear.
I remember the PATV episode they made on drugs which dealt with anxiety, depression and the like. That seems completely disingenuous now. If anyone should understand the harm that can be caused, something that is intentionally being done, it's these guys. As a person whose depression and anxiety gets really damn bad without medication, I cannot have any respect for them anymore. To ignore the pain of another person, a patron of your show and a pain you can sympathise with, and to intentionally inflict it upon them knowing what it does, makes you an abhorrent human being.
It is linked to in the above article, but it was written elsewhere that Penny Arcade needs to fix it's Krahulik problem. It seems the only solution is for him to either shut down all forms of communication visible outside of the PA offices or it needs to be filtered by someone responsible.
Sorry for carrying on about it, I started to write a brief comment and it got a little out of hand.
I honestly can't see how anyone could give money to Gearbox after the last few buckets of shit they served up. Awful company.
My biggest issue with Borderlands 2 was the utterly awful writing and obnoxious use of unfunny internet memes. Well, that and all the plagarism.I can understand people not liking Borderlands, but it's hardly a bucket of shit.
never forgetAlso the Brothers in Arms games were great.
My biggest issue with Borderlands 2 was the utterly awful writing and obnoxious use of unfunny internet memes. Well, that and all the plagarism.
never forget
My biggest issue with Borderlands 2 was the utterly awful writing and obnoxious use of unfunny internet memes. Well, that and all the plagarism.
I will only stop anyone who tries to stop you.
This speaks volumes to me and to many others I'm sure. I'm just quoting this one so it's not a quote-fest reply, but acknowledge Jintor, Rep and Dead Man's replies.
PAX is a big deal and is great for gaming. It has the opportunity to really spotlight some of the great things the various aspects have to offer and it is using that. I love that it is bringing all these things under one umbrella for all to see and enjoy, because that should already be the case. They are hurting something great and need to stop.
Actions do speak louder than words, and to look at the positive things that PA does you can't fault them. PAX is a great thing for all of gaming and Child's Play is just a wonderful thing in general. But words back these things up and this is the root of their shortcomings. It is the beginning of their negative actions, like selling the Dickwolves T-shirts after this thing blew up.
I'm sure I'm just treading old ground here and am not adding anything to what my previous post said, but I did want to add something positive. When reading one of the articles on this, I saw a comment that said that rape jokes can be funny and linked an example (there's no denying that this is true and, as I and others here have said, the joke in the PA strip was fine and was not the problem). I thought it was going to be Louie C.K. and was pleasantly surprised to discover that it wasn't; it was a woman, it was tasteful and it was really damn funny. This is what I wanted to share with you.
Continuing the trend of positive things, I have some more things to share if there are any willing takers. The Annalise PDF has been snapped up by Box of Bunnies, Sorcerer hasn't had any takers yet, but I do have something new to add. I had been meaning to pick up Our Last Best Hope for a while now and purchased the book and its expansion last night. Much to my surprise I was offered the PDF with the print-only copy this morning (the author seems like a really nice guy in my exchanges with him). Since I now have 2 copies, one of them is on offer to a lucky person here.
If that sounds interesting to you, let me know and the game is yours.
It's an expression of interest if I had a group, so not really, but thanks!
I know Banana has been looking into RPGing for a while (unsuccessfully?)...
That stand up is awesome, I posted it in this thread: Can rape jokes ever be funny?
The game looks awesome too, not for me since I have no one to play with, but I really like the sound of it.
Still thoroughly enjoying it in co-op mode which I'm pretty sure is the only mode it was intended to be played in...I can understand people not liking Borderlands, but it's hardly a bucket of shit.
Sydney park park operator taken to court accused of criminal harassment
Saints row 4 arrived! Did you receive yours Deadman?
Not todayHopefully tomorrow. International mail often takes an extra day to get out to the sticks.
VKS' post in the Political thread got me thinking, what makes Australia "great"?
VKS' post in the Political thread got me thinking, what makes Australia "great"?
I'll start.
Vegemite's pretty good, oh wait that's owned by Kraft isn't it....
Sally Fletcher used to be alright...
lil' help?
VKS' post in the Political thread got me thinking, what makes Australia "great"?
lil' help?
VKS' post in the Political thread got me thinking, what makes Australia "great"?
I'll start.
Vegemite's pretty good, oh wait that's owned by Kraft isn't it....
Sally Fletcher used to be alright...
lil' help?
lots of stuff.
Crowded House
Russell Crowe
Footrot Flats
Who likes KitKat?
Android 4.4 will be KitKat.
Also, from october kitkat wrappers will have codes to win play store credit and even a nexys 7 tablet.
Ask me again after Saturday. The answer will probably be pretty different...VKS' post in the Political thread got me thinking, what makes Australia "great"?
I just wanted to explain that I have not abandoned the plan for roleplaying with fellow AusGAF members. I am completely genuine when I say that I want to make it happen, it is just a matter of resolving or at least diminishing this issue before it will be possible. Even if I had the time to read the books and grok the rules to run a game, I would not have the uninterrupted time of an evening to execute it. Nothing would please me more than to see this eventuate, it would be most welcome.
Before you croak, if you could call up about dinner and change the reservation to one less, that'd be a treat. Thanks buddy.At this point in time i'm not dying. Probably just a muscle or something that went crack and not pop.
Find out in a few days if i'm still alive or not.