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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Post Hardcore.

This was born out of Hardcore, born out of Punk, and I guess driven by the birth of Emo.

Think hardcore but you can understand the lyrics, so the whole thing is written a few steps behind a punk song. That's the point of post-hardcore.
The elegance and poignancy of (80's/90's) emo with the spark and fire of hardcore with the jagged rawness of punk.

Thrice are a post-hardcore band that has shifted through the apexs of the genre as they aged and matured in the real world.
Early on you had the stripped down, shreddy march of Unquestioned Answers, Phoenix Ignition & A Torch To End All Torches

Then came the focused and pointedly polished aggression of Illusion of Safety tracks like See You In The Shallows, Deadbolt & the painful, heartfelt beauty of In Years To Come.

By the time difficult album number 3 came around they had grown up enough to let their instruments take centre stage rather than play a more wall of sound approach. Tracks like All That's Left, Stare At The Sun & the sublime Artist In The Ambulance that have plenty of catchy hooks and rhythm along with the splendidly able nods to hardcore style songs.

At this point the midlife crisis slips in. They start listening to Polyphonic Spree and get hippie girlfriends. Their association with bumping into Woody Harrelson at Sizzler leads to them receiving more hemp clothing in the mail than they could ever clear out on Craigslist within a timely manner, so they end up thinking they need to be "arty".

Don't get me wrong, Vheissu isn't a terrible album by any reasonable metric, but the perfected styles and polish slip aside in exchange for experimentation first and foremost. You can still hear that attention to detail on a few tracks like the thundering The Earth Will Shake. Red Sky is a good example of the breadth of directions they are trying to cover all at once (I even can here some Eric Clapton in some of the guitar chords for some odd reason). Image Of The Invisible is a solid attempt at that earlier style while retaining the newer take of creating instrumental hooks.

Alchemy Index is where they went way out and lost me for a bit. Nothing really grabbed me enough to recommend.

Maturity! The acceptance of who you are! The ability to be your past, your present and what you wish your future to be! Beggars! Great album where they settled comfortably into almost a post-post-hardcore spot of crunchy alternative indie rock. My favourite track of course is The Weight which I obviously identify with, with At The Last being a good showcase of their punchy, driven anthems.

They followed that up with the similarly solid Major/Minor, hitting all the same spots. Call It In The Air is a nice loud/soft piece, with tracks like Yellow Belly, Cataracts & Promises bringing the rock.

Fin. I got lazy towards the end.

I'm dealing with it just fine, but it is just time-consuming and tiring. Sans-meds this would be a different story, of course, I just thought I'd say so to let anyone know that it's alright and is just an explanation for 'what the hell is taking so long'. I hope it works out better for both of us soon enough and we can both enjoy life that little bit more.
Ah man that sucks that she is having problems. Hopefully she snaps out of it soon, sobriety has to get through to the mind eventually.

Really glad to hear the meds are helping so well! Great steps forward.


No worries, I thought I'd check as I wasn't too sure if you wanted it or not. The offer is still there if no one else wants it and you'd like to read over it.

Just going to use this as a springboard for something directly related, I hope you don't mind.

AusGAF roleplaying will be resurrected. I have every intention of bringing it back, but many things have been getting in the way. I've been debating whether or not I would mention this because it's pretty serious, but I wanted to let you all know that I have not forgotten and mean it when I say I want to make some RP happen.

For the past few months it has been apparent that my gran has increased her intake of alcohol as a form of self-medication. It has made her unbearably irritable, reduced her appetite and thus her energy levels, it has made her depression worse and it has drastically hindered her memory. A combination of these things are not a good thing, especially for a person of her age and condition. Every day is a battle. I have quiet time throughout the day as she spends most of it in bed, lacking any interest in rising for even the things she used to enjoy. I use this time to do whatever needs doing without interruption, it is sorely needed. Of an evening she finally emerges and this is when things become rather difficult. She is belligerent, surly, mean and combative. Many hours can be lost trying to stop whatever tirade has begun that particular evening.

After trying to curb the drinking with concern and rationality, I could see that was going nowhere. My mum was also concerned, naturally, and expressed this to her in a better manner than I ever could. None of these approaches worked. She started hiding wine in the house, both full and empty casks, in an attempt to disguise the amount that she'd consume. I was already putting start and finish dates on the cask to monitor how much she was having, but it was at this point I started weighing them each morning and logging it in a spreadsheet to see how much she'd actually had. I was incredibly alarmed at what I found. The average was 1L per night with some peaking at 1.2 - 1.4L! I knew it was a lot, but it was worse than I imagined and it was on the rise.

The GP was on holidays and so I had to wait until he returned before I could take her to him. Other doctors were available, but this guy is really good and I trust him to do the best job possible to help her. He stressed to her how unsafe it is and the many things that stem from it, including the interaction with medications like Warfarin (a serious anti-coagulant for those not familiar). He was marvelous, even better than I expected, and she said she would cease altogether. Unfortunately, not 30 seconds after leaving his office, she wanted to travel to buy some more wine. This did not happen and no more will enter this house as long as I am here, else it will be destroyed.

It has now been 2 weeks since her last drink and she hurls abuse each night because I won't bring her any. The house is dry (of her wine, I still have my single-malts and such which go untouched by both of us) but that doesn't stop her belief that I have some tucked away out of her grasp. It is the same every night and some are better than others, but not by much. She could be difficult before, but this is on a whole other level where she'll intentionally do things in an attempt to push my buttons. Most of my evenings disappear into this black hole and I have not had the time nor the energy to do much else outside of it.

I just wanted to explain that I have not abandoned the plan for roleplaying with fellow AusGAF members. I am completely genuine when I say that I want to make it happen, it is just a matter of resolving or at least diminishing this issue before it will be possible. Even if I had the time to read the books and grok the rules to run a game, I would not have the uninterrupted time of an evening to execute it. Nothing would please me more than to see this eventuate, it would be most welcome.

I'm dealing with it just fine, but it is just time-consuming and tiring. Sans-meds this would be a different story, of course, I just thought I'd say so to let anyone know that it's alright and is just an explanation for 'what the hell is taking so long'. I hope it works out better for both of us soon enough and we can both enjoy life that little bit more.

Some good stuff in that thread, thanks for sharing it or otherwise I wouldn't have seen it.

I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to playing the game either, but I hope it happens at some point. Most of my gaming group seems to like the more traditional roleplaying games and turn their noses up at a lot of the newer ones which I find interesting, so I'll have to look elsewhere for those particular ones. AusGAF may provide a little bit of something for everyone in that regard I would hope.
Just gave this a proper read now... hope you're keeping it together alright, man. Sounds like you are, but with all that shit you're going through (and being awesome about it) I'm glad to hear that you seem to be doing okay :)

Can't make it now? slack!

I doubt I need to change it for a single loss, Should still be fine.
No, I mean to account for your absence given the fact that you'd be dead.


Take your time and sort things out as best you can, mate. We can certainly wait.

In the meantime, I do plan to give Star Wars: Edge of the Empire a run. I've been learning a lot about the game while waiting for my book to arrive, listened to a few podcasts, found a few adventure modules that seem really interesting and figured out how to get the dice to work in Roll 20.

The dice system seems really fun and I think it will help me not to make such a railroaded approach as my previous GM attempt. And the setting is something I'm actually familiar with, so I won't feel so daunted coming up with side-story on my own, which was probably the worst thing about my DnD campaign.

I still look forward to trying out your ones, as many of them have sounded very interesting, but hopefully this might drum up even more interest for when you have a bit more personal time.

Thanks mate and thanks to the others who commented too. I haven't been on here as much as I used to because of that and I hope it doesn't come across that I was using people here as an avenue solely to vent. You're all great people and I just wanted to fill you in on what's been happening. Outside of that nonsense all is well, it's just going to take some time to turn the home environment into a pleasant place that it conducive to productivity and leisure time. I appreciate the patience and hope it will be worth the wait.

I apologise if I seemed rather abrasive last time with my comments on the Star Wars RPG, it's just a little denser than my preferences is what I was trying to communicate. If you like what you see and end up having a good time with it, that's all that matters in the end. I would've gladly helped you get the dice working in Roll20 had I known or even thought that would be a required element. Rollable tables seem to have been released at just the right time to make that happen and I think you'd have free access to it, being a Kickstarter backer if I recall correctly. Ah well, not necessary now and I'm glad you got it happening.

I'm a new GM myself and you actually have more experience than I do on that side of the table, since I haven't even run one game. Practice is what it takes to improve those skills, you can read all the GM advice you like and it will still come down to practicing and learning from mistakes. Run games and listen to feedback from players, this is more important online since it's difficult to read body language and react to it as required. If players are using webcams, that will help quite a bit (I never had one until recently when I bought one specifically for when I get a chance to play online). Railroading is a big one though and really knowing the depths of it and avoiding it is important, though players may be more forgiving and less likely to try and push too hard in certain ways while you're still finding your feet.

I've read and understood a bunch of other things that might help, but I'm not going to throw it at you all at once. Modules will help, becoming familiar with them will too so you'll be less surprised when players do something unexpected, because they will; 'no plan survives contact with the enemy' to use an old adage. One thing you can prepare beforehand that might be handy: a list of names. I'm bad with coming up with some on the spot and it's easy to be caught unawares when needing to use an NPC or promote an unimportant one to a more important role and you need to name them. If you're better than I am in this regard, no need to worry.

If you want some more material that might be helpful, have a look at Google+ communities because that's where a lot of roleplaying discussion takes place. People may balk at G+, but if you like RPGs it's something you'll want to use and come to really enjoy. I haven't delved into these specifically, but there are a few communities for this game; FFG Star Wars RPGs; Game Mastering - Star Wars: Edge of the Empire; and Australia/NZ/Oceanic Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. The latter two are much smaller, but there may be some things of use to you there.

Ah man that sucks that she is having problems. Hopefully she snaps out of it soon, sobriety has to get through to the mind eventually.

Really glad to hear the meds are helping so well! Great steps forward.

I hope so too. I miss hanging out on here more than I have and reading books and watching the odd movie or tv show. I should add, non-selfishly, I miss the old gran and hope to see her once more. It'll happen soon enough and those things aren't going anywhere. The meds are indeed awesome and I don't know where I'd be without them. Things have gotten harder, but with the help they have given me I'm finding it all so much easier.

Just gave this a proper read now... hope you're keeping it together alright, man. Sounds like you are, but with all that shit you're going through (and being awesome about it) I'm glad to hear that you seem to be doing okay :)

Everything besides this is going well. It may not have read like it, because I didn't stray too far from what has happened and is happening, but I'm quite happy and am doing really well. Sure it is challenging, but I know there is only so much that can be done; it's one step and one day at a time.

I really appreciate the well-wishes and I look forward to those positive things coming about, because they will. It'll take time, but we'll get there gradually.
If you guys do end up hosting a board game thing I'd be keen for it. I don't really have anyone into that sort of stuff I can play with (except for my brother who will play Hero Quest for nostalgia), so I wouldn't know what the hell I was doing... They seem fun though :)

P.S the Auspolitics thread in off topic is getting interesting.


Rollable tables seem to have been released at just the right time to make that happen and I think you'd have free access to it, being a Kickstarter backer if I recall correctly. Ah well, not necessary now and I'm glad you got it happening.
Yep, rollable tables was what I used to get them working. I can't get it to do exact calculations for the two different resources on the dice, but I get a close approximation with some mathematical trickery. Here's some sample rolls:

The first roll was two net successes including a Triumph with neither net threat nor advantage (200 + 0), while the second is 2 net Failure, but 3 net advantage (-200 + 3). The system can't add up more than one stat at a time, but the hundreds thing makes them still easy to interpret the different value of Success/Failure and Advantage/Threat and I'm just going to eyeball the dice images for Triumph and Despair. Oh, and the macro to accomplish this roll is just "/r 2#g + #y + 2#p", making it really easy to roll anything, and the other dice are easily added too.

Thanks for the other tips, too. A few of those could come in very helpful.
Funny fucker, too.
I don't know exactly what role he plays in Sony (or SCEE or SCEJ or whatever) but he does a great job of being a face for the company. A level above Iwata IMO and far above whoever MS has (needs to be Allard).

President of Worldwide Studios, getting internal shit done. Get others to get shit done. Telling Cerny to stop being such a weeaboo, etc


Funny fucker, too.
I don't know exactly what role he plays in Sony (or SCEE or SCEJ or whatever) but he does a great job of being a face for the company. A level above Iwata IMO and far above whoever MS has (needs to be Allard).

Iwata shines primarily in Iwata Asks. They really need to drop a hardback coffeetable book with killer photography and whatnot.


here's my brain log after reading that strip.

scanning for political correctness...
scanning for funny....
scanning for political correctness overriding potential funny...
potential error....women in only 25% of panels...alert...alert...
type in defence...
"It's okay, it's not sexist."
non-malicious humour override...
+25 for pop-culture juxtaposition...
Indie/Indiana Jones geddit?...
Buy Blow The Cartridge book...
(inspired by Alexei Sayle)

Is there perhaps a Blow the Cartidge book or series of books that are for sale in some format and could you provide the links so that I and others like me can purchase your works?

I am advised that people of smart taste and purveyors of fine culture can buy physical and DRM-free "electronic" Blow The Cartridge books at this fine provider of merchandise. I have also heard a rumour that a third book will be appearing on this marketplace in a matter of days.

I'll bring some copies for ya next time I see ya if you like

Also great work Gaz. My 10/10 has already been used for the day though sadly.

Fair enough. Hopefully I can nab it tomorrow.

Why didn't the Indy Game Dev comic end with this somehow?

Because that would require me to draw something more complex than a piece of paper :)

I will only stop anyone who tries to stop you.
Thanks, man.

8.8/10 would read again! Do another one now. I demand it. Now.

Started work on one
The final one!
last night, fell asleep before it was finished. It'll go up at midnight tonight :)

Workplace perks. What are good ones?
So I went into my school today to learn the library system, I'm going to be the school librarian until the end of the term. So awesome. ;)

So anyone else here successfully made the switch from iOS to android? I think I'm just about done with Apple's phones, I need a change. The the Sony Xperia really has my interest. Where is the best place to buy new phones outright?

Happy BD Legend.



Happy birthday.

You forgot to change the order of the panels to make a better story.

Happy b'day legend!

So I went into my school today to learn the library system, I'm going to be the school librarian until the end of the term. So awesome. ;)

So anyone else here successfully made the switch from iOS to android? I think I'm just about done with Apple's phones, I need a change. The the Sony Xperia really has my interest. Where is the best place to buy new phones outright?

I would've suggested the Nexus 4 since stock Android is best Android, but it looks like it will be getting replaced soon.
You forgot to change the order of the panels to make a better story.

Happy b'day legend!

I would've suggested the Nexus 4 since stock Android is best Android, but it looks like it will be getting replaced soon.

Yeah, the Nexus 5 was 'leaked' in a video that Google put out.

Would it be a big difference though between Sony's custom android and the Nexus' OS? I honestly don't know as I've never spent a significant amount of time with the Android OS.





Didn't realize this was here too. With the PS4's prize here, it's "almost" a bargain for the XBOne.

PS4's $550
Xbox One's $600 + FIFA 14

Admittedly, the only preorder for a PS4 on EB you can do right now is for a 2014 shipment. Bleh.


Yeah, the Nexus 5 was 'leaked' in a video that Google put out.

Would it be a big difference though between Sony's custom android and the Nexus' OS? I honestly don't know as I've never spent a significant amount of time with the Android OS.

I'm very wary of custom Androids, as phone manufacturers don't spend as much quality control on their software as Google. I remember one manufacturer's custom home screen ended up draining the battery, can't remember which one it was though.

Sony sounds like they'd be one of the better ones. I used to own a Galaxy Tab and Samsung aren't too bad either if only because their impeccable hardware makes up for the custom Android.
Hey Rlan, there was an update to Age of Zombies on Android a little while ago (maybe 4-6 weeks?) and it changed the permissions to require my phone status, location, list of running apps, but nowhere did it mention what the purpose of this was. I haven't updated it since these new permissions were marked as needed... what are they for?
Harvey Norman might have the 3DS for $128
Poker game on XBLA for free

Today is the anniversary of my birth.




Didn't realize this was here too. With the PS4's prize here, it's "almost" a bargain for the XBOne.

PS4's $550
Xbox One's $600 + FIFA 14

Admittedly, the only preorder for a PS4 on EB you can do right now is for a 2014 shipment. Bleh.
Yeah the fact that the Day One edition of 180 has been available the whole time here points to MS needing to offer a better value proposition to get people signing up for dem pre-orders.

PS4 is sold out so Sony don't give a fuck, they are worried about 2014 now.

Also odd that FIFA launches the week after 180 right? Not sure if that date has been moved up.

Also not sure why they keep saying "while stock lasts". It's a digital code FFS. It isn't in relation to the Day One pre-orders since if you can't pre-order a Day One edition then the offer doesn't even exist!
Some things to consider.

Sony loooves to get those "Sony Playstation is so popular its sold out" headlines as a way of increasing buzz among the casual gaming market. So while the PS4 is going to be launching in a lot more markets, I'm expecting really small allocations to each market.
If you've preordered, hang on to it.

MS, with having fallen behind in the core gamer hype race, might be more pragmatic and limit the markets it launches into.

Both strategies have their strengths and weaknesses.
-Want a PS4 but it's sold out? "Here's the Xbone."
-Want an Xbox One in a Tier 2 country? "You're out of luck till 2014 but here's a PS4."
-In a country where you can't get Xbox and the PS4 is sold out? "We have Wii U in stock. So sorry we couldn't help you."


Some things to consider.

Sony loooves to get those "Sony Playstation is so popular its sold out" headlines as a way of increasing buzz among the casual gaming market. So while the PS4 is going to be launching in a lot more markets, I'm expecting really small allocations to each market.

I'm not suggesting any lie. I believe PS4 will sell out quite easily. It will be a combo of demand and limited launch quantities that many big CE launches have as was the case with the 360 launch in the US and the PS2 launch.

PS3 launch was the one with the semi-porkies (Jack Tretton inisisting you couldn't buy one, etc)
Edit: Whoops, I misinterpreted your opening paragraph, ignore this!

Some things to consider.

Sony loooves to get those "Sony Playstation is so popular its sold out" headlines as a way of increasing buzz among the casual gaming market. So while the PS4 is going to be launching in a lot more markets, I'm expecting really small allocations to each market.
If you've preordered, hang on to it.

MS, with having fallen behind in the core gamer hype race, might be more pragmatic and limit the markets it launches into.

Both strategies have their strengths and weaknesses.
-Want a PS4 but it's sold out? "Here's the Xbone."
-Want an Xbox One in a Tier 2 country? "You're out of luck till 2014 but here's a PS4."
-In a country where you can't get Xbox and the PS4 is sold out? "We have Wii U in stock. So sorry we couldn't help you."
Retailers have been saying PS4 preorders strongly outpace 180 preorders though so not sure Sony have been holding back huge amounts, I do expect they want some walk in stock on launch day though.
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