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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


That's the bummer of BC for me. I don't care that I have to play 360 games on my 360, I think I used it to play OG Xbox games like twice. But not being able to play downloaded XBLA games sucks. Microsoft is going to want to build up the arcade library pretty quickly now.
It almost feels like it's not worth investing in DD games if you can't play it across generations of systems. Also, it's clearly a cash-grab as well.


Will reply to your post when I get into work, rep! Multiquoting on the mobile site is a cunt.
Well I won't be buying one. I hardly use my 360 for anything but streaming media from my computer anyway. PC has my life for now.
I was kind of expecting something like this to complement my PC gaming, but given how much they showed basically required being an American to even use, it's turned me right off it. The used games thing is the icing on the cake (for the games I'd have wanted in the first place, which at this stage are at zero).



but ever so delicious
I could type an entire thing about BC and how silly it is along with why you shouldn't have expected it at all in this generation.

But it's work time D:


It almost feels like it's not worth investing in DD games if you can't play it across generations of systems. Also, it's clearly a cash-grab as well.
Ahyup. Given they could emulate a large number of Xbox 1 (the first Xbox) on 360 when they haven't even been able to emulate it at all on PC yet, you have to wonder whether it was actually possible to do the same with the One but they just decided not to.

Honestly can't believe just how much they've fallen out of favour with me. As much as Mattrick said it was built "by gamers for gamers", I'd be more more inclined to think they meant to say "by gamers for beer-swilling dudebros who love watching sport and also only live in 'MUHRICA and don't already own a 360".


I could type an entire thing about BC and how silly it is along with why you shouldn't have expected it at all in this generation.

But it's work time D:
I expected it because I don't have to rebuy all my software every time I upgrade my iPhone, why should my console be any different?
I'm actually pretty stoked too. While most people over on gaming seem pissed about it including TV stuff I'm more concerned that it won't be here fast enough. It looked pretty damn impressive. Realistically I spend more time watching TV than playing games to that works for me.

I realise this is sarcasm but that was a minor megaton for me. By the end of that youtube series I was digging Forward Unto Dawn, give it time and money and it could be awesome. On the other hand like every other Speilberg sci fi TV show has been pretty balls
TV stuff? Do you live in America? lol
Silly you need to buy another add-on device to do all that stuff too. Going to be a fuckton of shit sitting under the TV!

The Halo TV show will be a money sink but the whole thing hinges on getting traction in that market. Will be even more cutthroat than entering the gaming industry was though! Lot of player in TV and they don't like being fucked around with!

Good morning to all the smart people who went to bed last night.
We are the smart (and replenished) people!

Honestly can't believe just how much they've fallen out of favour with me. As much as Mattrick said it was built "by gamers for gamers", I'd be more more inclined to think they meant to say "by gamers for beer-swilling dudebros who love watching sport and also only live in 'MUHRICA and don't already own a 360".

All the 'gamers' left Microsoft years ago now as the push for an entertainment box was put onto the 360. They are mainly business suits now.


but ever so delicious
I expected it because I don't have to rebuy all my software every time I upgrade my iPhone, why should my console be any different?

Because you didn't do that with your nes and snes, did you?

The entire BC thing is now an entitlement that we went through over the past 10ish years, It was never going to last. The idea that it was going to last was laughable. It's now because we are older and have to spend money on things instead of our parents buying the new console and placing it under the christmas tree, that we expect it to do everything.

Phones aren't bound by a limited lifespan, Consoles are. They always have been, you buy a console knowing well in advance that it will be replaced in 6 or so years, No one here can honestly say they expected it to last for ever, right?

Remember when you were a kid and the snes got announced, you never gave a fuck about the idea of playing nes games on it. All you wanted was to play super mario world and that it showed up under the christmas tree.

These days consoles are bound by technological advances. Everyone wants something more powerful, important, that can do more things and so on. This leaves backwards compatibility at a disadvantage because the new tech will always push the old tech out. It also too costly to include the older tech as well. Fuck, would you like to replace the display or logic board on your 2008 macbook pro? i will give you a hint, it's like $200 cheaper than a brand new 2013 machine, You don't do it. It costs too much money to piss fart around continuing to make old technology that no one needs, it is not cost effective.

BC was a pipe dream. It was tested and found out by two of the three companies to be worthless in the long run. Even while the Wii u supports Wii game discs, considering how shit the console is actually doing, I imagine very little to be using that feature and that feature it self sure as hell didn't push units.

I have said it from day 1 when the rumours existed for next generation consoles, backwards compatibility was never going to work. Everything you purchased from PSN and XBLA was bound to that console.
So apparently, MS is perennially stuck in 2003. Who knew?

It seems to me that we're in a new world where consoles don't make nearly as much sense as they once did and none of the big three know what the next big thing is that will keep them relevant.


but ever so delicious
BC is more of a thing because of digital content. That's the real issue. It's not so much about discs.

For sure. Digital should be somewhat done, But the game designed on the 360 is still bound by technical limitations of the console compared to the the xbox one.

I'm sure people could understand that going from the PS3 to the PS4, Considering how fucking mental the Cell processor is compared to the AMD based X86/X64 CPU in the PS4.

Would it be nice if the companies supplied an emulator of some sorts per system? Of course, Apple did this for a period of time until they said no more PPC support on Intel Macs, No one cared when they flipped the switch off.
"The bits that are on that disc, you can give it to your friend and they can install it on an Xbox One," he said. "They would then have to purchase the right to play that game through Xbox Live."
LOL that's glorious
Wow. Just... wow. That's fucking insane.

Maybe not so bad, but still dumb:

MajorNelson said:
Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend’s house – should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile.

Oh also you need to plug shit into it to work. Which won't even launch in Australia. So it is just a bawks with games. IMOKAYWITHTHAT.JPG
I'll be surprised if it works with voice commands in Australia on day one. Or maybe year one.

Also seems like you may as well hook up a PC to your TV rather than get it unless you want the nonPC games from MS.
This is my current plan.

So all your XBLA titles as well as your 360 games are completely useless as far as the new console goes. Couple that with no PGR on launch, and I'm not only thoroughly underwhelmed, but actually pissed off.
Doesn't stop you from playing them on the existing console, which you already have. So what's the big deal? If you want to play Dreamcast games, you buy a Dreamcast. The only issue is how long they'll keep the servers up for XBLA downloads -- and given they've said they're still selling the 360, I assume it'll be a year or two at least.

The entire BC thing is now an entitlement that we went through over the past 10ish years, It was never going to last.
I'm not going to go with "entitlement", but it's really only been a thing for one and a half generations, and it was never even really good then. I'm not going to miss it all. The only time I ever used it was on the Wii with a couple of GameCube games, but even then I couldn't use it on all of them because of region locking.

I expected it because I don't have to rebuy all my software every time I upgrade my iPhone, why should my console be any different?
You don't have to buy any old games again, you just play them on your existing console.

Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.>
Third console curse confirmed.
TV stuff? Do you live in America? lol
Silly you need to buy another add-on device to do all that stuff too. Going to be a fuckton of shit sitting under the TV!

Yeah exactly. Honestly that's my main problem. If I'm going to buy something that's just playing games they'd want to show some good ones at E3

BC is more of a thing because of digital content. That's the real issue. It's not so much about discs.

Word. Couldn't agree more.

So apparently, MS is perennially stuck in 2003. Who knew?

It seems to me that we're in a new world where consoles don't make nearly as much sense as they once did and none of the big three know what the next big thing is that will keep them relevant.

I agree to a point. I think Microsoft's ideas make more sense than Sony's though. Embrace the entertainment hub idea as well as the game console. Do it all. Look at how the mainstream press and even the tech press have reacted. The Mashable article is glowing. Saying Microsoft has made an Apple TV irrelevant.



Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?

Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.

Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.

Harrison: Correct.

Hey rep, hear this? Better hope the local Telstra exchange doesn't spontaneously combust again (or you want to take your console somewhere they don't have internet for a few days) because if either of those things happens, you're fucked.

Seriously, mandatory online one every 24 hours is just doomed to fail. I'm not thinking of the people who don't have any internet at all, but if you're travelling or even if you want to bring the One over to a mates place who just doesn't have internet, you're fucked... completely, by the sounds of it.

All the 'gamers' left Microsoft years ago now as the push for an entertainment box was put onto the 360. They are mainly business suits now.
Oh, I know. You have to wonder whether this sort of thing would've happened if Moore was still there, or someone like Kudo or Phil Spencer had more pull.

It's hard to believe that Mattrick was the guy who programmed the first Test Drive game. May have been in the gaming industry his whole life, but he's definitely not a gamer.

For sure. Digital should be somewhat done

Doesn't stop you from playing them on the existing console, which you already have. So what's the big deal? If you want to play Dreamcast games, you buy a Dreamcast. The only issue is how long they'll keep the servers up for XBLA downloads -- and given they've said they're still selling the 360, I assume it'll be a year or two at least.
True, but it goes completely against their efforts of advertising the One as an all-in-one entertainment unit if you still have to keep all your old shit hooked up that by rights should still be compatible (to the layman, both have a Kinect so both should be able to play all Kinect games, right?).

I'm not going to go with "entitlement", but it's really only been a thing for one and a half generations, and it was never even really good then. I'm not going to miss it all. The only time I ever used it was on the Wii with a couple of GameCube games, but even then I couldn't use it on all of them because of region locking.
I'm not necessarily going to miss it as such, but I think it's something that could've been easily averted and doubt would've required that much effort to implement... at least, for XBLA titles that tend to be less hardware intensive than disc-based games. Of course, it's easy to say "Just leave your old console connected", but if they said to everyone that they needed to keep their old DVD players because DVDs weren't compatible with BR players, people either wouldn't have upgraded or they would've had a completely useless library of DVDs which they'd have to rebuy on bluray if they wanted to watch them again.
Or obviously have the clutter of both, but generally speaking, when you "upgrade" you shouldn't have to keep that old thing you're upgrading.


You buy the system for the games... so I'll wait until E3 to call out doom and gloom. But the system does appear at first glance to blow chunks


You buy the system for the games... so I'll wait until E3 to call out doom and gloom. But the system does appear at first glance to blow chunks

Yeah, games are what counts here, but they've done a piss-poor job of framing the hardware as any sort of beneficial improvement to the consumer. All I'm seeing are a bunch of added limitations, besides the upgrade to the power under the hood. For all we know, Sony could dump a bunch of this shit on us as well, but so far they've done a much better job of selling their platform as something that's been designed to enhance the gaming experience.


All the good games will be on PC anyway.

He couldnt afford me. Unless he is rich in which case he could and we should get in touch.
If The XO is $99 here I will be cool with that!

Sorry my bad, an iTV device, like an Apple branded smart TV. Not Apple TV.

I wonder if they'll do something with Foxtel on Xbox to get the Live TV stuff working here? They've obviously got a good relationship there. Delivering it over the net makes more sense to me too


but ever so delicious

For that to work though, The CPU architecture would have to be vastly different. You do understand how hard it is to get X86 stuff running on a PPC CPU, right? Which is what the 360 has.

For that to work, you would then need to limit the potential for the xbox one in the technical department.

That's essentially saying you want a Wii U after a Wii .. No one really wants that, Look at the sales.

That's the point here. It's nice to want things, The problem is you and others always want advances in tech which causes the things you love 5 years ago, To not work.


Remember when the 360 was announced MS said they'd keep supporting the original Xbox for a long time?

They killed the system within two months from retail.

Don't expect a lot of 360 support for long guys :)
Yeah, games are what counts here, but they've done a piss-poor job of framing the hardware as any sort of beneficial improvement to the consumer. All I'm seeing are a bunch of added limitations, besides the upgrade to the power under the hood. For all we know, Sony could dump a bunch of this shit on us as well, but so far they've done a much better job of selling their platform as something that's been designed to enhance the gaming experience.
They've done so by obfuscating the restrictions on their own console. They have the patents to do the same thing MS are doing and now, they have a carte blanche to use them.

The 8th Gen will be interesting to watch unfold, because I smell doom in the air. Perhaps I'm being melodramatic. All I know is that I've never seen so much negativity surrounding an upcoming generation. It's across the board too.


So xbox one is dead.

Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games.

PS4... with the x86 and all, I dont know, I think most of the great games will be on pc as well so why get it >.<?


For that to work though, The CPU architecture would have to be vastly different. You do understand how hard it is to get X86 stuff running on a PPC CPU, right? Which is what the 360 has.

For that to work, you would then need to limit the potential for the xbox one in the technical department.

That's essentially saying you want a Wii U after a Wii .. No one really wants that, Look at the sales.

That's the point here. It's nice to want things, The problem is you and others always want advances in tech which causes the things you love 5 years ago, To not work.
They managed to get a good amount of First Xbox (fucking hell, this is confusing as shit) games running on the 360 (with the hacked/unlocked BC on JTAG consoles, you'd be surprised not how many just worked, but actually worked *well*... RSC2, for one). And with their "multiple OS" thing, it's not unfeasible to think they could have something that would act as an interpreter/emulator between 360 titles and the newer hardware (a la Wine, or a virtual box or whatever). Dreamcast ran PS1 games. PS3 can run *some* PS2 games. Vita can run PSP games (though not for the purpose of BC though, no UMD slot).

Moot point to discuss though, as it's not the direction MS have gone. I think it's something that could've been done with little effort (with my extremely limited knowledge), or at least, the amount of effort of getting First Xbox games working on 360.


They've done so by obfuscating the restrictions on their own console. They have the patents to do the same thing MS are doing and now, they have a carte blanche to use them.

The 8th Gen will be interesting to watch unfold, because I smell doom in the air. Perhaps I'm being melodramatic. All I know is that I've never seen so much negativity surrounding an upcoming generation. It's across the board too.
Honestly, I don't think it'll be as viable or last as long as current-gen. Can't explain why, but I just get the feeling that this feels a lot more close-ended than where the PS3 and 360 are now (and how far they've come). There's all this social crap which I honestly don't envisage a lot of people using (even inside the US) and they're betting the house on it. I also suspect they're banking too much on people who still watch TV. With how things like Netflix are moving up in the world and actually creating their own content, there was a surprising lack of any mention of them at all.

And if I wanted to use surface to use my Xbox to browse the internet on a side window on my TV, wouldn't I just browse the internet on my tablet instead? Ugh.


huh, there's a black rain signal here in HK :eek:

meaning i dont have to go to work cos it's raining, or was raining heavily so yay! though i guess it's kinda serious since like schools are closed and like the stock exchange is suspended for morning trade..rain doesn't look that bad but whatevs yo!
And with their "multiple OS" thing, it's not unfeasible to think they could have something that would act as an interpreter/emulator between 360 titles and the newer hardware (a la Wine, or a virtual box or whatever).
The problem is building the emulation (or whatever) software, ensuring games work with it and then supporting that infrastructure.

These things are not cheap, and clearly Microsoft has decided the cost of doing this is not worth the tiny amount of goodwill with a small portion of gamers.
It's interesting to see the contrast between Sony and MS. They both came out ahead of E3 to announce the system.

Sony didn't show the system but showed some games and had developers on stage. We still have E3 for more reveals

MS went a different route. Show the hardware and talk about the system features. Games would come at E3.
They had women on stage

At this stage, I'm neither excited, underwhelmed or outraged. I'm more interested in the games for each system and know we'll see them in a month.

Gaf's reaction has been priceless. Waiting on the porch with baseball bats and all.


Remember when the 360 was announced MS said they'd keep supporting the original Xbox for a long time?

They killed the system within two months from retail.

Don't expect a lot of 360 support for long guys :)

Considering the install base though it should have longer legs. I could see a cheaper 360 coming and the likes of EA etc supporting for sometime. As for first party, well MS doesn't really have much of those anyway, probably not.


huh, there's a black rain signal here in HK :eek:

meaning i dont have to go to work cos it's raining, or was raining heavily so yay! though i guess it's kinda serious since like schools are closed and like the stock exchange is suspended for morning trade..rain doesn't look that bad but whatevs yo!

So, acid rain warning? Or is it a quasi-mystical event like a rain of burning blood or something?


The problem is building the emulation (or whatever) software, ensuring games work with it and then supporting that infrastructure.

These things are not cheap, and clearly Microsoft has decided the cost of doing this is not worth the tiny amount of goodwill with a small portion of gamers.
Can't be that expensive!

I just... I guess it just comes off to me more that they chose not to include it for reasons other than financial. It could well be that it just wasn't worth the payoff to get 360 stuff working (though you'd think having that instant XBLA market would be a sure-fire cash cow) financially and effort-wise, but it just feels more like an option they could've implemented easily but chose to ignore. Can't explain why, but just feels like it, ya know?


So xbox one is dead.

Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games.

PS4... with the x86 and all, I dont know, I think most of the great games will be on pc as well so why get it >.<?

It's actually a good point, love them or hate them Nintendo have a few quality exclusives. Sony has a few (maybe less?) must haves, MS even less. In the space of a couple of hours I am really wondering whether I will pickup the new consoles. However if there is some really good exercise type games I may bite. Will have to see what E3 brings.


Also the Blu Ray drive means that every game sold on XO retail will lead to money going to Sony lol

Sony are one of the many members of the Blu-ray Association so while they will get some money per console, it will only be about $300,000 for every million consoles.
Considering the install base though it should have longer legs. I could see a cheaper 360 coming and the likes of EA etc supporting for sometime. As for first party, well MS doesn't really have much of those anyway, probably not.

Their kinect 2 stuff is going to flop majorly i think, thats the kind of games that will sell into a 8 year old system that parents are buying on the cheap (previously this role filled by license stuff).

They'll still get cod and sports for a couple of years at least tho so they'll still sell systems at Christmas.
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