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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Contemplating staying up for Xbox reveal. I mean, I don't own any consoles other than the vita, but this could still be a potential Wednesdayton.

I thought you owned a PS3 Lexi?

I got up for the announcement and was pretty impressed. Not enough to buy on launch, but 9-12 months down the track and I'll likely pick one up.

Feels like 70% entertainment unit, 30% game console.


I was never in danger of staying up for a video game (or in this case a TV (LOL)) thing.

Guess I won't be getting rid of my board game collection after all, not that I was really going to sell them; it was nothing more than frustration at the lack of people to play them with. Thanks to the new Xbox, I'll have more people to play with and they can call me a fag in person.
well I got some sleep



Unity Game Engine Goes Free For iOS, Android And BlackBerry 10 Developers

all that bitching at the computing department at UTAS to get us a unity ios export license... and now this happens. Fuck.

Just read this in the indie thread. Yaaay. No reason for me to hold onto my copy of Unity 3.whatever for the Ludum Dare Android and iOS licences i had.


For courtesy, can anyone who's linking to stuff re: the One maybe quote in a little paragraph or paraphrase the article as well? I'm at work and hate to think I'm missing out. Ta :)

PS. This is a great post re: used games that someone made, that I can't quote properly because the thread am locked:
Used games do the following:

*They allow people at a very low investment risk to branch away from their select few titles and try new games. This means that used games allow the consumer to become part of a market that was once too exclusive for them thus growing said market into a more stable brand for later titles.
*DLC still can be purchased on current gen used games. This means that instead of limiting a single physical copy of a game to just one person in potential DLC sales each title can be resold to the consumer market innumerable amounts of time to get more DLC sales per physical unit. In other words DLC lets publishers penetrate used games for sales more than new games. Used games account for 1/3rd of the business in the industry currently.
*A used market creates a resale market allowing consumers to sell back their old titles. The majority of games resold have been documented to go toward the purchase of NEW games and consoles. In other words the used market is helping the consumers to be able to afford to buy new games and hardware. Remove the resale market and many wont be able to afford new titles or systems.

By eliminating the used market through the methods Microsoft is trying to do they will likely cut down on some piracy and they will guarantee all profits go to them and the developer, but they will be MASSIVELY shrinking the size of their markets as most cannot afford to reside exclusively in the new game market's price point level.

What they have done is effectively ignore the law of large numbers in business. "More coming in than what is lost" is how insurance companies and bank's thrive. Microsoft has bottle necked their market so tightly that they have vastly reduced their market in favor of a near 100% revenue model. 100% of a much smaller market still isn't as good as allowing the HIGHLY profitable used market to continue on their console. 1/3rd of the profits in the industry are from the used market and its completely incalculable how much this will hurt them with consumers let alone developers in the long run.

Who ever came up with this business model was not only blind to resale business markets, but they were absolutely wreckless in ignoring the consumer's reaction to this topic this past year.

Plus if this was a way to attack piracy I'd say it will backfire. The more unattainable you make it for the consumer to receive something they want the more you popularize piracy and the more you empower pirates to find ways to steal and distribute your goods.

Gabe Newell gets that...apparently Microsoft doesn't.
Dark times ahead for both gamers and developers at this rate as the industry is about to lose some money.

Dead Man

Wait. You can't use an Xwhateverbox without being connected to the internet at last part time, and game discs are one use only unless you are signed in to the account you registered them with? Yeah, good luck with that MS.

I was never in danger of staying up for a video game (or in this case a TV (LOL)) thing.

Guess I won't be getting rid of my board game collection after all, not that I was really going to sell them; it was nothing more than frustration at the lack of people to play them with. Thanks to the new Xbox, I'll have more people to play with and they can call me a fag in person.

Bring them to Adelaide, we'll drink some beer and play some games.




Who the fuck wants to have a fucking phone call on their fucking TV whilst trying to watch a fucking movie?


Point of entry for PC games is so comparatively low (with sales etc) I've never even thought about used trade-in. Mind you, I think it's more of talk about Steam as a Service blah blah blah

Plus if this was a way to attack piracy I'd say it will backfire. The more unattainable you make it for the consumer to receive something they want the more you popularize piracy and the more you empower pirates to find ways to steal and distribute your goods.

Gabe Newell gets that...apparently Microsoft doesn't.

Yeah, so in context it's about making games more readily available for a lower point of entry


lol sounds like the conference was a fucking disaster. Amplified when you think about what the Australian used game 'fee' is going to be, and the TV shit because fuck Foxtel. And it's probably not even region free.

So my next gen is basically already decided.

This christmas (if 3D Mario is out) Wii U.

PS4 when the price is decent/maybe first revision (minus games from any companies with anti-used policies).


Point of entry for PC games is so comparatively low (with sales etc) I've never even thought about used trade-in. Mind you, I think it's more of talk about Steam as a Service blah blah blah
Yeah, I just find all this "You can't lend games to your friends?! You can't resell your games?! I'm going to stick to the PC where I can do neither of these things" to be pretty funny.

Dead Man

Yeah, I just find all this "You can't lend games to your friends?! You can't resell your games?! I'm going to stick to the PC where I can do neither of these things" to be pretty funny.

Console gaming is the last bastion of those things, that was one of the few things it had over PC gaming. If you can't do those things, it removes one more reason to bother with consoles.


That Gamasutra article is *perfect*. Honestly, the amount of social media interaction on the 360 was just fine at the level it was. Now it's infected every single little facet of everything that console tries to do. Fuck it, when I want to watch a movie, I'll just use my WDTV Live that doesn't have all that pervasive crap.

And they still think I want to control things with my hands. For games, sure, I can see that. But there's no future in which navigating menus will be quicker than using a control pad or remote. As quick as the response time can get for the Kinect or Move or whatever, any speed benefit it has over doing a few button presses is negated by the fact that a button press only requires a few millimeters of finger movement *at most*.

The shield stuff or whatever that doesn't require me letting go of the pad (or wheel or whatever) is fine (a la head-tracking) but don't try to convince me that using two arms to minimise a window or switch tasks is far easier than pushing that silver, glowing "X" button on my controller.

More I think about it, the more jaded I'm getting about the thing. I can only hope that as with one of the first PS3/PSN presentations where they had the face bubbles for chat or some shit, a lot of this will fall by the wayside or get tweaked enough so I can disable it completely.

And the Kinect tech didn't look any different to current stuff. Like someone mentioned elsewhere, I didn't see anything taking advantage of finger articulation at all. Not even canned, premade footage.

BTW I like that basically it'll be cheaper to go out and buy a new game on sale than to borrow one from a friend and buy it online. I'm surprised they wouldn't even offer some kind of thing where each copy assigned to you comes with a few hours "grace" play per week if you decide to lend it to someone. Bit pointless forcing someone to buy a game to play it if they might not even like it. It's like they're implementing a base security feature, but haven't thought AT ALL about the periphery of such a system, let alone the base usability or what consumers might actually think of such a system. PS. What happens when my HDD is full? Do I have to install it again next time? Like I mentioned earlier, 500GB should be enough to store 20x20gb games on there, which isn't all that much over the lifespan of a console (or even a year). Having to do a full install each time you want to play a random game you haven't played for a while is going to be a pain.
In non Xbox One news, I did a story the other day about a sustainable house. Nothing ground breaking, just a nice story about a brother and sister team doing something different. I then get an email from the architect demanding to know why they weren't credited.
I ignore it, assuming if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. They sent two more asking the same question. So I finally replied saying pretty much what I said above.
I get an email back telling me not mentioning them wasn't "correct journalism" not to give them a free plug. I am using every last bit of my willpower to not tell them to get fucked.



Who the fuck wants to have a fucking phone call on their fucking TV whilst trying to watch a fucking movie?

Using a movie is close to the stupidest example they could have thought of. Do it while playing Forza 5. I'd do that. Or watching ESPN, but anything where you NEED to hear is just dumb.

That Gamasutra article is *perfect*. Honestly, the amount of social media interaction on the 360 was just fine at the level it was. Now it's infected every single little facet of everything that console tries to do. Fuck it, when I want to watch a movie, I'll just use my WDTV Live that doesn't have all that pervasive crap.

And they still think I want to control things with my hands. For games, sure, I can see that. But there's no future in which navigating menus will be quicker than using a control pad or remote. As quick as the response time can get for the Kinect or Move or whatever, any speed benefit it has over doing a few button presses is negated by the fact that a button press only requires a few millimeters of finger movement *at most*.

The shield stuff or whatever that doesn't require me letting go of the pad (or wheel or whatever) is fine (a la head-tracking) but don't try to convince me that using two arms to minimise a window or switch tasks is far easier than pushing that silver, glowing "X" button on my controller.

More I think about it, the more jaded I'm getting about the thing. I can only hope that as with one of the first PS3/PSN presentations where they had the face bubbles for chat or some shit, a lot of this will fall by the wayside or get tweaked enough so I can disable it completely.

And the Kinect tech didn't look any different to current stuff. Like someone mentioned elsewhere, I didn't see anything taking advantage of finger articulation at all. Not even canned, premade footage.

BTW I like that basically it'll be cheaper to go out and buy a new game on sale than to borrow one from a friend and buy it online. I'm surprised they wouldn't even offer some kind of thing where each copy assigned to you comes with a few hours "grace" play per week if you decide to lend it to someone. Bit pointless forcing someone to buy a game to play it if they might not even like it. It's like they're implementing a base security feature, but haven't thought AT ALL about the periphery of such a system, let alone the base usability or what consumers might actually think of such a system. PS. What happens when my HDD is full? Do I have to install it again next time? Like I mentioned earlier, 500GB should be enough to store 20x20gb games on there, which isn't all that much over the lifespan of a console (or even a year). Having to do a full install each time you want to play a random game you haven't played for a while is going to be a pain.

I really don't agree with the Gamasutra article. Like at all. I have a tablet and use it pretty much non-stop. But I do that alone. The lounge room (where the TV is) is the heart of my house. It's where my housemate and I, or any guests, hang out. On the couch, in front of the TV.

It's probably not the most used screen in the house anymore, but it's by far the most important.

Dead Man

In non Xbox One news, I did a story the other day about a sustainable house. Nothing ground breaking, just a nice story about a brother and sister team doing something different. I then get an email from the architect demanding to know why they weren't credited.
I ignore it, assuming if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. They sent two more asking the same question. So I finally replied saying pretty much what I said above.
I get an email back telling me not mentioning them wasn't "correct journalism" not to give them a free plug. I am using every last bit of my willpower to not tell them to get fucked.

And they say gamers are entitled wankers.


I really don't agree with the Gamasutra article. Like at all. I have a tablet and use it pretty much non-stop. But I do that alone. The lounge room (where the TV is) is the heart of my house. It's where my housemate and I, or any guests, hang out. On the couch, in front of the TV.

It's probably not the most used screen in the house anymore, but it's by far the most important.
Different strokes, I guess. Depends on how many people you live with, *who* you live with, that sort of thing. Given I live by myself, I don't really have a central "hub". If some of that stuff was implemented with me in my current situation I *may* be inclined to use my TV a little more, but in general I don't like sitting at a distance from something I'm interacting with beyond using a controller or a remote, if that makes sense. As in, if I'm controlling an avatar on the screen or I'm switching channels or whatever, cool. But if there's a constant, unbroken two-way stream of interaction, then I like to be close to that device, whether it be a PC monitor or tablet/phone screen. Bringing up browsers (and hell, even just browsing things like the XBLA and PSN stores) are exercises in things that I just want to get out of the way.

Does that make sense? I dunno.

I see it being somewhat different if I was in a different situation, but from where I'm standing, I see them trying to cater to an audience that really doesn't want the sort of thing that was featured in Beyond 2000 twenty years ago. They may be covering all bases with some people (like you, for instance) but they seem to be convoluting the process for someone who's used to just putting in a disc and pressing "Start".

In non Xbox One news, I did a story the other day about a sustainable house. Nothing ground breaking, just a nice story about a brother and sister team doing something different. I then get an email from the architect demanding to know why they weren't credited.
I ignore it, assuming if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. They sent two more asking the same question. So I finally replied saying pretty much what I said above.
I get an email back telling me not mentioning them wasn't "correct journalism" not to give them a free plug. I am using every last bit of my willpower to not tell them to get fucked.
Fuck the self-entitlement ethos that's ravaging humanity at the moment. From suing restaurants that serve coffee that's too hot to burglars who want compensation for being injured during a robbery, and what you posted... ugh.

Speaking of which, that reminds me of a funny "rumour" I heard on talkback radio yesterday. Apparently (allegedly) some people, during the night, broke into a house and stole a plasma TV they saw during an open-house inspection earlier that day. Problem being, it was one of those display TVs like at Harvey Norman that's just made out of plywood and resin or whatever. Dipshits.
I wouldn't be surprised if PS4 has a similar thing to XBONES "game discs are just data backups for your digital license" used game pass deal. The fact that they were kinda coy on the issue earlier and aren't coming out to stomp it while the issue's hot suggests that it's not something they want to draw attention to.

team portables still the way to go!

Different strokes, I guess. Depends on how many people you live with, *who* you live with, that sort of thing. Given I live by myself, I don't really have a central "hub". If some of that stuff was implemented with me in my current situation I *may* be inclined to use my TV a little more, but in general I don't like sitting at a distance from something I'm interacting with beyond using a controller or a remote, if that makes sense. As in, if I'm controlling an avatar on the screen or I'm switching channels or whatever, cool. But if there's a constant, unbroken two-way stream of interaction, then I like to be close to that device, whether it be a PC monitor or tablet/phone screen. Bringing up browsers (and hell, even just browsing things like the XBLA and PSN stores) are exercises in things that I just want to get out of the way.

Does that make sense? I dunno.

I see it being somewhat different if I was in a different situation, but from where I'm standing, I see them trying to cater to an audience that really doesn't want the sort of thing that was featured in Beyond 2000 twenty years ago. They may be covering all bases with some people (like you, for instance) but they seem to be convoluting the process for someone who's used to just putting in a disc and pressing "Start".

Yeah that makes sense dude. I'm pretty surprised you're not more hyped for Forza though. But I too would have liked to have seen PGR.

I'm not sold on it yet, but I don't have the hate it seems a lot of GAF has. Like I said, TV is just as big of a past time as gaming is. What I did like though was that they showed something new. I came out of the PS4 announcement kind of dissapointed. I thought it just looked like more of the same but shinier. Xbox One at least does new stuff.

I'm interested to see what new Kinect can do. No finger tracking is a shame, but from the (pretty limited) first impressions I've seen so far it looks way more impressive than the first. But we all know how that turned out last time.

Honestly at the moment I see the announcement as trying to target tech enthusiasts rather than gamers. It's getting good, pretty positive, coverage in mainstream media outlets. They probably figure they can turn negative sentiment around here at E3.

Dead Man

They didn't want nintendo to corner the market on consumer confusion
It's so amazing how terrible the current Labor party is (or terrible at marketing themselves) in that it's pretty much a sure thing the current Liberal party will be in government come September.
Yeah, if the alternative to Labor wasn't so bad, I would want them to lose just for being so shit at selling the good things they have done.
This is from Wired. Pretty much sums up my feelings about PS4 v Xbox One. Obviously their 3DS line is a bit overstated

Does Sony have an advantage, selling PlayStation 4 as a purely gamer-centric box? If the mainstream consumer doesn’t buy in to Microsoft’s vision of a grand unified set-top box that pulls your live TV feed in and does witchcraft to it, then maybe Sony’s grand overtures towards those who identify as gamers will have been worth it.

But gaming-only machines have all met with struggle in the post-iPhone age. Nintendo’s 3DS struggled out of the gate. Sony’s Vita makes 3DS look like Wii. And the new Wii U is tanking so bad that Electronic Arts, which makes games for everything, isn’t making games for it. Is this all a coincidence? Sony prays it is so, else whither PlayStation 4?

Meanwhile, perhaps Microsoft has read which way the wind is blowing and realizes that a gaming-only box just isn’t going to cut it anymore. Maybe even gamers want more than games. Last I checked, we care about Game of Thrones, too.

Dead Man

This is from Wired. Pretty much sums up my feelings about PS4 v Xbox One. Obviously theire 3DS line is a bit overstated

Of course, people also seem to be in favour of open ecosystems instead of walled gardens, especially ones that have no life in them unless you are in the US.
PS3 has netflix etc, don't see why ps4 wouldn't. All the other tv related stuff was just using kinect instead of a remote and US only sega CD style addon right?


Fuck the self-entitlement ethos that's ravaging humanity at the moment. From suing restaurants that serve coffee that's too hot to burglars who want compensation for being injured during a robbery, and what you posted... ugh.

I keep seeing this case pop up. The applicant in this case suffered severe second degree burns within 3 seconds and initially only sued for her medical costs. WcDonalds absolutely had a duty of care not to serve magma in a cardboard cup.
Sorry my bad, an iTV device, like an Apple branded smart TV. Not Apple TV.

I wonder if they'll do something with Foxtel on Xbox to get the Live TV stuff working here? They've obviously got a good relationship there. Delivering it over the net makes more sense to me too
I would expect Foxtel will be the #1 app since they push it hardcore on 360.

Lots of upcoming TV's (and just released ones) are coming through running Android. There will be no need for a lot of what the XO is proposing as LG/Samsung/et al get up and running, they need to diversify the damn product after all!

Don't expect a lot of 360 support for long guys :)
You forget the PS2 juggernaut! Xbox was dumped because it struggled and they needed to reboot the brand.

360 is still selling well around the world and into developing markets.

XO will not have backwards compatibility.

EA will want FIFA 2016 on 360/PS3 like they did (still do?) on PS2.

The 360 will still be around for another 2 years or so. I bet there are still 12 months worth of XBLA titles banked up waiting for release yet so it would be fucked if they pulled the pin before then lol

PS4... with the x86 and all, I dont know, I think most of the great games will be on pc as well so why get it >.<?

Off TV gaming (Vita)

They managed to get a good amount of First Xbox (fucking hell, this is confusing as shit) games running on the 360 (with the hacked/unlocked BC on JTAG consoles, you'd be surprised not how many just worked, but actually worked *well*... RSC2, for one).
This makes me fucking angry. Because I don't fuck around with the console I can't play these BC games? Not cool! Come on MS!

And with their "multiple OS" thing, it's not unfeasible to think they could have something
Makes it less of a reality since they are loading the OS up with so much shit. I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THE NEED SO MANY OS


Vita can run PSP games (though not for the purpose of BC though, no UMD slot).
Only some PSP games. Otherwise I would tell you to buy the fuck out of Burnout Legends (Ed: i.e. THE BEST BURNOUT EVER).

I think it's something that could've been done with little effort (with my extremely limited knowledge), or at least, the amount of effort of getting First Xbox games working on 360.
It takes a lot of effort to emulate that hardware/OS configuration. Once the back is broken it is a matter of making slight changes to the Emulation to keep in within that spec box.

Was a big issue with PC games over the years dude!

Honestly, I don't think it'll be as viable or last as long as current-gen.
I think it will be another 8-10 year generation. Console games won't disappear unless someone really gets into the TV arena hardcore to cut out boxes all together and steam these games directly into a TV (Android is a stepping stone to the future of TV's!).

And if I wanted to use surface to use my Xbox to browse the internet on a side window on my TV, wouldn't I just browse the internet on my tablet instead? Ugh.
Most new TV's have internet browsing built in too don't they? At least 42 inch and up I thought. Android sticks are cheap now too, $25-99 for a good quality device to treat the TV like a tablet/phone/media streamer.

huh, there's a black rain signal here in HK :eek:

meaning i dont have to go to work cos it's raining, or was raining heavily so yay! though i guess it's kinda serious since like schools are closed and like the stock exchange is suspended for morning trade..rain doesn't look that bad but whatevs yo!

MS went a different route. Show the hardware and talk about the system features. Games would come at E3.
They had women on stage
Wait, I've seen no articles on the women.

What women developers were on stage?

Serrels putting in work

So you need a second receiver device sold seperately for TV and the service won't be available in AU initially.
Was widely reported, not just by Serrels :)

Sony are one of the many members of the Blu-ray Association so while they will get some money per console, it will only be about $300,000 for every million consoles.
Money is money! If Microsoft sell 100 million consoles that is $30 million!

The TV is no longer the entertainment centerpiece it once was, and nothing Microsoft is doing is going to change that.
Wifi killed the TV star.

Wait. You can't use an Xwhateverbox without being connected to the internet at last part time, and game discs are one use only unless you are signed in to the account you registered them with? Yeah, good luck with that MS.
You only need to make sure the game pings Microsoft servers every 24 hours.
Stop being so entitled!
You only need your account if you don't want to pay another $120 for a licence to play it on your friends profile!
Stop being so entitled!

MS marketing slogan: "Stop being so entitled!"

In other news, fuck the Liberal party and all who vote for them if this happens: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/polit...opose-privatising-abc-sbs-20130521-2jz5d.html
Makes sense, Liberals like to sell everything off to make it look like the budget went well! Kinda like Sony this last financial year. Sell assets! Cover losses!

Shadow communications minister Malcolm Turnbull has rejected the proposal, ruling out privatising the ABC and SBS if the Coalition wins government in September.
In Malcolm we trust!

In non Xbox One news, I did a story the other day about a sustainable house. Nothing ground breaking, just a nice story about a brother and sister team doing something different. I then get an email from the architect demanding to know why they weren't credited.
I ignore it, assuming if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. They sent two more asking the same question. So I finally replied saying pretty much what I said above.
I get an email back telling me not mentioning them wasn't "correct journalism" not to give them a free plug. I am using every last bit of my willpower to not tell them to get fucked.
Bleh. We got roped into a similar situation. Doing a bathroom for some needy person. Our PR/Marketing people are spinning like a top trying to get as much exposure as possible out of it.


I keep seeing this case pop up. The applicant in this case suffered severe second degree burns within 3 seconds and initially only sued for her medical costs. WcDonalds absolutely had a duty of care not to serve magma in a cardboard cup.

Are you surprised that negligence cases are misrepresented in the media? It's why we ended up with Howard's stupid tort reforms.
PS3 has netflix etc, don't see why ps4 wouldn't. All the other tv related stuff was just using kinect instead of a remote and US only sega CD style addon right?

Nah the add on means plugging your cable box in. I can't find the story about it, but I read they wanted to include HDMI cable input (America) as well as IPTV and broadcast TV.
This is from Wired. Pretty much sums up my feelings about PS4 v Xbox One. Obviously their 3DS line is a bit overstated

3DS had no games. It started to sell well when it got games.
Vita had no games. It started to sell well when it got games (and then plummeted again when no games followed up that burst). It also got zero marketing and only minimal first party support. At this point Sony are just, "Vita games? Meh. Once the PS4 is out we push it as a WiiUpad. Easy."
WiiU had no games. It still has no games. It will start to sell well when they hit at Xmas with the tentpole Nintendo titles hitting to save the day.

PS4 looks to have games. Lots of games. Lots of marketing.
XO looks to have games. Lots of games. Lots of marketing.


I keep seeing this case pop up. The applicant in this case suffered severe second degree burns within 3 seconds and initially only sued for her medical costs. WcDonalds absolutely had a duty of care not to serve magma in a cardboard cup.

Yeah, its sad that the case turned into a joke when it was pretty awful, and became this rallying cry for 'we are going crazy sue happy!'

Dead Man

Which is what theyve always been playing for since the first xbox >.<

I am surprised that people are surprised.

I don't think people are surprised, they just don't need it any more. I can already do everything I want from what the XONE offers. Except play those games. They were too slow, and a set top box is never going to rule anyones living room if it is as limited as a closed console system is bound to be.
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