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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Multi-quote incoming!
Yeah that makes sense dude. I'm pretty surprised you're not more hyped for Forza though. But I too would have liked to have seen PGR.
Few things:
No PGR puts a massive dampener on everything. Honestly, I don't think I'd be anywhere near as disappointed with the whole thing (though I'm pretty sure I still would be) if it *was* shown (or at least, not discounted).

As for FM5, the commentary turned me RIGHT off. And I don't remember seeing any weather as well... but that's what happens when they show 10 seconds of that and TEN FUCKING MINUTES OF A GAME THAT'S NOT CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE.

Also think it's a dick move having what is essentially a semi-hardcore simulation game (at least, as far as driving games go) as a launch title. Means that if they want it to appeal to as many people as possible, they'll have to dumb it down a fuckload.

I'm not sold on it yet, but I don't have the hate it seems a lot of GAF has. Like I said, TV is just as big of a past time as gaming is. What I did like though was that they showed something new. I came out of the PS4 announcement kind of dissapointed. I thought it just looked like more of the same but shinier. Xbox One at least does new stuff.
I don't hate what they've shown off, but I hate that there's such a focus on the whole social media aspect of everything. I've always avoided, as much as possible, options in games to "tweet your achievement" or the like. Hell, I can't even remember the last time I played a multiplayer game. My habits are so temperamental and flighty (that's ADHD for ya) that when I want to play a specific game, I want to play it *now*, probably by myself and don't want other people interacting with me while doing it (unless it's a multi game I'm actively participating in).

I'm interested to see what new Kinect can do. No finger tracking is a shame, but from the (pretty limited) first impressions I've seen so far it looks way more impressive than the first. But we all know how that turned out last time.
Nowhere near as much revolutionary stuff as I thought there'd be for the Kinect. To be honest, that part of it kind of reminded me with how the in-game footage of the EA stuff was exactly like the bullshot FMV from E3 a few years back... in that they're now finally doing what we were lead to believe would be possible years ago, and it's not all that impressive.

Honestly at the moment I see the announcement as trying to target tech enthusiasts rather than gamers. It's getting good, pretty positive, coverage in mainstream media outlets. They probably figure they can turn negative sentiment around here at E3.
I think the general public won't be unimpressed with it, but that may be because for everyone up to the age of 50, I guess people expect everything to be connected and online and social all the time. It's definitely not something for people outside of my generation (I'd say generation X would be the limit of the audience they're trying to appeal to, generally speaking) and for the majority of GAF who probably would spend most of their time in front of a computer (either at work or play) or prefer to play games in a solitary environment, it's not made for them at all either.

**Or maybe it is, and the problem with having this sort of event completely separate from E3 is that it overemphasises the things kept away from E3. But three weeks is a long time for people to postulate on such heavy emphasis without any games to focus on... and that can't be a good thing in the slightest. Should've had it much closer to E3, so it's more like "BOOM, social shit and a game or two", then one or two days later, "GAMESGAMESGAMESGAMESDRMGAMESNOBORROWINGGAMESGAMES".

It is the One box to do everything. Or something.
Except play any of your existing games ;(

I keep seeing this case pop up. The applicant in this case suffered severe second degree burns within 3 seconds and initially only sued for her medical costs. WcDonalds absolutely had a duty of care not to serve magma in a cardboard cup.
Believe it or not, I wasn't actually talking about a specific case. I thought there was more than one. Or maybe I'm just thinking of a Seinfeld episode.

This is from Wired. Pretty much sums up my feelings about PS4 v Xbox One. Obviously their 3DS line is a bit overstated
I think I kind of addressed that in this** paragraph.
Edit #2: Okay, just on that quote... I think there should be a social aspect included with gaming, but MS have just gone WAY overboard. Sony may have it done right, I'd have to rewatch theirs. But, as I said, maybe this event is the only time we'll see all the social BS plugged and it'll never have been that significant to begin with in the first place. Don't think that's the case, though.


Xone's a somewhat cool name though.

Believe it or not, I wasn't actually talking about a specific case. I thought there was more than one. Or maybe I'm just thinking of a Seinfeld episode.

Even talking generally, it's still a poor example of a sue-happy culture. I'm just trying to educate people though, since I see it trotted out as an example all the time.
So was Gaf basically expecting an E3 keynote with game announcements 1 month before E3?

I thought it was a decent move on the part of Sony and MS to get the hardware announcement out of the way early so E3 could be about the games
So was Gaf basically expecting an E3 keynote with game announcements 1 month before E3?

I thought it was a decent move on the part of Sony and MS to get the hardware announcement out of the way early so E3 could be about the games
We were told hardware announcement with games at e3.

Ended up with 50% third party multiplatform titles and 50% hardware details like ping MS every 24 hours or be booted out of your games, pay to play used games, pay full price to play a friends game, no more rental games, always Kinect, etc.

Not a terrible thing as it was expected, just expectedly terrible.
Multi-quote incoming!

Is it weird I don't remember much social media stuff at all? I might just not be understanding, also it was 3am. But I don't remember them talking about Facebook or Twitter at all. Even the video sharing seemed pretty minimal.

I am totally on board with you on that though. I have zero interest in sharing my gaming accomplishments with my friends. If they were interested they'd be on my Live friend's list. But if they're on Facebook or Twitter they don't give a shit if I just killed my 20,000 enemy in whatever.


Ok, revolutionary graphic enhancements. :p Which the PS4 certainly ain't. They did show some games though! (multiplats though for the most part :p)

Maybe I have weird memories of times past.

You can only revolutionise graphics so far. I really don't think we're going to see those kinds of jumps again. We've hit a point where creating the art for even the current gen comes at an astronomical price. Games are already too expensive to make, to the point of barely turning a profit after tens of millions in sales. Graphics are going to be about framerate and resolution from here on.


You can only revolutionise graphics so far. I really don't think we're going to see those kinds of jumps again. We've hit a point where creating the art for even the current gen comes at an astronomical price. Games are already too expensive to make, to the point of barely turning a profit after tens of millions in sales. Graphics are going to be about framerate and resolution from here on.

True enough. Doesn't mean consumers don't want more. Like me.l


I wasn't really having a go at the technical side of things. Just that it looked boring, the world looked like something I wanted to explore.
Holy shit! Gamestop hadn't been told anything about the XO used games situation! Could be a mighty big backlash if they piss off retailers.

Also Microsoft will be the ONLY platform holder to block selfpublished games. Ouch.


This makes me fucking angry. Because I don't fuck around with the console I can't play these BC games? Not cool! Come on MS!
Tell me about it. I was gobsmacked when I saw that Rallisport 2 worked almost flawlessly (save for the most minor of slowdown... far less than other titles that were officially "released" like Outrun 2 and Sonic Heroes).

Only some PSP games. Otherwise I would tell you to buy the fuck out of Burnout Legends (Ed: i.e. THE BEST BURNOUT EVER).
Already have it on PSP :D Didn't think to try it on Vita before discounting the value of custom firmware and upgrading to the point of not being able to play any PSP game anymore :/

It takes a lot of effort to emulate that hardware/OS configuration. Once the back is broken it is a matter of making slight changes to the Emulation to keep in within that spec box.

Was a big issue with PC games over the years dude!
I know I didn't mention it in the bit I wrote, but I was more thinking of the 360 SoC as opposed to emulation. Or maybe I wasn't but I only just remembered.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

PS. People are speculating that the port on the side of the XBONE could potentially be used for a/the bolt-on 360 thingy. Pure speculation though, obviously.

I think it will be another 8-10 year generation. Console games won't disappear unless someone really gets into the TV arena hardcore to cut out boxes all together and steam these games directly into a TV (Android is a stepping stone to the future of TV's!).
Maybe, I dunno... it depends on if they can re-engineer the OS like they did with the 360 to keep it up-to-date and current. Who knows, maybe if the backlash is great enough, they'll drop the moronic lending/second-hand and always-online (let's not kid ourselves, that's what it is) malarkey.

Most new TV's have internet browsing built in too don't they? At least 42 inch and up I thought. Android sticks are cheap now too, $25-99 for a good quality device to treat the TV like a tablet/phone/media streamer.
Someone posted a link to a Dealextreme sale a few days ago. Managed to nab one for $30 or so. But I more mean the "convenience" of having internet there all the time if you want. Sometimes, I just want to slap companies in the face and yell "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE MULTITASKING ALL THE FUCKING TIME".

That's the problem these days. People trying to do too much shit at once and consequently, doing everything half-arsed.

Oh wait, that's me again.

We were told hardware announcement with games at e3.

Ended up with 50% third party multiplatform titles and 50% hardware details like ping MS every 24 hours or be booted out of your games, pay to play used games, pay full price to play a friends game, no more rental games, always Kinect, etc.

Not a terrible thing as it was expected, just expectedly terrible.
Actually, it was closer to 15% hardware, 10% games, 20% interactive movies (aka CoDGhostDog... which is already taken in twitter, fuck's sake), 5% menus and 50% shit that we'll never get in Australia.

Is it weird I don't remember much social media stuff at all? I might just not be understanding, also it was 3am. But I don't remember them talking about Facebook or Twitter at all. Even the video sharing seemed pretty minimal.

I am totally on board with you on that though. I have zero interest in sharing my gaming accomplishments with my friends. If they were interested they'd be on my Live friend's list. But if they're on Facebook or Twitter they don't give a shit if I just killed my 20,000 enemy in whatever.
Ah, I was lumping in the somewhat forced internet connectivity and popps with the "social media" label. Basically all the stuff that gets info from "the cloud" (like who's watching what TV shows... who gives a shit?!?) or the internet and forces it's way onto your screen. Some was quite interesting, but really... what percentage of their market is going to give two shits about fantasy football/basketball/cricket/lacrosse?
It seems that soon, we'll have internet information applets that look like the equivalent of this:

Holy shit! Gamestop hadn't been told anything about the XO used games situation! Could be a mighty big backlash if they piss off retailers.

Also Microsoft will be the ONLY platform holder to block selfpublished games. Ouch.
Troof (on both counts)? That's fucking *massive*. No wonder the indie guys I follow were so bitter.


Yay! I got a place to live! And it's actually pretty good (though I did have to pay more than I was hoping to, but this is the reality I find myself in...) Sunday is IKEA DAY with my daughter to pick out new beds and stuff :)

Saw the Star Trek film last night. Pretty good. Fun. I just wish they'd spend a little more effort on story and less on trying to cram every damn character's catch-phrase into the dialogue.


I love this big huff the community is getting itself into.

I'm sure if there are a couple of good games released on the platform, all is forgiven.


I love this big huff the community is getting itself into.

I'm sure if there are a couple of good games released on the platform, all is forgiven.
I dunno. People are still talking about Ubisoft's shitty DRM on PC. I honestly don't think this will be forgotten in the slightest. Or maybe it will, until you want to lend your mate a copy of Forza 5.
My roommate has a PS3, I've been using that. I would get one but I literally cannot believe how expensive it still is in it's 6th/7th year.
Target were clearing them out for around $120-150 depending on model/bundle, check your locals to see if they still have them kicking around!


My god, Gaming is going insane. I thought the PS4 conference would provide a taste of the future, but I wasn't prepared for the hysterics that entire side is going into. XONE taking over the entire first page, threads flying off the production line. Fun times.

So I wonder how boned exactly we will be with services


Speaking of racing games, can't wait for next year, Project Cars + Oculus Rift +G25 (or fanatec if I get really keen).

Do we know if either of the new consoles will support 3rd party wheels?
Speaking of racing games, can't wait for next year, Project Cars + Oculus Rift +G25 (or fanatec if I get really keen).

Do we know if either of the new consoles will support 3rd party wheels?
I would be blown away if Forza and Drive Club don't support them, like really shocked.


Sony I could see, well they did with the last 2 consoles, conversely MS hasn't. Most of all I just hope MS bring out a pc dongle for the new controller.
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