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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Really liking this new comic of yours, keep up the great work Gaz :D

edit: you should make a shirt as well

Thanks very much! I like the shirt idea. Maybe I can make something up in time for Supanova :)

And guys, if you'd like more of this kind of stuff, I can't say enough how important it is for you to help spread the word. It's the number 1 way to keep this nonsense going :)


Hey Rlan, there was an update to Age of Zombies on Android a little while ago (maybe 4-6 weeks?) and it changed the permissions to require my phone status, location, list of running apps, but nowhere did it mention what the purpose of this was. I haven't updated it since these new permissions were marked as needed... what are they for?

Hey man, sorry for the late response.

All those new permissions are unfortunately part of ad network stuff. We don't have ads in Age of Zombies, but we can push a "Hey, Colossatron is out!" type thing in the case that it's now available using this network. Unfortunately using their stuff requires permissions for this, which sucks :/

Additionally it has some "Skynet" stuff, which is a Chinese ad network stuff played completely straight, which is only turned on if you're in China, but needed to be in the single build.

Making Android games is complicated. We don't use any of that stuff for ourselves.
All those new permissions are unfortunately part of ad network stuff.
No problems. I know the permissions stuff is pretty broad. What I've seen in some apps is an explanation of why the permissions are required, because when you see "read phone identity" for example, some people get a bit put off by that sort of thing.

I actually was hoping it was related to the cloud save stuff Google has recently added.
A winner is you.


Gold! Would work a lot better if it was MS dudes rather than Steam dudes. You know. How people hand in ready to go copies of XBLA games and MS sit on them for 6 months until they decide to throw it into a timeslot.

And guys, if you'd like more of this kind of stuff, I can't say enough how important it is for you to help spread the word. It's the number 1 way to keep this nonsense going :)
Oh that's how it is, is it? You want us to go out pimping for you?! Fine! Whatever! I want more Indy so I'll sell my retweets for you! What have I become?!

the downside to prepolling (╯︵╰,)
Not at all! Now you can just focus on the sausage sizzle crawl!

Making Android games is complicated. We don't use any of that stuff for ourselves.

Also yeah, how far until Colossatron is out? Looked pretty fully featured at PAX!


I take it you haven't been following Greenlight?

I have!
I take it you haven't been following the news they just greenlit 100 games?

A month or two ago it would have been spot on though.

Was just a small bit of advice to keep topical!


Really liking this new comic of yours, keep up the great work Gaz :D

edit: you should make a shirt as well
No kidding, I would buy an Indy Game Developer shirt, I shit you not. Would be great for something like PAX.

PS. Gaz, you should shack up with the Disparity folk for PAX next year, share some stall space... sell some shirts!
Fairly generally, but it seems to work. For example I am in the 'chinese' tech group, which makes my units weaker (relying on bows for a long time... instead of muskets etc like Europe) and also I get a +60% penalty to all tech costs. Which is a huge disadvantage against the Euro nations. Thankfully they are way over there, so I don't really have to worry about them tooooo much.
Hmmmm, so closer to a Rise of Nations perk/attributes/weakness system than a full on simulation of, for example, the Mongols dominance in open areas but struggle to win battles in closed off/forested areas.

I assume battles occur off-screen and that you just get given the result of conflicts? If so, do you feel confident of when you will be successful, or is they a certain amount of 'I hope the roll of the die is favourable' element to them?


No problems. I know the permissions stuff is pretty broad. What I've seen in some apps is an explanation of why the permissions are required, because when you see "read phone identity" for example, some people get a bit put off by that sort of thing.

I actually was hoping it was related to the cloud save stuff Google has recently added.

A lot of the "phone number required" type stuff is because China does stuff COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY to the Western World. They don't have credit cards put into a Google Play type store, they make their purchases like old phone download games, where it just goes onto their phone bill. That's why it needs half that stuff.

We've fought pretty hard to get some of their shit in order. A lot of these companies with third party stuff just tick off the boxes regardless on if they use it or not.
A winner is you.


Because it's the last one. Love the comics mate and this is the BEST one!

Hi guys, here is a post about EU4. Because, you know you will want to play it eventually... right?

This is currently my Japan... thinking I am done trying to colonise and competing with Russia. Got in a pretty big war with them and the Shun and had my whole army crushed before rebuilding and sweeping them all out of my territory. Thanks mercs.

Think I might work on south-east asia and then back up through India perhaps as well as work on extending my colonies to the West Coast of North America.

I still can't get into Crusader Kings. What are the chances this is easier to understand and get into?

None near me. Boo.


Hmmmm, so closer to a Rise of Nations perk/attributes/weakness system than a full on simulation of, for example, the Mongols dominance in open areas but struggle to win battles in closed off/forested areas.

I assume battles occur off-screen and that you just get given the result of conflicts? If so, do you feel confident of when you will be successful, or is they a certain amount of 'I hope the roll of the die is favourable' element to them?

Oh, the Mongol hordes have bonuses like being able to field ridiculous amounts of cavalry, whereas other nations can have a max of 50% of its total force made up of cav before having ridiculous penalties imposed.

And the battle does have 'random' elements, but you know roughly what will happen before etc, because of terrain, make up of armies, the leaders in place etc.

You can check it out here: http://eu4wiki.com/Land_warfare


@Jables, I think EU4 is harder, as it is less focused on people, which a lot of people connect with.
Oh, the Mongol hordes have bonuses like being able to field ridiculous amounts of cavalry, whereas other nations can have a max of 50% of its total force made up of cav before having ridiculous penalties imposed.

And the battle does have 'random' elements, but you know roughly what will happen before etc, because of terrain, make up of armies, the leaders in place etc.

You can check it out here: http://eu4wiki.com/Land_warfare

Interesting. Thanks. I never played EU3 long enough to really see how complex the battle systems were, and how involved the underlying nation traits were. Did you play much of EU3? If so, how did you find it? Is EU4 an iterative update? I really should give it another go / actually play a game for the first time in months.


I played a bit of Saints Row yesterday. That is to say, the first one.

Y'know, Saints Row 1 is still pretty awesome. The driving is fun. The shooting feels gangsta as shit. You hold your gun sideways to shoot people, that's kinda funny. The cutscenes are funny with some really good dialogue between Keith David and the rest of the gang. The clothing's a little weird in 1 but being able to have multiple layers of clothing is so cool, such a shame they killed that feature in 3.

Only downsides to the game are the mandatory side activities, and that failing a side activity means you have to drive all the way back from the position you failed to the mission start location to try again.

But, boy. It's kinda nice to not have super powers. It's kinda fun to be at the bottom of the food chain. Don't get me wrong, Saints Row 2 is still the best, but 1 had some neat ideas.


Interesting. Thanks. I never played EU3 long enough to really see how complex the battle systems were, and how involved the underlying nation traits were. Did you play much of EU3? If so, how did you find it? Is EU4 an iterative update? I really should give it another go / actually play a game for the first time in months.

Not a huge amount actually, but the UI alone is a worthy upgrade as they have taken what made the CK2 one so useful and improved it again.

ie. on the screen that displays your stability/overextension/revolt risk info, there are simple buttons to click to manage each of those items as you see fit, or give you the list of options you have. No longer are things buried and have no idea how to access them (or remember to access them).

CK2 was/is awesome, but I think EU4 ticks more boxes for me for the world conquering and diplomacy aspects are far more intricate....


Interesting. Thanks. I never played EU3 long enough to really see how complex the battle systems were, and how involved the underlying nation traits were. Did you play much of EU3? If so, how did you find it? Is EU4 an iterative update? I really should give it another go / actually play a game for the first time in months.
EU4 is a huge upgrade to EU3 in terms of ease of use and UI. The more complex systems in EU3 such as minting, the various sliders that either determined your research focus or your nations policies have been completely removed from the game. I know myself it took a while to get my head around those.

EU4's UI is also not a mess as some screens in EU3 were. Tooltips and huge amounts of numbers help tell you what's happening with your country whether you're doing really well or really badly. It's still a complex game that will take first time players a while to understand what's going on, but Paradox have made it much more accessible to that audience.

A few other things that EU4 does better than EU3 off the top of my head: mission system is better, the act of blobbing is reduced, colonisation is better IMO, the use of envoys is better (as in they are actual people that have to return to your country rather than being disposable resources).

There's a demo for EU4 that you can try out.


No kidding, I would buy an Indy Game Developer shirt, I shit you not. Would be great for something like PAX.

PS. Gaz, you should shack up with the Disparity folk for PAX next year, share some stall space... sell some shirts!

Make that shirt and I will buy one as well, that's at least 2 sales :)


Wow, thanks everyone for the kind words about Indy Game Developer. Completely taken aback by the response.

I figured I would just do four comics since there were four Indiana Jones movies and wasn't expecting anyone to notice them.

...hmm.... I am going to be at Supanova this November...
More confirmation that the PS4 controller will be supported on PC
The amount of smoke over the last 6 months, Sony should just come out and say it. Seems like they don't want to muddy the message though, going by the quiet on the VR headset.

The Walking Dead on PC for USD$6.24, DLC is USD$2.50

Hmmmm, so closer to a Rise of Nations perk/attributes/weakness system than a full on simulation of, for example, the Mongols dominance in open areas but struggle to win battles in closed off/forested areas.

I assume battles occur off-screen and that you just get given the result of conflicts? If so, do you feel confident of when you will be successful, or is they a certain amount of 'I hope the roll of the die is favourable' element to them?
Well fuck, now I have to spend all weekend replaying RoN again now that someone has mentioned its name.

Goddamn I'm getting depressed at the prospect of a Abbott-lead government tomorrow..
Eh. Shit is bad but it's only 3 years. Then we can clean up the mess and start moving forward again.

I played a bit of Saints Row yesterday. That is to say, the first one.

Y'know, Saints Row 1 is still pretty awesome. The driving is fun. The shooting feels gangsta as shit. You hold your gun sideways to shoot people, that's kinda funny. The cutscenes are funny with some really good dialogue between Keith David and the rest of the gang. The clothing's a little weird in 1 but being able to have multiple layers of clothing is so cool, such a shame they killed that feature in 3.

Only downsides to the game are the mandatory side activities, and that failing a side activity means you have to drive all the way back from the position you failed to the mission start location to try again.

But, boy. It's kinda nice to not have super powers. It's kinda fun to be at the bottom of the food chain. Don't get me wrong, Saints Row 2 is still the best, but 1 had some neat ideas.
Game is super buggy but it was really impressive how many awesome, improved features over GTA it had, especially since it was their first shot at an open world title. Volition really cranked out a lot of games this generation.

I'm pretty surprised by how good Sonic racing is. There's a lot of depth there for a kart racer.
Best kart games since CTR. Probably rate it as THE best.

Wow, thanks everyone for the kind words about Indy Game Developer. Completely taken aback by the response.

I figured I would just do four comics since there were four Indiana Jones movies and wasn't expecting anyone to notice them.
What? Pretty sure there are only 3 Indy movies.
PS. Gaz, you should shack up with the Disparity folk for PAX next year, share some stall space... sell some shirts!

I would pay money to watch that.

Goddamn I'm getting depressed at the prospect of a Abbott-lead government tomorrow..

base metals for deputy PM

Wow, thanks everyone for the kind words about Indy Game Developer. Completely taken aback by the response.



Dead Man

LOL Gina, you absolute imbecile: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-09-06/gina-rinehart-mining-industry-jobs-crime-texas-jails/4940370
Mining billionaire Gina Rinehart has proposed a new way to broaden Australia's tax base - allowing convicted criminals to buy their way out of jail.

In a column for Australian Resources and Investment magazine, Mrs Rinehart says the Government should consider letting non-violent offenders pay to get out of prison - or pay to avoid serving time altogether - because Australia needs more workers and taxpayers as the population ages.

In the column, entitled entitled 'Learning from my Europe trip', Mrs Rinehart - Australia&#8217;s richest person &#8211; suggests non-violent offenders who cannot afford to pay could agree to give up their voting rights or passport for a nominated period of time.

Citing a model she says is used in the US state of Texas to reduce the number of people imprisoned at taxpayers' expense, she wrote: "Let them pay to get out of prison or not enter prison [a new source of revenue], and let them be part of the tax-paying workforce. Texas has shown us a far more humane, cost-improved and more successful ways of dealing with non-violent prisoners."

She continues: "And before the left media shrieks that this would only benefit the richer, non-violent prisoners, for those non-violent prisoners who couldn't pay sufficiently to get out of prison, there could be other means, such as should they agree to give up their votes, and or passports for x years, depending on the seriousness of the respective non-violent crime, they could then leave prison and rejoin the workforce."

Ms Rinehart used the article to praise the tax policies of Ireland, where the company tax rate is 12.5 per cent, and in the Swiss cantons, where they are as low as 9.5 per cent.

"They understand you don't make a country rich by overtaxing it!" she wrote.

She also warned that "irresponsible excessive government spending" would lead to cuts not only in welfare payments but also essential services, warning that "many in Europe also thought 'entitlements' would continue forever, just by incurring more and more debt".

Ms Rinehart suggests in the article that the art on the walls of government offices and other decor could be sold off to raise much-needed revenue.

She concludes the article with a plea for Australia to appreciate its mining sector.

"We need to let more Australians better understand the contribution these industries have made to our country and that we need the mining industry ... even more so now that Australia is in record debt," she wrote.

Wow, thanks everyone for the kind words about Indy Game Developer. Completely taken aback by the response.

I figured I would just do four comics since there were four Indiana Jones movies and wasn't expecting anyone to notice them.

...hmm.... I am going to be at Supanova this November...

Awesome comic is awesome. Mola Ram/Sallah+++ would read again.

Ticket to Ride Asia is $34. NFI if that's a good price.
Get Nordic Countries if you're going to be two-playering it...

Yeah, sorry about that :)
There was an interesting (but too short) article... somewhere (Gamasutra? PA Report?) on developers such as the Super Hexagon dude having to tweak their games to 'cheat' to make things easier for the player to be more fun. You should hunt it down if you haven't read it (had a quick look, can't find it right now).
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