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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


What I got from the two conferences:

PS4: Games, Things to supplement your gaming like share button, gaikai.
XONE: TV, Sports TV, TV shows of video game series, CoD Dogs.
My god, Gaming is going insane. I thought the PS4 conference would provide a taste of the future, but I wasn't prepared for the hysterics that entire side is going into. XONE taking over the entire first page, threads flying off the production line. Fun times.

So I wonder how boned exactly we will be with services

It is actually insane over there. So many of the threads are just straight out trolling and console wars too.

I'm pretty surprised the TV stuff will only be launching in the US. I mean it's been pretty obvious that's the way the console was going. You'd think they would have been negotiating with companies for this for years.
Sony I could see, well they did with the last 2 consoles, conversely MS hasn't. Most of all I just hope MS bring out a pc dongle for the new controller.

Pretty sure I saw in a thread on gaming you can just plug them in with a charger cord and they work with PCs
i like xb1ox
then i can just call it the exblocks
and yeah i agree with ham
ps4 was for the game devs and they talked about games and game related features
xbox3 was just a whole conference dedicated to the parts we use as a toilet break during e3
also by default if they are making me pay for online im not buying one


I email Games Paradise first thing this morning asking what's happening with my order. No reply as yet, nor do I expect one.

If the items don't ship today, I'll be reminding them of their 'guarantee'. Don't ship my stuff within 5 business days, I get refunded via store credit and they post the items out at no charge. Who emails someone to ask what to do about an out of stock item and then just does nothing for 3 days afterwards? It's pathetic. I just can't express what an awful company they are. They can join Milsims on my 'don't give them another cent' list.

I've already found the out of print items at other stores, so if they screw me around (more) I can thankfully still get what I'm after.

Dead Man

My god, Gaming is going insane. I thought the PS4 conference would provide a taste of the future, but I wasn't prepared for the hysterics that entire side is going into. XONE taking over the entire first page, threads flying off the production line. Fun times.

So I wonder how boned exactly we will be with services
It is actually insane over there. So many of the threads are just straight out trolling and console wars too.

I'm pretty surprised the TV stuff will only be launching in the US. I mean it's been pretty obvious that's the way the console was going. You'd think they would have been negotiating with companies for this for years.
I'm not. International media rights are a cluster fuck. And the US is insanely self centred when it comes to things like that, they probably didn't even think about getting them for most international markets.
XBONE for dogs


Why are caps the norm hither but not tither?

So many services google puts out are all about the 'cloud' and crap nots, but we got these peeny leeny quotas to go through >.<
Yeah, Gaming has been unbearable system wars bullshit going on six months now.

it's called an accent. They have a different one to us. They might ask us why we say Call of Judy.
Oh my God :O

I'll never be able to unhear it now.

Also, put me down for XBO being the acronym. With the emphasis on TV stuff, it's fitting.


I know this is a turn of phrase, but has anyone actually heard anyone say 'potato' differently?

Nope. I always assumed whoever wrote "Lets call the whole thing off" was just looking for something to rhyme with tomato. Looking it up though, it was written in the 30s, so it's possibly an old pronunciation you never hear anymore.
EDIT: $29 slabs of cheap beer/cider

Hints that they wanted always-online to be 24/7 in order for the Cloud computing to enhance games through e.g. extra enemy A.I and increase the scope/scale of vision in games; more filled in screen.


Smooth moves Mr. IT Guy For JB HIFI.

Nope. I always assumed whoever wrote "Lets call the whole thing off" was just looking for something to rhyme with tomato. Looking it up though, it was written in the 30s, so it's possibly an old pronunciation you never hear anymore.

I blame the Irish.
I saw Place Beyond The Pines last night, the new Derek Cianfrance (Blue Valentine) film with RYAN GOSLING and Bradley Cooper. Was really great. Loved Blue Valentine and this was more of the same, raw family relationship shit. Also a lot more ambitious in scope though spanning years and incorporating more characters. I think he did a pretty good job though and mostly pulled it off.

In other news, fuck the Liberal party and all who vote for them if this happens: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/polit...opose-privatising-abc-sbs-20130521-2jz5d.html

Fuck the IPA.

"Talk to Coalition MPs as the election comes closer and there is an even stronger view … that the ABC is barracking for one side.''

Coalition MPs think there's a bias against them?


I keep seeing this case pop up. The applicant in this case suffered severe second degree burns within 3 seconds and initially only sued for her medical costs. WcDonalds absolutely had a duty of care not to serve magma in a cardboard cup.

That's the infamous 1994 case right? Apparently there's a case this year a bit closer to home. Explains why it's popping up again.

The new Superman trailer looks pretty sweet. Ignoring yet another origin story, the movie looks ok.

ehh I dunno. Never been a Superman fan. He's just too...immortal.
More excited about realising they're making a new Xmen movie which combines the cast of X3 and Xmen: First Class. Should be interesting to see if they can pull off shifting between two time periods.
I keep seeing this case pop up. The applicant in this case suffered severe second degree burns within 3 seconds and initially only sued for her medical costs. WcDonalds absolutely had a duty of care not to serve magma in a cardboard cup.

Hey, this was a discussion topic for my English class last week. Crazy. None of my students thought McDonalds should have any duty of care. I even brought up the case of that girl who got brain damage from eating bad chicken from KFC, and they said it was her fault - she should have been able to taste that it was rotten.

Dead Man

Hey, this was a discussion topic for my English class last week. Crazy. None of my students thought McDonalds should have any duty of care. I even brought up the case of that girl who got brain damage from eating bad chicken from KFC, and they said it was her fault - she should have been able to taste that it was rotten.

Your students are idiots. Fix them.
ehh I dunno. Never been a Superman fan. He's just too...immortal.
More excited about realising they're making a new Xmen movie which combines the cast of X3 and Xmen: First Class. Should be interesting to see if they can pull off shifting between two time periods.

Days of Future Past should be very interesting. But Halle Berry returning just puts me off slightly.

Superman is definitely too immortal but if we can see a movie of him punching the crap out of something or someone then I'm down for that.


i just hate american accents. or maybe just the american accent that's really exaggerated n stuff. its very off putting
Am now off work until mid-August, full pay. Kinda freaking out a bit but also pretty excited!

Also drinking a 14% beer that cost me $30 (long story... well, not long, they were sent from Norway) to celebrate.

Speaking of Juty/Dooty, has anyone else noticed Americans these days pronounce d's as t's in lots of words? The say secont and shit like that. Drives me nuts.
I very much enjoyed the Reddit thread a few months back where some southerners couldn't hear the difference between words like 'tin' and 'ten', 'pin' and 'pen' due to the way they speak.
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