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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Speaking of Juty/Dooty, has anyone else noticed Americans these days pronounce d's as t's in lots of words? The say secont and shit like that. Drives me nuts.

There was the MS guy going on about the tech. I noticed a few seconts in there.

What annoys me is ennertainment and innernet.

Who are we kidding, we're just pissed that the X1 won't recognise "Xbox, turn the fuck on, ya cunt."


Holy shit, I didn't get to watch that at work but just saw it now. That's incredible.

I liked the bit with the sports.

Maybe it will be a GT6 situation and PGR5 will be announced for 360!

Which would mean I'm allowed to buy it day one!
Read this.
Helps if you know that BADNED is a Mortal Kombat's Reptile-esque character, showing up in threads to drop riddles and hints about MS racers (usually only been Forza, but has been doing it in the PGR5 thread as well). I don't think he's an employee (could be) but he definitely knows more than what your normal "insider" does.

Haha. Still holding out hope PGR5 gets announced, or at least mentioned in some capacity at E3 Shane?
See above. Not only am I holding out hope, I'm actually confident of it appearing in some from (more than likely on 360). Biggest reason for my disappointment was Lucid calling mid-May for "some big announcements". They released Jacob Jones for iOS and Vita, but that's it. The One reveal coincided with that, hence everyone's belief we'd see it on Wed. morning.

I would be blown away if Forza and Drive Club don't support them, like really shocked.
Reading the FM5 thread, it's not looking good, reppers:
Okay, this is getting serious now:
Microsoft: 'Only Xbox One controllers, accessories will work with the new console.'
The new system won't support the Xbox 360 controller
When asked on Twitter if the new system supports Xbox 360 headsets, Xbox Support reiterated the statement we received, saying, "Only Xbox One accessories will work with Xbox One, which helps us deliver better headset audio and other benefits."
Somebody needs to ask proper questions on right places ASAP.
If the 360-compatible Fanatec wheels don't work with the XBO then I'm out. The fact that Fanatec don't even know even though they are the only (to my knowledge) provider of a proper force feedback wheel for the 360 shows that MS need a lot of work when it comes to communicating with their hardware partners.

PS. Rep, any idea on those Castaway ciders? Not like I need em, still have about 1.5doz of those apple and pear Monteith's I bought a while back. Might crack one now, actually.
Your english class doesn't understand what 'duty of care' means.
No, most of them were too focused on their "Japan has superior customer service and doesn't need to sue anyone" mantra. At least I got a couple of students to understand. I don't think I've ever had such big cultural problems with Japanese people before!

i just hate american accents. or maybe just the american accent that's really exaggerated n stuff. its very off putting

Yeah, they aren't super easy on the ear.

I had two people ask me where in the US I was from yesterday though :/ Dunno what was up with that.


Bunch of posts since I edited, guys, feel free to re-read it :)

PS. Rep, thread on the One controller alternatives.

EDIT: $29 slabs of cheap beer/cider




Smooth moves Mr. IT Guy For JB HIFI.

I blame the Irish.
I don't get the JB reference/dig either :( What did I miss?

Am now off work until mid-August, full pay. Kinda freaking out a bit but also pretty excited!

Also drinking a 14% beer that cost me $30 (long story... well, not long, they were sent from Norway) to celebrate.

I very much enjoyed the Reddit thread a few months back where some southerners couldn't hear the difference between words like 'tin' and 'ten', 'pin' and 'pen' due to the way they speak.
Has to be posted.
So does this.

Speaking of Juty/Dooty, has anyone else noticed Americans these days pronounce d's as t's in lots of words? The say secont and shit like that. Drives me nuts.
Maybe you should axe them why.

Fuck it, not editing again. Woot! Thanks Rezbit!

Alan Wake GoD for 320 allards
Alan Wake DLC The Signal for 280 allards
Alan Wake DLC The Writer for 280 allards
Ha. Like I'm ever buying anything on XBLA ever again.
Days of Future Past should be very interesting. But Halle Berry returning just puts me off slightly.

Superman is definitely too immortal but if we can see a movie of him punching the crap out of something or someone then I'm down for that.

Oh yeah forgot about her, I agree.
To be honest I've never even seen a superman movie! I saw some smallville though lul


Nah I reckon it's about $40 from ikea.

Am now off work until mid-August, full pay. Kinda freaking out a bit but also pretty excited!

Also drinking a 14% beer that cost me $30 (long story... well, not long, they were sent from Norway) to celebrate.

Where are you off to again cods?



A comprehensive turnaround from Sony. Big focus on the games, indications of support for independent developers. Didn't show the actual console, but didn't really matter given the emphasis on software and capabilities. A nice, open, gamer-friendly platform.


Another step forward in a direction gamers don't want console gaming to go. A software lineup at the console announcement was comprised mostly of long-established 3rd party franchises. Too many anti-consumer/anti-gamer bullet points in the product brief. Forza 5 looks nice.


A nice console which will (eventually) provide host to Nintendo games for Nintendo fans. Will scratch the itch for first-party offerings, albeit with an online experience the 1990's would be embarassed of.


The one product you can invest in today, and enjoy solely for the next 5 years.


In light of all 3 contenders showing their hand, has this very week invested in a gaming laptop, ending a 5+ year long anti-PC gaming eunuchdom.


The one snack item that, no matter how much you consume, still provides that satisfaction one demands when laying their dietary requirements by the wayside and giving in to temptation. Bow to your Sour Cream and Onion master, peons.


Walks that delicate tightrope between quality and quantity of posts. Wants his son to be a greasy Manu Ginobili wannabe, but makes up for that by understanding the intricate history of 1980's era straightedge hardcore music, as well as appreciating the finer points of craft beer products.

Chewing gum stuck to the inside ceramic of a toilet:

Provides bathroom-users with the rewarding challenge of removing an unsightly intrusion upon the ceramic of their throne with the impact pressure of a well-aimed stream of urine. Few men know of how (or why) anyone would choose to affix chewing gum to the inside of their toilets, but relish in the afterglow of triumph following a successful disattachment resulting from their masculine efforts. Women are missing out.
Where are you off to again cods?

Doing a group tour from Jordan to Egypt, then to Morocco for a few days before bumming around Europe (about 8 weeks there). We fly out Friday night.

Will be trying to update as often as I can! Likely Twitter and Instagram will be most prevalent because they're super easy but I hope to be able to somewhat keep up here. I'm assuming I won't have any internet access until we hit Europe though...

Dead Man

This thread is gold, especially this post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=58544289&postcount=44

Doing a group tour from Jordan to Egypt, then to Morocco for a few days before bumming around Europe (about 8 weeks there). We fly out Friday night.

Will be trying to update as often as I can! Likely Twitter and Instagram will be most prevalent because they're super easy but I hope to be able to somewhat keep up here. I'm assuming I won't have any internet access until we hit Europe though...

Nice! Don't be surprised if you can find internet access easily at cafes, a friend was off in a village in Nepal for three months and she had enough internet to facebook and email.
Reading the FM5 thread, it's not looking good, reppers:

PS. Rep, any idea on those Castaway ciders? Not like I need em, still have about 1.5doz of those apple and pear Monteith's I bought a while back. Might crack one now, actually.
Yikes, that ain't cool.

Castaway is okay. Not great. Like, buy when cheap cheap. So for that price it is worth grabbing. Little watered down.

Bunch of posts since I edited, guys, feel free to re-read it :)

I don't get the JB reference/dig either :( What did I miss?
Dude, stop fucking editing posts once other people have posted!

Also today the Xbox One was announced.

Today Yosp made a joke to a journalist that asked for his opinion on the XO by saying, "The HTC One? What?"

Today JB Hifi randomly sent me an email, they rarely send me emails. It was for the HTC One which has been out for ages. The writeup talked about streaming and media, etc.

Thought it was funny.


In light of all 3 contenders showing their hand, has this very week invested in a gaming laptop, ending a 5+ year long anti-PC gaming eunuchdom. But is still a eunuch in the typical fashion.


Walks that delicate tightrope between quality and quantity of posts. Wants his son to be a greasy Tim Duncan wannabe, but makes up for that by understanding the intricate history of 1980's era straightedge hardcore music, as well as appreciating the finer points of craft beer products. And the worst beer on the planet that is still technically considered "beer".

Chewing gum stuck to the inside ceramic of a toilet:

Provides bathroom-users with the rewarding challenge of removing an unsightly intrusion upon the ceramic of their throne with the impact pressure of a well-aimed stream of urine. Few men know of how (or why) anyone would choose to affix chewing gum to the inside of their toilets, but relish in the afterglow of triumph following a successful disattachment resulting from their masculine efforts. Women are missing out.

Fixed. Also for some odd reason I instantly assumed the chewing gum was to be picked up and chewed. Not sure what that says about me.

I used to pick stuff up off the street on walks back from the pub and put it in my mouth for dares.

I grew up to be a successful guy hey ma!


Ohhh... I gotcha now. And I was only editing because people hadn't posted by the time I started and by the time I finished they had. Not my fault... theirs.

PS. Forgot to report back on those chips. Average. I mean, they're nice but they're very non-descript. Couldn't notably pick up on any specific flavours. Jalapeno and cheddar still take the cake for me. Bite, but still shitloads of flavour.

Also, you notice they haven't sold the rosemary and onion Safeway grainwave ripoffs recently? Replaced by peri peri, which ain't bad, but it's no rosemany and whatever.



In light of all 3 contenders showing their hand, has this very week invested in a gaming laptop

What did you get? I got a Horize/Clevo a few months back. I'm a little disappointed with it actually. Great performance but the keyboard and mouse and the chassis in general are kind of bad.


Well, it might, but duty of care is generally a more institutional thing. Not always, since corporations are responsible for the actions of their employees/agents
or to be more accurate the actions of authorised employees/agents are to be taken to be the same as the actions of corporations since corporations are fictitious legal bodies
so poor customer service could result in a breach of duty of care; in my experience though wholesale breaches generally come from policies set far above the ground level.


Guys, before I part, I leave you with this thread that is sure to be a .gif goldmine:
Sum up today's Xbox One reveal in One pic/gif



but ever so delicious
Anand also has an article about it and we all know I love that place!


Interesting that the PS4 is just more powerful. So it's safe to say the PS4 will be $50 - $100 more at launch than the XBO, Unless that kinect costs a fuckton.

It doesn't bother me all that much that it's trying to be an all in one box for your families living room, It won't succeed because only 1 device has pulled off an all in one setup and that's the swiss army knife. With technology, I can't think of a device that did so many things in one box that actually sold well.

It does feel like it's something that people want but at the same time, You end up aiming it at the clueless that just go, NOPE, I like what I have now and i'm too scared to change it up.

I know I would personally never use the XBOs TV feature, Because I don't watch live TV. I sure as hell will never pay for foxtel as it's worthless in it's current state and if we ever get an equiv of netflix / Hulu , That would be far better than live TV. I would much prefer a HTPC where I can customise the heck out of it due to an open platform and already add my much beloved media to it along with a TV tuner if I ever did feel the need to watch Today Tonight.

Consoles, How complex they have gotten.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
After staying up all night getting some much needed work done, and doing a pretty good job of it, I felt a reward was in order.


Two scotch fillet steaks marinated for 24 hours in Worcestershire sauce, hot English mustard, habanero Tabasco sauce, freshly crushed garlic, and pepper. Cooked medium rare on the barbecue.

One large potato cut into strips, shook with olive oil, chilli flakes, herbs, and chicken salt. Cooked on the barbecue.

Strips of zucchini and capsicum cooked on the barbecue, and a chopped up tomato, tossed with mixed lettuce and dressing.

One glass of White Rabbit dark ale.




The one snack item that, no matter how much you consume, still provides that satisfaction one demands when laying their dietary requirements by the wayside and giving in to temptation. Bow to your Sour Cream and Onion master, peons.
The glories of MSG.


Anand also has an article about it and we all know I love that place!


Interesting that the PS4 is just more powerful. So it's safe to say the PS4 will be $50 - $100 more at launch than the XBO, Unless that kinect costs a fuckton.

It doesn't bother me all that much that it's trying to be an all in one box for your families living room, It won't succeed because only 1 device has pulled off an all in one setup and that's the swiss army knife. With technology, I can't think of a device that did so many things in one box that actually sold well.

It does feel like it's something that people want but at the same time, You end up aiming it at the clueless that just go, NOPE, I like what I have now and i'm too scared to change it up.

I know I would personally never use the XBOs TV feature, Because I don't watch live TV. I sure as hell will never pay for foxtel as it's worthless in it's current state and if we ever get an equiv of netflix / Hulu , That would be far better than live TV. I would much prefer a HTPC where I can customise the heck out of it due to an open platform and already add my much beloved media to it along with a TV tuner if I ever did feel the need to watch Today Tonight.

Consoles, How complex they have gotten.

All this means to me is that multi-plats should run just fine on PC.
Anand also has an article about it and we all know I love that place!


Interesting that the PS4 is just more powerful. So it's safe to say the PS4 will be $50 - $100 more at launch than the XBO, Unless that kinect costs a fuckton.

It doesn't bother me all that much that it's trying to be an all in one box for your families living room, It won't succeed because only 1 device has pulled off an all in one setup and that's the swiss army knife. With technology, I can't think of a device that did so many things in one box that actually sold well.

It does feel like it's something that people want but at the same time, You end up aiming it at the clueless that just go, NOPE, I like what I have now and i'm too scared to change it up.

I know I would personally never use the XBOs TV feature, Because I don't watch live TV. I sure as hell will never pay for foxtel as it's worthless in it's current state and if we ever get an equiv of netflix / Hulu , That would be far better than live TV. I would much prefer a HTPC where I can customise the heck out of it due to an open platform and already add my much beloved media to it along with a TV tuner if I ever did feel the need to watch Today Tonight.

Consoles, How complex they have gotten.
This is the bit that gets me. The 360 has been one of the things that has driven Netflix et al to such success. Hell Microsoft have their own streaming video service. I know they talked about streaming TV stuff briefly, but it seemed pretty much overlooked entirely. Odd.

I think yesterday they were going for the early tech adopter crowd rather than the gaming crowd. After the PS4 announcement the mainstream reaction seemed to be "Oh a new Playstation, that's nice" whereas after this it's been "Holy living fuck that's cool." Again, mainstream reaction.
If Microsoft hadn't then added all this online DRM shit and the world's most confusing used games policy, I would have been happy to wait until E3 for the gaming side.

After staying up all night getting some much needed work done, and doing a pretty good job of it, I felt a reward was in order.


Two scotch fillet steaks marinated for 24 hours in Worcestershire sauce, hot English mustard, habanero Tabasco sauce, freshly crushed garlic, and pepper. Cooked medium rare on the barbecue.

One large potato cut into strips, shook with olive oil, chilli flakes, herbs, and chicken salt. Cooked on the barbecue.

Strips of zucchini and capsicum cooked on the barbecue, and a chopped up tomato, tossed with mixed lettuce and dressing.

One glass of White Rabbit dark ale.


You motherfucker. That looks incredible.
Everyone I've asked here about the XOXO are wondering if it a US only console.

Are Microsoft getting Tom Waterhouse to commentate over AFL/Rugby games here through XOXO?
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