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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

I meant that the 180 is getting TV stuff at launch in Japan yet it could be 12 months away, yet every other non-US country gets nothing. Strange since Xbox struggles over there heh.

oh, d'oh ><

That is kinda weird. Trying to break into the market more I guess. Hulu and stuff is getting pretty popular there, so maybe that's why.

EDIT: Is anyone getting any strange problems with youtube? The videos keep playing even after I click back to the youtube home page, and continue until a new video starts playing..


Not sure how many more RPG giveaways I'll do here in the future as the interest just doesn't seem to be there. The Bundle of Holding that just completed had a number of the games I'll be able to give out and would surely please many people.

After seeing the preview for the Bundle that is about to drop in just under 10 minutes, I'm astounded. If I were feeling generous, I'd pick that up for one thing that interests me and give away the rest. The next bundle has a bunch of games from designers and a company that I like very much and would be pleased to share what I think are great games, they've been on my shelf for years (a couple are really new and just won awards for being as great as I thought they were).

If some interest still remains and the games in particular weren't the interesting, let me know and I can continue to offer up some goodies to the rad people in this thread. If not, I can share elsewhere in some dedicated gaming communities. I do want to offer the opportunity to this great community first.
Not sure how many more RPG giveaways I'll do here in the future as the interest just doesn't seem to be there. The Bundle of Holding that just completed had a number of the games I'll be able to give out and would surely please many people.

After seeing the preview for the Bundle that is about to drop in just under 10 minutes, I'm astounded. If I were feeling generous, I'd pick that up for one thing that interests me and give away the rest. The next bundle has a bunch of games from designers and a company that I like very much and would be pleased to share what I think are great games, they've been on my shelf for years (a couple are really new and just won awards for being as great as I thought they were).

If some interest still remains and the games in particular weren't the interesting, let me know and I can continue to offer up some goodies to the rad people in this thread. If not, I can share elsewhere in some dedicated gaming communities. I do want to offer the opportunity to this great community first.

I feel bad taking free stuff but I have been taking advantage of some of the offers you posted earlier! I'm sorry for not responding, but thanks for doing it :)


I feel bad taking free stuff but I have been taking advantage of some of the offers you posted earlier! I'm sorry for not responding, but thanks for doing it :)

If people are buying the bundles, I'm not going to complain about that. It gives the hard-working designers some money, gives you some enjoyment and helps out charities (this time around benefits cancer research and health care). It pleases me even more that people are digging this stuff enough to fork over money for it! :)

Don't feel bad about taking free stuff. If no one takes them, they just sit around on my HDD doing nothing. As long as the person who receives whatever it is gets some enjoyment out of it, that's all I ask in return; read it, play it, or pass it on if turns out it's not your cup of tea.

The new one just went live and the average is slightly above $10. It's cheaper the earlier you buy and you still get all the bonuses they add later on too. I'll add a detailed post about it tomorrow, because one of the items included for the lowest price of $4 is a gift that keeps on giving until March next year, and that's pretty cool.


Hey guys!

Back in Australia now after my 3 month trip to the US of A.

Holy shit, what an amazing country and an amazing place.

Kind of glad and sad at the same time to be back. Sweet sweet Australian Coffee and Vegemite.


Cabramatta, keeping the news honest:

Hey guys!

Back in Australia now after my 3 month trip to the US of A.

Holy shit, what an amazing country and an amazing place.

Kind of glad and sad at the same time to be back. Sweet sweet Australian Coffee and Vegemite.

Welcome back!
Be sure to post some pics/stories.


I want a tag give me a tag
Yep, this was a very recent adjustment on our part. Nintendo asked if it were possible and so we made it compatible. Not much else to report, but it's definitely a nice to have.

from the twitch.tv being the wiius killer app thread

people be saltybetting on the tv, betting on the gamepad.


Just bumped into someone from San Francisco and now I just want to sell everything and move there or Seattle FUCK DAMN IT WHY CAN'T I QUIT YOU USA

In other topics, how stringent are Telstra on serving out your mobile contract coz I could really do with a 5s today and I think I have a few weeks left...


Hey guys, how about those MIGHTY HAWKS last night???? Pretty sure I tore a vocal chord in the last quarter!

So good!


Just bumped into someone from San Francisco and now I just want to sell everything and move there or Seattle FUCK DAMN IT WHY CAN'T I QUIT YOU USA

People I met in San Fran were so chilled, they remind me of Aussies more than any other US city I've visited.
Killer Instinct XBONE is looking surprisingly badicle. Do want.


from the twitch.tv being the wiius killer app thread

people be saltybetting on the tv, betting on the gamepad.

Huh, didn't realise it was only just recently added. Been using it last night/this morning to watch Cosmo's 24 hour Wind Waker HD stream on the Gamepad while I played Kingdom Hearts.
Seattle's nice. I just met a guy working in the AT&T store who used to LAN with penny arcade guys years ago. He doesn't tell people that anecdote anymore in protest
. He also is looking for work in the exact same places as me.

San Fran is a fucking dump by comparison. Oh I called it San Fran so you're going act all snooty. Frisco? The City? Can I call it the City?

I haven't been to Seattle proper yet. Kicking it Eastside style. I parked in a garage in Bungie's building today. I went to to a Microsoft store to buy a copy of win8 for my MacBook. They don't sell it, "not much call for it around here"

Almost picked up a PS3 GTAV bundle. Gotta stop procrastinating. Tomorrow, for reals.

I saw a mobile wood fired pizza food truck. I almost called the fire brigade the thing was so smokey.

Glad your trip went well, Arksy. Did you encounter what you were worried about before you left?


Just bumped into someone from San Francisco and now I just want to sell everything and move there or Seattle FUCK DAMN IT WHY CAN'T I QUIT YOU USA

In other topics, how stringent are Telstra on serving out your mobile contract coz I could really do with a 5s today and I think I have a few weeks left...
Can't speak specifically for Telstra, but both Voda (a long time ago) and Virgin (not as long, but still some time ago) were pretty good with waiving the month or so contract I was on at the time to get be onto a new plan.

Seattle's nice. I just met a guy working in the AT&T store who used to LAN with penny arcade guys years ago. He doesn't tell people that anecdote anymore in protest
. He also is looking for work in the exact same places as me.

San Fran is a fucking dump by comparison. Oh I called it San Fran so you're going act all snooty. Frisco? The City? Can I call it the City?

I haven't been to Seattle proper yet. Kicking it Eastside style. I parked in a garage in Bungie's building today. I went to to a Microsoft store to buy a copy of win8 for my MacBook. They don't sell it, "not much call for it around here"
You bastard.

PS. You should see what the pinball scene is like over there. From what I understand, it's far less "underground" than it is here. If that's your thing, obviously.


Just bumped into someone from San Francisco and now I just want to sell everything and move there or Seattle FUCK DAMN IT WHY CAN'T I QUIT YOU USA

In other topics, how stringent are Telstra on serving out your mobile contract coz I could really do with a 5s today and I think I have a few weeks left...
If it's only a few weeks they will definitely waive it. There is a certain number of days below which they will always waive but I don't remember it offhand.



Okay, so for those who were sleeping while I was posting late last night, the new Bundle of Holding went live. This one, not unlike the previous, is excellent. The contents are from Pelgrane Press, a favourite publisher of mine, and the writers are very well known and one of them, Kenneth Hite, is now a staff writer there.

For those unfamiliar with Pelgrane Press, they are the publisher of the recently released 13th Age that got me all hot and bothered and, speaking of which, the bestiary for it just went up for pre-order this morning; the preview looks wonderful and full of flavour, ideas and inspiration. Pelgrane's main thing has been the creation and evolution of the GUMSHOE system, which was designed to be used for investigative games in a variety of genres while solving the problem games like Call of Cthulhu presented where sometimes the investigators don't get the clue, and that's neither interesting or fun for anyone involved. Robin Laws was asked to do this and The Esoterrorists was the first release to use and demonstrate this system and a 2nd edition of this recently became available due to fans begging for more, and deservedly so.

Kenneth Hite took the GUMSHOE system and created Trail of Cthulhu with it, something that is very impressive and contains so much goodness that even Call of Cthulhu player buy it to use some of the contents. It continues to see a lot of product support by very talented people with incredible ideas, with some excellent things on the horizon. Most recently the globe-spanning epic campaign Eternal Lies became available, and this book is an amazing monstrousity that I am told holds an incredible twist, is pure brilliance and one of, if not the best campaign of its kind. While I haven't yet read through this campaign, the book is a beautiful tome that one could easily bludgeon someone with. Eternal Lies also has a great soundtrack to accompany it and it is a pleasure to listen to.


Robin Laws has whipped up another few games using GUMSHOE, two of which are currently included in the bundle. Ashen Stars is an investigative space opera game with plenty of flavour and coolness to sink your teeth into. This was so popular that the first print run sold out rather quickly. This description is incredibly simple, but there is plenty of detail in this setting that I don't even know where to begin summarising it.


The other is the much less popular Mutant City Blues which I think is a brilliant idea for an investigative game and it's a shame it wasn't more popular. This universe is set 10 years after the Sudden Mutation Event, where many people around the world came down with something similar to the flu, scientists found strange genetic material in those afflicted, there was much panic and fear from this unknown pathogen. 11 days later, everyone's symptoms ceased and this infection was never seen again.

Still no one know what it was, but a few months later, some people demonstrated superhuman abilities; each person had previously had the 'ghost flu' as it was named, which was roughly 1% of the world population. To many people's disbelief, only a handful of these 'heightened' people donned a costume and either fought crimes or committed them. Most people continued with their normal life and after the initial hysteria, the general populace saw the advantages to the existence of such people and they filled many roles in society from professional athletes to healers, empathic psychiatrists and firefighters.

A special police squad called the Heightened Crime Investigation Unit was formed to investigate all mutant crimes and this is the role that the players take. Cleverly, ranges of abilities in one individual are limited and can only stretch so far. There are connections and correlations between abilities, some of these connections bring with them mental and physical disorders or defects. This is wonderful for both mechanical in-game reasons such as limiting power for players and NPCs, being able to use the method of the crime to find the perpetrator, as well as great roleplaying ideas with character concepts and quirks. This Quade Diagram shows the spectrum and how they connect and relate, it's pretty cool and explains what I may be poorly describing here.


Night's Black Agents is the most recent release and is a testament to Hite's enthusiasm and brilliant ideas. He approached Simon Rogers, the owner of Pelgrane Press, and asked if he could make a game where it would be like the Jason Bourne films if Treadstone were vampires. He was given the green light and now we have this awesome game with a cool, clever campaign and a sourcebook to add in even more awesome. Both this game and the campaign are included in the bundle if you beat the average.


Shortly after Ken Hite started working at Pelgrane they started offering a monthly PDF and a 12-month subscription to this, simply called Ken Writes About Stuff. The naming, while simple and maybe a little odd to some, is much akin to the title of the stellar podcast that both Ken Hite and Robin Laws make together which is Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff. Each month delivers either a variety of different angles and uses for a hideous creature, or something different altogether which will total 10 pages. Included in the lowest price you can obtain the bundle at (only $4) is a 12 month subscription to this; 4 issues immediately and a code to redeem the remaining 8 which will see you through until March 2014.

As always, the bundle will add more things over the course of the next week and any additions will be available no matter when you jump on board. The earlier you do, the cheaper it will be since the average increases over the duration.

Clearly I have gone into more detail than usual on this particular bundle. I will not deny I am very much a fan of the people behind the products included here as well as the products themselves, so if it reads like an advert then that's largely unavoidable, but perhaps we can all feel a little better knowing that this benefits charity. Pelgrane is a company I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone as they treat their customers with a level of care and respect that anyone would want. Even without the additions to come, there's a whole lot of value to be had here.


Now for some FREEBIES!

As promised, after the conclusion of the last bundle, I'd offer the PDF of the items inside that I already owned to whichever lucky individual wanted to claim them. This time around was exclusively Fate system games, half of which I already had in my collection. So here they are for whoever wants them, with links to the product page so you have an idea what they're about if you weren't already familiar:

Those RPG covers are stupidly good. Like late 90's awesome good.

Fffffffffff I can't even handle my current two hobbies let alone a third ffs! I even dropped Comics when the boy came along :/


Those RPG covers are stupidly good. Like late 90's awesome good.

Fffffffffff I can't even handle my current two hobbies let alone a third ffs! I even dropped Comics when the boy came along :/

They are pretty rad covers, they definitely use some excellent artists for the cover and interiors.

I've given up a number of hobbies to focus on just what matters. I saw no sense in spreading myself thin and just sat down and thought about what it is that I really enjoy, what really matters to me. It was RPGs and only RPGs. While I do enjoy playing board games and have a decent collection of them, I couldn't justify spending more money on it, at least not at this current point.

Whilst my income isn't great, I'm not in a terrible position and there are many people in a more challenging position than me in many respects. If I can share something I enjoy with someone else who does too, it would only please me to do so.

What's your email address, rep? PM it to me.
It's dark, maybe. But it's not brave. It's not that funny. It's not a power fantasy, it's not your escape. It's just sad.
It's hard to argue with this, really. It's almost exactly the same games IV and San Andreas were, and when you boil it down it's not really a very good game. It hasn't even learned basic lessons from Saints Row about sometimes making things less realistic in the name of fun.

But it's still great fun to screw around in their world.
It's hard to argue with this, really. It's almost exactly the same games IV and San Andreas were, and when you boil it down it's not really a very good game. It hasn't even learned basic lessons from Saints Row about sometimes making things less realistic in the name of fun.

But it's still great fun to screw around in their world.

What is game.

Baby don't hurt me.
'Missions' often devolve into watching a cutscene. Or listening to dialogue while driving towards some dot on the map. It doesn't allow for any improvisation at all. In one mission it told me to 'escape the area' while being shot at. What it really meant was 'kill everyone until the script says the next bit happens'. Ask Kritz about the time he was told to buy a shotgun.

I won't deny it's fun as hell, but it seems like everyone's moving on while GTA is treading water on the same humour and gameplay since GTA3. I really hope GTA VI is a bit more daring, but given the dollars at play, I doubt it.

I'll probably still play it anyway.
'Missions' often devolve into watching a cutscene. Or listening to dialogue while driving towards some dot on the map. It doesn't allow for any improvisation at all. In one mission it told me to 'escape the area' while being shot at. What it really meant was 'kill everyone until the script says the next bit happens'. Ask Kritz about the time he was told to buy a shotgun.

I won't deny it's fun as hell, but it seems like everyone's moving on while GTA is treading water on the same humour and gameplay since GTA3. I really hope GTA VI is a bit more daring, but given the dollars at play, I doubt it.

I'll probably still play it anyway.

You mean the tutorials?

Also who is moving on!

What are these magical games I haven't played!
You mean the tutorials?

Also who is moving on!

What are these magical games I haven't played!
Don't mean the tutorials, nope. Played more than a day worth since release (!) and these sorts of things happened today. The story missions are probably the worst part of the game IMO.

Saints Row makes it faster to steal a vehicle, allows you to warp to shore when swimming, or call in a vehicle when stranded. Why is stealing a car the same in GTA V as it was in GTA IV? Sure, Saints Row is sillier, and GTA should be its own thing, but running around for five minutes to find a car sure is grating. How about a few ladders leading out of the water?

The game just feels like a (really enjoyable) relic from the past.

Right, I can't handle it any more, gotta put a second person on to my ignore list.
Finally! :)
Oh shit! Stay safe, deek!

Saints Row makes it faster to steal a vehicle, allows you to warp to shore when swimming, or call in a vehicle when stranded. Why is stealing a car the same in GTA V as it was in GTA IV? Sure, Saints Row is sillier, and GTA should be its own thing, but running around for five minutes to find a car sure is grating. How about a few ladders leading out of the water?
Saints Row respects my time. GTA respects itself too much to put overtly gamey aspects in. Within a couple of hours of Saints Row 3 and 4, travailing the world became a quicker process (especially in 4). Meanwhile, even more area is opening up in GTA and I'm spending more and more time just driving.

And you're right, sometimes it frustrating if I need to find a vehicle quickly. I needed to find on for a race and could only find vans and junkers. Thanks, game.

GTA is too intent on creating what it believes is a realistic, immerse world where Saints Row just wants me to enjoy every second, regardless of if it breaks the reality of the game.

PS- Didn't San Andreas have a warp to shore button? I'm pretty sure it did.
Sometimes it's nice to play an experience set out by a game designer rather than someone catering to the demands of twitchy 16 year olds who want everything faster, sooner and more flashy than before!

Maybe I'm just getting old. Maybe I'm becoming like Gaz & Shaneus, with their old style games and such. :/


Coming straight off SR3 and SR4, I am loving GTAV for what it is, I would be lying though if I said I hadn't wished for a faster way to get into cars when need be, it seems kind of silly when you're on the run from the cops and you go into your meandering animation of getting in the car. Just a little nitpick though, LOVE the game.
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