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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


You'd think academic stuff would be easier to get a hold of, but noooo, I might actually have to go library hunting to find this book to figure out if I can use it for my essay or not

Anyone got a USyd library card?
I did not know this was a thing! Might have to give it a try.

These are the ones I usually keep in the cupboard, along with the occasional guest:


Anyone got a USyd library card?
University libraries should transfer any book from any Australia university library to any other. Depending on how much you have, of course.



So here's what I picked up in the board game arena recently. I'm still waiting for the arrival of a couple of Adventure Packs from Games Paradise for Lord of the Rings and a couple of Force Packs from CSI and OGS for Star Wars, but what I have so far is close enough to photograph the lot. I also grabbed another core set for Android: Netrunner, since it was finally in stock somewhere at a reasonable price, so I can eventually start deckbuilding for that too.

The Darth Vader and Boba Fett figurines/keyrings that you see pictured there came from OzGameShop. That was a surprise as I didn't order or pay for them, they were added to the boxes with the Star Wars LCG core sets I ordered. I thought that was pretty cool of them.

I said I wasn't going to dive into another LCG and here I am jumping on another two of them; I also mentioned that I may have gone a little nuts and here is the evidence of that. The Lord of the Rings LCG was just something I'd thought about giving a go so I could play it solo, Jables Swan mentioning it again recently gave me reason enough to think it over once more. I've also found a (sort of) nearby store that has a league for Star Wars and Netrunner, so I thought I might give that a go at some point.


Anand also has an article about it and we all know I love that place!


Interesting that the PS4 is just more powerful. So it's safe to say the PS4 will be $50 - $100 more at launch than the XBO, Unless that kinect costs a fuckton.

It doesn't bother me all that much that it's trying to be an all in one box for your families living room, It won't succeed because only 1 device has pulled off an all in one setup and that's the swiss army knife. With technology, I can't think of a device that did so many things in one box that actually sold well.

It does feel like it's something that people want but at the same time, You end up aiming it at the clueless that just go, NOPE, I like what I have now and i'm too scared to change it up.

I know I would personally never use the XBOs TV feature, Because I don't watch live TV. I sure as hell will never pay for foxtel as it's worthless in it's current state and if we ever get an equiv of netflix / Hulu , That would be far better than live TV. I would much prefer a HTPC where I can customise the heck out of it due to an open platform and already add my much beloved media to it along with a TV tuner if I ever did feel the need to watch Today Tonight.

Consoles, How complex they have gotten.
See, I was going in thinking that I'll just use my PC for raw power and graphics and whatever, and the (yet to be named) One for console games and using it as a media/entertainment hub. But man, they've just gone completely fucking overboard with what I thought they were going to do. I was expecting something like my WDTV, but with a rad interface and a few little applets here and there, that also plays games. But man, they've either dumbed it down too much or overcomplicated it... I'm not sure what it is (or maybe it's both).

As it is, I'd wager that the PS4 does the right (or a better) amount of media management for what I'm looking for. So it looks like I won't get either on launch, buy GT6 on PS3 and PGR5 (hopefully) on 360, and be happy with those for a year or two until everything gets clarified, sorted and ironed out with both boxes.

How long for Alan Wake?

If Microsoft hadn't then added all this online DRM shit and the world's most confusing used games policy, I would have been happy to wait until E3 for the gaming side.


If FordUS had been smarter they could have been selling Falcons in other markets like Holden has been with Commodores.
Should've, too. There's enough of a reasonable resemblance between the Mustang and the Falcon that it could've been pulled of *easily*. Absolutely no idea why they didn't do it, the Americans would've eaten them up.




Fuck, just when it was finally looking like I'd have cash to grab a second 670, the new 7xx's come out and are amazing.

Need dat 770 benchmark.
There goes my plan to buy a new Ford Falcon in 2017
It's a shame to see an Australian car go, but frankly the Falcon (and Commodore) don't really fit into today's market. I always thought since around the 90s the Falcons were nicer cars than the equivalent Commodores, but neither really needs to exist nowadays. Falcons especially just keep going forever.

Still planning on keeping my 1997 EL for another couple of years, because it's only used to and from work.



So here's what I picked up in the board game arena recently. I'm still waiting for the arrival of a couple of Adventure Packs from Games Paradise for Lord of the Rings and a couple of Force Packs from CSI and OGS for Star Wars, but what I have so far is close enough to photograph the lot. I also grabbed another core set for Android: Netrunner, since it was finally in stock somewhere at a reasonable price, so I can eventually start deckbuilding for that too.

The Darth Vader and Boba Fett figurines/keyrings that you see pictured there came from OzGameShop. That was a surprise as I didn't order or pay for them, they were added to the boxes with the Star Wars LCG core sets I ordered. I thought that was pretty cool of them.

I said I wasn't going to dive into another LCG and here I am jumping on another two of them; I also mentioned that I may have gone a little nuts and here is the evidence of that. The Lord of the Rings LCG was just something I'd thought about giving a go so I could play it solo, Jables Swan mentioning it again recently gave me reason enough to think it over once more. I've also found a (sort of) nearby store that has a league for Star Wars and Netrunner, so I thought I might give that a go at some point.

That be a lot of LCG action!

Interested in the LOTR one as that is appanrelty playable solo right?


That be a lot of LCG action!

Interested in the LOTR one as that is appanrelty playable solo right?

It sure is! Android Netrunner isn't pictured or it would look even better (worse?)

LotR LCG can indeed be played solo or co-op with 2-4 players. True to the form of co-op games, it is meant to be quite the challenge.

Dead Man

It's a shame to see an Australian car go, but frankly the Falcon (and Commodore) don't really fit into today's market. I always thought since around the 90s the Falcons were nicer cars than the equivalent Commodores, but neither really needs to exist nowadays. Falcons especially just keep going forever.

Still planning on keeping my 1997 EL for another couple of years, because it's only used to and from work.

If either company could make an awd performance 5 door hatch, they would get a lot of my money. But yeah, large sedans are a shrinking market. Unfortunately that means FWD is taking over, which bores me silly.


Fuck, just when it was finally looking like I'd have cash to grab a second 670, the new 7xx's come out and are amazing.

Need dat 770 benchmark.

From early reports it seems to be about 8% faster than a 680, but I am waiting for more mainstream reports to believe that.

Also these current benchmarks are apparently from drivers that don't yet officially support the 700 series, so they could get better yet.


I really want a new video card setup, but other than VRAM, it very, very rarely struggles. Think I'll continue this strategy for my next upgrade: once a new generation/series comes out, buy multiple upper-range cards for cheap, beast it for a few years. <3 5850/5970 combo <3

I'd seen this pic before, but god damn it's just so awesome:
Mannnnnn some devs are getting pissy on Twitter about XOXO. Saying it will be a bitch to get parity since it will be harder to develop for due to the EDRAM and the weaker GPU.
Hope they don't gimp the PS4 version of games.

ZombiU is $36 at EB
You can buy Gaz's latest game for $9! Bargrin!
See the full sale here at OGG


The Darth Vader and Boba Fett figurines/keyrings that you see pictured there came from OzGameShop. That was a surprise as I didn't order or pay for them, they were added to the boxes with the Star Wars LCG core sets I ordered. I thought that was pretty cool of them.
Holy shit that LotR stuff looks awesome!

Also yes LOGS are awesome :)

How long for Alan Wake?
Long? I think the bundle is up for a week.
The game is like 15 hours long I think.
American Nightmare is like 3-4 hours followed by repeating the damn thing twice if I remember correctly.

Or is this a racist joke?

This will impact Geelong HARD. Ford and Alcoa both closing is not good at all.
Thankfully everyone I knew got out of both companies before closing. Although my close friend who worked at Alcoa is now in Sydney which sucks


They also got juicy redundancy packets though apparently going by Facebook today.

LotR LCG can indeed be played solo or co-op with 2-4 players. True to the form of co-op games, it is meant to be quite the challenge.

I really want a new video card setup, but other than VRAM, it very, very rarely struggles. Think I'll continue this strategy for my next upgrade: once a new generation/series comes out, buy multiple upper-range cards for cheap, beast it for a few years. <3 5850/5970 combo <3
Same here, the ole 460 does fine with reasonable AA settings (D3DOveridder). The VRAM will be the downfall. Would be nice to see them hitting the 4GB point by the time I upgrade.

Wait. Xbone has a non upgradeable hdd, and mandatory game installs? People are going to want a bigger fridge, aren't they?

Replacable internal drives would have been great, made the PS3 future proof in terms of DD. Once my drive filled up I just threw in one I wasn't using for the PC!

Also interesting to see the changes when people put a SSD in there too.
thing you need to know about developers (ie programmers)-
they always complain about new stuff because they don't know how to do things straight away. Once they learn how to do things, they bitch slightly less. They bitched about the 360 and PS3 and Wii. Now they're bitching has moved to a new generation.

Also, for larger teams with their own engine team or devs with licensed engines, you have Unreal, Cry Engine or Unity doing most of that work for you. Not to say people on game teams aren't going to run into specific issues with each platform. Indies are gonna hate it but anytime you have more than one platform, you have to deal with this.

-Ask a programmer a question about a new feature or piece of tech.
-They'll say no almost immediately. It's impossible
-they'll think about it for a few seconds or maybe overnight
- they will outline how they can make it happen

rinse and repeat and you eventually have a game

So here's what I picked up in the board game arena recently. I'm still waiting for the arrival of a couple of Adventure Packs from Games Paradise for Lord of the Rings and a couple of Force Packs from CSI and OGS for Star Wars, but what I have so far is close enough to photograph the lot. I also grabbed another core set for Android: Netrunner, since it was finally in stock somewhere at a reasonable price, so I can eventually start deckbuilding for that too.

The Darth Vader and Boba Fett figurines/keyrings that you see pictured there came from OzGameShop. That was a surprise as I didn't order or pay for them, they were added to the boxes with the Star Wars LCG core sets I ordered. I thought that was pretty cool of them.

I said I wasn't going to dive into another LCG and here I am jumping on another two of them; I also mentioned that I may have gone a little nuts and here is the evidence of that. The Lord of the Rings LCG was just something I'd thought about giving a go so I could play it solo, Jables Swan mentioning it again recently gave me reason enough to think it over once more. I've also found a (sort of) nearby store that has a league for Star Wars and Netrunner, so I thought I might give that a go at some point.

Maybe I should be ordering the Star Wars LCG and see if they send me some neat keyrings like those. Nice pick up.


So, now that Ford is leaving, Holden wins?

Flawless victory for the lion thingy.

What are the v8s gonna do with no more falcons?!



I thought I read somewhere about a push towards four cylinders, something akin to the super tourers in europe, which imo is more exciting to watch.
Jimquisition has basically filled my need for gaming news videos in a RLM style. So good.

Angry Joe is a good side dish even though he really needs an editor, half his stuff is brutally spot on and the other half falls flat.


Long? I think the bundle is up for a week.
The game is like 15 hours long I think.
American Nightmare is like 3-4 hours followed by repeating the damn thing twice if I remember correctly.

Or is this a racist joke?
First line nabbed it. Last line was the subtext, so well done.

Thankfully everyone I knew got out of both companies before closing. Although my close friend who worked at Alcoa is now in Sydney which sucks


They also got juicy redundancy packets though apparently going by Facebook today.
Ford's still open until 2016, isn't it? That's how I interpreted that the last car they make will be the 2016 Falcon.

Same here, the ole 460 does fine with reasonable AA settings (D3DOveridder). The VRAM will be the downfall. Would be nice to see them hitting the 4GB point by the time I upgrade.
See, most of the time it's fine even regarding VRAM, so long as I don't decide to use any kind of AA, which just destroys memory usage. Then I see the people in the PC screens thread that can upscale to 10000x20000 and I cry (only because the 5xxx and 6xxx ATI cards have a hard limit of 2560x1600 :( ).



So here's what I picked up in the board game arena recently. I'm still waiting for the arrival of a couple of Adventure Packs from Games Paradise for Lord of the Rings and a couple of Force Packs from CSI and OGS for Star Wars, but what I have so far is close enough to photograph the lot. I also grabbed another core set for Android: Netrunner, since it was finally in stock somewhere at a reasonable price, so I can eventually start deckbuilding for that too.

The Darth Vader and Boba Fett figurines/keyrings that you see pictured there came from OzGameShop. That was a surprise as I didn't order or pay for them, they were added to the boxes with the Star Wars LCG core sets I ordered. I thought that was pretty cool of them.

I said I wasn't going to dive into another LCG and here I am jumping on another two of them; I also mentioned that I may have gone a little nuts and here is the evidence of that. The Lord of the Rings LCG was just something I'd thought about giving a go so I could play it solo, Jables Swan mentioning it again recently gave me reason enough to think it over once more. I've also found a (sort of) nearby store that has a league for Star Wars and Netrunner, so I thought I might give that a go at some point.

Wow, that is quite a haul there, awesome mate! And yeah, that image there does go some way to reinstalling my fear of LCGs as I just know I would also be going for the full sets. Summoner Wars has been tempting me, but I think I can hold out for a bit longer.

I am more than a little jealous of all that good single player stuff you have there in the LotR ones, though. I haven't gotten much in a while, apart from a stray purchase of Love Letter, given how awesome it is as a filler. I don't think I've bought anything else since Innovation a few months back now, but I have gotten a TON of plays out of that one.

I am also looking forward to receiving this monstrosity in a few months time...

Hopefully I can find somebody to play it with...


Wow, that is quite a haul there, awesome mate! And yeah, that image there does go some way to reinstalling my fear of LCGs as I just know I would also be going for the full sets. Summoner Wars has been tempting me, but I think I can hold out for a bit longer.

I am more than a little jealous of all that good single player stuff you have there in the LotR ones, though. I haven't gotten much in a while, apart from a stray purchase of Love Letter, given how awesome it is as a filler. I don't think I've bought anything else since Innovation a few months back now, but I have gotten a TON of plays out of that one.

I am also looking forward to receiving this monstrosity in a few months time...

Hopefully I can find somebody to play it with...

LCGs aren't that bad, it's only when they've been out a while that they can be overwhelming. LotR LCG is actually fine as you don't have to do what I have done, you can grab a couple of the core sets and gradually work your way through the adventure packs at your leisure, buying them when you need them. The competitive LCGs are a different story, but with Netrunner and Star Wars not being out long, you can get in on the ground floor if they grab your interest.

I've seen how A Game of Thrones and the Call of Cthulhu LCGs operate and they are just flat-out unappealing to me, the gameplay just isn't engaging. They're also the competitive ones that have been out for ages.

I also grabbed Love Letter after hearing so much awesome stuff about it. Great that that sort of experience can be pulled from only 16 cards. Since it was so cheap, I can feel less guilty about it sitting on my shelf unplayed. Maybe one day.

That Ogre kit is ridiculously huge. Someone's going to need to move to a bigger place...


i just hate american accents. or maybe just the american accent that's really exaggerated n stuff. its very off putting

There's like a dozen different variations on American accents, some are super harsh, some aren't. I get "complimented" all the time by people who tell me my accent is surprisingly not abrasive. Thanks, I guess?

Speaking of Juty/Dooty, has anyone else noticed Americans these days pronounce d's as t's in lots of words? The say secont and shit like that. Drives me nuts.

It's less that we pronounce d's as t's, and more that we kind of cut off the d and don't fully pronounce it. It's weird. It's the same way a lot of us don't say t's in the middle of words. Something like "beetroot" is a super uncomfortable word for me to say because of the t in the middle. It probably explains why we just call them "beets".
It's the same way a lot of us don't say t's in the middle of words. Something like "beetroot" is a super uncomfortable word for me to say because of the t in the middle. It probably explains why we just call them "beets".
I've noticed that a bit with some video game podcasts. It's especially prevalent because of words such as button - which is more pronounced as buh-on - occurring quite often in discussions about gameplay. Kinda weird and took me a while to train myself not to notice it.
It's less that we pronounce d's as t's, and more that we kind of cut off the d and don't fully pronounce it. It's weird. It's the same way a lot of us don't say t's in the middle of words. Something like "beetroot" is a super uncomfortable word for me to say because of the t in the middle. It probably explains why we just call them "beets".

One of the hallmarks of the Australian accent is that we pronounce t's as d's. I have a friend (who is a speachie and was talking to me about it) who's name is Loretta. When she was overseas everyone thought she was saying her name was Loredda.

And some American accents are great. Actually I might even say most. Except the Valley girl type accent. The southern accent is awesome. The Boston accent is awesome. The Jersey accent is awesome.


I've noticed that a bit with some video game podcasts. It's especially prevalent because of words such as button - which is more pronounced as buh-on - occurring quite often in discussions about gameplay. Kinda weird and took me a while to train myself not to notice it.

Yup. Button and Britain are the two biggest offenders for me. Depending on the regional accent it can be more or less pronounced, though.

"I hate American accents" is such a weird sentiment to me. Most of the world seems to think Americans talk in two ways: regular and hill-billy. There's tons of variation besides that.

One of the hallmarks of the Australian accent is that we pronounce t's as d's. I have a friend (who is a speachie and was talking to me about it) who's name is Loretta. When she was overseas everyone thought she was saying her name was Loredda.

I've also noticed that, to an American ear, it sounds like a lot of Australians put an r after words ending in an a sound. So, Loredder.


So, now that Ford is leaving, Holden wins?

Flawless victory for the lion thingy.

What are the v8s gonna do with no more falcons?!

Ford will probably change the body and badges of a Mustang and call it a day. Why develop 2 different front engined RWD cars? The problem with the Falcon is that they never developed a left hand drive version which hampered any desire to export unlike the Commodore.
"I hate American accents" is such a weird sentiment to me. Most of the world seems to think Americans talk in two ways: regular and hill-billy. There's tons of variation besides that.
Yeah, it's like saying "I hate English accents." Which one? There's 5000 of them.
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