Free weekend on Xbox live so there should be plenty of action.
Xbox 360
Hamchan! Codswallop! 360 or PS3?
Quoting for update.
Free weekend on Xbox live so there should be plenty of action.
Xbox 360
Hamchan! Codswallop! 360 or PS3?
Watchdogs graphics technical director on unverified PC specs: "The real specs will come out soon and will be lower than these"
So much for 8 cores.
The rumoured specs smacked of either "not real", "not optimised" or "console versions must have been downgraded to fuck".
Haven't seen anything that would make it need a high range computer so far, unless traffic/ped density is massive in the PC version.
The rumoured specs smacked of either "not real", "not optimised" or "console versions must have been downgraded to fuck".
That would be sooooo nice if it wasOnly way is if it looks like the very first E3 trailer.
They didn't seem that far out there. Min specs were only a 5770.
What's the Green Team equivalent? I remember reading Quad Core minimum which seemed really high.
Q6600 is six years old. The rumoured specs listed a GTX460, but that's a fair bit more powerful than a 5770. Hard to nail down what the exact 5770 equivalent is. Mostly a bunch of halfway models like 550Ti.
That would be sooooo nice if it was![]()
Frame latency? Mostly. I think there are still improvements to be made and I believe the yields were small except for the tweaks made for specific games (of which I think there are a large number, but still... not *every* game benefits). Each driver revision since it came out a month or so ago improves on the last.Did they end up improving crossfire performance? I remember it being one driver update away last time I was paying attention.
Q9550 8)Q6600 being 6 years old seems not that long ago yet also long ago. Such an awesome CPU.
I guess I overreacted, maybe it will indeed run super easy on my PC then if the devs are saying the requirements are actually less than a Q6600/550 combo.
Plenty of number crunching on spreadsheet games my friend.If you played anything more than spreadsheets you'd have upgraded your CPU by now.
No need for rego stickers on light vehicles in VIC from 1st Jan 2014!
I always recommend finding a really good quality tinfoil as one that cooks to the point of sticking is irritating as fuckkkkkkkkk. The last few we have had are terrible for it, can't recall the brand I used to use which was almost perfect in that regard.
Also that RPG sounds interesting! I'll do some reading on the 9/11-esque thing.
GTA online impressions: Played a few hours early this morning, it's only fun if you're playing with crew members/friends. Random people just try to shoot you or run you over.
Deathmatch games are really stupid. Played tennis, it was horrible. I'm not going to bother with races and dm games. Just play missions with friends/crew.
Added you 360 chaps but forgot to let you know about it...GTA ONLINE!
Free weekend on Xbox live so there should be plenty of action.
Xbox 360
Hamchan! Codswallop! 360 or PS3?
I read that as "Why is Zelda on Anime?" Disappointed that was incorrect.
Zelda. ZELDA! Have you been doing the anime again? Who sold it to you? Zelda, come back here. Don't deny it. I can see how big your eyes are. And when cried earlier your tears were a torrent or water that disappeared before they hit the ground. Come back here. DON'T YOU RUN AWAY FROM ME! I can't stand it when your legs turn into a elliptical blur under your body.
The controller is very, very, very unergonomical compared to X360. It's smaller, the feeling is kind of like you are using a DualShock3.
The move distance of sticks is a little bit smaller, than the one in X360. I really thought about PS Vita sticks while playing.
Bumpers are totally connected to triggers. There isn't any piece of plastic (like in DS4) in-between trigger and bumper (clearly seen on video I edited in) so in 30-40% maybe you would miss the trigger and hit the bumper.
The vibration is a lot less than on X360.
The D-Pad is deepened into controller and it's really awkward. As in X360, DS3, DS4 it's slightly above the surface of controller. So while you try to press it on XBO gamepad moving your left thumb down from left stick you hit nothing, then you have to spend a second to find d-pad and actually press it. Really strange.
is it possible he was just using some pos dev controller and not final hardware? gb guys only said good things about it.
edit, hell are we sure the lag isnt BF fault.
i like my wired afterglow 360 knock off, left stick got loose and kept going out of the deadzone but eb replaced the whole thing