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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Has anyone pre-ordered with Play-Asia? I have Pokemon X and Y pre-ordered with Amazon (US), but I'm thinking of cancelling my order and opening one with Play-Asia, if it means it will arrive sooner.

Fantastic New Bomb Deals from 6PM!

3DS Pokemon X (PREORDER! Released 10/10) - $47.47
3DS Pokemon Y (PREORDER! Released 10/10) - $47.47

Buy locally perhaps? $5 cheaper than OGS.

Sooooooo apparently my sister called in a bomb threat at Gold Coast air port.

Oh my

Fantastic New Bomb Deals from 6PM!

3DS Pokemon X (PREORDER! Released 10/10) - $47.47
3DS Pokemon Y (PREORDER! Released 10/10) - $47.47

Buy locally perhaps? $5 cheaper than OGS.


$44 in Big W's catalogue apparently.

Though if the person you're quoting's ordering from Amazon US or Play-Asia they presumably have an American 3DS and the thing's region locked so they can't buy locally anyway.
Do you need cash? Because if you get a Citibank Plus account they have no conversion fees at all.

I was in America withdrawing cash out of ATM's at the spot rate, much better than the (still good) Australia Post rate.

It's easily the best way to convert if you're able to withdraw in USD, but if you're IN Australia and need USD in cash, than Aus Post is your best bet!

Just after some walking around money really. I could just load up my 28 degrees but that would require a bit of cash. Might see if I can get the limit dropped.

Amazon now shipping Google Chromecast directly to Australia

US $35 plus $10 shipping. Total in AUD $49.66

tl;dr - my sister has a mental illness she has refused to acknowledge for years.

I like my parents. I don't think they were "great" parents, but I never hated them (aside from dragging me from Adelaide into the middle of fucking nowhere). They were just kinda people that fed us and clothed us you know.
I can't recall a hug. I can't recall a kiss. I can't recall a "love you".
I can vaguely recall my Dad building a go-kart for me to hoon around the tiny backyard in. I can definitely recall him taking us to the go-kart track wanting me to race around there in it. Along with me being too shy to do so. After that I don't remember spending any time with him outside of work on the farm until I was a grown man.
Seems odd, nothing untoward ever happened. There just was never a connection between any of us. I imagine that how the Neutral People run their society. My mother was the same.

I vaguely recall things being more loving and caring before my sister was born, when I was 5, but I write that off as my mind trying to create the memory of a 'normal' family to control my thought patterns in regards to them.

Where I became withdrawn and escaped my lack (heh) of direction by opening my voiceless mind with the world contained in books and video games, my sister rebelled entirely to create an emotional response in someone. Anyone. It had to be instantaneous and it had to be magnified to almost ridiculous levels. I guess that's where a strong female rolemodel could have knocked some sense of insignificance into her, showed her that life is not lived in the moment like the media bombards you with. Again, in any case she went down that path of living moment to moment, one second lamenting the living conditions of Tibetan orphans then a day later complaining that $12 is way too much to pay for some stupid pair of pants that a worker was paid 3c a day to make.

Due to this explosive temperament we were never close, any contact would usually lead to me getting in trouble through lies to parents. She never got over the fact that for her 10th birthday she received a Gameboy Colour (much to my despair since I was the one obsessed with videogames while she used the hardware mainly to stop me using it) only for eleven days later on my birthday for me to receive this.

In the end she went away to boarding school in order to become a lawyer (as lawyers earn more and are better than accountants apparently) which led to a mental breakdown a day before year 12 exams as her boyfriend had being trying to break up with her for the past 3 months. She wouldn't let him. She tried several methods of self harm, almost succeeding with an overdose. She ended up doing her exams from a hospital bed. I expect despite the pain and suffering around her due to that period in our lives she is still pretty chuffed with the fact she was able to get a higher ENTER score than me in that condition. Just the kind of person she is.

Anyway, she refused to talk about her issues and refused to see a psych. She was 18 and everywhere we turned told us we couldn't do shit even though we were scared she would kill herself or even worse, kill innocent bystanders.

Skip forward a few years. She is now living up at the Gold Coast. My best mate moves up to the Gold Coast to take up a change of lifestyle after getting sick of his job in Geelong, taking on a new University degree. They end up dating. Shocking news, they break up about a month ago. She goes crazy again, blahblahblah. Self harm, she attacks him verbally/emotionally/physically, usual routine.
At some point a fortnight or so ago she jumps on a plane to Shanghai with no plans and a lot of crazy in the head. She gets mugged/whatever and loses her phone, money, passport, luggage, etc. No idea what she got involved in, don't want to know. In any case the parentals foot the bill to get her home, upon which she goes back to their farm and clams up.
She won't even discuss it with my father, who is the only one to get anything other than small talk out of her for the past 5 years.
My grandparents from overseas are doing the rounds at the time and she ends up hitching a ride with them to Adelaide, upon which she flys back to the Gold Coast and sets about her weird ritual to make he ex-boyfriends life hell/convince him to come back to her. He eventually realises the only way to bring her back to reality is to fuck off out of her life, at which point he tries to board a plane back to VIC. After fighting with him at the airport (I expect a security guard got involved, logically) and once he makes it through the departure area she calls the airport and tells them there is a bomb there (or something) to stop the planes from leaving.

Not sure of the sequence of events as I hadn't heard from my parents for the last 2 weeks until this afternoon. My Dad is up there in the Emergency Room waiting for answers. Cops apparently took her from the Airport to the Hospital to be assessed but no one is talking to my Dad and he isn't allowed in there.
Hopefully now the Cops are involved something can actually be done.

She OD'd again yesterday apparently. Tried the ole pill trick again. 0-2 on that front! The psych at the Hospital called my parents to try and get the facts straight once they revived her, as she was spitting straight up lies. Once the parentals filled the shrink in on how fucked up she is, how she is a danger to the community and very well could kill her ex-boyfriend, they let her go. Figures. Mental health is serious business!

Anyway, this was much more livejournal than you guys deserve to have dumped on you. Just feels weird. Feels like I'm accepting that she is probably going to die soon. Everyone has tried. For years now. My Dad is still trying, he started driving at 2am to get an 8am flight up there. At this point, it's all we can do. Be there while she refuses to let us.
I could take time off from work and fly up there, despite the fact my boss is going on holiday up there for 2 weeks from tomorrow, leaving our office completely empty of operational workers.
But I don't want to. It doesn't even feel like an option to me. Even my Mum didn't go up. Not even to support my Dad.
I don't know if that makes me one of them, or just a different kind of selfish.
In the end I am just like my sister. All talk, no walk. After the last time this happened I puffed up my chest, put my chin up and said, "I'll call my sister more often, I'll be a good big brother!".
Never happened though. In the end there is a finite amount of time in the day, and I chose to spend that time by myself.
8 hours sleep. 8 hours labour. 8 hours selfish.
I dunno, even splitting that 8 hours into time with my son, time with my wife, can be hard to remember to do. Every moment my mind exists I wonder if I am doing enough for him. If spending the hour after work today going to donate blood is the hour that creates a seed in my son's psyche that leads to him being abusive to those less fortunate or even is the moment he begins to feel unwanted and unloved by those with other things to do.
The mind is a fucked up thing and the worst thing is that so much is unknown, it can be paralyzing at times.
Sometimes it is easier to give in, roll with the waves drifting back and forth that are forever created up there. Even when you know it's not the right thing. Sometimes checking out is the only way to avoid exploding into a billion directions at once.

Hopefully she's alright. Hopefully the weight of her decisions falls upon her like a bucket of cold water to the face. Hopefully she wants to get better. Hopefully she thinks she deserves to get better.

Fantastic New Bomb Deals from 6PM!

3DS Pokemon X (PREORDER! Released 10/10) - $47.47
3DS Pokemon Y (PREORDER! Released 10/10) - $47.47

Buy locally perhaps? $5 cheaper than OGS.

Don't forget to add postage, so it's really $50!

Amazon now shipping Google Chromecast directly to Australia

US $35 plus $10 shipping. Total in AUD $49.66
Have they hacked the shit out of these yet? Would love to stream all my shit from the PC over Plex to the loungeroom TV rather than have to convert everything to .avi to put on a USB stick.

It is good for those who don't have a smart tv/smart tv with wifi.

Personally it's useless for me. I'd rather get the much cheaper and more functional Rockchip miracast dongle, but no idea where to buy one.

Yeah these looked awesome, haven't come across a site that sells them though. I get the impression it was more a proof-of-concept.
My sister was a little like that in her teens, rep. Not quite that bad, but I know what you mean about just getting indifferent towards the whole thing. Thankfully she straightened things out for the most part in the last five or six years. Hopefully things work out for you guys.

In other news the ABC will have its funding slashed dramatically, with the new All Bolt All The Time (ABATT) network to take it's place in 2014.

Sporting pursuits are the most true blue, dinky di thing you can do. Anyone complaining about Abbot rorting expenses to take part in such things are un-Australian and should be stripped of their citizenship and deported immediately.
Did anyone go see the Queensland Symphony Orchestra do LOTR: The Two Towers? One of my friends was in the choir and apparently when the credits started a bunch of people just go up and left despite paying $50+ for a ticket and there still being several more songs left. Oh Queensland, I know you're trying to be cultured but...

tl;dr - my sister has a mental illness she has refused to acknowledge for years.
I'm sorry to hear that rep. Try not to feel bad about not going, sometimes these things can be difficult to deal with and staying out of it might be for the best.

In other news the ABC will have its funding slashed dramatically, with the new All Bolt All The Time (ABATT) network to take it's place in 2014.
Goodbye News 24, we barely knew thee.

Abbott's excuses about why the sporting events should be covered were pretty hilarious. Eg. One sporting event was held in a marginal seat.
Oh also Digital Extremes opus (read: made in 3 months for a payday) Star Trek: The Abram Years: The Game is only $15 on GoD for Xbox

Considering Play Asia randomly sent me a copy of Prototype 2 today that I don't remember ordering (apparently it was $12 or something) I should probably hold off on Star Trek.

Also the movie was a mess.

Reboot plz.


Christ rep. You know my number (I think?) if you wanna chat or whatever. And if you ever find your way down here, I'm always up for a beer (and if you need to crash, I think there's room under my pinball machine).
tl;dr - my sister has a mental illness she has refused to acknowledge for years.

Fuck that's rough. I've been putting my girlfriend through something similar, though not quite moment-to-moment. I've started the process to get better, because she and I both deserve it for our future. What I'm trying to say is mate, there's nothing you can do unless she chooses to get better and recognise that there's a problem. Regardless, I'm sure I speak for all of us to say we're here for you. I am anyway. PM me if you ever need an outlet, I'm not sure how much help I can be but I'll understand.
Thanks for the kind words guys.
Also Shaneus you could fit a nuclear family under that damn thing!

Also Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes on Android is 99c atm

Fuck that's rough. I've been putting my girlfriend through something similar, though not quite moment-to-moment. I've started the process to get better, because she and I both deserve it for our future. What I'm trying to say is mate, there's nothing you can do unless she chooses to get better and recognise that there's a problem. Regardless, I'm sure I speak for all of us to say we're here for you. I am anyway. PM me if you ever need an outlet, I'm not sure how much help I can be but I'll understand.
Glad to here you recognise the issue and are making positive steps towards stabilising your situation dude. Life is a hell of a long time after all, plenty to experience still!


Did anyone go see the Queensland Symphony Orchestra do LOTR: The Two Towers? One of my friends was in the choir and apparently when the credits started a bunch of people just go up and left despite paying $50+ for a ticket and there still being several more songs left. Oh Queensland, I know you're trying to be cultured but...

I'm sorry to hear that rep. Try not to feel bad about not going, sometimes these things can be difficult to deal with and staying out of it might be for the best.


I went to FOTR last year at concert hall, the acoustics were amazing. This year they decided to have it outdoors in the botanical gardens, they may as well have just played the DVD.
I went to FOTR last year at concert hall, the acoustics were amazing. This year they decided to have it outdoors in the botanical gardens, they may as well have just played the DVD.

Yeah, I don't know what possessed them to hold it there. Apparently the tickets were more expensive too :/


So one of my ancestors died in WWI and my mum thinks it's weird that I'm not particularly bothered by it. He wasn't even a young bloke, he was 39. She said "Anzac Day is going to hit so much harder now." He didn't even fight for Australia, he was English. Then she said I was terrible for not caring. She really did. More than once.

How unfortunate, he was one of 5 and a half million confirmed Allied casualties. Am I really supposed to be upset about it?
So one of my ancestors died in WWI and my mum thinks it's weird that I'm not particularly bothered by it. He wasn't even a young bloke, he was 39. She said "Anzac Day is going to hit so much harder now." He didn't even fight for Australia, he was English. Then she said I was terrible for not caring. She really did. More than once.

How unfortunate, he was one of 5 and a half million confirmed Allied casualties. Am I really supposed to be upset about it?
Sounds like she is just feeling filled with pride at the moment, she will calm down eventually. Would be nice to get the details of what he got up to during the war I guess. Treat it as research for if they do a WWI Call of Duty!


but ever so delicious
I finished FC3 yesterday. It wasn't very good.

I should try and finish something else while i'm on my 1 week off. Not sure what next.
Did anyone go see the Queensland Symphony Orchestra do LOTR: The Two Towers? One of my friends was in the choir and apparently when the credits started a bunch of people just go up and left despite paying $50+ for a ticket and there still being several more songs left. Oh Queensland, I know you're trying to be cultured but...

Maybe it was just bad.

on a more serious note was it a sell out?
If anyone wants (probably one) free beer in Sydney, The Bar at The End of The Wharf has a beer launch at Oct 13 at 2pm. I don't where that is. Maybe it's close to you. You'll need to register with before Oct 11 (Friday). Anyone who turns up is in the running for a holiday to Panama! If it comes with two tickets I expect to be included.

It's a collab between Young Henry's and Toby's Estate coffee -- they use the coffee fruit skins (not the beans) in an Oktoberfest beer. Sounds pretty interesting.


Hope things work out ok for everyone rep.

Played some CS:GO last night for the first time in ages. I've just found the flaw in hooking up my PC to my TV. Twitch FPS just do not work without being crammed a few cm from the high resolution screen. Accuracy goes out the window. Every other game I play is just fine, so it's not that big a deal. It's not like I play twitch FPS much any more (I really only fired it up to see whether it still worked for the SLAKfest LAN I'm going to on Saturday.)

Also, as someone who never really played on public servers, but knows the reputation because I've been gaming for so damn long, but still. Damn. Time from joining to first gay slur over mic was about 4.5 seconds. Time to "I'll shank you for real asshole" was about 8 seconds. Fucking teenage boys eh?


Did anyone go see the Queensland Symphony Orchestra do LOTR: The Two Towers? One of my friends was in the choir and apparently when the credits started a bunch of people just go up and left despite paying $50+ for a ticket and there still being several more songs left. Oh Queensland, I know you're trying to be cultured but...

I went to FOTR last year at concert hall, the acoustics were amazing. This year they decided to have it outdoors in the botanical gardens, they may as well have just played the DVD.

I saw Fellowship with the ASO last year, was amazing.

Also 2001 A Space Odyssey with the ASO and 150 chamber singers. Shivers.


Two hours to get to work today. Fuck you Brisbane, that's just pathetic.

And Rep, Jesus that's messed up. Not that my advice is ever worth listening to
Just ask anyone I've ever worked with
but I reckon you're doing the right thing prioritizing your wife and kid. They're you're family. Everyone else seems to have gone their own way.

Also thanks everyone for the kind words about my comics. You have no idea how nice that is to hear right now.


tl;dr - my sister has a mental illness she has refused to acknowledge for years.

Aww man, I totally want to give you a big hug.

It's worrying that your sister hasn't been able to get the help that she clearly needs. Even more worrisome is that she doesn't seem to be able to have that forced upon her, as bad as that may sound, it may be the only way she can be helped. When you were telling the part where she was evaluated by the psych and they were informed about her actions not being a one-off, I thought "yes, now they'll have to help her!" It's frustrating, to say the least, that she was released given what they were told. My jaw literally dropped as I read that. It was my understanding that if someone is demonstrably dangerous to either themselves or others that action must be taken. It's part of the country protecting its citizens.

The sooner we (the community as a whole) realise that mental illness is not something to be ashamed of and is just another thing that can go wrong with out bodies, the better off everyone will be. A day or two off work for depression or anxiety should as acceptable as a bad cold, flu or stomach bug; they're ailments of another organ and in many cases need more care than those with visible symptoms. The fact that 1 in 5 people in the country suffer depression should be enough to drive this home. I digress.

I hope you can eventually put your mind at ease about where you are in all of this and the day-to-day with you family. Although we haven't met, I am sure you're a wonderful husband and father and you don't need to question yourself there in any way. The fact that this worries you speaks volumes. We can ultimately choose who we become and choosing the right friends is integral to how we turn out. With a stable and loving home life, your son has every chance to turn out exactly as you'd hope. While this may not help, I feel it is worth mentioning.

Thanks for sharing this and don't feel bad at all for doing so. I've done it plenty of times and everyone here is rad about being there for one another. I get a bit carried away since this is a subject that's important to me, as I'm sure everyone here knows. If any of my reply is a bit too personal and you'd rather it not be in the open, just say the word and it's gone.

I'm always around if you want to talk about anything. PM, twitter, G+, mumble and such are all just a few clicks away. I'll happily give you my phone numbers if you'd like them, and don't hesitate to ask.
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