Sooooooo apparently my sister called in a bomb threat at Gold Coast air port.
Sooooooo apparently my sister called in a bomb threat at Gold Coast air port.
Has anyone pre-ordered with Play-Asia? I have Pokemon X and Y pre-ordered with Amazon (US), but I'm thinking of cancelling my order and opening one with Play-Asia, if it means it will arrive sooner.
...wut.Sooooooo apparently my sister called in a bomb threat at Gold Coast air port.
Sooooooo apparently my sister called in a bomb threat at Gold Coast air port.
Sooooooo apparently my sister called in a bomb threat at Gold Coast air port.
Fantastic New Bomb Deals from 6PM!
3DS Pokemon X (PREORDER! Released 10/10) - $47.47
3DS Pokemon Y (PREORDER! Released 10/10) - $47.47
Buy locally perhaps? $5 cheaper than OGS.[IMG][/QUOTE]
$44 in Big W's catalogue apparently.
Though if the person you're quoting's ordering from Amazon US or Play-Asia they presumably have an American 3DS and the thing's region locked so they can't buy locally anyway.
Sooooooo apparently my sister called in a bomb threat at Gold Coast air port.
$44 in Big W's catalogue apparently.
Though if the person you're quoting's ordering from Amazon US or Play-Asia they presumably have an American 3DS and the thing's region locked so they can't buy locally anyway.
I just remembered someone wanting to pay priority shipping so a local deal sounded better.
Do you need cash? Because if you get a Citibank Plus account they have no conversion fees at all.
I was in America withdrawing cash out of ATM's at the spot rate, much better than the (still good) Australia Post rate.
It's easily the best way to convert if you're able to withdraw in USD, but if you're IN Australia and need USD in cash, than Aus Post is your best bet!
Amazon now shipping Google Chromecast directly to Australia
US $35 plus $10 shipping. Total in AUD $49.66
This random comic just showed up in my FB feed and made me grin so I thought I better share it with AusGAF.
I think it's just by some guy, seems like he might be a bit funny though.
Is this thing even any good? Since it only plays stuff over the Internet I was under the impression no one really cared about it.Amazon now shipping Google Chromecast directly to Australia
watSooooooo apparently my sister called in a bomb threat at Gold Coast air port.
Hm. Any idea if it's capable of decoding 1080p out of the box? Or more simply, is it better than that Android HDMI thing I bought a few months ago but barely used?Amazon now shipping Google Chromecast directly to Australia
US $35 plus $10 shipping. Total in AUD $49.66
Don't forget to add postage, so it's really $50!Fantastic New Bomb Deals from 6PM!
3DS Pokemon X (PREORDER! Released 10/10) - $47.47
3DS Pokemon Y (PREORDER! Released 10/10) - $47.47
Buy locally perhaps? $5 cheaper than OGS.
Have they hacked the shit out of these yet? Would love to stream all my shit from the PC over Plex to the loungeroom TV rather than have to convert everything to .avi to put on a USB stick.Amazon now shipping Google Chromecast directly to Australia
US $35 plus $10 shipping. Total in AUD $49.66
It is good for those who don't have a smart tv/smart tv with wifi.
Personally it's useless for me. I'd rather get the much cheaper and more functional Rockchip miracast dongle, but no idea where to buy one.
tl;dr - my sister has a mental illness she has refused to acknowledge for years.
Yeah these looked awesome, haven't come across a site that sells them though. I get the impression it was more a proof-of-concept.
In other news the ABC will have its funding slashed dramatically, with the new All Bolt All The Time (ABATT) network to take it's place in 2014.
I'm sorry to hear that rep. Try not to feel bad about not going, sometimes these things can be difficult to deal with and staying out of it might be for the;dr - my sister has a mental illness she has refused to acknowledge for years.
Goodbye News 24, we barely knew thee.In other news the ABC will have its funding slashed dramatically, with the new All Bolt All The Time (ABATT) network to take it's place in 2014.
Alright, going X because it has that Black Charizard with blue flames mega evolution.
tl;dr - my sister has a mental illness she has refused to acknowledge for years.
Glad to here you recognise the issue and are making positive steps towards stabilising your situation dude. Life is a hell of a long time after all, plenty to experience still!Fuck that's rough. I've been putting my girlfriend through something similar, though not quite moment-to-moment. I've started the process to get better, because she and I both deserve it for our future. What I'm trying to say is mate, there's nothing you can do unless she chooses to get better and recognise that there's a problem. Regardless, I'm sure I speak for all of us to say we're here for you. I am anyway. PM me if you ever need an outlet, I'm not sure how much help I can be but I'll understand.
Did anyone go see the Queensland Symphony Orchestra do LOTR: The Two Towers? One of my friends was in the choir and apparently when the credits started a bunch of people just go up and left despite paying $50+ for a ticket and there still being several more songs left. Oh Queensland, I know you're trying to be cultured but...
I'm sorry to hear that rep. Try not to feel bad about not going, sometimes these things can be difficult to deal with and staying out of it might be for the best.
Is that a challenge?Also Shaneus you could fit a nuclear family under that damn thing!
I went to FOTR last year at concert hall, the acoustics were amazing. This year they decided to have it outdoors in the botanical gardens, they may as well have just played the DVD.
He wasn't even a young bloke, he was 39.
Sounds like she is just feeling filled with pride at the moment, she will calm down eventually. Would be nice to get the details of what he got up to during the war I guess. Treat it as research for if they do a WWI Call of Duty!So one of my ancestors died in WWI and my mum thinks it's weird that I'm not particularly bothered by it. He wasn't even a young bloke, he was 39. She said "Anzac Day is going to hit so much harder now." He didn't even fight for Australia, he was English. Then she said I was terrible for not caring. She really did. More than once.
How unfortunate, he was one of 5 and a half million confirmed Allied casualties. Am I really supposed to be upset about it?
Did anyone go see the Queensland Symphony Orchestra do LOTR: The Two Towers? One of my friends was in the choir and apparently when the credits started a bunch of people just go up and left despite paying $50+ for a ticket and there still being several more songs left. Oh Queensland, I know you're trying to be cultured but...
He wasn't even a young bloke, he was 39
Did anyone go see the Queensland Symphony Orchestra do LOTR: The Two Towers? One of my friends was in the choir and apparently when the credits started a bunch of people just go up and left despite paying $50+ for a ticket and there still being several more songs left. Oh Queensland, I know you're trying to be cultured but...
I went to FOTR last year at concert hall, the acoustics were amazing. This year they decided to have it outdoors in the botanical gardens, they may as well have just played the DVD.
tl;dr - my sister has a mental illness she has refused to acknowledge for years.
Where's my cheque, damnit?Also thanks everyone for the kind words about my comics. You have no idea how nice that is to hear right now.