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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


So let me get this straight.

EA had 4 years, FOUR YEARS, to make a new NBA Live game. Only one next gen consoles, no current gen version, ONLY ON NEXT GEN.

Visual Concepts have been churning out NBA 2K games every 12 months (ignoring their other releases) on every platform known to man (sorry WiiU lol). Their 2K14 title is cross generational, appearing on PC/iOS/Android/PS3/PS4/360/180, CROSS GEN.

This is NBA Live.

This is NBA 2K.

Could be worse!
Went a lot classier, too. 2K: Phil Collins, dramatic slow mode. EA: Some random hip-hop shit AGAIN.
Is it still the same team in 2K who did the original DC titles (Visual Concepts?)?

Wow, The Search for Animal Chin is 25 years old?!? BB giving it away for free right now, awesome skate vid.
Nice freebie. You should've alerted me to it over Twitter, you bastard.

I mentioned it in passing a little while ago that I picked up an error this guy made in an RPG product and, of course, told him so he could fix it. As a thank you, he said he'd put out one based on an idea of my choosing. My idea was horror themed and so I was told it would see release in October.

That time has now come and here it is.
Nice work! That's fucking rad.
Today's my birthday!

Happy birthday.



Happy birthday lexi. To celebrate I'm making you a pear pie. You probably won't get to eat any of it though. But we will enjoy it on your behalf.

Oh, if you're in Melbourne, and into LEGO, then you might want to book your Brickvention ticket for next year - they are selling out fast.
Happy birthday!

Happy birthday lexi. To celebrate I'm making you a pear pie. You probably won't get to eat any of it though. But we will enjoy it on your behalf.


I was introduced to an exciting new sushi today in my English class. Shirako!
Also known as raw fish penises full of semen.
I gagged a little when my student told me how soft and creamy it was inside. Anyway, thought I'd share. Hope no one was eating delicious pear pie/ cake!



I was introduced to an exciting new sushi today in my English class. Shirako!
Also known as raw fish penises full of semen.
I gagged a little when my student told me how soft and creamy it was inside. Anyway, thought I'd share. Hope no one was eating delicious pear pie/ cake!

hmmmm, well apart from it sounding gross, it kinda looks weird/gross too:/


Did a refugee rally in my city (geelong) today.. was a good experience, and had a decent turn-out considering a lot of people are probably busy at this time of year - and it was nice seeing random pedestrians giving us a thumbs up for our protest as we went through the city! also I felt semi-important as I held up a flag with a good friend of mine and was at the front of the line evident in most of the pictures that are up right now! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.466948623420107.1073741832.409717455809891&type=3


Went a lot classier, too. 2K: Phil Collins, dramatic slow mode. EA: Some random hip-hop shit AGAIN.
Is it still the same team in 2K who did the original DC titles (Visual Concepts?)
Yes, it is the same team. I don't know how many people still remain from the early days though.


Happy birthday!


I was introduced to an exciting new sushi today in my English class. Shirako!
Also known as raw fish penises full of semen.
I gagged a little when my student told me how soft and creamy it was inside. Anyway, thought I'd share. Hope no one was eating delicious pear pie/ cake!

So basically, be careful how you pronounce "fishsticks" next time you're ordering Japanese. Gotcha.

Yes, it is the same team. I don't know how many people still remain from the early days though.
Hmm, interesting. I figured that staff may or may not have moved on, but good to see they're still smashing it out of the park (and way, way over EA's heads). Shame they couldn't have the NFL license as well (not that I've ever played an NFL game, but apparently the NFL2K series were leagues better than the competition).


Had a great day today at Armageddon, but most of that has to do with Doctor Who fandom so I'll skip to the bit I found hilarious.

Corey Feldman is a truther and is displaying, if not selling, a truther t-shirt alongside his "Corey's Angels" merchandise.

And to cap off the day, I came home to a Hearthstone beta key. I should get one hour sleep more often.
Gross food is gross. But then my parents ate things like tripe and European variations of haggis growing up. I am incredibly thankful they never tried that on me as a kid.

Hey, I'm buying a car ins next week or so. Latest models of Mazda CX5, Toyota Rav 4 Subaru Forester are the front runners I have driven this past week. Anyone drive any of these by any chance?

Ausgaf does not seem big on new cars but anyway.


You can all be glad you didn't get any of the pear pie. It was a bit of a mess. I decided to follow the recipe exactly, rather than use some of my usual deviations (pre-cook the fruit, blind bake the case), and it ended up being broken in all the ways I anticipated (case was undercooked, fruit ended up swimming in about 1/2 cup of liquid, flavour from spices wasn't distributed through the whole pie). Needed to try anyway.

Had a couple of friends over last night and we played Sentinels of the Multiverse and had our asses handed to us by Omnitron. We reckon this is because we only played three superheroes and one of us (me) chose poorly and went with The Visionary who was utterly useless in a 3-hero team.

So then we played a couple of rounds of Dominion wherein I kicked ass :)
I enjoy Legendary: a Marvel Deck Building Game more so than Sentinels
even though they have different mechanics, but are both card games with super heroes

We played Star Trek Catan last night. It was the same as regular Catan but with special roles that added a nice twist to the game.

I've got my eye on Letters from Whitechapel now after watching it on Dice Tower and SUSD.


but ever so delicious
Awesome tech and may even sway me into a higher res (than my 1080P) monitor next year, but goddam I wish this tech wasn't proprietary, we need this in all TV's and Monitors, not just NVidia supported models.

I expect it will become an open standard within the next 12 months.

It is for monitors what in theory mantle is for APIs.

If we see a 5% increase in BF4 with mantle then who really cares about it. If we see something like a 20% increase well then that changes everything. It then becomes a big boot to the ass of DX and OpenGL.

G-Sync is a boot to the ass for Panel and Monitor makers, The tech hasn't improved in years.

So I expect companies like Asus, BenQ to pump out their own version of G-Sync which works over the display port on any card since they don't really want to lose out on sales since it's a proprietary tech.

Expect BenQ "Gaming" Monitors late next year with variable sync technology with a $100 price point above the normal monitor.


I expect it will become an open standard within the next 12 months.

Nvidia will have the patent for this and will guard it closely I think. The only way for AMD to do a similar thing and not get sued will be to do it via a completely different method, which means format wars first. It will take a lot longer than 12 months for a standard to emerge.


but ever so delicious
Nvidia will have the patent for this and will guard it closely I think. The only way for AMD to do a similar thing and not get sued will be to do it via a completely different method, which means format wars first. It will take a lot longer than 12 months for a standard to emerge.

I don't know. I'm sure Nvidia have it patented and i'm sure it could be done via other methods.

I still expect a general version within the next 12 months, As we move forward to 4K displays.

Maybe it will take longer than 12 months, I hope not anyway.

Monitor / Panel tech has been stagnant for years and as we move into the UHD era, Stuff like this is really required on all devices. That includes monitors, TVs, Tablets, Phones and so on.
Gross food is gross. But then my parents ate things like tripe and European variations of haggis growing up. I am incredibly thankful they never tried that on me as a kid.
Tripe is alright! Had some great tripe in Florence earlier this year. Eating stomach is really no worse than eating flesh.

I've only ever had them in congee. Do people eat them straight?
Never had a congee that I've liked. But I've only had it a couple of times.

I don't know. I'm sure Nvidia have it patented and i'm sure it could be done via other methods.
Which will suck big time, because if you buy a monitor with the AMD method you'll have to buy an AMD card. I hope AMD and NVIDIA just come to a tech sharing or licensing agreement instead. Having to buy a new monitor or lose features just because you want a different brand video card is not where I want to see things headed.


Here's how I bought my last new car:

*measures all the cars in the car lot*
*chooses the smallest one*
*asks for it in blue*
*passes on offer of test drive*
*agrees to the first price he is offered*
*regrets decision for the next three years*

...I am not good at buying cars.
Haha wow. MotoGP got shortened down to 26 laps this morning and now they have changed it again to only 19 laps! With a fucking pitstop to swap bikes! Fucking lol

Track got resurfaced this year and now Bridgestone keep changing their guarantee of how long a tire will be safe for, down to 10 laps now lol

What a joke. Maybe you should have tested that shit more than a few hours before the race?
These actually aren't that bad!
Yeah, they mostly just look gross :p

Gross food is gross. But then my parents ate things like tripe and European variations of haggis growing up. I am incredibly thankful they never tried that on me as a kid.

whaa? I would have preferred to try things as a kid, then I could say I ate them without actually remembering it. Seriously though, if you don't think about what it is I'm sure it's not so bad.


the only things i don't eat are the funky chinese exotic stuff, like those embryo eggs or like scorpions, dogs etc. noooooo thanks! oh and most internal organ stuff.

Never had a congee that I've liked. But I've only had it a couple of times.
bad person! is it just the texture of porridgy rice you don't like? something like a plain chicken or beef congee is kinda hard to hate on, they just taste like soup!


Have you seen dogs on the menu in HK?

Also that egg looks like an awesome rock, but the insides look like hell itself.

Chinese are too adventurous when it comes to food. They make the french look like the english.
Here's how I bought my last new car:

*measures all the cars in the car lot*
*chooses the smallest one*
*asks for it in blue*
*passes on offer of test drive*
*agrees to the first price he is offered*
*regrets decision for the next three years*

...I am not good at buying cars.

Gazunta, is what call car dealers call a rube, see. He's a genuine, bona-fide sap, see.

"Want to make Spyro the Dragon and remove the platforming, cute characters and pretend it's Lord of the Rings?"

Fred, yeah CX5 comes up good in most tests I've read. I have had a lot of Mazdas in my family over the years and my last car in Australia was a lovely 2005 Mazda 3 SP23. I'd probably prefer something different if its cheaper.
The Mazda dealer wasn't offering any price better than MSRP. The Sube dealer said, when you're ready to go we'll talk and i'll get you a good price. Toyota dealer shows me the max numbers and said he'd do a good price when I was ready to buy. At this stage, the prices are so even and I like each of the three cars- each wth strengths and weaknesses. A really good price might be the deciding factor. I also have a new TV and work PC to get in the very near future.

Shan, I'm incredibly picky about food. I'm almost a vegetarian. I basically eat three cuts of beef, beef mince and some pork smallgoods and that's it. I have no sense of gastronomic adventure.
Haha wow. MotoGP got shortened down to 26 laps this morning and now they have changed it again to only 19 laps! With a fucking pitstop to swap bikes! Fucking lol

Track got resurfaced this year and now Bridgestone keep changing their guarantee of how long a tire will be safe for, down to 10 laps now lol

What a joke. Maybe you should have tested that shit more than a few hours before the race?

Now I'm glad I didn't go this year, cancelled plans just 2 days ago.


To be fair Clive, Spyro STARTED as a real Spyro game before God of War came out and everything changed :)

But good lord yes I am a total rube as far as cars go. Also home loans, white goods and plane tickets. I think the only thing I've ever haggled on was the last TV I bought. I'm a sucker.

Speaking of food though, I am trying to get the wife into sushi but she can't stomach the idea of eating seaweed. Help.


Fred, yeah CX5 comes up good in most tests I've read. I have had a lot of Mazdas in my family over the years and my last car in Australia was a lovely 2005 Mazda 3 SP23. I'd probably prefer something different if its cheaper.
The Mazda dealer wasn't offering any price better than MSRP. The Sube dealer said, when you're ready to go we'll talk and i'll get you a good price. Toyota dealer shows me the max numbers and said he'd do a good price when I was ready to buy. At this stage, the prices are so even and I like each of the three cars- each wth strengths and weaknesses. A really good price might be the deciding factor. I also have a new TV and work PC to get in the very near future.

I've always liked Subarus and found Toyotas boring, but on paper between the two I'd go for the RAV4 because of boot space and fuel efficiency, just because they're my particular priorities. The last two cars I bought were Skodas because they cut a few corners to get those two things in spades. Having two cars in mind will get you a better price though, for sure. Nothing gives you a stronger negotiating position than being able to walk away.
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