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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


So T25 eh. That was a thing. I'm not ashamed to say I did a few of the modified movements during moments of heavy exertion. Just feels like a flavour of the month glorified aerobics thing to me but hey, I'll stick with it a bit longer to see where it goes. Really hated all the "woo" and "get pumped" and that garbage.

Still interested in an AusGAF fitness club, though not necessarily a T25 fitness club.

Let's just do couch to 2k again

over and over

and over again
So T25 eh. That was a thing. I'm not ashamed to say I did a few of the modified movements during moments of heavy exertion. Just feels like a flavour of the month glorified aerobics thing to me but hey, I'll stick with it a bit longer to see where it goes. Really hated all the "woo" and "get pumped" and that garbage.
Yeah the wooooooo shit was annoying but I was panting loud enough I rarely heard them thankfully lol

I appreciate it only takes up less than half an hour of my time. Means I can also do it at home without having to get a babysitter for the child if the wife is out (like she was last night).

I think you meant DS4 works on PS3 as a wired controller..
Yarp typo in there :/
Let's just do couch to 5k again
I was thinking the same thing. Given the fitness levels of a lot of us, seems like a much better introduction rather than jumping in at what seems like the deep end.

Though being able to exercise without having to leave the house is I bet convenient for others.


Yeah but it's also getting into good weather for running. Well, in Melbourne anyway. Well, except this week. Um.

Speaking of Melbourne - does anyone know a good place to go for a proper ice cream sundae around about 100 Collins St (or a couple of blocks from there)? My daughter's got to go have a chipped tooth capped today, and I think a proper sundae would be a nice post-dentist surprise.


radelaide gaf drinks on the weekend of the 15th of november.

who's keen?

That'd mean birthday drinks for me if I could make it, which I cannot.

However, the next Bundle of Holding launches at 11am today! While we wait, I thought I might list the giveaways from the previous one and steal the flavour text from the wizard's cabinet to save myself some effort.

  • Don't Rest Your Head - You can't sleep. It started like that for all of us, back when we were garden-variety insomniacs. Maybe you had nightmares -- God knows we all do now -- or maybe you just had problems that wouldn't let you sleep. But then something clicked.

    That was when you took a long walk down the streets of the Mad City, stopped being a Sleeper, and started being Awake. But that click you heard wasn't from the secret world snapping into place. It was the sound of the Nightmares flicking off the safety and pointing a gun at your head.

    They can smell you. The Paper Boys are closing in, and you'd better pray you don't become a headline. You're chum in the water, my friend, and it's time you got ready for it... before the clock chimes thirteen again. Now that you're one of us, there's just one simple rule left that must dominate your life:

    Stay Awake. Don't Rest Your Head.

  • Don't Lose Your Mind - A pair of government agents stalk a runaway girl armed only with a teddy bear. They are never heard from again. A psychopathic hero wields every blade that ever murdered, carving off pieces of his personality in an effort to beat back the Nightmares. A temptress lures the cruel and vile to assault her, only to trap them in a prison built from her own ribcage. Trailing ash and fiery footprints with every step, a man cursed with the gift of Orpheus delves deep into Hell on a quest to find the last puzzle-piece needed to rebuild his late girlfriend from the wreck she has become....

    This is the story of the Awake. From the depths of their terrible and deliberate Madness, they face Nightmares both strange and dire, always knowing they are only a few moments away from becoming what they fight.

    Don't Lose Your Mind, a supplement for Don't Rest Your Head, explores the darkest depths of Madness for your game. Twenty-six unique Madness Talents each give way to a unique Nightmare, ready to darken every player's door. And at the rich, nougaty center of this tome you'll find a toolbox of new techniques and perspectives for supercharging insanity at your table, so you can make the most of Madness in the Mad City.

  • Don't Read this Book - Down a lonely alleyway, under a starless sky, lies a city that never was, yet is -- the Mad City, where nightmares walk the streets and a good night's sleep can get you killed. Here is a book from that place, the setting of Don't Rest Your Head.

    Within these recovered pages are the tales of the Awake, insomniacs who've walked those perilous streets, bringing a bit of the power of dream with them to fight back the night -- always at a terrible cost. For many, it will not end well. For a few, they might just become heroes -- or at least find their way back home.

    For you, a choice. Turn away. Don't read this book. And maybe you'll continue to rest easy. Or open the cover and enter a world unlike any you've ever dared to imagine...

    Comes in Kindle, ePub and PDF formats.

  • Dread is a game of horror and hope. Players participate in a mutual telling of an original macabre tale that invokes the hand-quivering emotion of the title. The thrill of a Dread game lies in the tension between desire and loss. You will take on the role of someone trapped in a story that is only as compelling as it is hostile -- someone facing decisions we hope never to face in real life. When moments of conflict and peril arise, it is your own nerves, rather than the whims of dice, that determines the fate of your character.

    Dread character creation uses a questionnaire created by the player hosting the game. Each questionnaire provides a skeleton of a character for one player to flesh out with answers. In this way characters are molded to the story by the host, and shaped to the players' fancy.

    As the game begins, the host sets the first scene. The other players interject with questions and explanations of what their characters are doing. When a character attempts a task beyond his or her capabilities, it's time to turn to the Tower -- a stack of blocks, such as the Jenga game, placed within reach of everyone at the table. Players allow their characters to succeed by pulling a block, or choose to let them fail by not pulling. If, at any time in the game, the tower falls, the character of the player responsible is removed from the game, never to return. Their fate might be death, insanity, cowardice, imprisonment, possession, or something else, as the story dictates. Players prone to martyrdom can mollify this somewhat by deliberately knocking over the tower, a heroic or dramatic success that consumes the character.

  • Murderous Ghosts - In Murderous Ghosts you create the story of an urban explorer trying to escape the haunted basements of an abandoned factory, and the ghosts who intend to murder her. It's a cutthroat 30-60 minute roleplaying game for two players. Play your book and your wits against the GM's book and her twisted, murderous, bloody imagination.

  • The Final Girl - Something out there is hunting us. Something dragged the captain of the football team into a manhole; the class president was found dead in her shower; and everyone remembers the first day of school, when they saw what happened to the school janitor -- or what was left of him. Now we're the only ones left.

    The Final Girl is a horror-movie RPG that emulates slasher flicks or any horror movie where the characters are picked off one by one, until only one survivor remains to confront the killer. Gather your friends, create your own movie, and find out who will survive.

Don't Rest Your Head and Don't Lose Your Mind will go together, of course. Don't Read this Book may be separated if someone only wants a copy of that and not the game that it is based on. I haven't read the whole book, but some of the short stories in there are pretty cool.

The rest are up for grabs all on their own and hopefully there are takers for them because I really like what has been included in this particular bundle. Horror and horror gaming is very dear to me and nothing would please me more than to share it with others.

Murderous Ghosts is a 2-player only game and is a lot of fun. I have played this with Clipper and I hope he can attest to how cool this game is, if he agrees with my view of it. Run and played well, it can be very creepy and unsettling and I totally got that vibe when we played (as I got Clipper to run it). If anyone wants to play this, let me know and it can be arranged over mumble and/or Roll20.
Cross post!

Need me some Ticket to Ride.

So T25 eh. That was a thing. I'm not ashamed to say I did a few of the modified movements during moments of heavy exertion. Just feels like a flavour of the month glorified aerobics thing to me but hey, I'll stick with it a bit longer to see where it goes. Really hated all the "woo" and "get pumped" and that garbage.

Still interested in an AusGAF fitness club, though not necessarily a T25 fitness club.

I'll try and give it a go tonight but I don't reckon it'll be for me. Bike riding might be it for me for starters.


I'm not opposed to the idea, though we went to a lot of effort to not hide the indies at the 2013 show :p

Seriously I know a lot of people get pleasure from bagging out PAX Australia but my God it was incredible to see SO MUCH FLOORSPACE dedicated to indie devs, absolutely incredible stuff, it really felt like 50% the main area was about games and companies actually worth caring about :)

But yeah, I'd very much like to see an Artist's Alley type area in there, especially given how huge Strip Search is here!

With me in it

As the winner of Strip Search season 2


tl;dr everyone in AusGAF ask Yug to have an Artist's Alley section in there so I can flog Blow The Cartridge to everyone :p
Just found out we are getting new computers at work. SSD drives... i7's... 16 gig RAM. Not sure what kind of graphics cards yet.

Fuck... that's better than my home computer I built almost entirely for gaming a year ago! Feels exciting but kind of shitty at the same time.


OK, turns out it was a nice day for a run today in Melbourne! No rain around yet! A nice 30 minute run over 5.5km.

You lot should totally do c25k :)

Anyone on RunKeeper?
oh i was looking for that in google maps
i got some other suggestions from cods aswell
perhaps ill try all of them at the same time and compare
However, the next Bundle of Holding launches at 11am today!
Up now, 2nd of 3 horror bundles. Nightmare themed! This cover is pretty boss.


A mate of mine uses this


He seems to be having a great time with it.

I was using the Zombies, Run! 5K app, pretty fun. Just need to get back into it again >.>


Good to see you, stay awhile! We moved most of the political talk out to the other thread so mostly now we talk about fitness, post pictures of our food, drink beer and maybe... possibly... play some... videogames

Nope. The flesh is weak and flabby. No way my muscles can stand up to 2 days in a row, lasted a whole minute before it felt like everything was going to snap.

I gotta work my way up to something this constant. I'll go back to C25K to hopefully condition myself.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Cool. Though I rarely play videogames anymore. No access to a ps3 and my 360 is packed away. Do have a 3ds I never touch though. Any games you guys recommend? Already got animal crossing.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Never played a game of pokemon in my life I'm afraid. Was supposed to get the new ones to play with my bf but we broke up. Might try fire emblem. Gaf seems to like that one.

What are your 5 favourite games?

Also what are the specs of your PC?

Uhhhhhhhhh Zeldas, Fables, Left for deads, prototype. I enjoyed Blops2 with the ex... I dunno, just whatever cover interests me
Don't shoot me I know I'm a casual

Laptop that runs Wow pretty reasonably? 2 years old
JB also have stock you can order for 20-24/12 available today (or at least WAS available). Nice to see they have the stock locked in.

Uhhhhhhhhh Zeldas, Fables, Left for deads, prototype. I enjoyed Blops2 with the ex... I dunno, just whatever cover interests me
Don't shoot me I know I'm a casual

Laptop that runs Wow pretty reasonably? 2 years old

3DS isn't my area of expertise sadly and those genres you posted are mainly on the 360/PS3 platform.

What do you look for in a game? Interested in story telling experiences rather than repetitive mechanics? Or social games like MP modes in L4D/CoD et al?

Steam might be the best bet for you. Bernbaum turned to it this year and found himself enveloped in the joys of gaming again!

Played Walking Dead or Gone Home? They don't really fit into what you said but that style of game is great for getting back into the swing of things, can finish them in one sitting and the stories are really engaging.


I want a tag give me a tag
Cool. Though I rarely play videogames anymore. No access to a ps3 and my 360 is packed away. Do have a 3ds I never touch though. Any games you guys recommend? Already got animal crossing.


had the game for 10 days, already clocked 113 hours :(
that, or hmm..


Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I should check out steam. Probably find a few games I'd be interested in.

Umm, I like games with a storyline but also enjoy random shooting games so I'm pretty open to anything really. I'm not good at explaining myself. I'm sorry


I want a tag give me a tag
I should check out steam. Probably find a few games I'd be interested in.

Umm, I like games with a storyline but also enjoy random shooting games so I'm pretty open to anything really. I'm not good at explaining myself. I'm sorry

steam would be a good way to help you find out what you like! demo's and very cheap games!
I should check out steam. Probably find a few games I'd be interested in.

Umm, I like games with a storyline but also enjoy random shooting games so I'm pretty open to anything really. I'm not good at explaining myself. I'm sorry

For cathartic, old school shooting games check out Painkiller Black Edition, Serious Sam 3, Shadow Warrior, Rise of the Triad and Bulletstorm. Great fast paced shooters. Should be able to try demos to see if they run okay!

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Ok, I've joined steam under the extremely original name of Lucian Cat. Apparently I can have friends so feel free to add me? I may or may not get into some of these games, we'll see how I go...
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