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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

I was looking under the site, but I didn't realise it was a response to someone. That's why I didn't see it.

I know I certainly wouldn't want to be a community manager or visible person in a big gaming company, it'd be awful having everyone watching everything you say all the time, even in response to someone else, and taking it as gospel and bashing you when you make an innocent mistake.

Wait what?

Q said:
Do you know if you can use Xbox Music without music pass like on W8.1 and http://music.xbox.com ?
A said:
Yes. You don't have to subscribe, but you will get periodic Ads.

It was a straight forward question and answer, the same he does every day (similar to Yosp).
He is well aware people watch is tweets as he uses Twitter to get his message out in regards to features and the like.

He said something very clear and then later on in the day tweeted that he was wrong.

How is that bashing him?
Wishing he would only respond to questions with answers that are correct isn't bashing.
I just want the facts!

It was a cool feature that I would be looking forward to once I buy an Xbone.
Now it isn't yet.
Just a fact!

Hmmm, Forza 5 and KI I am only mildly interested in, same kind of goes for Infamous. As for Knack it doesn't really look like anything special for me (if I had kids maybe). Ryse I don't really know much about it but looks pretty ordinary to me. If that's pretty much it I guess I should hold off.
Ryse is getting torn apart pretty bad. Will be a nice graphical showcase but sounds like the gameplay is terrible. Will be a good pickup around $30 to show the Xbone off like Wipeout HD was for the PS3.
Forza 5 sounds like more of the same, except with less tracks and cars, if you are into that kind of thing so a homerun there.
KI is an odd one, game hasn't been around for generations now. I really love the art design, even if the fight style is really off putting to me.
Killzone looks like a great improvement on the FPS formula, with some cool gadgets and more open level design (probably on Crysis 2 level, nothing mindblowing).

Start of next year we should start seeing the indie games hitting, that's when things get interesting for me.
Killer Instinct looks fucking boss. Despite the initial uncertainty given the studio working on it, it looks like they're doing some good shit.

Nothing really making me want to go PS4/XBone yet though, happy to wait for FFXV/KH3 for now.


If Sony hadn't done such a great job with community and fostering good will, they'd be really screwed on a comparison of launch line ups.
If Infamous didn't exist, I'd be far more prone to get an Xbox One if one were to discount how they tried to sell it to me.

Though that's not entirely true, with the Mario bundle, Wii U has the game I want to play this year - wish I'd managed to grab one of the Dick Smith ones.


Wait what?

Ryse is getting torn apart pretty bad. Will be a nice graphical showcase but sounds like the gameplay is terrible. Will be a good pickup around $30 to show the Xbone off like Wipeout HD was for the PS3.
Forza 5 sounds like more of the same, except with less tracks and cars, if you are into that kind of thing so a homerun there.
KI is an odd one, game hasn't been around for generations now. I really love the art design, even if the fight style is really off putting to me.
Killzone looks like a great improvement on the FPS formula, with some cool gadgets and more open level design (probably on Crysis 2 level, nothing mindblowing).

Start of next year we should start seeing the indie games hitting, that's when things get interesting for me.

Killzone doesn't really interest me, love the look of the world, if it was an rpg I would be in. As for the indie I assume a lot of them will hit PC. Nothing so far is telling me I should get a launch console, if I didn't already have a monster PC they would make a lot more sense for me. The only "what if" I can think of so far is Kinect, and the fitness type games that will come along.
Someone mentioned Ryse?

Game Informer editor Dan Ryckert has shared his thoughts after spending a couple hours playing Xbox1 Launch Title Ryse: Son of Rome:

I spent two hours with the Xbox One title, but it felt like I was entering random numbers into a computer rather than actually playing a video game.

After a painfully generic story intro, the game began teaching me similarly uninspired combat mechanics. While it tries to sound like an in-depth action game with familiar elements like perfectly-timed blocks and focus meters, the actual experience is anything but deep.

With my left hand completely off the controller, I was able to slice and dice through tons of enemies simply by inputting the same sequence ad nauseum. On a couple of occasions, the game would shift to sequences that involved me defending an area with crossbow stations or ordering my men to block arrows with their shields. These were somehow even less exciting than the tedious swordplay.

RYSE: As fun as dialing numbers on your phone.


Man, WalMartGate is goddamn hilarious, but I can't claim for certain I wouldn't have jumped on the chance to get an eight dollar monitor or some real cheap games.


Jerks that are continually told that members of a community find a particular insult offensive but continue to use it


Jerks that want to save money

*does 'weighing up' gesture with hands with unsure look on face*
Wasn't specifically referring to him, but anyone in that sort of position. You know, how like Robert Bowling got death threats, constantly. Ugh.
Yeah it's not nice. Unfortunate part about the internet though, lets everyone have a voice for better or worse.
Even I've received death threats over Twitter. They were pretty hilarious though. I wrote them off as some kind of trolling endeavour as it seemed I wasn't the only one they were sending them too at the time. Luckily that's what the block button is for!


Well hopefully that was my last class of uni ever.

Now for exams and job applications :T
congrats, gl on the final stretch!

i studied so freakin hard for my last exams, didn't want the off chance of screwing up. kinda wish i had carried that same mentality from the beginning.

oh and err, aren't you kinda late on the whole grad apps deal?
Wasn't specifically referring to him, but anyone in that sort of position. You know, how like Robert Bowling got death threats, constantly. Ugh.
EDIT: Damn GAF went done when I did the first post so I didn't know it worked until I kept retrying until it worked at 4pm as I was going out the door lol


oh and err, aren't you kinda late on the whole grad apps deal?

eh, just going for part time work and stuff right now or maybe late internship/paralegal crap. Not really into working next year tbh since I'm applying for JET.

If I dont' make JET, well... uh... I dunno, guess I'll go rampage on drugs for a year or something. I don't know man

Yeah it's not nice. Unfortunate part about the internet though, lets everyone have a voice for better or worse.
Even I've received death threats over Twitter. They were pretty hilarious though. I wrote them off as some kind of trolling endeavour as it seemed I wasn't the only one they were sending them too at the time. Luckily that's what the block button is for!

Yeah it's not nice. Unfortunate part about the internet though, lets everyone have a voice for better or worse.
Even I've received death threats over Twitter. They were pretty hilarious though. I wrote them off as some kind of trolling endeavour as it seemed I wasn't the only one they were sending them too at the time. Luckily that's what the block button is for!

Guys the Dealbot algorithm broke again


eh, just going for part time work and stuff right now or maybe late internship/paralegal crap. Not really into working next year tbh since I'm applying for JET.

If I dont' make JET, well... uh... I dunno, guess I'll go rampage on drugs for a year or something. I don't know man
aww yeah shit that's right, i forgot. yeah screw everything, work on gettin dat JET!!


Grats Jintor and enjoy that gap year.

I'm still on mine! Whooooooo real job one day maybe

Edit: As far as BrisGAF meetup goes, I heard all the cool kids in Brisbane are hanging out at Supanova, especially on Sunday, and especially in Artists Alley, and especially especially near table 156
It was something like "You fucking Sonygaf ill come to your house and beat you to death with a real console" followed by "ill shove that pos ps3 up your cunt until you fucking gib". Blocked after those two quickly lol
It was like 12 hours after I posted early on in one of the many 'Xbone has [insert issue here]' threads like a month or two ago. Mighty have been one of the FamousMortimer ones.
I think I tracked his username to Reddit but that was about all I could be bothered. A little bit of morbid fascination on why they were tweeting me lol

On that note



That's a lot of stock! Not expecting yield issues for at least one of the platform holders!

If I dont' make JET, well... uh... I dunno, guess I'll go rampage on drugs for a year or something. I don't know man
I thought JET is a drug?


fine, I wont say Hitler anymore.

Cause its not ironic to ban me from saying that word at all is it?

Oh no. No irony there...


Also thinking of asking for my money back on BF4. It would be nice IF IT WORKED!


fine, I wont say Hitler anymore.

Cause its not ironic to ban me from saying that word at all is it?

Oh no. No irony there...


Also thinking of asking for my money back on BF4. It would be nice IF IT WORKED!

It feels more like alpha, than beta, and it's meant to be retail :/
I totally would have jumped on the pricing errors at Walmart. I wouldn't do it if it was some small independent retailer, but one of the big guys? Yeah, fuck em.

It is interesting the way the issue gets some people up in arms though.


I keep putting off buying a trampoline. I know my lad would love one. I did a bit of reading around and it seems like the springless ones are bad for your knees and some folk are wary of the safety of the cheap Big W ones (not that any trampoline is "safe" as such, but you can't keep them in cotton wool right?). That leaves the Vuly and they're pretty expensive. Anyone have any trampoline opinions?
summer <3
Had me a blast.

I keep putting off buying a trampoline. I know my lad would love one. I did a bit of reading around and it seems like the springless ones are bad for your knees and some folk are wary of the safety of the cheap Big W ones (not that any trampoline is "safe" as such, but you can't keep them in cotton wool right?).
I don't believe modern trampolines are designed to be kept in cotton wool. It voids the warranty.


I keep putting off buying a trampoline. I know my lad would love one. I did a bit of reading around and it seems like the springless ones are bad for your knees and some folk are wary of the safety of the cheap Big W ones (not that any trampoline is "safe" as such, but you can't keep them in cotton wool right?). That leaves the Vuly and they're pretty expensive. Anyone have any trampoline opinions?

Raising a pussy cat is hard.

Oh what a human child?!

You confused me with your coddling and love!

Also lets be honest. Just rent one. Kids get sick of it in a week with the nintendos and ataris.


My parents bought me a trampoline in one of their desperate attempts to get me away from the Atari 2600, I ended up propping it up on its side and used it for a week as a wall to kick soccer balls against.

All I really remember about using it properly was fucking static electric shocks every single god damn jump agh
I keep putting off buying a trampoline. I know my lad would love one. I did a bit of reading around and it seems like the springless ones are bad for your knees and some folk are wary of the safety of the cheap Big W ones (not that any trampoline is "safe" as such, but you can't keep them in cotton wool right?). That leaves the Vuly and they're pretty expensive. Anyone have any trampoline opinions?
Make friends with someone who has one.

Sister in law has one, son LOVES jumping on it. Will sometimes spend half an hour on there.
He did the same thing with their swing set though. We got him one last Christmas and it rarely got touched after the first month.

So yeah, much more fun for them when it isn't theirs! Kinda like going to the park lol

ABC news just a few minutes ago: Australians have gathered overnight to purchase the latest installment of COD - Ghosts, which features impressive new graphics.

It's impressively popular that's for sure.

Also even trying to run it at 60fps will bring a Titan to it's knees, that's how impressive the new graphics are!!!
I keep putting off buying a trampoline. I know my lad would love one. I did a bit of reading around and it seems like the springless ones are bad for your knees and some folk are wary of the safety of the cheap Big W ones (not that any trampoline is "safe" as such, but you can't keep them in cotton wool right?). That leaves the Vuly and they're pretty expensive. Anyone have any trampoline opinions?



Nice! Dogs are the best

I'm nodding in agreement as I hear my next-door neighbours carry on a treat about me trapping cats. Might've been a better idea if they didn't say they only own a black cat and the rest aren't theirs. I wonder if they could guess which colour cat is the only one I'll release if I capture it? Morons.

Two cats in two days. If that trend continues, it won't be long before only the black one remains. At $600+ per cat before they've even left the pound if they want them back, I'm sure the lie was worth it.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Passed my practical, failed my med calcs and don't know about the rest of the written exam. I know what I did wrong so I should be alright when I redo it next week. Will definitely be needing those drinks by next friday though. Yeesh!
My parents bought me a trampoline in one of their desperate attempts to get me away from the Atari 2600, I ended up propping it up on its side and used it for a week as a wall to kick soccer balls against.

All I really remember about using it properly was fucking static electric shocks every single god damn jump agh

Gotta put a wet towel over the springs!


Bahahahahaha. Fucking laziness taken to a whole new level. Did they think no-one would notice?
lol people playing cod for sp

Hi-res, lo-content.
Funnily enough, one of the few launch titles for One that's actually 1080p.

Ryse is getting torn apart pretty bad. Will be a nice graphical showcase but sounds like the gameplay is terrible. Will be a good pickup around $30 to show the Xbone off like Wipeout HD was for the PS3.
You dare not compare Ryse to Wipeout HD in any form whatsoever. But I gotta ask, are we even surprised that Ryse was going to be shit?

Forza 5 sounds like more of the same, except with less tracks and cars, if you are into that kind of thing so a homerun there.
That's exactly right. Except in addition, you can't use your $400 steering wheel you bought for Forza on 360, on your One. But they'll happily sell you a new one!

Honestly, the One is just a complete abortion to me. There's literally nothing on there (or to come out on there) that interests me one iota.

Someone mentioned Ryse?

RYSE: As fun as dialing numbers on your phone.

PS. WTFucking fuck Youtube? You now sort comments like Facebook sorts my news feed, by how "important" it is rather than chronological? Fuck you to hell.

Here's that next gen pic I was trying to find

What's the definition of "platform"? What's the difference between PS4 and Platform?
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