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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

The cheapest place I've found for paints is Defiant Gaming. They're cheap for a lot of things, actually, and their service is excellent. I linked directly to the main paints I and many others use. You don't need to buy many to start out with as you can just mix different ones to make your own colours. Grab the primary colours, a few key others, some decent brushes and a cheap palette and you're ready to go. The only other thing needed is a primer, I use this type, which comes in different sizes and colours with the main ones being white, black and grey.

As for the steady hands thing, it's all practice and technique. I'm not even close to being there and I don't know if I ever will be. When you're on stimulants all day, every day, it makes having a steady hand rather difficult and hard to control though. At least that's my excuse, haha.

If you want cheap (and good, this combo totally exists!) minis to paint, have a look at the Reaper Bones range. Orders over $100 get free shipping and I'm quite likely to put in an order that qualifies, because I must have Cthulhu! Screw it, I'm posting a photo of it painted by some amazing person because it's just so great.


Here it is on a scale that all Australians understand.


You're welcome to piggyback on this order if you like. Otherwise a place local to me, Tabletop Empires also sells them at a very reasonable price and how could you say no to a Cyber-gorilla? He looks rad painted (not mine) and I may have to buy another :)

I jumped on the latest Reaper Bones Kickstarter because it's just such great value. Be sure to scroll down and have a look at Khanjira, it's essentially a Tarrasque, which I'm sure you're well aware of what that is. I wasn't until one came up near the end of my D&D campaign. All the other players jaws dropped and I was like "What? What is it?" and then they told me... So awesome. I can add extras on to my Kickstarter pledge until the end of the year, so if you or any other people here want something, just let me know and it can be arranged. Stuff won't ship until this time next year though, which will surely dull the enthusiasm of many.

If you don't care that much, that's cool too. I'm just pretty excited about this whole thing and gushing to my gaming mates is like preaching to the choir; with them I'm like 25+ years late to the party.

These two things are most likely to spark a SydGAF meetup. A new person and an out-of-town visitor are surefire catalysts. If not, I'll certainly be up for it. We can be introverted together – I'm an ambivert so I can go both ways! No alcohol for me though, it doesn't mix well with dex at all.

If it weren't for this post and the replies to it, I would not have even known it was on today. Now I can knowingly not give a shit about it. It's like the least interesting version of a rich person fight there could possibly be.

EDIT: I totally didn't try and snype this new page, but at least there's some cool (to me) stuff to see.
Sorry for the incredibly late reply, but that model is so awesome! I'm not really sure what I want to get yet so don't wait up, but I will probably end up getting something eventually :p

I'd really love to read your report when I'm done failing everything! What are you majoring in Shan?

If it helps, I'm majoring in Politics and Law because I'm a sadist (not to the extent that I'd vote for Tony but about "I collected all the blue coins in Super Mario Sunshine level").

Maaaaan, I could go for some dunkeroos round about now.
Asian studies actually. So a fair bit of politics but also language stuffs.

I'm terrible at planning things in advance.

Booked a flight to Tokyo last night. Leaving Friday, going for 3 weeks.
So jelly. Have a great time :D

Well hopefully that was my last class of uni ever.

Now for exams and job applications :T
Hi five! Me too! Party time~

If you don't get into Jet you could always teach through a different program, so do some kind of internship there: through here or here?
My parents bought me a trampoline in one of their desperate attempts to get me away from the Atari 2600, I ended up propping it up on its side and used it for a week as a wall to kick soccer balls against.

All I really remember about using it properly was fucking static electric shocks every single god damn jump agh

aww man, my parents never let me have a trampoline :( They were always afraid I'd break my arm.
Never allowed junk food either..


OK I have decided, cancelling Xbone/PS4 pre-orders. Will buy them when there are games I want. Besides, everybody knows the 'real' nextgen is on PC.



Fuck comfort, these are probably the best sounding headphones hands-down of any kind that I've heard in the last few years. I imagine they'll sound even better once they burn in. But yeah, bargain of the century. Thanks to whomever pointed them out!


I mean, to be fair, in this case in was in the context of "bad things about 1942", so it's not all that flippant. I can see your general point though.

Yah, I agree with that, just making a point I guess.

fine, I wont say Hitler anymore.

Cause its not ironic to ban me from saying that word at all is it?

Oh no. No irony there...


Also thinking of asking for my money back on BF4. It would be nice IF IT WORKED!

Look I am not banning you or preventing you saying whatever you like. I am just suggesting that I find those comments offensive, what you do with that information is entirely up to you.
I'm nodding in agreement as I hear my next-door neighbours carry on a treat about me trapping cats. Might've been a better idea if they didn't say they only own a black cat and the rest aren't theirs. I wonder if they could guess which colour cat is the only one I'll release if I capture it? Morons.

Two cats in two days. If that trend continues, it won't be long before only the black one remains. At $600+ per cat before they've even left the pound if they want them back, I'm sure the lie was worth it.

What's your problem with the cats? Just being generally catty and fighting? I have no problem with cats and like 99% of animals seem to like me.

Fuck comfort, these are probably the best sounding headphones hands-down of any kind that I've heard in the last few years. I imagine they'll sound even better once they burn in. But yeah, bargain of the century. Thanks to whomever pointed them out!

Are you talking about the Sennheiser earbuds? Because that would be me good sir!

I've been loving my pair as well. Quality all the way.


Yup! Still not super, super enamoured with them, but I suspect there may be a tad EQing and burn-in required before they get fully appreciated. That, and I need to work out whether my Sansa Clip+ (and iPhone + line-out + Fiio Fujiyama) can drive them satisfactorily.

Bottom end on them is crazy as well. Had no idea anything with such small drivers could reproduce anything that low!
I've been using them with my Cowon J3 and yeah, the bottom end is what impresses me most. At first I thought it was having issues driving them... then I realised the volume slider was only half way. hehe.

Of course they don't compare to a good full sized set of cans, but they sound better than earbuds have any right to!
I've been using them with my Cowon J3 and yeah, the bottom end is what impresses me most. At first I thought it was having issues driving them... then I realised the volume slider was only half way. hehe.

Of course they don't compare to a good full sized set of cans, but they sound better than earbuds have any right to!

For $70, you'd hope so. Weren't they ~$200 normally? Ridiculous for a set of earbuds.


You should have decided what you wanted to do before doing a degree!:p

Hmmm, I can't think of anything specific jobs for your degree, but I guess that kinda means you can do anything! I mean, you've clearly got a thing for Asian languages, so I would think that you'd naturally gravitate towards something related to that. Just do a lot of networking during your exchange. And you'll probably do Jet or some other equivalent so that's work experience plus another chance to network and see what other opportunities may come up.

Don't worry too much, you're still young. Explore for a while. If you're seriously unhappy, go the masters route.


I feel kinda lucky that I accidentally worked out I enjoy programming, and that somehow it's an employable skill to have.

Though it's a shame games programming is less so.


but ever so delicious

Work, earn money, start at the bottom end, use that money to figure out what makes you happy in life. Explore options you never thought of, things that aren't even on your degree and be open to anything job wise.

You're degree shouldn't hold you back but it does give you specific options. If none of those specifics are what you actually want then that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that.

A lot of people will just work a job and may never find what makes them happy. They might find it at 30, 40, 50 or the day before they die.

There's never a rush to lock yourself into something that's going to dominate your life, so be free for a little bit, maybe look for another job that isn't KFC over the summer and see how that goes.
A lot of people will just work a job and may never find what makes them happy. They might find it at 30, 40, 50 or the day before they die.
And remember that your job doesn't have to be the "thing" that makes you happy, or defines you. As long as you don't dislike your job (you're spending a lot of time there!), it doesn't have to be your everything.
For $70, you'd hope so. Weren't they ~$200 normally? Ridiculous for a set of earbuds.

$70 is nothing for a set of headphones. Honestly, you would be hard pressed to find a better sounding set of headphones of any variety for under $100.

But some places were asking for over $300 for these, which is a downright obscene!


And remember that your job doesn't have to be the "thing" that makes you happy, or defines you. As long as you don't dislike your job (you're spending a lot of time there!), it doesn't have to be your everything.

This times a million.

My day job has very little to do with who I am really, it's 0% creative work and I kinda like it that way. It's made me focus on my after-hours stuff a lot more and I think I'm doing better creative work now than when I was 'creative' during the day and still had to do other creative stuff at night.



Sorry for the incredibly late reply, but that model is so awesome! I'm not really sure what I want to get yet so don't wait up, but I will probably end up getting something eventually :p

No worries at all. I won't be ordering for a few weeks at least anyway, so there isn't a huge rush. It's not like I have a shortage of models to paint.

I thought it might work out well if it turns out you are down here in December, I could hand them to you in person. If you end up seeing anything you like at Tabletop Empires (links to my suggested range there), they don't have a storefront, but the owner has said that I'm welcome to go to his warehouse to pick things up and save on postage or even just to look around. Let me know if you want me to grab anything, it's very convenient since he's in the same suburb as me and there are a couple of things I want to pick up there but am in no hurry for them at all.

If you like painting, practice and then start up a commission painting service and do that for a job instead of using your degree. That's a dumb joke, I just wanted to add something even though it's completely unhelpful. Others have already said some useful stuff. I do understand that it is not uncommon for many people with degrees to never actually use them. The fact that they have a degree can still be helpful in other areas, even if the degree doesn't apply, it demonstrates a commitment to something. If the degree has nothing to do with the job, it can also show a willingness to diversify, expand, go outside your comfort zone.

Don't stress too much about it, you're young and you have plenty of time up your sleeve. The job you might find most enjoyable and/or worth pursuing may not have even crossed your mind yet and is waiting for you to stumble upon it. I just went wherever the wind took me and ended up taking a backwards career step from insurance into retail and ended up loving it.

I'm about to hit 32 and I still don't know what I want to do (outside of options I would take and have to rule out because it's not possible). As long as you don't end up in that situation, you'll be fine; knowing you had the dedication to complete a degree, I know you won't (I wrote that awkwardly, but you know what I mean).

What's your problem with the cats? Just being generally catty and fighting? I have no problem with cats and like 99% of animals seem to like me.

I posted a detailed reason why around when I picked up the traps, but yes, the fighting and such is rather bothersome. Jumping on the roof, screaming, moaning and fighting under the house which results in the cats themselves and other things banging on the floorboards at all hours. It disturbs my sleep and also the sleep of my gran, who has a hard enough time sleeping as it is.

I like animals and they generally like me too, but I don't like these animals. They're strays and ferals; if they hung out and didn't bother me like the one's at DeathJr's house, I wouldn't care. I spoke with a number of neighbours yesterday after one incident, which I'll go into in a moment, and those of them that do own cats (I wasn't aware of) want them gone too because they harass their cats and disturb the peace on their property too. Funnily enough, every single person I spoke to had previously or was currently trapping cats to also combat the problem.

Now, the incident that happened yesterday. The cat I trapped and was pleased about, turned out not to be the victory I had hoped. When the parents and children next door returned from work/school, I heard them calling out something I had heard many times before and always wondered what it was they were actually saying. Turns out they were calling out "Angel", the name of their cat which they could not find.

The eldest boy and girl came over when I was out watering the garden and asked me if I had seen their cat, which I had when I went out to collect the mail about 14:30 that day. They asked if it was tortoise shell in colour – it wasn't, that was the colour of the cat I had trapped and removed that morning, fuck – and so I told them it was black.

"That one isn't ours, it's a stray" the girl said.
"Last I spoke to your dad when we were having cat trouble, he said the only one you own was black" I replied.
"No, ours is black with brown marks on it" she said.
"And it has white on its neck" the boy added.
"You might want to check the pound for that one" I said.

They walked off right after my last statement, likely assuming I was being unhelpful and perhaps untruthful as they knew I had a trap. They continued to call out her name in her backyard and over the fence into our yard. Knowing I had to do something, I went over and spoke to the parents about what had happened.

They were pretty understanding and we cleared up the whole situation. They told me the RSPCA had been out a while back and grabbed a bunch of ferals, but didn't return for the rest as they thought they were fine. After this, they had begun trapping, trying to catch the others as they were bothering them too. Funnily enough, the only cat they caught was their own. We all laughed and I told them that when I went out to their trapped cat to inspect it, all the food had gone, which was much different from the feral cat I caught the day before which hadn't touched the food or water after capture. "That sounds like her", the mother said to me.

Throughout the course of conversation, they pointed out other cat owners in the street I wasn't aware of. I went and spoke to them to let them know I was trapping, most are kept in of an evening and those that aren't are easily identifiable with collars. ALL of these people had set traps and all but my next-door neighbours had caught and gotten rid of these pests. Even cat lovers cannot stand these things if that's any indicator. They've been seen, by a number of people, going in and out of drains, which tells me how they travel to other streets I hear them in of a night. I'm sure if I go down to the next block in each direction and speak to people, I'll hear how much they're being disturbed by them too.
Just got a call from EBgames telling me I pre ordered early enough for a day one PS4, he also confirmed they have a few of the killzone+controller+PS4 packages still available for mid december. So if anyone didn't pre-order and wants one prior to Xmas, may be worth phoning around. Rouse Hill, Sydney branch btw. And they are open at midnight.


I want a tag give me a tag
So im finally powering through the rest of genius now in anticipation of season 2.

Episode 7, when yellow just nails the card game and everyone else is confused as fuck because he's not relying on their silly card colours.

So boss.

That zerg hive mind in action.


That was incredible. I thought something big was coming because he was far too calm. Nothing could have prepared me for what eventuated.
Episode 7, when yellow just nails the card game and everyone else is confused as fuck because he's not relying on their silly card colours..
I don't want to spoil anything, but he basically does that again in a later episode, and it's great then too.

Very interesting to see the way someone with a gaming mind pushes the rules as far as he can.


but ever so delicious
That was incredible. I thought something big was coming because he was far too calm. Nothing could have prepared me for what eventuated.

Haha yea. I was just so happy, the excitement running through me was insane.

That damn show did it all the time though, But that part in particular, FUCK!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I voted Labor all right, don't blame me for this shit!
All the public services here have been at a standstill since the election, waiting to see if they are fucked or not. All my meetings today have been cancelled and everyone at that government office has gone to ground. I assume they are all down the pub working out the odds on when they are getting made redundant/retrenched/whatever offensive term is currently being used.

Pre-order Warframe on PS4 and get some pre-order junk. Only up on the US store oddly. It's still free, just an odd little tip of the hat to people who pre-order stuff lol
It's out on launch day BTW. You can link your PC account but can't share cash across them.

Expect to hear "upscaled to 1080p" a lot this generation. Not that we haven't been upscaling games to 1080p for fucking years now. (also the "feel" of a locked framerate lol)

Meanwhile, at Amazon

Keep an eye on that shit for sure!

I now a few people who went overseas to teach English to SK. They enjoyed it a lot! One even brought back a fiancee.

Anyone know what I should do with my old Galaxy Nexus?
Disable the data connection on it aside from wifi. Password that shit. Give it to the daughter as a music/video/game machine.

Throughout the course of conversation, they pointed out other cat owners in the street I wasn't aware of. I went and spoke to them to let them know I was trapping, most are kept in of an evening and those that aren't are easily identifiable with collars. ALL of these people had set traps and all but my next-door neighbours had caught and gotten rid of these pests. Even cat lovers cannot stand these things if that's any indicator. They've been seen, by a number of people, going in and out of drains, which tells me how they travel to other streets I hear them in of a night. I'm sure if I go down to the next block in each direction and speak to people, I'll hear how much they're being disturbed by them too.
Yeah stray cats are a fucking pest, killing birds and generally irritating all they can find.

Our damn cat likes to sleep during the day, then wake up around 7pm wanting to play.

Most people will keep their cats in at night if they live in town, a lot less likely to get killed/sick/eaten that way.

If I see a cat without a collar I try to let people know it's around in case it becomes a pest.

One of the cats in our street likes to sleep in a drain, freaks all the other cats out as they go in to visit and can rarely tempt him out for a play lol

Just got a call from EBgames telling me I pre ordered early enough for a day one PS4, he also confirmed they have a few of the killzone+controller+PS4 packages still available for mid december. So if anyone didn't pre-order and wants one prior to Xmas, may be worth phoning around. Rouse Hill, Sydney branch btw. And they are open at midnight.

Yeah DSE and a few others have/had that bundle up for the last few weeks.

Seems Sony has increased allocation down here, or is at least a lot more sure of numbers for future shipments.


Jesus christ Markot, do you have to have take everything so far. I get that, that's meant to be part of your gaf persona, but I think it's time you just fucking grow up.


In other pathetic happenings:

news NBN Co today announced that its chief operating officer Ralph Steffens, one of the company’s most qualified and experienced international fibre rollout experts, would be replaced with a Telstra executive who appears to have little direct last mile construction experience but does have a pre-election connection with Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

They may as well just rename NBNco to Telstra 2.0, and to think people have faith in Turnbull as prime-minister.
Wired did an excellent article on the team behind the PS4, not a lot of new information but it has all been collated really nicely.

That was news to Yoshida[/B]. And then the voice on the other end of the line told him to prepare a motion-sensing game for the unveiling, which would happen on stage at the annual E3 game and entertainment conference in Los Angeles.
“This was two or three weeks before the show,” remembers Yoshida, sitting inside his office at Sony’s Tokyo headquarters, a wall of PlayStation games stacked behind him. “I said: ‘What?!!’”
At the time, Sony was offering PlayStation software development kits — a set of tools for building new games — to a few select designers, but only in Japan. But Cerny talked his way into a kit for Crystal Dynamics, in part because he could read and sign the Japanese contract. The Sony exec who handed him the contract, after meeting him for the first time that day, was Shu Yoshida. “Crystal Dynamics became the first non-Japanese development group to work on the PlayStation,” Yoshida says.
The book All Your Base Are Belong to Us: How 50 Years of Videogames Conquered Pop Culture recounts a moment at the E3 gaming conference in the ’90s when Cerny was nearly reduced to tears by a 45-minute tirade from Ken Kutaragi, the father of the PlayStation, who didn’t see much future in Crash Bandicoot. “Ken is a very intense person,” Cerny says.
Cerny was joining a company run by people intent on broadening its way of doing things. He fit in because he knew Japanese culture — and Sony culture in particular. He has nearly as long a history with Hirai, now the CEO of Sony, as he does with Yoshida. “It’s surreal to think that I know the head of Sony Corp from when we used to go drink too much after trade shows in 1998,” he says.
Yoshida says that in American corporate culture, the orders come from the top of the hierarchy and move down, whereas Japan is a place where a corporation is more of a collective, where anyone can contribute a good idea, where all the individual pieces work more as a whole. Before Mark Cerny, the PlayStation team didn’t necessarily work in what Yoshida describes as a Japanese way — the orders came from the top, and people followed them — but now it does.




OK I have decided, cancelling Xbone/PS4 pre-orders. Will buy them when there are games I want. Besides, everybody knows the 'real' nextgen is on PC.

I thought about canceling my ps4 pre order and building a steambox. Turned out I couldn't really build a machine I'd like (something sized like a console - and half height gaming cards dont seem that great) at my price point. Plus theres the issue that I like Sony published games. So even if I'm mostly just interested in the smaller and f2p launch titles I'll just let it ride.
Price vs performance, both next gen consoles are pretty great. PC can obviously compete, but at a far higher cost.

Will be interesting to see if, now that they're mostly just x86 CPUs, other OSes can be installed on them.


I thought about canceling my ps4 pre order and building a steambox. Turned out I couldn't really build a machine I'd like (something sized like a console - and half height gaming cards dont seem that great) at my price point. Plus theres the issue that I like Sony published games. So even if I'm mostly just interested in the smaller and f2p launch titles I'll just let it ride.

Yeah if I didn't have a good gaming PC the consoles would make perfect sense.



Fuck comfort, these are probably the best sounding headphones hands-down of any kind that I've heard in the last few years. I imagine they'll sound even better once they burn in. But yeah, bargain of the century. Thanks to whomever pointed them out!

What headphones?! I like headphones.
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