The new Indie Royale bundle looks good. I bought it for Primordia, not quite sure if the other games are any good.
PC gamingIs there a word in any language that captures the emotion felt when a Steam game purchased at a heavily discounted price is suddenly available at an even more generous discount?
I'm glad you asked!How much are they a pop out of interest?
16 new SWAP Force characters,
16 new Skylanders characters,
8 LightCore™ Skylanders characters,
16 new versions of fan-favorite Skylanders from the previous games, each featuring an all new “Wow Pow” upgrade power.
I just get sad every time I see what they did to Cynder :/
yup, playing luigi's mansion at the moment and it's pretty great!Damn I'm loving the 3DS at the moment. Do we have an AusGAF table of 3DS friend codes or something?
Just think: Every dollar Toys for Bob gets is a dollar towards the "Make Star Control 3" fund. Probably.SOMEONE HELP MY WALLET
Played it for about an hour, thought it was a real shame that they completely ignored all the story set up we spent two games developing, and got frustrated by the controls. Shame :/
C:The Eternal Night had a rocky start when it was released. The game made it through the critics, and into consoles. Did the rocky release of the previous game have any effect on the release of “Dawn of the Dragon”?
M:The entire development of “The Eternal Night” was very hard to endure. Chris (Wilson) and I, along with the team at Krome Studios, had high hopes for what we might be able to accomplish, but there were major budget constraints and we were forced to basically reuse assets from the first game and alter the storyline to account for it. The team at Krome Studios did an incredible and commendable job getting it finished, but in the end, we were all disappointed with the finished product. When we began “Dawn of the Dragon” we had to endure a lot, but we were determined to do whatever we could to make the best game possible. We were really fortunate to have Etranges Libellules on board, because their passion and desire to make a great Spyro game was much needed to refuel our efforts.
I just get sad every time I see what they did to Cynder :/
Damn I'm loving the 3DS at the moment. Do we have an AusGAF table of 3DS friend codes or something?
Does someone have that time schedule for E3 that was made by an AusGaffer?
I'm pretty late to the party but did everyone check out that awesome vaccination doco on SBS? It's relevant to me as I'm having a Facebook 'debate' about vaccines with my Wife's uncle and cousin...The uncle is using the AVN as a source... Fuck me...
Angry Videogame Nerd?
Does someone have that time schedule for E3 that was made by an AusGaffer?
I'm pretty late to the party but did everyone check out that awesome vaccination doco on SBS? It's relevant to me as I'm having a Facebook 'debate' about vaccines with my Wife's uncle and cousin...The uncle is using the AVN as a source... Fuck me...
Well, that's not good. No. Not at all. Nope, not even a little. Nuh uh, not a bit.
Why is flooding inside your house? That's outside water and should be encouraged to remain so.
I didn't watch it because I was expecting it to be filled with anti vaccine propaganda that they didn't bother to debunk in the name of being fair and balanced. Was I wrong?
I'm pretty late to the party but did everyone check out that awesome vaccination doco on SBS? It's relevant to me as I'm having a Facebook 'debate' about vaccines with my Wife's uncle and cousin...The uncle is using the AVN as a source... Fuck me...
Fucking Telstra. Clowns. Glad your electronics were okay, I moved my TV to the kitchen to get it away from the leaks I had. Happily my roof only leaked into the pre positioned buckets and not anywhere new while I was at work, so that's nice. Still, already been up twice this year to try and fix the leaks, don't think I can be arsed doing it again.The back room in the house we're renting was clearly added on afterwards and its a bit flimsy. Thin walls and a flat roof.
We had a guy come and seal it after we had some ceiling leaks, but now there's a bunch of water that seems to have run down the inside of the wall and soaked through.
Electronics seem OK, but power boards and cables were soaked.
Also we have a line fault so no phone and net. Telstra deadline is June 12th...
That was my concern as well but it definitely wasn't the case. They were as fair as they could be given one 'side' is incredibly well supported by scientific evidence and the other is...well....
Check it out here
Ah, found an interview on Christian Gaming (wtf) with a producer
Gazunta, if you are addicted to puzzle pieces, I can hook you up with Puzzle Pieces.
There is a very good chance that I have one of the most complete set of 3DS Puzzle Piece collections of anyone in Brisbane.
Damn I'm loving the 3DS at the moment. Do we have an AusGAF table of 3DS friend codes or something?
Any ausgaffers built their own NAS, or have a HP Microserver? I'm a bit sick of prebuilt NAS enclosures now, I want something that runs Windows and uses fuck all power.
I don't believe we have such a document, but people can feel free to add me if they want. I don't really play online or letterbox a whole lot but still!
For the price of one of those HP things, you can't beat it.
Glad to hear everything is okay, jambo. I hope the landlords fix it properly this time and that Telstra gets everything back before then.The back room in the house we're renting was clearly added on afterwards and its a bit flimsy. Thin walls and a flat roof.
We had a guy come and seal it after we had some ceiling leaks, but now there's a bunch of water that seems to have run down the inside of the wall and soaked through.
Electronics seem OK, but power boards and cables were soaked.
Also we have a line fault so no phone and net. Telstra deadline is June 12th...
1375-8571-8610 and 0774-4271-3438. i've added you on both, i'm never online either but i guess we can do some AC when it's out!
Put a complaint in. Only ever had fuckawful experiences with them.Hungry Jackass. Ordered a vege whopper for my mom, she took 2 bites and found the taste funny. I checked and there was a beef patty inside instead of a vegetable one.
Why are people swapping telephone numbers ?
It really is an amazing thing, imagine trying to remember your steamid number.Nintendo's new Rotary Phone initiative.
i have you added already for some reason, reciprocate!Nintendo's new Rotary Phone initiative.
Hungry Jackass. Ordered a vege whopper for my mom, she took 2 bites and found the taste funny. I checked and there was a beef patty inside instead of a vegetable one.
Wife had a six digit job, was jealous.I still remember my ICQ number.