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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)



Played a bit of Borderlands 2 over the weekend (actually playing some of that season pass I bought...) and it was kinda fun. Still should be 'fetch quest': The Game.


Guess who just got some MOTHERFUCKING DEXIES!



Ugh, trying to convince my brother he doesn't need a 4770k and that a 4670k would do him just fine. He's not a huge PC gamer, just plays Starcraft 2 and some other things.

Someone who knows what they're talking about tell me what I should tell him.


Ugh, trying to convince my brother he doesn't need a 4770k and that a 4670k would do him just fine. He's not a huge PC gamer, just plays Starcraft 2 and some other things.

Someone who knows what they're talking about tell me what I should tell him.

Tell him to play Dota 2 instead.


Oh shit!!! How did your appointment go?

Or is this outside of that?

It was just the initial consultation with the psychiatrist today. It went well, I think I'll get into some of the deeper and more messed up stuff later on.

She said I have 'mild' ADHD and gave me some 5mg Dexamphetamines. The dosage is kinda whatever works best for me, 2 in the morning and 1 at midday or 1 in the morning and 1 at midday or maybe a bit later in the day; it all depends on me and what works. She said definitely none past 3pm or it can mess with my sleeping. Also she said I might not need them every day and in fact not to take them every day.

After discussing some of my history, she made sure I wasn't going to be smoking weed or drinking with these pills (due to my past abuse of these). If that weren't the case, she wouldn't be prescribing them to me. She stressed the hell out of the fact that these are serious and can be abused and whatnot.

She said to keep an eye on my depression and anxiety as these can amplify that somewhat. I'm to keep taking Zoloft for the depression, because of this and the fact that it's actually working. I've found that the thoughts that would normally spiral me downwards into deep depression actually don't do shit and I can dismiss them or act on them much more rationally, it's helping quite a bit.

I see her again in 6 weeks (she's going on holidays until then). My Dex prescription has no repeats and there's only 100 pills, so I don't think I have much room to experiment with different dosage amounts, unless those days without any will balance it all out. I haven't really done the maths on that part yet. I guess I'll just have to see how I go.


Don't know at this stage, there is only 1 or 2 games that use threading effectively. However that may change with the 8 core (albeit single threaded) consoles, like always, time will tell.


Someone who knows what they're talking about tell me what I should tell him.

The only thing a 4770k has over a 4670k besides a very very minor increase in clock speed is hyperthreading, which is basically four extra virtual cores on top of the four physical ones. That's good for productivity applications that are multithreaded, but most games aren't. To see any benefit in gaming at all, you would need games that support five or more cores. We've only just gotten to the point in the last couple of years where a quad core is beneficial sometimes. Probably not even the majority of the time, but all the new CPUs are quads so people don't even test with dual cores really. It used to be that people would recommend getting a dual core because the clock speed is more important to games, that was when quads were a lot slower than duals.

The thing to not tell your brother (if you don't want to) is that the next gen consoles both have a bunch of cores so there is a chance that next gen console ports actually make use of a bunch of cores. Just a chance though.


It was just the initial consultation with the psychiatrist today. It went well, I think I'll get into some of the deeper and more messed up stuff later on.

She said I have 'mild' ADHD and gave me some 5mg Dexamphetamines. The dosage is kinda whatever works best for me, 2 in the morning and 1 at midday or 1 in the morning and 1 at midday or maybe a bit later in the day; it all depends on me and what works. She said definitely none past 3pm or it can mess with my sleeping. Also she said I might not need them every day and in fact not to take them every day.

After discussing some of my history, she made sure I wasn't going to be smoking weed or drinking with these pills (due to my past abuse of these). If that weren't the case, she wouldn't be prescribing them to me. She stressed the hell out of the fact that these are serious and can be abused and whatnot.

She said to keep an eye on my depression and anxiety as these can amplify that somewhat. I'm to keep taking Zoloft for the depression, because of this and the fact that it's actually working. I've found that the thoughts that would normally spiral me downwards into deep depression actually don't do shit and I can dismiss them or act on them much more rationally, it's helping quite a bit.

I see her again in 6 weeks (she's going on holidays until then). My Dex prescription has no repeats and there's only 100 pills, so I don't think I have much room to experiment with different dosage amounts, unless those days without any will balance it all out. I haven't really done the maths on that part yet. I guess I'll just have to see how I go.
Good shit, sounds like things are on their way :) So you've only just realised the Zoloft is helping, or that they work in conjunction with dex?

Either way, this is a good start :) And while the not-taking-dex-before-bed can be detrimental, I've actually found on occasion for it to help me sleep, but there's a very small window between when I take that sleep-aiding dose and when I go to bed. If I leave it too late, there's every chance I could get caught up in something and postpone going to bed.


Good shit, sounds like things are on their way :) So you've only just realised the Zoloft is helping, or that they work in conjunction with dex?

Indeed they do, I'm hoping things continue to progress as well as they have been, that'd be great.

I've been on Zoloft since the 9th of last month and in the past 2 weeks I've noticed them having a positive effect. I'm able to tolerate stressful times better and I'm actually able to keep my cool without even trying or thinking about it when I would normally lose my shit. Those distressful thoughts aren't really bothering me at all either, they're still around but they're like a passing thought that's easily dismissed at their weakest, and I'm able to address them for what they are and deal with them at their worst.

The past couple of days I've been able to identify times when I would normally spiral into a deep depression and think about offing myself. The thought process doesn't get the chance to even get that far, it really is wonderful. The downside is I don't seem to be experiencing the incredible highs that I would in the past, but at least I don't have to deal with those awful lows that balance them out.

Either way, this is a good start :) And while the not-taking-dex-before-bed can be detrimental, I've actually found on occasion for it to help me sleep, but there's a very small window between when I take that sleep-aiding dose and when I go to bed. If I leave it too late, there's every chance I could get caught up in something and postpone going to bed.

I took one after I got home around 2:30 this afternoon since I really wanted to see how it went. It didn't have an effect as quickly as I was told it would (15 mins or so) and I felt a little strange and got quite a buzz (I wouldn't call it pleasant at all) from it about an hour later that lasted for about 45 mins. It has dissipated now, but for the past couple of hours I have felt quite good, as if at least some of the real me has been released.

I've felt motivated to do things which I would normally procrastinate away and I've been able to deal with my Gran a lot better than I normally would as a couple of examples. I'm not sure if this is a honeymoon period or whatever, but it has been nice once that unpleasant buzz passed. I certainly hope this continues, it's a great start at least.


Day 3 of no Internet at home:

I'm attempting the HL2 Ep1 cheevo for only shooting 1 bullet.

Alyx and I have died once each so far.


Yeah the poor Eels are always screwed around Origin time. To be fair it must be hard to adjust to be without their riches of talent for a few weeks.


I took one after I got home around 2:30 this afternoon since I really wanted to see how it went. It didn't have an effect as quickly as I was told it would (15 mins or so) and I felt a little strange and got quite a buzz (I wouldn't call it pleasant at all) from it about an hour later that lasted for about 45 mins. It has dissipated now, but for the past couple of hours I have felt quite good, as if at least some of the real me has been released.

I've felt motivated to do things which I would normally procrastinate away and I've been able to deal with my Gran a lot better than I normally would as a couple of examples. I'm not sure if this is a honeymoon period or whatever, but it has been nice once that unpleasant buzz passed. I certainly hope this continues, it's a great start at least.
You'll get a honeymoon period for starters, definitely. And I found it took me a good deal of time to find my right dosage... before then, there was a very sinusoidal wave between feeling "with it" and not. What you've been prescribed now will definitely give you an idea of whether they'd help or not, but don't think that if a particular low(ish) dose doesn't work, nothing will. Hell, I'm prescribed 6-8 per day (usually only have around 6, but on mentioning sleep problems my psych upped it to 8 just in case having them to help me sleep worked... turns out, it does for the majority of the time) with 2.5 in the morning (12.5mg) at around 7:30ish, then one every two hours from 10am until wheneverish.

But yeah, took me what felt like forever to come to that dosage.


After tonight Broncos game I think I know how it feels to be a Para fan Danoss. Absolute disgrace

I couldn't get it working to watch it, Hotspot Shield was being a pain. Some of the comments on the game as it progressed didn't make it sounds so good, plus the scoreline of course.

I don't know what's going on, but there is a spate of thrashings at the moment and it's not good at all, I don't care which teams are playing.

You'll get a honeymoon period for starters, definitely. And I found it took me a good deal of time to find my right dosage... before then, there was a very sinusoidal wave between feeling "with it" and not. What you've been prescribed now will definitely give you an idea of whether they'd help or not, but don't think that if a particular low(ish) dose doesn't work, nothing will. Hell, I'm prescribed 6-8 per day (usually only have around 6, but on mentioning sleep problems my psych upped it to 8 just in case having them to help me sleep worked... turns out, it does for the majority of the time) with 2.5 in the morning (12.5mg) at around 7:30ish, then one every two hours from 10am until wheneverish.

But yeah, took me what felt like forever to come to that dosage.

Thanks for this mate, good to know. Also, you made me look up sinusoidal, you jackass :p

It seems that we'll be messing with the dosage for some time. She said that we'll discuss it more once I see her again in 6 weeks. I'd assume it takes time to work it out since it's not an exact science with everyone's brain and body being different.

This afternoon/evening felt quite good overall, hopefully there are similar results tomorrow. I could do without that awful buzz, but I did read that it's not unusual when you start out on it.
I couldn't get it working to watch it, Hotspot Shield was being a pain. Some of the comments on the game as it progressed didn't make it sounds so good, plus the scoreline of course.

I don't know what's going on, but there is a spate of thrashings at the moment and it's not good at all, I don't care which teams are playing.

Well the Warriors were on the end of one the other week and this week they handed one out themselves. The only excuse I've got is that the Broncos were missing almost their entire forward pack to injury and Origin. Still the backs did fucking nothing


Well the Warriors were on the end of one the other week and this week they handed one out themselves. The only excuse I've got is that the Broncos were missing almost their entire forward pack to injury and Origin. Still the backs did fucking nothing

On the weeks I've seen Broncos games I still think your halves are terrible, they're really holding the rest of the team back. Halves is not where you want to be lacking, look how long the Eels have been trying to get a descent one; they take time to develop and might not show their true talent until it's too late, if they're not in your system then, they're bloody expensive.


Goodluck Danoss

I'm watching orchestras flashmob random places on youtube instead of doing my succession takehome. Take that, law.
On the weeks I've seen Broncos games I still think your halves are terrible, they're really holding the rest of the team back. Halves is not where you want to be lacking, look how long the Eels have been trying to get a descent one; they take time to develop and might not show their true talent until it's too late, if they're not in your system then, they're bloody expensive.

Yeah agreed. Wallace is a good steady option when you've got someone great outside him, like Locky. He can't do it alone, and Prince is clearly past it. I don't think he's been as bad as I've heard some people say, but he's not what he once was.

Hunt is pretty nothing and I'm not a Norman fan at all. Hes had some of his best games this year playing fullback, but he wants to be a 5/8, even though he seems to hate passing the ball.

If I was in charge I'd be targeting one of the Raiders playmakers. They've got four and two starting spots. One of Williams or Milford is surely gettable if they insist on sticking with Campo and McCrone

Edit: and good luck with it all man. Glad to hear things are finally looking up. You deserve it


Yeah agreed. Wallace is a good steady option when you've got someone great outside him, like Locky. He can't do it alone, and Prince is clearly past it. I don't think he's been as bad as I've heard some people say, but he's not what he once was.

Hunt is pretty nothing and I'm not a Norman fan at all. Hes had some of his best games this year playing fullback, but he wants to be a 5/8, even though he seems to hate passing the ball.

If I was in charge I'd be targeting one of the Raiders playmakers. They've got four and two starting spots. One of Williams or Milford is surely gettable if they insist on sticking with Campo and McCrone

Edit: and good luck with it all man. Glad to hear things are finally looking up. You deserve it

I agree on Wallace. Penrith are going to have a terrible time with him and Soward, neither of them are that shining diamond.

Norman's efforts at fullback have really impressed me this year. Looking at the Eels halves now, he could be a good fit as a running 5/8 due to his size (Ben Roberts, while terrible, could make some damaging runs when he took on the line). At the Broncos I don't think that is a welcome trait for the rest of the backline at all.

Williams would be a good pick, he could be great as he matures. I don't like McCrone at all in the halves, but at hooker he had a blinder of a game earlier this year. The Raiders can't keep them all and the Papalii incident earlier this year would have made a dent in their cap to seriously hinder their chances.

Thanks for the kind words also mate :)


So much fun that one....did it on hard made certain sections really tough

I'm playing on hard too, main issue was the lift fight.

I got past that by constantly moving and using lots of fire and physics objects, but now I'm stuck on the Antlion Queen fight.

I've hit it with every barrel and Alyx keeps shooting it but it just won't die.

Most annoying part is my first run of that battle was my best. Every one since then I've lost health quickly and dodged badly.

Dead Man

Guess who just got some MOTHERFUCKING DEXIES!

Hey, hope they help. They are next to impossible to get in SA, I have been known to use them counter act my sleep medication when it leaves me groggy, but that's not really a prescribed use.

Reading the rest of your posts sounds like progress is being made, which is awesome. Hope it keeps up for you :)
Hey AusGAF, checkin time.

I think I'd been to the pyramids when I last posted. Am now in Marrakech and it's my birthday today <birthdayskeleton.jpg>.

Spent last night in Casablanca and checked out a mosque that cost something like half a billion euros, walked through the scummy part of the medina there (much more interesting than the touristy part we saw a little later), had tagine and a local beer for dinner. Alcohol is hard to find here, for obvious reasons.

Today we took the train to Marrakesh and it was much nicer in second class than I'd expected. No one bothered us at all. Sure they stared at us (like in Casablanca, and Jordan and Egypt for that matter) but we DO look different so whatever. People seem more intrigued in our blonde hair than the wife's tops that show a little cleavage (remember any skin showing is a lot in Islamic countries).

Got lost in the medina here trying to find our riad (those buildings with the courtyard in the middle) and eventually let a local walk us there. We knew he'd want money but were so tired I didn't care. He wanted 300 dirhams (about $35). I pulled out a 20 (maybe $2.50) and gave him that. We'd paid that for a longer taxi earlier today. He was NOT OK with that, but I told him to get stuffed.

The local square has tons of cool stuff: snake charmers, teeth pullers, bands, street food that'll make me sick. It's crazy busy.

And then we had ice cream.

I still remember my ICQ number.
8535924. Still connect to it with Pidgin, though I don't think anyone I know actually uses it anymore.

PS Sorry if anyone is replying to me and being ignored. Don't have much time to keep up with things ATM! Internet access is not great everywhere we've stayed.


but ever so delicious
Max Payne 3 isn't that bad of a game, Currently playing that at the moment and it does feel like i'm getting towards the end of it all.

It's clearly just a shooter with this is your life narrated by Max himself throughout the entire game. Which is a little annoying since the story isn't even interesting at all and they do overdo the story telling by a few minutes in each segment.

The shooting does feel good and fuck this game is violent, Blood and plenty of headshots everywhere. I'm glad it runs at 60fps for my rig, with everything on max along with sweetfx included. A rockstar game on PC that runs well .. shocking I tells you.

I was playing mass effect 3 but shooting people violently seemed like a better idea. Will continue that after MP3 is done.

The quest to complete SP games instead of constantly playing Dota, Is still moving forward.


I enjoyed Max Payne 3, I can understand people being upset because it's not a Max Payne game like 1 & 2 but it's still a good game.

Also LOL at the GoT fallout from yesterday's episode. Next week is going to be great :D
I enjoyed Max Payne 3, I can understand people being upset because it's not a Max Payne game like 1 & 2 but it's still a good game.

Also LOL at the GoT fallout from yesterday's episode. Next week is going to be great :D

I really like MP3. Fun game.

And holy shit at that episode. I knew something big was happening after seeing Twitter go nuts, but managed to avoid spoilers. But I was not expecting that.


I enjoyed Max Payne 3, I can understand people being upset because it's not a Max Payne game like 1 & 2 but it's still a good game.

Also LOL at the GoT fallout from yesterday's episode. Next week is going to be great :D

Max Payne is ok, its just not a Max Payne game... or at least, the tone of it didn't really feel like one to me.

Also GoT 8)


Also GoT 8)[

Knew it was coming and it was still just fucking brutal. Episode spoiler-ish:
My mum literally sobbed while it was unfolding and is still feeling depressed and angry.


but ever so delicious
I enjoyed Max Payne 3, I can understand people being upset because it's not a Max Payne game like 1 & 2 but it's still a good game.

Also LOL at the GoT fallout from yesterday's episode. Next week is going to be great :D

Why next week? I honestly can't remember anything from the book.

PM me so I can remember!



Played a bit of Borderlands 2 over the weekend (actually playing some of that season pass I bought...) and it was kinda fun. Still should be 'fetch quest': The Game.

I finally knocked over the campaign over the weekend. 90 hours played over 2 characters, 2 of the DLC packs down. Just moving onto Hammerlock's DLC and then I'll probably start a Mechromancer character.
Max Payne 3 was pretty good, considering the fucking mess it was to develop I am happy with it. Writing wasn't good, plot was cool though.

Also GTA4 did have an Oscar level writing. The opening few hours aren't fantastic but once it gets 20% of the way through it really starts to shine. Niko needed some retooling though as some things really aren't conveyed enough to the controller of the avatar. Also the violence ramps up and down like a yoyo, which feels strange when they took a lot of stuff in a more realistic direction.


Knew it was coming and it was still just fucking brutal. Episode spoiler-ish:
My mum literally sobbed while it was unfolding and is still feeling depressed and angry.

Ah, I remember literally staying up for about 48 hours to finish that book. I was actually at a party and I came home around 2am and I was still up at a 7 reading.
Ah, I remember literally staying up for about 48 hours to finish that book. I was actually at a party and I came home around 2am and I was still up at a 7 reading.
I'm pretty happy with my decision not to read the books at this stage. As much as I want to know what happens the show is great. If constantly heartbreaking.
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